Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 14, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, June 14. IQ21,
-! ! ! I ! ! '
Do your eyes need attention?
Dr. Haylor June 13-14-13.
K. J. Clark, attorney of Pendleton,
in here attending court this week.
H. A. Edmonds, of near lone, reg
istered at the Patrick SunSay even
ing. I Mr. and Mrs. Stantitz, of Monu
in at, were arrivals at the Patrick
Andy Hood went fishing Sunday
sit: -1 claimed to have exceeded the li
mit in his catch but
VV. II. Instone is courting around
town this week in the rapacity of a
ji:"or in the circuit, court. He says
i i .Tything is Jake in his bailiwick.
Latourell Auto Co., reports the
ie of three Kordsons so far this
isonlh, the purchasers being Jeff
.beiea & Sons, W. IS. Tucker and C.
1'. (enrich.
Mrs. C. Franzen and two wee
: '.ighlers, Helen and .lonnetle 1 -1' t
1 unlay inoiiiing for Portland win-re
.'; y will spend a couple of weeks
' it ing friends.
Anglers in Itln ;i cr 1 k report cai
e':ng many tine Kninbov.' I mill. tlilr
son, running as liieli as two an'l
i. " half pounds. This is not iiil-n-r
1 as a lisli story.
Horace Voa'l; inn , who livs amid
He cool broear, en nppi i' Willow
elf, was lureil to Ileppni r Sumb'y
f-.r a few i1i) visit. Service on
I e jury is the answer.
..I. S. Jieckwilli and son ,t.. S. jr..
r-ove from Pendleton Monday innru
In lime for brea .!; I'asl at. Hie i'at
i ok .1. S. sr. is official pel hooker
in Judge I'helps' court and is here
is that, capacity.
M. Kif.inaurice, former newspap
i v man of Condon, lias been appoini-
l examiner for the Federal Land
Hank, located at. Spokane, with a
rood portion of eastern Oregon m
t'.'T his jurisdiction.
Mr. Harriman, of Long Creek, was
a vlsilor In lleppner Saturday, hav
ing come over the mountain with a
truck. He reports the roads very
muddy in spots and said they were
It hours from Monument to llepp
ner. J. II. Pearson, well known farm
i i- of Ihe l,ena section, was in town
: 'outlay, having brought his son
( eorge in lo serve as a juror. Mr.
Pearson says crops are looking line in
bin section where (hey recently had
, splendid rain.
Mrs. W. T. Malock and baby am'
her sister, Miss Cillis. left, lor Port
I .nil Sunday from where they will
10 to their former home In eastern
Canada to spend the summer with
their parents.
Mrs. Kiniiiett Cochran expects to
1 'live for Portland Wednesday lo vis
it friends.
Frank Cilliain will go lo Portland
lomorrou' lo a! lend I lie Masonic
tlrand l.odi e and enjoy a varatioi
Mr. and Mrs. limner 1. Watts, ol
Athena drove in Sunday a II ernoon,
Mr. Walls Inning tome cuiirl mat
ters to look alter. Mr. Walts fi i ml:
introduced him as an attorney but no
Li mostly ii
He has a. big wheat ranch
near Alhena and be says ciop pros
pects are very line.
Mrs. W. P. Mahoiley went lo Port
land Sunday expecting to continue
her trip lo Sealtle later in the week
to attend ho commencement oxer
rises at the I'nh oislty of Washing
ton which will be held next Friday
Miss Vera Mnhouoy will receive hoi
degree Friday having completed hei
four -year course at that institution
Clins. Mango a well known resl
dent ol Ihe llniiidntnu prolecl, was
a visitor here Monday. Mr. Hangi
is building up unite n bee buMues.
on his Uoarduiaii ranch and says t lit
country is well adapted lo that In
iluslry. lie hopes lo supply tin
lleppii.T r.ai'u t with his product
this fall.
.Itlilc.o and Mrs. C. W. Phelps
drove over hum 1'einllcion Sunday
and are i.ih t ; ,;t the Patrick. Tin
.ludre i-as lhal lie' reads hetwi
hei e and Wound up lib' might In
ilii.-tier, bul tin y could not i II 1,
much i 1 i 1 1 l.ier. v. hicli being tnlci
piited ile a n ; i hat i hi y ai e sum
Cm, II. lie.
sheep in tins
after 1 1 1 1 w
lug tow. II', III
town Sunday, his view just havini;
llnistu'd shearing at the W. II. Par
rail ranch. They went to the Slev
ens place near Hardniiiil Monday
mid afier completing that job will gi
lo Molilalia for the shearing season
there which starts about Juno 2 Mil
(Ills will i:ot his moil, i i' in Spokaiu
while north.
