I THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 21, 1921 PAGE FOUR I i '" " t - - - LOCAL NEWS ITEMS l-tR SA MO Kino, fat young wethers suitable for harvest mut ton. Enauire at bis cfice. Adverti- tcment stf Miss Ruth Van Vactor has return ed from Pendleton where she spent several days visiting friends. Miss Vaa Vactor recently completed a most successful term of school in district No. 9, north of lone. Miss Helen liarratt, who is a stu dent in O. A. C. at Corvallis.where she. recently completed her second year, returned to hi r home here Wednesday to spend I he summer va cation. Mrs. J. L. Wilkins and daughter, Miss Frances, visited friends here tor a few days during the week. They left for Iheir home it Astoria Fri day morning. Mr. WiMuns is con ducting the Ifalco hotel owned by the Hammond Lumber Co., in the city by the sea. W. G. T'almateer, well 'known n heat grower of the Morgan, district, was in town Saturday on school bus iness at the county superintendent's office. Mr. Palmatcer says they had a tine rain in his neighborhood Sat urday morning and the wheal, crop never promised a. heller yield. The grain Is so far advanced now that Mr. Vali.ial' or thinks there is no possi bility of it bcliis: damaged and I In indications are for a bumper crop. Ho expected to commence culling barley today or tomorrow- and after Imish'ng thai job will only have to wait for a few days until the wheat will he ready. Ed Itellnian was in from his bis ranch north of lone Saturday and says everything is tine down that way. Wheat harvest will begin in earnest right after the Fourth, Mr. Iteitman thinks and there will sure lie some crop to take care of this year. I rank Fugleman, whom the Ore gonian describes as pretty near the whole show down at lone, was In town Thursday treating himself to a new Dodge car which he purchased fiom the Colin Anlo Co. Frank says I ho present price of 1 1 It 0 sounds some belter to him than the old price did. Other buyers or the week wen John Calkinn, of lone; Andrew liean ey, of Lexington; and Chris Drown, of Heppner. A half dozen or so sheep shear ers left Friday morning for Montana where they expect to have about iiumlh'H shearing betore the season closes In that northern clime. Miss Klizabcth Phelps returned Saturday evening from Cedar Rapids Iowa, where she recently completed her first year &s a student in Coe col lege. Her brother Marshall Phelpa, met her at Spokane where he went a week or "so ago on a vacation trip. Allen Case, who has been a stu dent at Hill Military Academy in Portland the past school year, return ed to his home here Thursday even ing after making a fine record in that institution. Allen took the examin ation for second lieutenant recently passing the test with a standing of 92. C. C. Haynie, formerly with the First National Bank of Heppner, now cashier of a bank at Fairfield, Idaho, came in Thursday evening, leaving for his Idaho home Friday morning. Mr. Haynie came after his car which he left here lust winter when he mov ed to the Gem state. He says hair- field is in the heart of a line wheat and stock country and business is fairly good. STAR THEATR Wednesday & Thursday June 22 & 23 IRRIGON sm:itii 1 "s SALU OF I'ltOPF.KTY UFA I V V V V V V V V V V V V V V.. Stanlake. of Yakima, Washing ton, is camped in the shades this week, looking over several tracts of land and expects to locate here. Mr. Stanlake has lived in the Kennewick country for some time and thinks our district has that country beat hollow. Mr. .and Mrs. Gelorge Hand and '11, liatie, lelt on their vacation Tuesday, eiuip(,d with a fine camp ing out lit attached to their Dodge louring car recently purchased horn the Fmalilla garage. They will tra- el via Spokane and the Yellowstone National Park, Denver and on down through to Missouri and finally back via California some time next win ter. Rev. J. W. Hood's mother, Mrs. Mary K. Hood and Miss Esther Hood, his sister, are guests at the Hood's this week. Miss Hood is teacher in Jie high school at Kendrick, Idaho. The Young Peoples Society held their monthly meeting Wednesday evening in the grove by Mrs. Lesters and after transacting the usual mon thly business, had a lovely time in the way of a weinie roast. The early potatoes are not show ing up like was expected, although some good patches are reported. It rared the seed was not the best, alter all precautions taken. This sHine seed, however, last year yielded a big crop, himilar reports come from the Prossei; district, across the river and they are at a loss to un derstand the cause. However, wat ermelons and muskmelons and cante lopes are doing better than ever at this lime of year. Over forty acres have been plumed and the bulk of me watermelons have been signed up through the Irrigon Co-operative L W I i MX A COR1NNE GRIFFITH ,IN SCENE FROM VITA&RAPH'S h A BS .CAN D I DAT E" Many a man has lost an elec tion by saying more than e should. Conine Griffith shows how a woman may control a political campaign and put her man, in office without casting a ballot. She also wears several exquisit gowns in Bab's Candidate. Also side ..splitting - two comedy, "FOOTl'ltlXTS" SATURDAY, June 25th Legion War Pictures Taken by U. S. Army Signal Corps showing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 42nd, 91st and oth er divisions. Actual