1 I I I I I I I I Tuesday Tune ia. tvt Give Us a Fair Rate of Return is a good slogan for any industry. But it is a very timely one right now for the electrical industry. Everyone wants good electrical service and every one will get good electrical service, but they must be shown that unless a central station or lighting company is allowed to earn on a full and proper value and not on a depreciated value that central station or lighting company cannot continue to serve in a proper and efficient manner. Let every man who has a stake in the industry take this fact to heart and convince his neighbors and friends. . . Put your shoulder to the wheel and then get every one to do likewise. Heppner Light & Water Co. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON IS HAVEN FOR WEARY ill 1 50 acres allin alfalfa. Good water right, good new house. One and one half miles from school $0,000. Easy terms. 180 acres 4 miles from town. 50 acres In alfalfa, balance farm and grazing land. Good Improvements. Stock, machinery, and enipmont included at only $10,000. Easy terms. Better See Me At Pnce Ahout These Tine Bargains ROY V. WHITEIS tc), 1921, Western Newspaper Tnton.) Doctors, Taxes, Policemen Un known in Tristan da Cunha. THE BRIC McAtee CO. Aihen, Props. We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for Normans Ice ream WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Hazelnut PuddiriR The Finest Product on The Market SPECIALS EVERY WEEK A fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly First-CIass, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. It is out of silence that all the mar velous things of human action, all the splendid things of human courage, all the sublime offerings of human faith, has sprung. When the great tree falls in a sudden storm, we find that, for all Its external bravery, It was decayed and weak within. The real strength of human life lies theta also. S. J. Barrows, D. D. MORE GQCD. THINGS. Here Is an-oyster stew which Is a ole meal in itself: Take one pint of tomatoes, one pint of oysters, two cupfuls of diced potatoes one pint of milk. two teaspoonfuls of salt, one-half teaspoonful of lieimnr nno tnlle. spoonful of luitter. one cupful of dread cunos- and two cupfuls of oyster tic uor. Combine the tomatoes, pota toes and oyster Honor: cover with boll in? water and cook until tender; add the oysters, milk, butter, and season in ;:., and just brim,' to (lie boilins point; season, and when ready to serve, add tin? toasted bread cubes. Coconut Candy. Hake holes in the eyes of a cm omit and drain off tlu milk. There should be at least half a cupful. Ureal; the shell, remove the meat and pare off the dark rind, thei put the coconut tlirouh the fine kni'fe of the meat chopper, or L-nite it. There should be about three cupfuls. Add the su::ar, mill! and imtter, and cook over a slow lire, srirrinir cmiKtiint- ly until the mixture forms a soft hall when dropped in cold water. Remove, beat until it heslns to thicken ; add the flavoring, and pour into buttered tins Cut into squares while still warm. If the dried coconut Is used, add one cup ful of milk to three runfnls f coconut and cook in the top of a double boiler until the coconut is soft. If the fresh is used, add three cunfnls of brown sugar and a tablespoonful of butter 10 one-naif cupful of the coconut milk. Flavor with two teaspoonfuls of va nilla Just when taking from the stove. Virginia Apple Sauce. Take three cupruis or apple, three cupfuls of corn meal, one teaspoonful of salt and one cupful of water. Combine the chopped appie wnn the cornmeal using the yel low meal; add water and salt and mix well. Drop by spoonfuls on a greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven until the apples are cooked and the pone brown. Serve hot with syrup. The KITCHEN O T AT Tx T 111 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. l'J2l Western Newspaper Union.) "We rise by the things that are under our feet, By wlua we have mastered of good ' and of gain. By the pride deposed and the pas sion slain. Ami the vanquished ills that we hourly meet." DESSERTS FOR THE FAMILY. Bavarian Prune Cream. To prepare Bavarian Prune Cream remove Hie stones and cut cooked prunes in bits. To one cupful of minced prunes add some juice. Soften one-third of a package of gelatin In one-third of B cupful of cold water; dissolve In a little of the prune pulp heated for that purpose, add one-fourth of a cupful of orange or grape fruit marmalade, the juice of half a lemon and two-thirds of a cupful of sugar; stir until the sugar is dissolved, then set Into ice water and stir occasionally until the mixture begins to set. then fold in one cupful and a half of cream, beaten stiff, and the pieces of cooked prunes. Grape Juice Sponge. Sufien one fourth of a package of gelatin in one-fourth of a cupful of cold water and dissolve In half a cupful of hot grape juice; add two-third of n cupful of su gar, half cupful of cold grape Juice and the juice of half a lemon. Stir over Ice water until the mixture be gins to tniken. P.ent the whites of three eggs until light, then gradually beat the grape Juice mixture into them. Continue to beat the mixture until firm, then dispose It a teaspoon- ful at a time In a mold lined with marslimallows cut In halves. Cut the other half of the lemon In slices ami above each (dice pipe some of the gelatin mixture. Use these to dec orate the unmolded sponge. Peach Cobbler, Hatter the outside of rustnrd cup and Insert In the cen ter of a deep pudding dish. Kill the space around with the peaches and sprinkle thickly with sugar. For the crust, take two cupfuls of flour, four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one half teaspoon of salt, sift and nib In two tahlespoonfuls of butter or nb stitute for butter. To three-quarter of a cup of milk add one beaten egg, mix. roll out and cover the loaches, Hake half an hour In a hot