The Cat Co and t;nisi Raiser:
A'siniation of On .' a. at tin ir a nun
aloom eni ton. In Id May '.'a, pass, d i
Fining re-o! 'ion in i.ivor of ilie ngii
usually explains lhal In
The nianagemen of the Star
Theatre has had every assurance
from the United Artists Corporation
that the next production made by
Dougas Fairbanks to be shown here
Friady, une 17, is the most elaborate
costly and stupendous picture he has
ever turned out from his California
When "Doug" began hiB picture,
immediately after he had finished
his first United Artists release, His
Majesty the American," he called a
conference of all his associates at his
studio in Hollywood, California, and
told them his idea for the next
story. Every one was astonished.
"Doug" was absolutely nererniinod
that he was gonig to co something
daring and with that he insisted
that every thing from r"?!n:ng to
end had to be of the most elaborate
He went, so far as to mrtst In Ms
story Unit an entire city such as may
be found throughout the middle wes
tern section of the t'nilod Rlafe;-, be
be destroyed in providing one of the
."pcclacular punches in Ihe produc
tion. And tin: destruction was nor
lo be an ordinary ib fruc::on. It
bad to be a flood. The proposition
seemed almost, impossible, but To
"Doug" there lias never been any
thing that, lie can't, do when tie wants
to. And a flood if was. He spared no
expense in reproilucin;; this parlicu-
' community, the smallest detail
villi; Ik en carefully carnrs out. so
lo enable the presentation of Ihe
most geiium,. character of realism
A location in Ihe foolhills of the
ascade mountains, Northern Calif
ornia, about two suuare miles in
ireti, tirnisheil t he t ile for Ihe cilv.
, hundred or more carpenters am;
iborers, under the supervision of
Robert Fairbanks, production mann
er, were utilized in the construction
work which covered a period of one
nonlli in necessary preparation..
Willi the use of four massive eloc-
tric pumps, more than one million
gallons of water were drawn from
Ihe iSa.creinento river and stored in a
specially constructed reservoir at the
highest point of the new city. Nu
merous scenes were filmed in the city
Ihe final one being the spectacular
si met ion of the lillle settlement
by the flood. The huge gates of the
sei voir raised and the water ussis-
ed by the sleen made of the inniin.
'i i ii. rushd inlo the foothills, curry
ing everything before it. Dwellings.
irches, theatres, bridges and rail-
oad lines wen died up in masses of
Not, only in these scenes alone
is "Doug" granted opportunities:
;.ilore lo do some wonderfully clevei
'Units, hut. till through the picture
he does new tricks lhal, will l-Ivi
nnn.y thrills lo those who glory ii.
!iiR red blooded manner of working
In n number of the scenes of Ihe me
an- more than one thousand extras
were used, which in ilseir will isvi-
idea of the stupendous scope of
the production.
A slar like Fairbanks know" '
own qnalillcaliot-s best. This story
was conceived by "Doug" himself,
and he has put into it. every conceiv
able thing he has ever dreamed or
With these things In niiiul a slight
idea of the action he puts into (Ms
picture will be possible. Advertise
ment .
Friday, June 17
w ho lias w orked
seel ion ever since soon
crock commenced flow
the I ol it hi ti:a , was in
Ever see everything "bust-up" and
go to smash) Hard luck ever 9tick .
to you like a leech ) When it does
can you smile) If you think you.
have troubles, come see
h f
hi in hi's
i V J
ncv picture
Don,t miss seeing this big
or you may always regret it.
Wed. & Thur. June 15 & 16
Earl Williams
A very entertaining; picture dealing with AVall Street Fi
mance. ALSO ('OMKI)Y
Sunday, June 19th
Tom Moore
Helping; rob his own bouse is one of the screamingly lu
dicrous situations in this Tom Monro gloom-chaser. It
is rramed in",! of clean, clever, humor. This lilm is a
real treat, Also' two reel comedy.
