Tuesday, June 21, i$ai THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE 4. 1? b 1 Give Us a Fair Rate of Return But it is a the electrical is a good slogan for any industry very timely one right now for industry. Everyone wants good electrical service and every one will get good electrical service, but they must be shown that unless a central station or lighting company is allowed to earn on a full and proper value and not orf a depreciated value that central station or lighting company cannot continue to serve in a proper and efficient manner. Let every man who has a stake in the industry take this fact to heart and convince his neighbors and friends. . . Put your shoulder to the wheel and then get every one to do likewise. Heppner Light & Water Co. TWO RANCH SNAPS 50 acres allin alfalfa. Good water right, good new house. One and one half miles from school 06,000. Easy terms. 180 acres 4 miles from town. 50 acres In alfalfa, balance farm and grazing land. Good Improvements. Stock, machinery, And euipment Included at only $10,000. Easy terms. Better See Me At Once About These Fine Bargains ROY V. WHITEIS THE BRICK McAtee (EL Aihen, Props. We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for Norman s Ice f ream WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Mint Butter ScotcK The Finest Product on The Market SPECIALS EVERY WEEK . Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly Firt-Class, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. CECIL A number of young people of Ce cil took in the big dance at Morgan Saturday aight, all reporting having a good time. Herb Hynd, John Krebs and Rus sell Shaw also Misses A. C. and V. M. Hynd were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Henricksen at the Strawberry ranch Sunday. Mrs. Jordan and party from lone, ! were callers in, Cecil on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hardesty and family, of Morgan, were visiting at the home of Henry J. Streeter at Ce cil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Yocum and Mr. and Mrs. Funk from Morgan made a short call in Cecil Sunday on, their re turn journey from Umatilla and Irri gon. . Miss Georgia Summers, of the Last Camp spent, Tuesday visiting with Miss Doris Logan at Fairview. Messrs. Morgan, Palmateer and Yocum from Morgan were business men in Cecil Tuesday in connection with an arbitration case in the vicinity. Jack Hynd, of Butterby Flats, shipped a carload of fine fat mutton for the Portland markets Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. George Henricksen and daughter, Mildred, of Straw berry ranch, were callers on Mrs. Jack Hynd at Butterby Flats Wed nesday. Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and children, of Dotheboys Hill were visiting in Cecil Tuesday. Highway Commissioner W. B. Bar ratt and daughter Miss Helen were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd at Butterby Flats Wed nesday. Miss Gertie Pettyjohn, of Morgan, was a visitor in Cecil Thursday. Messrs Osborn, Krebs and Winter Brothers werecounty seat business visitors Thursday. T. W. May of Lone Star ranch was a business man in Cecil Tuesday. Dr. Chick was called from Hepp ner Thursday to attend Mrs. Jinks who was taken suddenly ill at the home of Karl Farnsworth at Rhea. Herman Haverkos was a passen ger on the local for Pendleton Fri day. Herbert Summorfeldt who has been spending his vacation around the Ce cil hay fields, returned to his home in Portland Friday. Dell Ward, of Heppner, who has been visiting at the home of Karl Farnsworth made a short stay in Ce cil Friday. J. W. Osborn, J. H. Streeter and Ceril Ahalt were all Arlington visi tors Friday J. J. McEntire's new residence is now finished and the family are busy r loving into their new home. Ed Melton, at the Lookout during hay making, returned to Heppner Wednesday. Robert Lowe, student of Benson Polytechnic school, at Portland, ar rived at his home in Cecil Wednes day where he will spend his vacation. Mrs. Keeney, of Monument is the week-end guest of Karl Farnsworth at Rhea. Haymaking is almost through in the Cecil vicinity. Hay is very light on most of the ranches. Hayma kers were stopped Saturday by a heavy rain. Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs, of the Last Camp left on Friday for a couple of weeks vacation which will be spent in the mountains. Oregon Hassam Paving company are going ahead with their work on the highway and expect to move the rock crusher etc. to Morgan in a short time. Did you ever try Calumet aking Powder? We have it now Give it a trial Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed helps Grocery Company -, A band of sheep belonging to Mrs. P. Farley of The Willows, passed through Cecil Saturday on their way to summer range. ft Mr. and Mrs. Zennith Logan, of Mountain View were calling on their Cecil friends Friday. HASSLFK SHOCK AliSOKHHK KX- PKKT (ilVICS Dll.UOXSTIUTION A. Winn, manager of the Portland branch of the Hassler Pacific Com pany, accompanied by Howard H. Douglas, expert installer of that com pany's shock abhorber, were here Saturday when Mr. Douglas gave demonstrations in putting the devi ces on Ford cars at the Ford agency. The purpose of Mr. Douglas' work is to Introduce the device and to show that the same can he attached to any Ford car in 30 minutes or less. Some time ago the company offered a prize of $500 to any man who could put on a set of the absor bers in 20 minuies and Mr. Douglas took down the money the other day with 60 seconds to spare. Hay and Harvest ACHINERY WE Carry the Famous Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. Florence Oil Stove Asbestos Wick Bakes Boils Roasts Toasts Cook in a cool kitchen Peoples Hardware Co. c Mowers, Rakes, Headers, Binders, and Threshers. Better look up your repair needs Now and avoid costly delays after you start cutting. GILLIAM & BISBEE "We Nave it Will Get it Or it is Not Made" THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR