THE HEPPNER HERALD CARD OF THAXKS AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER We desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbbors for the "kind ly sympathy extended during the the S. A- PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter illness and at the time of the death A Member of the Federal Reserve and burial of our beloved husband Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 iff Ea00 f Cig father, son and brother. Mrs. May F. Case, Don Case, Velma Cse, Mrs. Mary L. Case and fam ily M. L. Case and family r- ..C ill S.fl i .. it.ui'hom: snsv.'u-: 1 on rs: j 1 .vi n 1. okkoov ;kts moiie j man hoys (;n:r.s The Pacific TH. phone and T'de fnipli cji:i;i!! ny is inMalin; and will 'lineal'- for I he l;fri lif of th! Ros F'siival and Ihe thousands of visi tors tluriii;; Festival ww k in Portland, a sound amplifying r-fjip-ine-iu which v, ill i-onvey to and distii- (Teii :;r;un Washington Bureau) WASHINGTON-, May 28. (Special) --Oregon grew in population in the las,, ton year period 1 10,624. Wom en increased greatly in the count dur ing the decade and the foreign born hute ever I!;.' festival center grounds ' showed a decrease. ituisical pro;;i anis, addresses, an Tioiim.-eineni.s- -lc. from distant, loca lions about the city. Two experts from, the east havi been in Portland for the last, two weeks installing the necessary appar atus in order to furnish this unique entertainment to the visitors luring Hose Festival Week. The Festival Committee is arranging to feature ihis apparatus tid the means of en lei tainmeiit. to all visitors Hereto lore an address or a musical program lias been available only to the limited n-jmber who could crowd inside a hall or within the range of a .speakers- voice, Willi the amplifying ap aratus furnished by the telephone company a complete address or musi cal i.rogiam will he spread over sev eral city blocks and every one who wishes) to will be able to understand every word .spoken and hear every musical note of the program. Tin; apparatus consists of a sys tem of motors, generators, wires, transmitters, amplifiers and other electrical ciu:pment, weighing sev eral tons and tilling several rooms. Th machinery is very delicate, requir ing tin: utmost care in its operation. A drop of water at a certain point or a pi"ce of metal the size of a pin head will put, the whole plant out, of (jusinss. The transmitter, amplifier and horns art! very delicately ad jus lid and sensitive: to the slightest change in current and resistance in the circuits. None or me apparatus will be visible at the festival center, except the suspended horns, anil will j;ive iho impression of sound created out of the air. This apparatus wan given its greatest outdoor lest at, the inaugur ation of Prsidnl Harding at Wash ington March 4lh, where Hie voice of l'n Kident Harding in the inaugural mldr'-xH was ributed over a radius of six blocks from the Capitol slops and could even be heard distinctly oil the step,, of tin- Congressional li hrary, more than, I lion IV: (, from the inaugural platform. At all previous pii'Mdenlial inaugural ions, only a lew hundred people who ere fortu nate enough to secure se-us dl'.ectl) in Iron! of and near Hie tnae'gural platform nyer- able to licit1 the in augural address. Hut on March "4, IH2I. with I lie amplifier npparatii: in s -rvice on the Capitol grounds, 1 21, noil people, the largest crowd tl.-'i vver heard a man's voice at or. time, distinctly heard President Harding's add. ess. It Is this same apparatus which has been for, una; cil to I'orlland and will be placed in service for the entertainment oc liner who attend the Rose Fesival in June, The olfer of the Tucine Telephone and Telegraph company to furnish and operate this apparatus for the Uos festival Committer will insure n distinctly new entertainment for the Rose show. The expense for In Mallatnei of the necessary electrical ii ppa i a tus has precluded the use of , nuipiiiont at any except the largest and most notable (Tailorings, nich us the Republican and Democra tic convent ions last year and the In augural ceremonies of President 'larding. The Uoi'o Festival I'oin iii, Nee is to be congratulated on l heir .uccess in securing this as the gnaiist entertaining feature of the JV21 estiva!. The details of the population as compared with ten years ago, as an nounced by the census bureau this morning follow: The total population of the state, 783,380, comprises 416,334 males and 3 57,055 females. The correspon ding figures for 1910 were: Total, 672,765; males 384,265, females 288,500. During the decade the total pop ulalion increased by 16.4 per cent, the male population by 8.3 ner cent and the female population bv 27 2 per cent. The ratio of males tn inn females decreased from 133.2 in 1910 to 113.4 in 1920. The distribution of nonulal inn flp cording to color or "race in 1920 was as follows: While 769,146. Indian 4 5.10, Japanese 4151, Chinese snnn Negro 2144, all other (Filipino. Win. au, Korean and Hawaiian! 