PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGOff Toesday, Jane tyst LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOn FOMJCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrandu, Oregon, Way 12, 1921 Notice Ishereby given that FRED ALBERT of Lena, Oregon, who on April 24, 3916 made homestead entry, No. 015799, for SWNE', SE, an' E'SW, Section 6, Township 3 south. Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before United States Com missioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John Brosnan, I'hil Higgins, Waldo Vincent, Percy Hughes, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE I'Olt I'l WJCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Isanti Office at LuGrande, Oregon, Way 12, 1921 , Notice ishereby given that MABEL IS. CUHNA, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 1st, 3 915, made homestead entry No, O14G60, f.r NEVjSWVt. NMsSEVt, Section 21, NW',4 SW'4, W NWU Section 22, Township 2 south, Kango 29 east, Willamette Meridian Jias filed notice of intention to malte three-year proof, to establish claim io the land above described, before Uniler Slates Commissioner, at lleppncr, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John ISrosnan, Vern Pearson, W. W. Luc'kmaii, Charles II. Luck man, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE l'OK VI lil.K'ATIOV jsol vn:i 1 1: i (Public Land Sale) Depai'lmenl. of Iho Interior, U. S. JmiuI Office at La Claude, Oregon, June 4, 1921. Notice is hereby given thai, as di rected by the Commissioner of the (ienenil Land Office, under provis ions of Sec. 24 55, It. S., pursuant to llie application of Horace M, Yoakum Jleppner, Oregon, Serial No. 019821, We will nl'IVr ut, public laud sale, to It hi! highest, bidder, but at not ler.a limn $:!.25 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. 31., on Hie llilh day of August, next, ill. this office, the following tract of land: NWViSW'A Sec. 21 T. 4 S., It. 2S li. W. M. The sale will not be kepi open but will be duclared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding The person making (lie hi" best bid will be required lo im iin',1 iati'ly pay lo the Receiver the iuuouni thereof. Any persons claiming ailvrsley the above described land are advised to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the lime designated ior nalo, 0. S. DI'.XN". Re-;l-der. IMG NOLAN SK1I i1', Receiver. sin 1:11 i ' s.'.ti' ok IKOfKli'l V In the Circuit ('iitirt .of the Slate id (Iredell, for idorroiv Coun'v. llerth" K. (Menu, Trustee, no'v Heitha K. Clem Hcronx, Trus tee, 1 M r 1 li ( H f, 1 vs. I Allie K. Fleck, 0. K. Meade, J. E. liowley, .1. U. l!on''um, Nora j li. llonham, .lames T. Brady, Knxiiriu Braciy, and 11. (ilenn, i , Del'endanis. I!Y VIltTI'E OK AN EXi'ClTlON, decree and order of sale duly issued nut of and under the seal of the Cir cuit Court, of the state of Oregon, for the County of Morro.v, to me M reeled and dated the i;!tli day of June '1921, upon a decree for the fordo I, ue of certain imrt' ages, and Jud. im in rendered it mi entereu in niiii Court on the CM It day of June. 1921. 1n l he above entitled cause, In favor of the I'lttlntilf mil against the de fendant, Allie E. Flock, as judgment debtor, In the sum tif SIX lU'NPUKD TW ENTY K1VK DOLLARS, with In terest thereon front Iho lSth day of December, 1915, ut the rate of 10 per cert per annum and tlu further Mini of $185.51 advanced for taxes with Interest at 10 per cent per urt liuri from April 26. 1920, nnd the further sum of 1 10 00 as attorney's fees, and the further sum of $330 ousts, Mid tipou Judgement rendered utid outered by .lie siuito court on the tmme date in favor of the above jtam oil If. C.lenn, defendant and cross complainant, against the above nam ed defcmlauls, J. 11, Bonham and Nora E. llonham, as Judgment .l. btoi-s in the mini lit $200.00 with interest thereon from the I5th day of April. I9t(i, at the rate of 10 per i nt per annum, and the further Mini of 550 00 attorneys fees and the further sum of $7.00 otwtn. and the emus of and upon this Writ, ami Commanding me to make Sale of the real property embraced in such ds- cree of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I will, on the 25th day of July, 1921, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock 1u the forenoon of said day. and at the front door of the county court house in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, Bell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right title and interest which the defendants, Allie E. Fleck, and J. B. Bonham and Nora E. Bonham, respectively or either of them had on the 18th day of Decern ber, 1907, and on the 15th day of April, 1915, respectively, the dates of the mortgages forclosed herein, or which such Defendants or any of the Defendants herein have since ac quired, or now have in and to the fol lowing described real property, sit uate and being in Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: West half of Section 26, and the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 28, in Township 2 North, Range 26 E. W. M., containing 400 acres. And in the NW, section 26, T. N. R. 26 E. W. M., consisting of 160 acres, portion of the above de scribed land covered by the second mortgage of H. Glenn, or so much of such property as will satisfy said judgement and decree with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold sub ject to con Urination and redemption as by law provided. GEO. McDUFFEE Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 15th day of May, 1921. 