" "PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, JUNE 7, IQ21. -I 4 ! 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4-LOCAL NEWS ITEMS v 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 Mrs. U. R. Grey, her baby daught er and her mother, Mrs. Diatrich, arrived from The Dalles Saturday to Join Mr. Grey. The Greys are formerly from Chicago where before her marriage Mrs. Grey was super isor of Art in one of the high rehools of that city. They have tak en the Frye cottage for the sumer. Talk about fine June rains! What country can beat Morrow Coun ty along that line in this year of ?race'.' Another fine shower Mon day made the wheat man's heart beat glad. Misses Tielmnnita and Josephine V, oolery motored out from 1'ortland a few days ago to visit their .sister, Mrs. I'd mi Johnson, or near lone. '! 'hey drove to Ileppner Monday morning and spent the day with Mr. and A. L. A yers. Mr. and Mrs. James Carter went to their l ; ! i ff creek ranch Monday a Tier spend nig a town home. (.'. W. McNam !' v days at their er, Of "lone guest at the I'airiek Hole Monday night. -Mrs. II. T,. Pearson and da tighter, of Uiiai d ina ii, ware ioie Sunday vis aing Willi Mr. I 'i in on xvbo is oper ating his shearing plant in this see lion. Tliey Wi'1'e gliosis ill. Ihe J';it- riek while in town. m i:i:ii:i i poni Wednesday June si, I IN SCHOOL EFFICIENCY SHKUMAX HAS FIRST PLACE MILTN'OMAH SECOND Average of of 6-year Period Basis Survey. Other News Notes Or. Mr ' u nil n and Miss well known yuan county. Mr. and iiiriied In llejipner S ing and were given lion by their friends They will reside on ml, -I, l.alia N'yer, people of Mrs. '('tnriui 'R'on, P. both this re- ilurday even 1 royal recep- that evening Ihe Sheridan ranch near Lena, when is foreman. A liosl of and elsewhere will join .Mr. Cut-ran fitonds hero in hearty eongrat illations and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Miekle of Glenns Ferry, Idaho, came In Satur day evening and are the guests of his aunt, Mrs. S. A. Paitison. Mr. and Mrs. Mickle will continue their trip lo the Portland Uone restlval and to Seattle and other coast points. The Episcopal Guild will meet in i ihe vestry room at the churclrThtirs day afternoon, June Mill. All mem bers are invited. Mrs. J. M. (lenity nnd Mrs. Paul 'amnion entertained the Episcopal Guild last Thursday afternoon at the Gentry home in south Ileppner. Ilridge whs the form of entertain ment and a delightful aflernoon was passed. Honors wont to Mrs. C. C. Gilliam and Ihe consolation to Mrs. Gay M. Anderson. II. II. Crawford of Itoardimin, was a business visitor in Ileppner Mon day. C. W. Simile, who spends most of his lime on Ihe road selling harvc.sl ing ami threshing machinery, spent llio weelt end in this city with his family, going mil again this morning-. Penland Co. shipped two cars of sheep lo Ihe Portland market this morning. Hon. I!. J. Carsner of Spiny, was n business visitor here Saturday. Mr. Carsner has moved out to bin Uariliuan rnnvh Tor the Slimmer and is now shearing there, THE I.OVE I l.mVEl! PLAYS THIS W El :K AT THE STAR Every one s is lo agree that next to perfection in production, the chief reiiuislle for a perfect motion picture Is a real honost-to goodness "lory. It's that type of a dramatic tale that David W. Griffith hiiH based his latest pholodrama on for Cnitcd Artists' release, and this wonderfully diamatic production, "The Love Flower," ill ho a feature at the SI ; r Theatre i'l iilay. The slory lias lo do Willi Stella He iu. whose father returns from serving ;in uadescrxed sentence in pi lon 10 mill himself a social alien 111 his home town and Ihe breach be tween In in and his unsympathetic wife is widened by Hoxan's affection, and his w ifo's bailed for Ills daugh ter by hi'; first w ,1c. I'lev.in moms the man. Cram', who i-ent Imn "up" and H. all and his daughter decide lo go away and start ever iir.iin. On their way Uevan is iiilotnioil of his wife's Infidelity and goes t,:li k 10 pmye ihe charge. Pur lint ii iiuari el. I he man in Ihe case is . hoi . Ci ane immediately deter miiios it a murder and iniercepis (he daiighler on hi t way lo ihe boat, but lle an coining up from the rear makes a captive of the detcclixe, un til he and his daughter haxe c'uhaik 1 il. They land . on., a . South.. Sea island, whore Stella meets u young chap on his way to the port from which she and her father haxe fled. In Ihe knowledge ot the mvtual at