2fis Tho toiesponding figures for 1910 were White 6o5.090. Indian r.nori 7 . - - , .... oai'mi- 'se JI18, Chinese 7363. neirrn 1495 all other 312. During the decade the rate of In crease in the white population was 17.4 per cent, in the .TananeRo norm. lation 21.4 per cent; but the Indian Chinese and all other population de creased, the falling off in Chinese population Irom 7363 to 3090. or rs per cent being noteworthy. The foreign born white Donnlnl inn numbered 102,151 in 1920 as against lUu.Ul)! in 1910. Til Ik elni f he population constituted 13 rw cent of the total In 1920 as against if.. ,i per cent (n 1910. NOTICE TO Df); OWNERS Notice is hereby given that al llicense on dogs in the city of Heppner, Oregon, must he paid to the Chief of Police, with in 10 days from the date hereof, or the owners thereof will be prosecu ted. W. C. Cason, Chief of Police. I(i, D I ILWf.OK Eye Specialist will be in Hepp ner June i:M4-15 A new size package ! Ten for 10c. Very convenient. Dealers carry both; lOforlOc; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. ft :" rl jit ' r h'i'-.iiii,' J1"' If- - l , ll,v Sim Mxt ejHVJ g. -w 8 a id n "can "'V MACHINERY FOR SALE As I have rented all my land I have one 'C. L. Best Tractor with plows, drills, disks, Narrows, etc., for sale. Also Fordson Tractor and "Oregon Special" Holt Combine. A. (J. Freiwakl .5-6 lone, Oregon. Faulty Arrangement In some countries only fat women aie considered beautiful, but thev m poor countries iven for fat women. I ii.xcnange. WISDOM IS KNOWING WHAT TO DO FACE VALUE FOR LIBERTY BONDS We will take your Liberty Bonds at face value for any used car in our sales rooms. If you need a good dependable car for every day use, come in and see us. Latourell Auto Co a Skill is knowing- how to do it but real hu man service ischaracterized by the doing. It is the development to a high degree of these three attributes that has established our rep utation and builded up in the public mind a confidence in our word and work. First National Bank of Heppner A Member of the Federal Reserve iwwiw mm i 0 vjrV H H J?- PROPESSIOXAL CARDS 1 i llFftshiricy i rn cfc ' i ' INTERNAL ORGANS MISPLACED HoaplUl Patient In Vermont H Heart, Liver and Stomaxh on Wrong Side. Wutlniul, Vt. Wllllnm Oowen of West t'liHrlestiiu, Vt., twenty-sit, n piitlent Hi tle Vennont Hnnltttrluni in Plttsfnrd, In h curiosity to tho iiicd Icul world. All bin Ititeriuil orgnim nr on the Hronn stdn, 1 to has tuberculosis, but this bus iiothtux to do with tht nils placed oruam. The triniNposltliin was illscovered hcn mi j inj pletm-p ns taken by l'r. I'lureiu e T. Pall here to d.-lcrmliie the con.lHi.m of tli,' luis. It had bum known that IUhmii'i, heart whm nut In the customary phue, but the x ni.v Nlioucd tln si. una. h mi the oppoMte side, the liver on tlm left lumcud of the l'iht and the ciiiiltonii append:? on the left. Powell Is expected to recover flom liihcrculesii. 0 O 0 0 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 How Much Are You Paying to Put Your Grain in the Sack The Experience Of Ed Reed A Farmer Living One Mile East of Mohler is interest- ing because it shows what can be accom pJished by using a Fordson Tractor with a small separator. Mr. Reed has given tA the Nezperce Motor ft Supply Co., of Xeperce, Idaho, the following interesting information concerning the accomplishments of ,a Fordson Trac tor purchased from them, during the iqjo threshing season. 1 le has kept accurate account of the threshing of 1S0 acres spring grain and 20 acres fall grain, which he threshed in six days with a crew of 8 men. His cost is as follows: Wages, 5 men at $, ; men at $8 for 6 davs . $3-4-oo Meals at 50 cents for 7 days 84.00 2 barrels kerosene -945 6 quarts oil 2.2 Int. on investment and depreciation at $7.50 per day 45-00 Total Cost ' 4.70. The average yield was 20 bushels per acre, or a total of 4000 bushels. 1 lis average cost of threshing was 12 cents per bushel. He had 5 settings and all the time lost for adjustments was 10 minutes. ' 'I he 1'ordson furnishes an abundance of power is economical and easv to -handle, not only for threshing, but for all kinds of farm work plowing harrowing, dicing ami drilling. See us about a tracflor fur your fall plowing or seeding, or phone in for a demon stration. Immediate delivery can bo made. Latourell Auto Co. AUTHORIZED FORD AND FORDSON DEALERS 0 0 0 Si', 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 - 0 0 0 0 dr. r. j. vaughan DRXTIST Permanently located In Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO I'UVSICIAX and SCRGEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOR.VEV-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON HEPPNER OREGON 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 O 0 V , WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORX EYS-AT-LA W Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORXEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to ; C. C. Patterson HErPNER, OREGON ' DeLUXE ROOMS ; Summer Rates . 75C & $i.oo Over Case Furniture Co. OOOO00OOO00O0OOOOO5OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO-:S0OOO0OOOOO tK i H