I ni i i, li J ? TUESDAY, MAY 31. 102. J CECIL h Cecil and Harold Ahalt, who have been having a vacation around Pal ouse returned to Cecil Friday and are now at work once more. Miss Georgia Summers ofo the last Camp spent Wednesday and Thurs day visiting in Heppner. Ed Melton, of the Lookout, made a huried trip to Heppner Tuesday. p, ilrs. M. V. Logan. ot Portland, is spending a few days among her friends on Willow creek. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slender, "of "SeT domseen, accompanied by Mrs. Lind sey of Wasco, left Cecil Saturday for Salem. They will make their jour ney by auto over the highway and ex pect .to be home ni time to begin liarvest. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fanshier of Eightmile, were entertaining friends from Pendleton for a few days. Miss T. H. Lowe, of the Highway House, and Master H. C. Hynd of Butterby Flats were callers at Fair view, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan Thursday. Hynd Bros, shipped a car load of yearlings to Portland Thursday. All infine condition. Clifforod Henrickseu, of Willow creek ranch and a party of friends THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON took in the ball game at lone Sun day. Highway Commissioner W B. Baratt of Heppner made a short stay in Cecil Tuesday before leaving for Portland ,to attend to highway bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs accom panied by Mrs. H. C. Johnson, all of the Last Camp, made a visit to the county seat Tuesday. Misses WTilde, of Broadacres and friend from lone were callers in Cecil Thursday. Mrs. Conrad Knipfel and sons, Masters Earl and George, of Tent- ville, left on the locay Friday for Portland where they will visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bristow accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Lundell, all prominent business people from the Egg City called at Cecil Sunday on their return trip from Albany. Ed couldn't resist the temptation of cal ling to inquire if lone was still on the map of Morrow county in large letters. Ed and party were advised to hurry home before Cecil took their home town's big letters' from her, Needless to say their departure was quicK. Hay making has begun in full swing around Cecil. First crops will be light. Weather has turned off cold and windy after the heat of Monday and Tuesday, May 23 and 24 when it registered 94 and 95 degrees in the shade. The mayor of Cecil has returned thanks to the efforts of his patient, hardy and surefooted quadruped on which he was mounted. The peace ful valley was aroused from its slumbers by the return of the village constable, John, riding on a goat Where can our deputy mayor be during these -troublesome times? Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Dean, of Four Mile honored Cecil with a visit Sun day. R. E. Duncan, of Busy Bee ranch was a busy man around Cecil Mon day. Jaclc Hynd and niece, Mrs. Roy Scott and George W. Wilson, all of Butterby Flats left for Rose Lawn in Sand Hollow to assist Hynd Bros, with finishing up the shearing of their sheep before before they are turned into their summer ranges. George A. Miller, and son Elvin, of Highview, were doing business at the Willows Saturday. Jack Hynd and his brother David from Sand Hollow, arrived in Cecil Sunday from Portland where they have been visiting friends for a few days Mrs. A. Henrick.ion of Willow creek ranch, accompanied by rrs. Oral Henricksen and daughter Miss Anna Josephine of the Snuggery were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs at the Last Camp Sunday. uufcUU HAY GROWERS PER FECT ORGANIZATION Organization of the Oregon Hay growers association was perfected at Hermiston Monday evening,, May 16th when a canvas of the acreage signed up and showed that more than 4i00 acres were then pledged to the movement with indications that 2500 additionoal acres will be signed up this season. This will give the association a good start off with the control of the marketnig of some 20,000 ons of hay. Farmers in Malheur and Deschutes counties are said to be very much in terested in the movement and it is expected the organization will be ex ended to those counties in the near futrue. The object of the association is to assist in marketing the hay by pro viding for the regular distribution of tthe commodity in such a way as will tend to eliminate the high pri ces the ultimate consumer has ol'en been forced to pay in the past. Th association will specialize in grading inspecting and shipping hay, thereby being able to standardize the product, insuring the buyer exactly the grade of hay he pays for. Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home the br.con. PAGE FIVE FARMERS WEEK Farmers week and Hoineraaker Conference. A week of college HJ at O. A. C. Co-operative Conven tions. i:iin-sions. LET'S GO. Coivalis, Oregon, June 13-18. M . MACHINERY l'Oll SALE As I have rented all my land I have one C. L. Best Tractor with plows, drills, disks, harrows, etc.. for sale. Also Fordson Tractor and "Oregon Special" Holt. Combine. A. U. Freiwahl -5-6 lone, Oregon. To the Man With out a Bank Accouut: EVEN if your business is such that you have gone without a bank account, the idea is EVERY TIME you give your check you make a legal, indisputable record .of .that transaction. WE WILL APPRECIATE AN OPPOR TUNITY TO SERVE YOU Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. ; ; ' ' 1 IH S , I .o .. ' . . FECIAL The time to buy White Footwear is Right Now The Right Place is at the GONTY SHOE STORE 300 Pairs Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, made from the highest grade Pressed White Shoe FairbucK. will be sold BELOW COST Shoe Repairing' on Short Notice? Certainly E. N. Gonty Shoe Store You Owe It to Your Children A. House is not enough, give the little ones the present joy and comfort and hazi ness of YOUR OWN HOME- IT'S A DUTY. PP And the best wayto secure that home is to build it Plan it just as you want it our Ar-chitects will help you, and fit it to your pocket book all the rooms just as you would like to have them with the best ideas as to both interior and exterior arrangement, and suggestions as to vines, foliage and landscape work. Did you ever try Calumet Baking owder? Build Now Nothing can be gained by waiting as lumber prices are unlikely to zo lower, in fact may go slightly higher. fe Let all your Homes and Farm Buildings be PLANNED AND MATFRT ALIZED BY TUM-A-LUM Wc have it now Give it a trial Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed helps Grocery 'oraipany it - t tj 1'. S. Shj.omM 011 Kiic Lumber's u..y dev.,! 110 v. Al.t.ul Mali I,.t Vivu's Ivice