J Tuesday, June 14, 1921. THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and Mrs. L. F. Reislir.g, of John Day, came over Saturday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Cochran over Sunday when the two ladies continued their trip to Portland where they will attend the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star and vis it friends. Mr. White is spending a few days in won attending to bus iness affairs before returning to his John Day home. Have you tried the new 10c package? Dealers now carry both; 10 for 10c, 20 for 20c It's toasted. A Member of the Federal Reserve S. A. PATTISOX, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, PoBtoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $?-00 Six Months $1-00 Three Months $0.50 i:st w.v.i: s am: . tht? MTTTJPMF.R HF.RAT.D HEPPNER. OREGON n Jt r i," riM;f .1. a. x ii a a a a 1 7 mun 1 vvv .. . ,. 1 1 1 m Th.. Morrow County frmTS s.t their m.-tinK of -he Oregon Cram (;,. is tool: UP Hi- discussion of t,. v.ilC..s. Ti.i" was UHi-o-lMr.il by (,,. chairman of lb- l.ihor -om mil tee, TM It-ilniau, and upon his motion ,l. rollowiim wag.: seal- was adop ted: AVoil: lor baying VM a day. "Harvest, work, common labor such as box-driver--, straw haulers and wheal, haulers ,r-v 1. i- :' r " 11 ,liiy Sack sewers, header-punrhei s, and combine drivers 0 0 a day r;,! !. v men "" ,1:,v ..paralor tender -00 a day Cooks 3-0" " ,1:'-v This scale was adople.l at. a meet ing of one hundred ami twenty-live fanners where it. was unite thorough ly diseased. There seems to be no reason to (ieslion the ability to get men at, this price and the reason that. it. was made as high as it was is largely because the boys in Sher man county are going to set that price and they felt here that it. would not be advisable lo place it much lower. L. A. HUNT, County Agent. AN EXPLANATION YELLOWSTONE A notice has appeared in each of the monthly reports from the pro ceedings of the County Court stating that Harold llobyns has received ft fixed amount of money from bounty This in really a misprint as Mr. Pob ys receives no bounty whatever but. works strictly on a salary. 'This salary is paid lo him from the county I.,,,,,-,, tt part of it, raised by direct taxation by special levy and the rest is paid by the sheepmen of Morrow count V. We wish to make this ex planation so that everybody will thoroughly understand that no gov ernment trapper or Cooperative Farm Hureau Trapper receives nny Uiine but. salary, absolutly no boun ty whatsoever. I,. A. Hunt, County Agent. i ii, m i wn: M.I.S hack ,.'( N ATI lil! Afler decades of problem Play, years of I ho bed room farce and months of the eagle scheaining war Moi-y, the p. -minium of public taste in entertainment has swung back lo bucolic drama. A s, l a'lsl example of a story thai U (.- Us ii'"-.i LP"" human l . seen s:-.iurtia , a il he , Tin-aie, in Mice i sw- v e, s . 1 phouxlratna oi hi-.- moment in the lives ol' simple people pres. nt In-.-. without slrain eel b ' I with a ncari ai'i" ". has m.eU.'d II as one ol he einine slot ies of the Hrloi .i,.i v ,-Vercts" is slat ring a ve rm- Ka Novak, but v.o iu..:-.iie, in which her i r ppon .m: cast appears makes the 1.1-o.Uicl ion practtcai;.v no il il III its ptes. illation. The siory was wrill"ii as a maga ,.i,.,. teatiu- by Helen Christine lt.-n-iii-ll, and was Mined at I niversal I'liy under the direction of I.e.) Me Car.y. la theme "Society Secrets" stands out as . tli- of the most delightful nairalives el the screen. It con cerns an oi l r.um.r and his wife uho1 an- s,i tar behind the limes I hill tleir city w,.c children are ashamed of them. How tie i lake i;s In societies i-iimieiiM.: lii.ni the I. ill who is to Hi.,, n it. el'. "W n son and has come th lo unci, legale their social standing gives the capable cast ample delicately seasoned wun l:m,l pl.ieo in rural population and M, , ,,is.i te.uily lo get over dram atic tinnier. -So. iet5 Secrets" Is considered. ly nit,.-. .1 to he the type of story that The ie. i imii public turn to after an .n.