Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 31, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921.
ii;ki;. iio notick
The hours for irrigation will he
from 6:UJ to 8:00 A. M. and 6:00
in 8:00 P. M. Water must be used
hrounh sprinkl. r or nozzle. Hate,
2.00 per niontii. Xo ( liaise for b-.is
than one-lialf month.
Charge viil le made from the
time irriiraiion .-t:iii.-i tiniil we are
liot ili' d to discon' i U".
In case oi fjre stmt off water from
irrigation. This is to your own in-t.-rest
as it. will li-!p in. -.-sure lor put
1 int? lire out.
!-(, Ciiy of Jl'-ppner WalerCom
ti) isori.
noticio ni: i'i nut vrio.v
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Oll'fco at LaGiande, Oregon,
Way 12, l'J21
Not iff; isliei eby yiven that
.I Lena, Oregon, who on April 24,
3 016 wade homestead entry, No.
0157:)!), for SWANK Vi, SE. Hn
K'iSWli, Section 5, Township 3
houth, Ilangn 20 Kast, AVillamette
Meridian, lias filed notice of inten
tion to maltc three-year proof, to
establish claim to the land above dc
icribed, before United Slates Com
missioner, at Ueppner, Oregon, on
1 lie 2 1 st (lay of June, 1021.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Brosnan, I'll il lliggins, Waldo
Vincent, Percy Hughes, all of Lena,
C. S. DUNN, Register.
NOTICK l Oll l'l llI,l(.ATIOX
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon,
May 12, 19 21
Notice Isherehy given that
of Lena, Oregon, who, on May Lsl,
'J 11 1 5, made homestead entry No.
OMfitiO, for NEUSW'i, N'aSE'i,
Section 21, NWVL SW1,!, W '2
KW'i Section 22, Township 2 south,
Kange 2!) east, Willametlo Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to .establish claim
to the land above described, before
I'niler Slates Commissioner, at
lltppner, Oregon, on tho 21st day of
June, 1021.
Claimant names as witnesses:
.lohii llrosnan, Vei n Toursim, W. W.
LucUiiian, Charles II. Lurk man, all of
Lena, Oregon.
C. S. DUNN', Register.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has tiled his 11 mi I ac
count as iidiiiinist rat or of the Estate
of Wm. II. Hall, alias Hayes, de
ceased, and that the County Court
of (he state of Oregon for Morrow
County has appointed Tuesday, the
Mli day of July, 192 1, at Hie hour of
ten o'clock in the forenoon of said
(lay as the time and the County
Court Room In the Court House at
lleipncr, Oregon, as Hie place -of
hearing and selth iueiit of said tlnal
account. Objection lo said final ac
count must be tiled on or before
raid date.
3-7 SAM HUGHES, Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of tho Ht.ite of
Oregon lor Morrow County,
W. 1".. TU AIG HT, Plaintiff
Ni'iii'V Crank, Frank Tliiirp,
Joult Hale, Klius llnln.
1 evil Hale, Ralph Hale,
lol'in Woodward, and Ada
.1. Woodward, his vile,
l'liiinie Woodward. I'liir
i nee Woodwind. Chancey
Woodward, Harrison Hale,
dim Willinutiani, and Liiu
i.t W'lllini'.h'ini, his wile,
1 ( I.ih ihv Villini:ham, Frank
1 Hale. Mabel Aers Hughes,
and A I'. llui;hes, her hus
band, fill Vale. Gtissie
A. .s, l'.llell Hale lMim'all.
mid William Pum'ati, her
l.mband. Il.-i.r Cannon,
Mary ('.union I Ml 1 el C lll
l.i. il CllMi'.e II.l'vOI, Milton
li. Ii.-r Edward linker, Ella
r.aii. r Spei i . and Ira Spcr
iv. her hu .band, S U la
Maker, Mary Hale, C. S.
' Hale, Michael Hale, and
Maude Hale. Ins wile, P. G.
