Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 14, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday June 14. 1921
' 1
i o
Mrs. Mary Nash, of Beaverton, and
Mrs. Hazel Logan of Fourmile, also
Miss Olive Logan, of Portland, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Logan at Fairview Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Miler and son,
Elvin, of Highview ranch, were visit
ing in the county seat Monday.
Mis Mildred Henricksen, who has
been studying at Canby high school
arrived Monday at Strawberry ranch
the home of her parents where she
will spend her vacation.
Father Cantweil, of Heppner, was
visiting his friends in Cecil vicinity
Monday and Tuesday.
Otto Lindstrom of Morgan, was
was calling on his friend, Peter Bau
ernfiend, at Cecil Sunday.
Master Jackie Hynd, who has been
visiting in Ukiah, returned home
at Butterby Flats Sunday.
Fred Ely, of Morgan, was looking
up his Cecil friends Monday.
Clarence Winer, of Shady Dell, and
Tlalph Winter and Jess Agee of Four
Mile atended the meting of the Ore
gon grain growers association held
in the I. 0. O. F. hall in Heppner
Mrs. W B Jinks, of Monument is
visiting at the home of Karl Farns
worth at Rhea, during the absence
of her daughter Mrs Karl Farns
worth who left on a short trip to
Portland Monday.
The mayor left on the local for
Heppner Wednesday without the
consent of his surefooted friend who
was left behind to console the dep
uty. Miss Besie Calkins, who has been
at school in Yakima made a short
stay in Cecil Wednesday before go
ing out to visit at Shady Dell, the
liome of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Win
ter. Jack Fenwic'k of lone, has been
busy during the week papering and
painting at the Highway House.
Mrs. Hazel Logan and son, Billie,
of Fourmile are spending a few days
with Mrs. Fred Buchanan, near lone.
Mrs. R.. E. Garlick, of Tentville,
-and Mrs W. C. Myers and son Allan,
of Rockcliffe were calling on Mrs
Conrad Knipfel and family at Mor
gan Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Henricksen of
"Willow creek ranch, accompanied by
by Mrs. Oral Henricksen and daugh
ter were visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Lowe, at the Highway house
Wednesday. .
Mr. and Mis. Van Schoick and
family of Arlington, accompanied by
Miss Katherine Slocum were visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs
at the Last Camp Thursday.
Vrsel Marver, of Beaverton, is
spending his vacation on Willow
creek ranch among the haymakers.
X. Lee of Alderdale is assisting du
ring the haying at Butterby Flats.
Master C. and Miss Mary Ellis, of
Ewing were callers in Cecil Saturday.
Mrs. Jones and daughter Mrs. Bail
ey, of Portland, were the week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd
at Butterby Flats.
Cecil has had several good hours
rain during the week and the wheat
men are begining to wear a smile
once more.
V V V V V V V V V V '
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Heppner Herald Want Ads bring
The Irrigon Commercial culb at
it regular monthly meeting Friday
evening, June 3rd, went on record as
favoring immediate construction of a
12 inch pipe line from lateral 16 to
school grounds, and appointed a com
mittee of three to call on the school
board and make the necessary arrangements.
J Mesdames Nora Castle, and Mary
Lester attended the convention of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft, at Condon,
the first of the weetk.
A farewell surprise party was giv
en in honor of Trof. and Mrs. An
derson last Tuesday. Several gal
i h'ns of ice cream and cake were
properly taken care of and an a very
! enjoyable evening was reported by all
A number of young people sur
prised Miss Gentvea Glasgow the
evening of June 2nd and spent the
evening at the Glasgow home.
The Irrigon Co-operative Melon
Growers association has drawn
up a form of contract covernig mel
on crops for this season and any
who wish the Association to make an
effort to handle their crop, are now
invited to consult Mr. Seaman,
secretary of the association for fur
ther particulars.
Cherries nre now ripe but not
abundant, except pie cherries which
can be had very reasonable from the,
various growers by coming to tin
patch and picking them. They are
exceptionally large this year.
r' VriliV'''"v T. my:vym 'nW'n' "-'
this summer because of the
offered by the big; cross-continent railroad
Union Pacific System
Serving the transportation needs of the
Great Pacific Northwest
and giving through service via the popular direct routes to
Salt Lake City, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Paul, Minneapolis and
Chicago on these two strictly first class trains
,'Oregon-Washing Limited"and "Continental Limited"
Tickets on Sale Daily
Until and including August 15th.
Return limit 90 days, but not later than October 31st
Chicago $106.80 Memphi $111.60 Pueblo $ 77.40
Denver 77.40 Minneapolis 87.60 St. Paul 87.60
Kansas City 87.60 Omaha 87.60 St. Louis 101.40
8 War Tax to be Added
Proportionate reductions' to many points East. Sto'p-overs at
pleasure. Side trips may be arranged for Yellowstone,
Zion and Rocky Mountain National Farks
For complete details as to routings, train schedules, side trips,
sleeping.car rates and reservations) and other travel informa
tion desired, call on or telephone
Win,' McMuiTay, General Passenger Agent I'ortland, Oregon
. 1 .--it'." -f . if iMif. -i W3U.J..:: ;
1 H MkM ( &
' t I ' v Si
f if y r ,r - ; - i , t -
ri if by-
-tli-ft-' ftVfJtm i.i
Now Selling at the Lowest
Price Level In Tire History
it i
30x3 -32x4.
34x42 -
(And Other Sizes in Proportion)
- $24.50
- 54.90
Tire repair men, who judge values best, class these tires as
having the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven hiuh
ryade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment
1 hey are the quality choice of cord users.
This new low price is made possible by strictest economies
and specialized production.
Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of making
30x3K-inch Non-Skid fabric tires. With a daily capacity
of 16,000 tires and 20,000 tubes, this plant permits refined
production on a quantity basis.
All materials used are the best obtainable. The qunlity is
uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car
owner at any price.
I i
if' if
ill IJIF
Fve tried mem
hut give me a
I'm through experimenting. No more switching.
No more trying this and that It's Camels for me
every time.
They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild!
Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert
blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos
There's nothing like it.
No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real
sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the
Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette.
Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your
information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too.
"- it jni
a i. k r. & i
Did you ever try
F. J. RKYNOI.DS Tobacco Co.
Wutfttoa-blcm, S, C.
Wc have it now
Give it a trial
Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed
helps Grocery
fx '