li.iciiou which springs up between them, this lloy does not undetrtand her tenor for hint, but yields to her unexplained cntreatie to ko r.way. Th Hoy, Zanders, arrives at the port aud Crane, who has board rum ors ot a 111 an and a girl living on a dwerted Inland arrangra passage back with the unsuspecting Sander (Telegram Salem Bureau.) SALEM, Or., June 2, (Special) Representatives of the public ser vice commissions of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho will meet in Port land, June 13 and 14, to consider a proposal relative to a Joint, equaliz ed schedule of rates and accounting for public utilities operating in the three states. A preliminary confer ence was held in Olympia last week. Laws enacted by the 1921 session of the Oregon legiskiture.and which were not effective as soon as signed by the governor through having the emergency clause attached, became effective May' 2a, the expiration of the ninety-day period following the closing of the session. A total of 3 54 laws became effective on that date, none having been held up by the ref erendum. Fifty-eight acts carried the emergency clause. Money of state irreducible, school fund cannot legally ho loaned on land in irrigation districts that lies Money of the stale irreducible shool fund cannot legally bo loaned on land in irrigation districts that been bo'ided or (hat has incurred other extensive liabilities, according to an opinion of Attorney General Van Winkle, written in re. ly to an imjuiry by G.G. Drown, clerk of the slate land board. Money" already so loaned will not be with drawn, but the loans will be renewed. Sherman county ranks first among all the thirty- six counties of Oregon in educational efficfency over a per iod of six years prior to this year, according to a statement by J. A. Churchill, state srperintedent of schools. Educalonal and financial measurements are used in making Hie computation. Sherman is first financially and eighth educationally, but its average is first. The counties rank as follows: Ilaker.l 4 ; IJenton, 15; Clackamas, 23; Clatsop, 4; Col umbia, 11; Coos, 21; Crook, 18; Curry, 36; Deschutes, 6; Douglas, 28; Gilliam, 31 ; Grant, 32; Harney, 16; HoodKiver, 5; Jackson, 9; Jeff erson, 25; Josephine, 29; Klamath, 2 1; Lake, 10; Lane, 26; Lincoln, 33; Linn, 27; Malheur, 20; Marion, 22; Morrow, 3; Mullnomah, 2; Polk, 30; Sherman, 1; Tillamoolc, 12; Uma tilla, 7; Union, 17; Wallowa, 19; Wasco, 8; Washington, 34, Wheeler, 35) Yamhill. 13. Printing and mulling of the voters pamphlets for the special election of June 7 cost the state a total of I79S3.77. Pamphlets were mailed to 3 57,228 voters. The cost of print ing and binding was $331! 5.. 1 3, wrapping and mailing $1046.00 and postage $3572.28. Two fatal accidents out of a total of 111 industrial casualties were re ported lo the slate industrial accident commission for the week ending May 6. The fatalities were Vic Wilson, logger of Clifton, Oregon, und John 0;.n, deckmnn, of Porland. A new iriigaion disrict ha3 been organized in Malheur county. It Is known as the Westfall district. A reservoir on Cottonwood creek Is contemplated. The Southern Pacific Company has filed with the publiai;ervlce commis sion taints increasing the street car fare in Salem, Eugene and West Lynn from 5 to 8 cents. The. new rales will be effective in thirty days unless protested in which case they will hi' suspended by the commit hillll. Although retrenchment policies have hit the stale hard, and nlthougt there is a disposition on the part of business to liquidate, financial fore casts are oploinistc and uncertain ties, are being gradually removed according to a statement by Frank C I Ira in xx ell, slate superintendent of banks. 0 ... AR THEATRE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 8-9 " tV I J t I , S " " I JK fl 'J$ 3 ANITA' STEWAaf (j JNSCENE FROM' I THE MESSAGE BhinTnTIumTriTrrffi.gau'il m li i .TTfl III ! I 'lit I! fori FRIDAY, JUNE 10 RSSK-s. cvnrl r lit .A To one of these men' on the desolate island, the rescue -boat was', brinrind life and success? and to the other it was ' brindind death arid," dishonor. I s CONQUER YANGTSZE RAPIDS Hydrosllde to Be Used to Effect Navl. gation Beyond Gorges in Chi nese Stream. Shanghai. fty means of the hydro- slide, which the British used success fully In Mesopotamia, during the war, (mother effort, nnd one wholly novel to China, Is to be made to conquer the rapids of the Yangtsze