Hale, Clay Hale, mid Mra
Hal.', his wile. Hella Ann-itai-'e
mid Harry Armlliigo,
tier husband, J. 11. Cochran,
and Cynthia Cochran, his
wile. Ida Grahil, and Thom
as Crubil, her husband,
Guy Hale, Caroline Cason,
. and C. L. Cason, her hus
band. Surah Cason, mid
' Waller Cason. her husband,
Dan Hale, and Lei He Hale,
bis wite, and all other per
sons or parties unknown,
claiming any right. Ilile.
intiiesl, estate or lien In
the leal propel ty herein
.i. ,ii, ..I I Vtciid.ints
TO Nancy Crunk. .us Hah', Ralph
Hale. r.inn.e ooilwaiil, Kll.i
Vale, Ellen II lie luineuti, William
Puui'.iti. Henry Camion. lured
Cannon, M.irv Cannon, l'lla lhikrr
S . t i v . Ira Soeii y, Svhi.l lta'Uer.
(', S. Hale. Michael Hale. Maude
II. ile IV G. 11 le. Clay Hale. M ra
Hale, Hi Ha A i iaiia'.:e. ll.iri y Arm
tia e. Can. hue Chm'H, C. 1.. Cason.
' Pan Hale, l,e"i,. Il.ile.itnd all nth
r pirsons or pailie..' unknown
iani nig any Ofcht. title, lutcuv!,
estate or lien in the real property
described herein, Defendants
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
t.bove entitled suit within six weeks
Ironi the date of first publication of
this summons, ; nd if you fail to ?o
appear an 1 aimwcr, for want tiiere A
the plaintiff wli i.pply to tho couit
for the relief pin; cd for in his com
plaint to wit; For a decree of the
ton it that the mum' iff is the owner
in lee-simple and clear of ail inter
c t, lien -jr el.vm of any of the de
fendants above named, of the follow
ing described real property in llepp-'
ii"r, Morrow County State of Ore
gon, to wit; Lot. numbered Two in
lilork Numbered One in Morrow's,
second addition to the town of llepp-!
le i ; that the del'endonls and each of i
them he decreed to have no right, i
till", i:it(iest, estate or lien in or lo
.-nd n.al property or any par, there
of, mil that the plaintiffs ti'.lj le
:'oti'Vr quieted against said defend
ants am' each of them, and for such
further relief as to the Court may
seem, meet, and equitable.
This summons is published by
virtue o an order of Hon. V. T.
Campbell Judge of Hie County Court
of .Morrow County, State of Oregon,
made and entered on the 13th day of
April, 1921.
Attorneys for Plantiff. Address
Heppnei' Oregon
Dale of first publication April 19,
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow county admint
strtor of the estate of James W.
Craig, deceased; and all persons
having claims against said estate are
required to present the same, duly
verified according to law, to. me at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publica
tion of this notice, said date of pub
lication being April 12, 1921.
W. II. Herren, Administrator. 50-2
NOTICE is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the count y court of the state of Ore
gon for Morrow county, as adminis
trator of the eslato of Andrew J.
Warren, deceased; and has duly
qualified as such administrator. All
persons having claims against said
estate must present them to me, duly
verified at the ofice of Woodson &
Sweek, in Heppner, Oregon, within
six months from the date of first
publication hereof.
Dale 1st. pub. Apr. 12, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that ithe
undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregim for Morrow County admin
istrator of the estate of .Alta How
ard, deceased, and that all persons
having claims against the said estate
i re required lo present the hanie
duly verified according to law. ti
me at lioardinaii, Oregon, within
six months from the date of first
publication of this notice, said date
for first publication being April 26,
52-4 Administrator.
Department or the Interior, U. S.
Land office all.a Grande, Oregon,
April 15, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that How
ard E. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon,
who, on March 5, 1920, made addi
tional homestead entry, No. 017306,
lor SW'iNE",. EHNWVi. SWVi
NW'i. N'uSW'i. SEViSW'4, SW
'iSEVj, section 34 township 3 south
Range 29 east Willamette meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim
to Hie land above described, before
I'nited States Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of
June 1921.
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Eddie A. Hammer, of Gurdane Ore
",on, Ross Brow 11, of Lena, Oregon,
i.lav llii'tl, of Lena, Oregon, Fred
I I low e of Lena Oregon.
C. S. IH'NN, Register
P. leu trieut ef llm Intcr'or, U. S.
l.aiil oil!,.,, a'l.a Giande, Oregon.
April I.-.. 1H21.
Notice is In ri l v riven that Kob
rt . Culnk ot Lena, Orrr.on. who.
