PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY ti. THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Pontofflce as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 IRRIGON The real summer went her has arri ved anil first outing of hay over por lioii.i of the district is on in earnest. This is some earlier than last season iind running much heavier, averaging over a ton and a tiall to the acre This will make it a cinch on four cut tings and some will probably make :i fifth this season. i.ommnioe irom Uoarrtman on north county fair consisting of C. IT. Jlillabough, president of the board .A. h. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Ii. L. Dil labaugh, Adolph Hkoubo, Mrs. Hart- r and Mrs. Wieklander attended the ineeling at Irrigon Saturday evening. ,ommittees were appointed from Ir rigon to handle the various depart ments and to act with the Boardman people n Dialling this fair one of the best of its kind in the country. Mrs. '. K. (ilasgow will have charge of the fancy work department, Mis. H. C Wolfe will have charge of the cann ing department, Mrs. F. C. Fredrick- Min is on the entertainment commit tee, F. 11. Wicks, livestock exhibits II. W. Grim fruit and vegetabes and other farm products. Charles Pow- II will handle the subscription list to finance the fair. The women folks specially, have already taken active hold of their work and promise us Hie fair will be a complete success. Light refreshments were served after the business meeting. Everybody had a good time besides accomplish ing the preliminary arrangements in connection win, H. coming fair Owing to extreme high water com ing unexpectedly, the landing for the JiTigon-Ilolmes lorry has been temp orarily out of service, but new docks have hem made and the service will lie restored before this item is print ed. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ooebel, are lruud parents of a 7 pound girl, born .May 21st. Mother and baby doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. M. ,1. Doebler were quests of Mr. and Mrs. (loorgc Hand .-'iinda y. Mr, anil .Airs. II. Anderson were miests at Mrs Blanche Watliins' borne Sunday. New potatoes are beginin;,' to malic their appearance. N. Seaman dug lue pounds from lour hills May 2-llh and others report pn'alots are get in;'. on last. A unique trawling outfit arrived Sunday owning and has rpeiil the week wilh us. The party of four consists of Mr. and Mrs A. C. Frome and son and their friend Mr. McKin- yio. Their house on wheels, hauled behind a large touring car came through on its way from Mexico to Canada so far without a hitch. The trnilor or house was built and stnrt- . .1 on the trip about 2 5 miles from i he Mexican line, in Temecula,' a Miiall Mexican town. They came ilroii",h California, over the SUria- Shasla and Siskyotis, and e.spcricno- ed IU trouble in coining over these i.uiunlains, although their house on wheels consists of a bedroom, two ... i Is, when folded up mane u km... ed sitting room and when folded ugain consists of a dining room and Kitchen all complete tor cooking and . mint;. Mr. Frome sas Hie roads In California an' tine and we should out on more men and use up the money appropriated for roads. Sr in- t. ilie writer, he sas we sh . , . i n 1 on 1 on men liei e on.- .. poultry, veterinary medicine, and the vast number of subjects which are of interest to the housewife. There will be a special session on the hand ling of tractors. People in Eastern Oregon are par ticularly interested in the session which will be conducted on Co-op erative marketing by the Ex-Com missioner of Co-operative Market, Mr. Winesfot of California. lie- sides this we are very tnterestd In the conferenceon wheat which will be held Wednesday and Thursday. Altogether this will unquestion ably be the biggest Farmers Week Program ever put on in Corvallis If any farmer will attend he will be amply repaid for his trouble. If you feel that you can't go yaur self and take the wife, which you really owe her, try and send the oldest boy, that boy who is going to take charge next year or the year after that, or pretty soon. Show him that you are interested in him gett ing the best information available. Til l!l FT V SCOT LOSES WHILE w i:lch.m.x wins Bill Cuddy has a way of finishnig a story. Many anecdotes are well enough, but just that final fillip re moves them from the too usual. Scotch thrift has been the basis for much humor and Bill completes the story of .the Irishman, Englishman and Scotchman, who, standing bv the bier of a dear friend, each determin ed to deposit a pound in his coffin as a token of their kindness to the de parted spirit. The Englishman placed in a quid note, the Irishman, two ten-shilling notes and the Scotchman put in his check for three pounds taking out the change. The next day according to Bill, the thrifty Scotchman was astonish to receive his cancelled check from the bank, where it had been cashed. The un dertaker was a Welchman. The Seoul in Oregonian. Ih i h i . ak mid lull o k in,.' vr' some ery bad . ,,1;;, orer.on should be calling lor Hie restless tounsl like Calilornia in They to a man like Oregon best, but hmry thhe completion of voir roads. W'c are behind yet. Mr. Fiome has practiced dintislry in Voi Hand for twelve years and put in a number of years in Fossil, Ore eon and Is acquainted with some of our people. Irrigon looked good to Mr. and Mrs. Frome and so they de cided to spend a week and perhaps longer wllh us. They are cammed in the shade on Eighth street. A 1 i I '. Yd OlNU TO WI'.KK l'AMI Its Tie on ; Id. ll.o nd 1 in rl'll.l em all o u. lit of I! ,11 111. 1 S' W Agl i. lib 111 al Collei.e I he be -1 tab ni .n ail llic noi th est lei i, I tilers who at k I'elltVl . lice llllS V.v e 111 Hi ' " In- l'OKFST MOWS i wo campsMM lour to six men ach have been established on the' 'ive Mile Fence const ruct ion pro ject and the work is being vigorously pushed. It now appears that, the whole fifteen miles will be complet ed In time to be of service this sea son. Charles McDevitl and Charles Ely are preparing to build about three miles of fence along the Forest Boundary in I he Hall Canyon region. This will serve as a connecting link between the Five Mile fence and and oilier private fences and will al most completely enclose the Five Mile cattle range on the north. This fence, like the, Five Mile, has been proposed for a couple of years but owing to scarcity of help and high costa actual construction has been delayed until now.. Copious warm rains lasting nearly two weeks have covered the entire western division of the forest. The snow was reduced rapidy and the en-. tire mountains made soft and swam py Forest officers and others state that they never knew the roads and trails to be more boggy. At both construction camps on the Five Mile fence complaint was made of the difficulty of moving supplies and fence material. Wagons were dis placed by pack animals but trouble was still experienced. All the ere. ks are carrying gnll sied streams of water but in this region, owing to the tact that all of the (lindane IH.