gorges. At places there the current attains velocity of more than thirty miles an hour. The ordinary head of navigation fr steamers on the Yimgtsze Is at Ichang, thousand miles from the const, but Szechuen, China's most populous prox-- luce, und one oi its richest, lies near ly four hundred miles further up the river, beyond the wild bundlt-rldden country of the gorges. The use of the hydroslldes on the upper Yangtsze Is the enterprise of a French company with headquarters In Shanghai. A number of these craft were sent up the Yangtsze from Shanghai In December for trial runs on his cargo xssel. On their arrival at the island, Stella, seeing Crane refuses to talk to Sanders, beliexlng that he brought Crane there delib eralely. She sinks Sanders boat and .iticmpts n various moans to mur dor oil her t'rane or both Crane and zanders, planning such undoings to the extreme of including herself, si as to save her father from hi imr tnk en o.icR io uto mainiiimi ami tu ing tried for murder. inn ing the time the three men and this girl are marooned on the island a complete understanding is reached between Stella and Sanders, and to gi'ther iey pin: o save her !:.! No end of excitement Is created when Crane attracts the attention of hi. assistants on the fur away mainland Hut In a tremendous battle. Crane believes he hiia killed hii man by casting him ov r a cliff. Devan saves ntiuitcir and with the deUvlive the happy pair sail awy. only to return later as man aud wife and Join him on the Island. Scientific inventions, secret codes, con cealed stairways hidden furniture and spy systems are shown in "The Message of the Mouse." Anita Stewart as Wynn Winth rop joins the secret service to expose a gigantic international plot to wrest the wealth from America and turn it into Euro pean countries. The explosion of ship yards, street riota and a run on the banks are some of the spectacular s-cenes in the film. A strong love interest and an element of suspense are introduced. r SATURDAY, JUNE II V j V ; :?.!::;:: i newest picture from tha (Collier's Weekly Story1 "BLACK BFACH by Ralph Stock.. 7 is the height of lav I UU5TIN FAPNUM IfJ BIO NAPPINE53' i MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 13-14 "THE GOLDEN TRAIL" A gripping story of the Klondike, with with JANE NOVAK Many scenes of this picture were made near Portland and Mt Hood. Being an Oregon product, you will be interested in seeing how nicely Oregon scenery com pares with other parts of the world. . - m ' ' Future Belongs to Small City. It would be rush to conclude from the census figures that the promem of a better distribution of population Is unsolvable. The fact that the small cities show the greatest gains Is sig nificant. These obviously penult freer living conditions tlinii the large cities nnd nt the same time are free from tho Isolation qf the village or the widely scattered homesteads. The small city In these days prides Itself upon Its "metropolitan" aspect. It Is consplcouously up-to-date and pro vides comfortable living. The temlen- -i . . ...i. t..fl- cv of industrial enterprises 10 Mm lo cutions at a distance from the centers of population has hail much to do xvlth the upbuilding of cities of this type. Community's Real Worth. Afler nil Is said ami done, th num ber of persons residing in a commu nity bus little to do xvlth its real great- nes. It's the kind of people It has, the kind It turns out and the kind of things It does which bring everlasting fame In the end. l'.eciiuse n place Is not as big In population as Its people bad hoped for should cause no great regret ; but If It Is not forging ahead In numliers be cause of the care It taKcs of Its resi dents, then there Is reason for stuiine. Kx cliiin x & Good Goods" Buy these lines and be assured of true values-quality throughout. e- . . QsnliM Blue In Aaei I I A Ocths wsi more thaa eight wb I L amaaaAAAi A6fl6liafiftllMft8Sft6AAAAAA)4jtA H.atl "1 flon't hsve ter preach long In de winter time." said Rrother Dickey. "Wen de church ttoTe gits red hot I Jes calls f. attention of de sinners ter It and dare all da preachln' what dy eedj P-Pittsburgh Oatette-Tlis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s Beau Brummell Shirts Napatan Shoes Gordon Hats and Caps Grinnell Gloves Arrow Collars Interwoven Socks Ed. V. Price& Co. Tailoring Hodkins Gloves See the New GORDONS Minor Heppner &Co Or. M rM liM moso4 part tt Timi' ls?SfWW-Wwwi- w-- w w v v w v vt