battle scenes from Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Aisne, Murne, St Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. This show is under the aus pices and for the benefit of Heppner Post, American Le gion and the money will go in to their new building fund. ALSO ('0'F.I)Y SUNDAY, June 26th "Scratch My Back" iv fcvBti- from the fa mous story by Rupert Hughes. For sheer unadulterated, brass bound, copper rivited, nerve, Val Ilomney deserves' the Con gressional Medal of Honor. See him in a picture that is one long shout of merriment. Monday & Tuesday, June 27 & 28th MAY ALLISON, "the beautiful," in a brilliant ana telling satire of Social Parasites, a love story that breathes the spirit of real romance. He was a Kentucky cave man but she taught hinf a lesson. Friday, June 24th V " -Vl " " ,s Bi Nev frve-Reel Comedy Sensation n- Ft ? Dh Man ! ! Oh Lady ! Lady ! ! glimpse of the simple life and you'll sub-let your swell apartment, sell your mansion, trade. in your twelve-cylinder limousine for a threshing machine and get yourself a farm like this if you can find another just like it. And an all-star Sennett cast to milk the cows and feed the chickens Oh! Neighbor! This is the life ! One Th,s,s .,, a ai. side ..NDlittine .two ..reel iHSg5' Melon and Potato Growers associa tion. O. W. Agee and son were business visitors here Monday and Tuesday. They made arrangements to develop their newly purchased properties east of Irron and build on same within the next uv weeks. H. L. SUnfield, of Stanfield, was in Irrigon Tuesday transacting bUa'iioss. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Morroiv County. Hoi'tlr, K. uli'iin, Trustee, now Ilerthil E. Glenn-lli roux, Trus tee, iT.uiititT '1 V9 Aliie K. Kleclt, C. K. Meade, J. K. llowley, J. 11. Ilonl itm. Nora K. llonhaiii, James T. 1J ratty. Uoxai mi Ilriuiy, and II. Olonn, ltel'endants. IIY VIUTllE OK AN KXIX'UTION, decriHi and order of imle duly issued out of and under the tteul of the Cir cuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, to me di rected and dated the Kith day of June 1021, upon, a decree for the forclo s jre of certain mi rt;.nges, and Judg ment rendered and entered in said Court on the 13th day of June, ID21, in the ubove entitled cause, in favor of the Plaintiff and against the de fendant, Allie H. Fleck, as Judgment debtor, In the sum of SIX lll'NDUKl) TVVKNTY KIVI-: 1HH.I.AUS. with in terest thereon from the lS'li day ol Hecembir, 1!U.", at the late of in per cert per annul. i and tho further sum or jlSTi.fil advanced fur taxes with Interest lit In per rent per an ii u fl I'loiu April '.'It, IULU, and the further sum of fllO IHI as attorney's fees, and the further sum of ,M.:til costs, and upon Judgement n ndered and entered by ;he smuc couh en the iitne dale in l'acr of the ahoe nam cd 11. Glenn, defendant and envs complainant, ni::.iii:-t the r.Veve n.v.u ed defenil.ini-;. .1. 11. lloiihain and Nora K. llouhaui, as jml 'enu nt delitors in the Mini of $200 00 with Interest thereon from the lf.lh day ot April, litlti, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $.ri0.00 attorneys fees mid the further sum of 7 .00 co. Is, and the cokis of and upon this Writ, and commanding nut to make sale of the real property embraced in such de cree of foreclosure and hereinafter niwriiii'ii, I w in. on uie ; n nay of July, 1 L' 1 . nl the hour of 11:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, and at the front doco of ihv county court house in Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon, svll at public auc tion to the highest bidder lor cash in hand all the light title and Interest Which the delVadanK Allie K 1'lerk, ami J. 11. llotihain and Nora K i !!! BANKING SERVICE Your Ranking requirements, no matter how large or how small, may be entrusted to this Hank with every confidence that care ful ami efficient service will be rendered. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. . I MINOR CO, Good Goods" llonhuni. respectively or either of them had on the ISth day of IVceui her, l;t07, and on the t.Mh day of April, l'.Ua. respectively, the dates of the mortgage fondosed herein, or which such Ivfendaius or any of the IVfemlauts herein have since ac uuired, or now baM in and to the fol lowmi; d. -scribed real property, sit uate and being ill Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: West half of Section 2C. and the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 2S, in Township 2 North, Itanp' K.. W. M , containing 400 ac res. And In the N'WJi. section 26, T. 2 N. It. 26 K. W. M.. consisting of 160 acres, portion of the above de scribed land covered by the second mortgage of II. Glenn, or so much of such property as will satisfy said Judgement and decree with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be PoUl sub ject to continuation and ndemptiou : as by law provided. I CK.O. McPVFKKK t Sheriff. Morrow County. Oregon, t Oated at lleppmr, Oregon, this ! luth day of May, 1921. ji-lj o o St, Buy these lines and be assured of true values-quality throughout. Beau Bmmmell Shirts Napatan Shoes Gordon Hats and Caps Grinnell Gloves Arrow Collars Interwoven Socks Ed. V. Price & Co. Tailoring Hodkins Gloves Sec the New GORDONS M inor Heppner & Co. Or. ooo0oooooooooo,ooooooooooooeoosooososeos it . st. O' & -