011 M.ui'h S. lnjit. made ailiUii.Mi.il
l.ieei .1. .1.1 intiv, No. 0 I 7 J :i 7 . for
.-::, NE',. NE'.SEi,, F.'iNWU,
l.oi.i 1, 2, 3. and NE'jSW'i, section
IS. township 1 south, Raiue 29 east
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of Intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the iand
ibeve described before. United
Stales Commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, on the first day of June
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Keeuan. Harry Brown, O. E.
Ayers. John Urosuan all ot Lena,
O resell.
C. S. DUNN. Register
Depaitmcnt of the Interior, I'. S.
Land office at l.a Grande, Ore
gon. Aptil la. I!i21.
Notice Is hereby tiven that How
ard J. Culnk. ot l.ina. Or.r.on. who
en March ,v 192i. ln.iile additiona'
lloniiMc.id Entrv, No iMVf.it'. foi
NE, NE'i, NW , , N SW , SW
'l SW1,. Section 12. Township 1
"'Uih, K.nu-e 2S ea-t, V.'il'.neett.
Mer,il .'n. I. is tiled notice of int. ti
t ion to make tin 1 e ear 1 oof, ti
i si il! ;.-i ci.1111 to t',,, I.,, ,,)
set :!i I In !oie l llit.-.l St I
m.ssien.T. at II. ppner, c.
t V
tirst day of June. t;i2 1.
Claimant naiiies as w itnc -ses:
Keegan, Harry Brown, O. E. Ayers,
John Brosnan, all of Lena, Oregon.
C. S.. DUNN. Register
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office atLa Grande,' Oregon,
April 15, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that David
W. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who
on January 3, 1921, made additional
homestead entry, No. 017308, for
SEV,SEVi, section 21, SNW, N
EV, SWVl, SWjSEli, section 2 7,
NvY'A NE'i Sec. 34, Tp. 3 S, range
29 east, Willamette meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
United States Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, on the second d:y
of June 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Eddie A. Hammer, of Gurdane, Ore
gon, Ross Brown, of Lena, Oregon,
Jay Hiatt, of Lena, Oregon, Fred
Howe, of Lena, Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register
49-2 NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office atLa Grande, Oregon,
April 15, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that Mack
T. Gentry, of Lena Oregon, who, on
April 7, 1916, made homestead entry
No. 015751 for SNE, EV4NV,
SW14, Section 10, and on March 6,
1920, made additional homestead
entry, No. 018266, for NV&NE14,
SWUNWU, SWV4SW14, section 10
all in township 1 south, Range 28
east, Willamette meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Clerk
of Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon
on the second day of June 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Marsh
Courtney, Waldo L. Vipcent, Austin
Gentry, Fay Pettyjohn, all ot Lena,
C. S.. DUNN, Register
Doparlment of the Interior, U. 'S.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
April 13, 1921.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Echo, Oregon,
who ,on March 2, 1918, made Home
stead entry No. 0188ri6, for Lots 8,
4, 5, 6, and 7, SE14 NW NE
SWVi Sec. 6, Tp. 1 S R 28 E., Wi-1
6, township 1 S, range 28 E., Wil
lamette meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make three-year final
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, bi.l'ore the United
States Commissioner at tLppne-,
Oregon, oil the 2tith day of May,
10 21.
Claimant nanus as witnesses:
W. E. Wigglesworth, of Echo, Oie.
Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, O10.
Ji.i ies Wheeler, of Heppner. Ore.
W. 11. Huckaby, of Echo, Ore.
C. S. DiiNN, Register
Chemist Commits Suicide Under
Dramatic Circumstances.
Pay8 All Debts and From Remaining
Stock of Chemicals Mixes Com
pound to Generate Gas.
London. Composing his own lelliul
gas, Constnntine De Mereschevsky, n
chemist and holimlst of International
repute, former professor In the Uni
versity of Petrogrnd, committed sui
cide in n Geneva hotel uuder draniatie
Mereschevsky escaped from Russia
with a Rinnll fortune, which was ex
hausted after two yours' residence In
Getievn, where he continued his re
search work und .wrote 11 number of
scientific books. When his funds were
gone he was too proud to appeal for
help, though In view of his high stand
ing he could have obtained a hand
some wubsldy to pursue his studies
from scientific associations In Amer
ica, France and England had he
stooped to solicit aid.
He preferred to die. He scrupulous
ly paid all his debts mid then from his
remaining stock of chcinlcals mixed a
special composition which he poured
Into a receptacle, to which lie attached
a tube.