oven. In vert on a deep plate and the cup will he filled with a delicious sirup, to be used for sauce. Any Juicy frnlt may be snbi-tittited. fresh or canned. Chaplain Tells of a Wonderful Island Where Lawyer and Pastor Never Invades Buenos Aires. The Island of Tris tan da Cunha Is described as "an un spoiled haven of rest for the weary soul, a Mecca for those who long for re lief from worries of life," by the chap lain of the British cruiser Dartmouth, which has Just returned from a visit to that lsointed spot. "Ko need to worry over money there, for there is none," said the chaplain. "There are no taxes, no doctors, no lawyers, no clergymen, no policemen, not even a head num. Newspapers aud mail urrive, with luck, about once every two years. "There is not even any mediicne, for the last supply of remedies was thrown into the sea by the inhabitant, who are remarkably healthy. Epidemics are unknown. "Tristan Is a British possession in the South Atlantic between South Af rica and Souih America. Its snow capped peak towers nearly 8,000 foot above m a level. It is only L'l miles in CircutiiiVreuce. The nearest inhabited place is St. Helena, 1,".00 miles away. The islam! Itself is of volcanic origin, the only habitable, portion of it being a tongue of fertile land at the foot of the precipitous cliffs. "SiUi'.ciont utuiucs are grown in plots to meet the needs of the Inhabi tants. Cattle and sheep were intro duced years ago and many cattle now run wild. Clothes are only to be ob tained by bartering from ships that call. For protection to the feet the people make moccasins of bullock hide. Wonderful socks ure made by the wom en from wool carded by themselves. "From June to October of last year the people had been without bread, tea, coffee and sugar, but they all looked pretty well nourished." The reason there Is no bread is that fifty or sixty years ago a shipwreck near the Island allowed rats to get ashore, so that since that time no wheat lias been raised. But the men say that they are going to try again when the next mail In a year or two brings them some seed wheat. In the meantime they are in m hurry; If there Isn't any bread they can be con tented on potatoes. And, to supple ment their potatoes, fish are abundant, and cattle, and birds with their eggs, and seals. They want for many things, says the chaplain, nevertheless there appears to be little discontent, and few ever wish to leave the island. GOING TO SEA IN EOWL " ' x i li r! I'.T Vd . it'i'".. YV w' f What is that old story about going to sea In a peanut shell? Almost the same thing here, only a brass kettle takes the place of the peanut shell. In some parts of India this convey ance Is used by travelers for fording shallow streams. The mystery about the picture Is to find the man's legs. Are they sticking through the bottom of the pot or has he In some unex plained manner been able to double them up under him? It's a curious puzzle. SAXOPHONE LURE HITS ARMY All Band Recruits at Columbus Bar racks School Express Pref erence for "Jazz." Washington. The lure of the saxo phone has hit army musicians hard. lieports from Loader Weber, chief of the band recruit school at Colum bus Barracks, Ohio, to the war de partment, say he Is overwhelmed with ro'iuovts 'or instruction In producing wailing "jazz" melodies on th's Instru ment. leader Weber was enthusiastic about the progress of his 100 recruit bornblowers, but the department said other Inhabitants of the reservation took a different view. The bandsmen have been lodged In a bombproof build ing, "where all manner of strident harmonies can be practiced In safety." SUICIDE RATE IS 15 A DAY Cold and Hunger Cause Many to Seek Death in Budapest, Says But, ment of Polios. Budapest Odd a4 kinder art rsosln- an a vers ft of 15 wl rides daily In thin rtty, accordlnir t an offi cial stat'iiirjt by the Budapest police A recent suicide was a former army officer who brought home a scant sup ply of wood and provision, kissed hi wife and three children and then took poison. Another former oflWr drv his monthly pension af 500 crowns, used it In buying one ample meal at a restuurant, and then went home and haiit-d himself. i iill TmW OTTf Hii III a uu UMU U U UtrJIQN I PAGE THREE Hay and Harvest MACHINERY 1 mi H i WE Carry the Famous y y o o l owcrs, Rakes, Headers, Binders, and Threshers. Better look up your repair needs Now and avoid costly delays after you start cutting. GILLIAM & BISBEE "We Have it Will Get it Or it is Not Made" IF YOU WANT Clothes that wear and are becoming to you, step into the llcppncr Tailoring and Cleaning Shop. We have just received some new goods. More are on the way G. FRANZEN Proprietor To the Man With out a Bank Accouut: EVEN if your business is such that you have gone without a bank account, the idea is EVERY TIME you give your check you make a legal, indisputable record .of .that transaction. WE WILL APPRECIATE AN OPPOR TUNITY TO SERVE YOU Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. :.i Taught Dy Experienc.. rjr. fiiiiuue JohriHon, tho man who firHt ld, "Hell Is paverl with ifoor) n. tentlorm," was a man who erulured the severest poverty, arid was always put ofT by those whom lie BHked for up port, only to be tolr after he became ftrmous that tuey had Intended to help hi in. WelllBf Mew York's Population. New Tori's population would be f0 S00O0 Instead of 6,000,000 if Uitf mated all ef tho who rf Istered ffrra Stew York st the small town ba le, Southern Lumbermao. beeswax Flnl.h. To try thin method of covering tha cracks In furniture aoften beeawa un til the eoniHr,tlry f ,,utty, then press t Into the cracks very firmly. ,. I"K the surface over with a thin kolie. The Hurrouiollng wood ahouKI tl i, he sandpapered with fine anndpap. r working aomo of Uie dim lu((J ' beenwax. A Texas Iconoclast Our KWHH Is th( when the promises to love, honor and i,. a Just is earnest as when she tie brldetToom'i folk. Lullu IK