8-12 I h ' III - rlav anrl Hamoct . . . . IVI h 1 II I I l I IT V - i in WE Carry the Famous I "Son f aunt"" Th phrw. "urn. of tan." li time explained as "Son of the Wtno pot or Flagon." Ther Is word "Koan" which is a- dialectal variety of "gawn" gallon,. Another view li that the expression was originally ap plied to boys born on board ship. One admiral said that he had been cradled under the breast of a gun-carriage. It occurs In this sense In Smyth's "Sailor's Word-Book" (1867). It Is usually used in a deprecatory sense, , Discriminate. Don't call a man bard names unless 'ou know he Is soft enough to permit t. London Answers. The Rifht f Fr Speed!.' - It appear new tltett we wore ftr mature in awarding tbe eellulol toaat tag fork for the season's wont pun. The prize really belongs to the per petrator of this one. On our remark Ing to a friend tbe other day that Del aware was complaining, as usual, about the frost ruining her peacb crop,, he retorted, shamelessly : "Well-, what of it I A. state has a right to freeze -peach, hasn't it?" Boston Transcript. Gangee Changing Channel. The Ganges is constantly changtnj Ita channel. NOTICE OK TAKIMj IP AXD SALE OK KSTKAV Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned under the laws of the stale of Oregon, have taken up the animals hereinafter described while running at large on my premises, in Morrow County, Oregon, about eight miles south of Heppner, Oregon, to wit: One bay gelding, about 5 years old, weight about 1000 nnunds. mushroom brand on left shoulder. One black mare about six years old, weight about 11 f)0 pounds. Blemishes on both front knees, no brand. That I will, on SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1921, if tin- hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, unless the same shall have been redeemed, at my ranch about 8 miles south of Heppner, Oregon, in said county, sell kii ji animals lo the highest bid der, for cash in hand, for the pur pose of paying the costs of taking up, holding and .selling such animals logetber with reasonable damages for the injury caused by said animals running al large on said premises. CAUL A HAIM'IIOLI). Dated ami first published this 1-llh day of June, .1921. -Advertise ment. 7-x ill K( il NOTICES I EIH'I! A Till (III R( II There will be preaching in the Eedi Tali d chi'ch next. Siilihiith i A. M and at S I'. M. I'rayet meeting evoy Wednesday evetiin;" 't S T. M.. i-u,'.. a School ev Sunday inoi'iiirg ,u 9:45. We ex tend a hearty welcome lo the people of Ih PiUier lo attend all or any of our sen lees. Short sermons nnd good idugini;. Come w ith us and we will Miivo to lit) y,,u Kooil. E. L. MOORE, Vustor. The First Christian Hunch. The usual services of the Church !M be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Service and 'reaching at cleum o'clock. The evening Services will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at seven o'clock and song S-.-rvlce and I'leaching at eight o'clock. Evcrey one Is cordially invited to attend these services. W. 0. Livingstone, Minister. Christ inn Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday Sahool at 9:45 a. in. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All Inter ested are cordially invited to attend those meetings. Advice From James J. Hill. If a .voting fellow doggedly bucks the world and circumstances without sense or reason all the time, he la li able to net nothing mure than a sore head, lie must know hmv to take ad Mtnliise of opportunities, to use his brains; In shurt a young man who luts no bruins might m least to have enough animal seswe to I'.inl it out and earn to d, i.i ii.l upon and get what iiu ili he cult from -eeii!, (hut lme ,et .raii.s..-jai,,,.i J. II, ;. Mowers, Rakes, Headers, Binders, and Threshers. Better look up your repair needs Now and avoid costly delays after you start cutting. GILLIAM & 8ISBEE "We Have it Will Get it Or it is Not Made" "Perhaps You Don't Know" says the Good Judge How long a little of the Real Tobacco Chew will last. Nor how much gen uine chewing satisfac tion the full, rich real tobacco taste will give. Ask any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew. He will tell you that this class of tobacco will give more satisfac tionand at less cost than the ordinarykind. Put tip in two styles W-B CUT is a long fino-cui tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON. WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. i THE UNIVERSAL CAR a i 11 arvestrroDiem: TIMK LOST DURING THE HARVEST SEASON IS A DEAD WASTE BUY A FORD . To Run Your Harvest Errands Touritio- with star-u-r S4S5. With star ter ami :tnount- al.l c runs ;io. Runabout with si: .ti ter $440. With star ter and demount- abl e rims $46; Whether ALWAYS ON THE JOB its repairs fur your machine, supplies for the cook wagon' help needed, no matter what the errand, a Ford car will take vou to back comfortably and quickly and you can haul most anything vou to boot. . additional town and want to, WE HAVE A CAR LOAD COMING ABOUT JULY 1 Better Make Your Choice the Day They Arrive For They Wont Last Long LATOURELL AUTO CO. Authorized Ford Dealers LYSIS'T CW GKNUIXE FORD PJRTS i c -e 0