At the other end of the tube was a
tiia-.k which he phinul over his I'a.-e,
ilial then binding lb. wolf to the beil
felt used (he gas wh.'n was given uT
from li e coiiipo a:inii. He i':el f i-m
:.s'i!i x at on. l ltea'cn had 1.. wear
' m;.o' .' I eimets to r. mow ti e l.oiiy
freia the room.
Entire Population Eotimated at More
Than 2,000.000 No Census of
C.ty Taken.
Shanghai. A qiiaupienn'al census
taken In October In the French on.
cession and the International settle
ment gives Shanghai ft foreign popu
lation of "aWJ, according to official
A census of the entire city, luit've
and foreign, litis iHvcr been ta';en. hut
careful estimates place the eea'at.oti
at more than 'J.iVhi.DiK).
The liitenuitioitul set'.lci '.ei t has a
foreign population of 'J,:i.."n7 a id the
French coiice-s: n .'l.'dj. In i,i
cencessini.s the J a pane -e lea 1 '.; p ' .t
of iiniul.ers with IO".'ji. p., . 1
seceml ti i'..:'.s"i, A mart ati !!,"!,
2.Si:t, iif.d Ru-s .mis fi.ur.h. 1 .'.
There ir.e M.i l-'tc:u limen In t!..' 1. o
The International settV'Mont ! ""
known d::vcrciit t u'.'on:!'': - wih 1
ef iiieh to c I nai'oi. ::i::y. T'.
ti'MU popnlti'ion. w M.-!i in 11 teia'.ci
i la.", has lin o -.. j t I 'JS I.
Cc) lsl. IVentm .SewMiiHi-r Vni.-n.)
"For wliat avails successes won
If there be none to care?
It's sweet to knuw there's even one
With whom our joy to share.
Aral when despair conies swift and
Ami darks our world awhile.
What is it brings the sun once more?
A handshake and a smile."
The following combinations mny not
appeal to everyhoi'iy, hut there will
surely be one
which will be
worth while.
Chinese Chews.
Take one cup
ful each of dates,
and walnuts
chopped, one cup
f u 1 of sugar.
three-fourths of a cupful of flour (pas
try), one teaspoonful of baking pow
der, two eggs, and one-fourth of a tea
spoonful of salt. Mix all the dry In
gredients together; add the dates and
nuts; stir in the eggs beaten well, and
bake in as thin a sheet as can be
spread. When done, cut in small
squares and roll into balls. Roll In
granulated sugar befoi'9 serving.
Cheese Bundles. Take neat strips
of cheese cut half an inch thick, and
roll each carefully In a thin slice of
dried beef; lay on slices of well-but-tercd
whole-wheat bread and hake" In
a hot oven six Xo eight minutes, or un
til the cheese melts and the bread
browns. Garnish with parsley and
sweet pickles and serve with hot choc
olate for Sunday night lunch or sup
per. Mashed Potatoes With Peanut But
ter. Iioil and mash a half-dozen medium-sized
potatoes ; add two. table
spoonfuls of butter, one-half cupful of
hot milk, one and one-half tahlespoon
fuls of peanut butter, one teaspoonful
of salt and a few dashes of white
pepper. Blend n tnhlespoonful each of
butter and peanut butter and spread
over the top. The butter as season
ing may lie divided and used as a top
garnish. Hrown In the oven.
Lemon Dumplings. Mix the grated
rinil and juice of a lemon with one
cupful of molasses, one-half cupful of
sugar, one tnhlespoonful of butter and
one cupful of hot water, ihen add to
this boiling mixture simple dumplings,
using one egg, tw-o teaspoonfuls of
baking powder, one cupful of flour,
one-half teaspoonful of salt and milk
to make a drop batter. Cover closely
and boll 20 minutes, using care that
the mixture does not burn.
Newspaper Union.)
Let me laugh when my heart Is dis
couraged, Let me laugh when Ihe thunder
clouds roll.
And the Joy that I fling lo the earth
as t sing
Will return and give peace to my
Let me laugh when I lose my posses
sions. Let me lauRh at the grasping of men:
For the heart that is strong will not
suffer Ihe wrong
But will turn and reclaim them asalrt.
George Lidded.
A candy that the children may be
given in moderation may he made at
home with little
expense; flavors,
fruits and color
may be added to
the variety.