--Iricl is densely timbered, there ale no flood--, no erosion. All of the streams are clear. Archie MrCamphcll, Oovr.nmctit hunter, has established headquarters in the C.urdane district where he Is learning the country, putting out traps and preparing for nil active sea son. Mr. McCauipbell is quite a suc'sul hunter ami trapper and we are glad to welcome him. For the month of April he ranked second highest in number of cats and coyotes taken lu the Biological survey dis trict embracing Oregon and Wash ington. The range In the lower altitudes Is reported to be the best In years, lie ports from the north folk of the John Pay are especially good, la the hi-lier elevations the season is late but the pro-p. cts are Aeellent. I, be pi Hob Culu k. cat bleu .lit a wai'.on h Fiie Mile laiiic u round ! at'. . .(., In w ., e; Ai II.. I'M.! to I ..'. p. '.t.ll'i..! !;... III. II of l.ell:!, ,nl e:' s.ih to IV .li'Ji.e !:, A person visiting the construc tion camps on the Five Mile Fence project would get the impression that wimpus, boooglehugs and side hill gougers were to be seen and heard In the pole jungles and around the swampy meadows in the vicinities of Matlock Prairies and Squaw Flat. They are reported to become much more aggressive as evening approa ches. During and immediately af ter heavy rains while the ground is soft and miry the booglehugs hunt with great persistency in hopes of finding a victim mud bound. The side hill gougers are supplied with three short legs and three long legs j which adapts them to side hill loco motion. A man pursued by a side hill gouger should make a da3h foor level ground. But in his haste he must remember, to steer clear of mud holes where he might bog down and fall victim to the crushing embrace of a booglehug. At all times he should keep a sharp weather eye est he be inpaled upon a long, bar bed spear like tail and be born away by a swift winged wimpus of the air. Don't Take a Chance With Your Camp Fire. Put It Out. ' "' ' -,! n und Patched-Up Organ. A prominent poetess writes? "f heart sings only when It breaks." As Bhe averages one such song per week, wnai a conamon ner heart must be la Boston Transcript. I A Member of the Federal Reserve feiisfjjif1 "SS''jg;'B'!t?W' Ten for 10 cents. Handy size. Dealers carry both. 10 for 10c; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. X-Ray Detects Swallowed Coins. In the government mint In Japan an X-ray machine Is used to examine sus pected employees as they leave the establishment dally, and It has re vealed the presence of coins that had been concealed In the guilty one's stomach. We Expect a Larger Success LONG DISTANCE SERVICE TO THE COAST The summer season at Oregon coast resorts will soon be here. It will soon be time to move the family to the cottage on the ocean bench. Ixing distance lines of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Company i-each all coast points Seaside, (Jeaibart, hong Heath, Seaview, Cannon Beach, -Newport, Til lamook, Kocknway Beach. Why not reserve yonr cottage by long distance make your arrangements for the Hummer season by using Pacific lalng Distance Service. It will save you a trip to the beach and will be quicker and just as satisfactory. Then plan to keep in touch with he family during the summer seasoji by telephone. It Is better than writing a letter and more satisfactory. Every effort is made to expediate calls by day or night. You will find the service quick efficl ttat ami courteous. Ask for Pacific laiiig Distance. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Your success and ours are mutual. Here you have at your command approved methods to help you manage money matters safely and accurately. At the same time, .we are interested in your ambitions for larger success, for as we help to carry out sound plans and advance in money matter's, your success is reflected in the growth of this in stitution. As you succeed we may expect to ad vance, and as we grow you will have back of you a larger stronger institution. First National Bank of Heppner A Member of the Federal Reserve Tr-nifT Joe Lieuallen was here Saturday from LaGrande. Mr. Lieuallen, who formerly conducted a hlncksmith hns- ines at Weston, has been in the em ploy of the O. W. Ii. & N. Co. for several years. Lbymmer made a cigarette lilcetiiis in my day .tsm i. :-mv.-:t t1 l-:;-:!:-.:r:y R. J REYNOLDS TkWco Cs. Wujat u-sjieiv, .N, . f V'i' mi. - . . 1 .'J . 1 I ii v. . . xae aiiiei tuca wasu i win msn. it was tne exclusive expert Camel blend that revolutionized cigarette smoking. That Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos hits just the right spot. It gives Camels such mellow mildness and fragrance! The first time I smoked Camels I knew they wers made for mo. I knew they were the smoothest, finest cigarette in the world, at any price. Nobody can tell me anything different. .1 r,.! m.u: .; & ' 3pl p M k Vi VV Hi .J. -J. .J. ... PROFESSIOXAIi CARDS . .J. .f. . .j. .j. .j. .j. . R R. J. VAUGHAN DFXTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO PHYSICIAN" and SCRGEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN 4 . llliiiLn fl?' I lii LAWYER OfffitO Phnna Hfn! fJl illdlU 1 d . Residence Phone Main 665 ! Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S.E.NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LA W . , i Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK A ! !'()! tN KYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNE-R, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR A TTORX EY-AT-LA W First National Bank Bldg. HEPr.NER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON HUE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPRAER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS 1J Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 VT""'J Over Case Furniture Co, '