-idiee of problem and sex drama. .. .dv..'i'li-' iiiont. NATIONAL PARK lie World's Greatest Playground and Museum of Natural Wonders Magnificent hotels and commodius camps; 300 miles of improv ed highways; all in the midst of matchless scenery. Its hotels are marvelous establishments. Its camps are pretty little tent villages, models of cleanliness, sanitation, order, comfort and simple informal living. An ideal place for vacation pleasures. Send for our beautifully illusrat.ed booklet telling all about its wonders in word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY during the season between Portland and West Yellowstone by the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Commencing Saturday, June 18, Leavin Portland nt 5 P. M. Our local agents will be glad to ex plain the various tours which enable visitors to see the Yellowstone so comfortably and at minimum cost; also lo quote fares. Prepare your itin erary and make your reservations. Call on CDARBEE, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. Wm McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. G AR ETEj WW NOTICE OF T A KIN (J VP AM) SALIC OF ESTKAY THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned under the laws of the state of Oregon, have taken up the animals hereinafter described while running at large on my premises, in Morrow County, Oregon, about eight miles south of Heppner, Oregon, to wit; One bay gelding, about 5 years old, weight about 1000 pounds, mushroom brand on left shoulder. One black mare about six years old, weight about 1100 pounds. Blemishes on both front knees, no brand. That I will, on SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1921, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, unless the same shall have been redeemed, at my ranch about 8 miles south of Heppner, Oregon, in said county, sell said animals to 1 lie highest bid der, for cash in hand, for the pur pose of paying the costs of taking up, holding and selling such animals together with reasonable damages for the injury caused by said animals running at large on said premises. CAUL A HAPPHOLD. Dated and' first published this 14th day of June, 1921. Advertise ment. 7-8 DOWN IN BLACK AND WHITE The amounts you receive and pay out do you have a memory record only, which in a few months, grows hazy? Let a personal checking account do the remembering for you. It's the accurate way and far m,ore reliable. With a checking account here, the amounts of your income are shown by date in your bank statement. Your personal checks furnish the details of outg-o, by date amount and to whom paid. Every thing in black and white as a permanent record for your future reference. The full benefits of checking account service start when you make your first deposit. First National Bank of Heppner A Member of the Federal Reserve hi. nuti I s tor 1 1 hie! pun. -In NOlll E TO IMMi OWNI US Notice is hciehy given that nl ' lb, ease on d.;s I" . of ll.ppner, 0.ei-.en, must l. ,,.,! to the Chief of Police, V'"1 , 1,1 .1 ... - tioni the date hereof, or ,1,,-n thereof will he juosecu il ,. led. V. C. C.i-nm, A tnrt li..in S'.ruh App'eci.Hf t (Uu- All.el'i :,e hi-!' Oll. Il has hecn -, eucl u.ih ri. at tip). tee irioo I I. to. d U . I. ill 'll - ,!ic teiii-ee- II. i me M.u'eit. ealt.-d I ' 1. I, .1, ,!.;! i ales eilleleluhieeillil. :t --.it to i-.u'oi'e ueii.r , ,,. , l I ee- !im.s Is net (!'" , . , . ,i I ; . I.e. -II I" I1"' I'-'"1 , ., , ; ... ,(-,. t llillm of rho lKl .i.,,l.e. HOWARD H. DOUGLAS WILL I5F. HEME Saturday, June 18 To Demount rate That lie Can Install a Set of HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS on your Ford car in "0 minuted Come un .l have a s, installed on your car. ; TEN DAYS' I'ilEE TIUAL jj No charge for installation Saturday. 1!, Iter have a set installed and save I wear on your car and Hies. P All l-'onl owners are cordially invited to attend this demonstration. Come and J,J- bring a friend who is con, inptatuig purchasing a car. ' At:i:00 P. M. Mr. Douglass wi.l attempt to lower his record instalUitien time of 24 jr minutes. Demonstrations all day Saurday. j( LATOURELL AUTO CO. j' Amlioi i.ed l ord Dealent j I Do It Riit the First 7mv j mr ri mmtw'TMmif'-'" "- ium gjga- jtiti iinwiini'mt u ipitrf il PIIOKESSIOXAL CARDS dr. r. j. vaughan DF.XTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN iuid SITtGEO.V Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building , HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOIIXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK AT I KIN EYS-AT-I.AW Y.-sunic Euilding HEPPNER, OREGON JAM E. VAN VACTOR . ATTOHX EY-AT-LAW First National Dank Bldg. HEPrNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON 1I11E INSITI.VNCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. V i t M n 1