Fondant. This
foundation Is
mad" by boiling,
and it Is wise to
have a clear, bright day for milking
crndy, mid if Inexperienced use hut a
pound of suunr at ti time. To one pound
of stnrnr mid fhree-iiiiarters of a cupful
of boiling water und one-lialf ten
spoonful of ereiini of tartar. Stir the
siurar and water until well dissolved,
ihen w hen l.t'Liimntn: to boil do nut stir
or iar, to avoid gr.inuhition. Test by
tsiiu- h e v titer for dipping; this is the
."nori'int moment in fondant making.
When 11 drop falls in the iced water,
nuking a soft hall which can be picked
up in the finger, remove the s;rup at
nee from the lire and set the sauce
aan where it will cool without being
iarred. When cool enough to bear the
linger, begin to stir with a wooden
spoon until creamy and smooth or It
tuny he poured while hot over a hitt
lered marble slab and worked when
cool. In either method It should he
kneaded Into n smooth, doughy mass
and set aside, well covered, to ripen.
This foundation may be used In ail
.orts of bon hons, creams, nougat and
ancy candle..
Oat and Corimeal Muffins Melt
two tiiblespooiifnis of shortening In
,,ni cupful of hot cooked 0atnie.1l ;
uhl one tenspeoiil'u! of sa.lt and one
honten Ught. with Ihr.v fourths
if a cupful of milk. M'v n'l toge'ter
heronghly. Mil an! :f! i,.- 'h.T two
up fills of cortiiueal. four le -ifnls
.f baking powder, etie To "l'l. of a eitp
,.f sugar, mul s-ir into the first mix
ha'..f in 11 hot oM'ti ;n a we'l-
d cm:
;u 1 mi n!"'iit twenty five
1. 'ne'es.
(c). 1921, Western
Where They Clean
Clothes Glean
Lloyd Hutchinson
Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing
Oliver Chilled Plow Co.
reduces prices
to 1 91 8 level
This is good news for
you, Mr. Farmer!
Peoples Hardware
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables
Sam Hughes Co.
"In Every Respect
says the Good Judge
W-B CUT is a long fine -
nilCIKTtTCO I rn I C : '-sl'-st' iUIU xpresa if you will buy
rJUolINLoo LCJLAL5 ynir ra now fix up your
I machinery and be ready to go Into
Shutt has ppver.il tru uiri;.iins initio Held when harvest is ready
anaua ranencs; easy leiius.
You can buy Alfulfa 5"od at aCil
liam & Bisboe's SOU
roultry Supplies at Gilliam & Bis-
bee's. N 50 tf.
Sprlnsf i lit-r. All kinjs of Gar
den Tools iu ' : i . 1 i 111 & Bailee's.
i:-ii;odi iins and Ladies' Tailoring
i Mis. Cun en. Church street. 27tl
A l'-i'1 Titan Tractor rruaranteefl
1 'nil tho' 14 inch r!("v. at C.'1
v l.i bee's on fall teiuis. 5'1-tf.
-''.u't tins a list of good Wiilam
1 Vn'ley farms for exciuing" for
Morrow county ranches. 47tf.
Gilliam & Bisbee will save you
You get more genuine chew
ing satisfaction from the Real
Tobacco Chew than you ever
got from the ordinary kind.
The good tobacco taste
lasjts so long a small chew '
of this class of tobacco lasts
much longer than a big chew
of the old kind. That's why
it costs less to use."
Any man who hes used both
kinds will tell you that.
Put up in two stiles
cut tobacco
CU T ib fi .short-cut tobacco
trim Language,
The Gaelic language Is the orlg.
Inal and historic language of the
ln'ople of Ireliiuo. though mot of
tat country's Inhablfnts opeak
KtiKltsh. Gaelic Is now taught In
the national schools. C&thollc parish
cboolg and collets In Ireland, as well
at Harvard university, Notre
name university and the Catholic Unl-'i-iity
of America at Washington.
There has been a revival of the nse
cf Gnellc thrcuh the efforts of the
Society for ihe Preservation of the
Giellc Laiigi,age.
Rd Ink Stalna.
To remove red Ink grains from tabl
llneu spread freshly made mustard o.
er them and leave on about half an
hour. When sponged off all traces o
the Ink will have d'sappeared.
7 . V
f 1
1 i