Mon. & Tues. June 20 & 21
Wanda Hawley
A story of deep, absorbing interest, touching all classes
of society
Saturday, June 18
jow v r u a Kit
some inside
Istutf on how to
make people very
(nice toou
THKRE are two kinds of society
swrets the secrets of gnw8
nd the whispered kind tliat every
' body knows but you. Koth are
I hard to learn btrt you ran't get on
without 'em. When you see this
'. delightful and amusing photoplay
you'll have some new Ideas as to
the different ways people take to
make themselves Important figures
In the social whirl. It concerns
not one couple but three and ,
wherever three women are to-j
pettier you can be sure of some
thing good and secret.
Also Weekly News and
I, 4 I
i -
- - - - - 'u- i -ti w
tft ? 'vk i?. fc4S tt V " 7 ? 4Tt
r i -; V ' i
Alexander (Scolly) Brander, well
known young ex-service man, return
ed Saturday evening from a seven
inonlh's trip to his old home at Huif
lly, Scotland. Mr. Braniler says fin
ancial conditions are much worse in
he Ilrit ish Isles than In this country
'i ml IhinliH he is fortunate in bein;;
Imi-'k in lleppner. Tin- coal miners
strike in Kn.nlanil has been respon
sible for culling down the railroad
train service 7 5 per cent, and that
condition is reflected in every line of
business. British business inter
ests are of the opinion that condition;!
will swing back to normalcy within
I lie next two or three months. Mr.
Ilramler's brother, George Ilvandi-r,
accompanied him, on the return trip
and will locate here.
Chief of Police.
im. i ii hay i. on
Kyo Specialist will be in llepp
ner June 1:1-14-15
As recently announced Di
or Ihe
Perry T. Richards has taken charge
l'r. Kiel;;, ids i-, U,.i known I luuii;-hini f the Os-toopathic profes
sion ami the Sanilarium Hospital management feels itself
c ;ivi.illy lui'liimiie in securing llie services of such a man diir-
i ii -'. the .ibsi nse of Pr Terry J. Condi r.
In spile of ib,- fact thai lh Richards is iiniiely without
In- h:is lnou;:ht about
oni e remarkable cures. His wide exner-
ieiice In the llucUly popuhued K.ist has biouglit him in cuiWact
Well alr.io.s' 1 1 i'iy aru-iy of ilisv.ise and he comes to us with
the hij hi M l ecomiiii'iiilatiiHis
eiilorceiui -it e
stock brand . to
i'1-rdaiicc v i ' i ,
ll'Jil lav..-, e;
of the law i si i,-pei-.iins
it .si.: a
become f.iiiiili. i
law ie,iilr',n
. ceisi i in in
I 1 of ta
This .-.eclioii
n.il.y, and a',
bland saou',,
its pio I.mOIIS.
xu in: i on ri in u a i ion
ISOI. A 1 1 'I'll ACT
li'liii'tinent of the Interior, V. S.
Land O'.fice at l.a Claude, On gen,
luce I. l!i:M.
Nonce is hereby given that, lis di-
icied by the Coming .nuer of the
.leiieial Land Iblice. under pre is
oils, ic See. 21,".,"i. !. S., imi's mill! to
he application of Horace M. oakum
M-ppiicr, Oicson, Serial No. Ul'.iSil.
e will offer at public land sale, to
ilie liu'.iie.-.t balder, but at not less
I .an ?:! - a per acre, ut 10 o'cl-n k A.
M , en Ilie li'.ih day of August, next,
,it this oifice, the following tract of
land: NV4SV4 Sec. 21 T, S., 11.
:s i:. w. m.
The sale will not be kept open but
will be declared closed when those
present nt the hour mimed, have
ceased bidding The person luaKir.g
'.lie highest bid will be I'eiiuned to
immediaiely pay to the Ueceiver the
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming ndver.-ley
the above described land are advised
to t lx their claims, or objections, on
or before the lime designated for
C. S. PCNX. Register.
11 10 NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver.
h if"!!
Buy these lines and be assured of true
values-quality throughout.
Beau Brummell Shirts
Napatan Shoes
Gordon Hats and Caps
Grinnell Gloves
Arrow Collars
j a a v i a .
Ed. V. Price & Co. Tailoring
Hcdkins Gloves
See ihe New
aft .