&G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON JnS((8C2iJSWCI!MftCl3r -ftS &ta. wiS THE BRICIi McAtee CEL Aihen. Props. We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for Norman's Ice Cream The Finest Product on The Market SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY, MAY 31. French Melonge WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY SPECIALS EVERY WEEK Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly Firt-Class, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. 5-LOCAL NEWS ITEMS a 4- a P. C. Enidt.-r, of Lexington was a business visitor here Thursday. Grover Goff registered at the Hotel Patrick Sunday evening from Lena. Mrs. Hanson Hughes returned Thursday from a couple of weefcs visit at The Dalles. Miss Opal Hall left Sunday for Hood River where she will visit friends for some time. Ed Reitman, prosperous wheat grower of the lone country, was a visitor here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ruth Van Vactor who is tea ching in the Reitman district, north of lone, spent the week end at her home In this city. Miss Gladys Lane, who is attend ing a conservatory of music at Walla Walla, spent the week end- with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark. Max Gorf'hie, of Pendleton, who buys wool imd other commodities that there is no money in these times was in town for a coupleofdaysdur rJgthewefTc. Mrs. Iva Frlberg, of Portland, was here for a few days during the week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Clartc and other friends and relatives. The danoe given Friday evening by the ladies of the Catholic society was a pronounced success. Splendid music was furnished by A. E. Hall and Miss Matthews and a pleasant evening was had. A. M. Plu 'ps r.nd A. J. Knoblock, who represented Willow lodge, No. 61, 1 O. O.. 1 at .the grand lodge session at Albany last week, return ed Sunday cvtniug and report a splendid moot in. Gus Smythe, wel known stockman of Arlington, suffered a severe at tack of acute gastritis at the ball game Sunday and was alarmingly ill for a short time but recovered in time to return home that evening. Little Rita Maxine arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Woodard on May 14th, weighing 9 A pounds. A grand baby Bhow was given in honor of the little new comer. Shoshone (Wyo. ) Enterprise. TUESDAY. MAY 24, ioar. STAR THEATRE Friday, May 27 t!u-;tr;..J fa;;, , i V . m mm L m Wednesday, May 25 ALICE JOYCE in "Slaves of Pride" ABig Special Production, Edited by Mr. . and Mrs. George Randolph Chester ALSO COMEDY That bright eyed minx GLADYS WALTON in a picture that's vlcjht up to the minute 'RISKY Cur .i mi w nt :i I'll, iuM ,-Ii..;m itk ' If.. I i-.it : .ilk I An. I ulna the lk.ii! .'.-..rtv r.imr a!.inj T' a iVkr.p.r'. S!u' i '. ijini..i .k, ..'it like iur Ii'm' t'u- Uil. .It oi r.i'm Him, l Hi lur r.'r..-, n.l i-.ii in s l lii" link' ll.iin'ii m.ulo !'..'. liH.k like a kuk iiumiIhi. That ia - tint it ,w t, ,j M ,u pi ,1 into n lot i f tor lilu' low muiis aiul ii win ill' t'askit uf tuMililc. S'w tvndiktrd tin i tlmt tix in.inv imiiiUouif voting mm was "JCISKY UUS1NESS." Ste it. T. Alio Comedy and New Weekly Saturday, May 28 A 6-Reel Comedy Drama, "So Long Letty" An extremely funnp romance of two couples who, by mutual consent, swapped their re spective marital partners. The cast includes .Walter Heirs, Colleen Moore, Grace Dar mond and Roy Barnes, and o host of beaut- leous bathers Come Out And See This It Will Put You in A Goodo Humor for The Whole of Next Week Sunday, May 29 ANITA STEWART in "Fighting Shepherdess" The Shepherdess ran her sheen .in. a comtrv, but she was a scrapper .and out. See ANITA STEWART in splendid picture. Monday, Tuesday, May 30-31 MAY ALLISON in I "Held in Trust" i Mary Manchester, shop girl, thought it fair I enough when hse assumed the identity, of her double in return for wealth and social position, but there were serious complica I tions. A most unusual story. . ALSO TWO REEL COMEDY cow won this Every picture advertised above is a good one.. .There are but five' pro grams for the week.. .The price each night will be 20 cents for children and 30 cents for adults.. .You should see every one of these pictures. You will find it much better for your dis- position than sitting around imbibin g pessimism. ... ,., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x:. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 : . - v'V ' ' -In rvper.iing-.th9 -names., of .th,e graduating class of ' Heppner high school last weelc the name of Miss Anna Hynd was Inadvertently omit ted. Miss Hynd also finishes the. course and her name completes the list of nine graduates In the clase of '21. Heppner lodge. No 358, will hold initiatoroy ceremonies Thursday evening, May 26. There T ill be big eats after the session and we have it straight that the Brother Bill who fails to be there will miss a lot The carnival clofced Saturday night and departed fjunday morning. V.'ln'le (he ritiny n-eather interfered to i;ome extent Vith the attendence the l 'gion boys, w ho brought the show to town cay that the receipts wave very good and their building lund was swelled to the tune of several hundred dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wfceelhouse and their twin daughters, Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Donnolly and daughter. Miss Nell; Mr. and Mrs. Iwan and daughter Miss Beverly; Mrs. Philip Mulkey Mrs. Al Huff and Gus Smythe, all well known residents of Arlington, attended the ball game here Sunday and were guests at the home of Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte. S. J. Ritchie was in town Saturday from South Sprinj: ranch. Mr. Rit chie and Harry Duvall who are. part ners in farming operations, have a splendid e-op of nearly 2000 acres coming on that promises a bumper yield. Mr. Ritchie thinks they will begin cutting barley in his section about June 20th. F C. Oxnian, well known stock man and bupirtvs man of Baker, was a viEitor in Heppner Sunday, goin:,' err Monday morning. Mr. 0;iman came into considerable pro minence a few y?ars ago as an im portant witnes for the state in the famous Mooney trial in San Fran cisno in which J coney was convicted of exploding a bomb in the street du ring a patriotic aiade. R. F. Hynd, of Portland, former well known resident and bus iness man of this city, underwent a second operation in Portland last Saturday following which his condi tion wis very critical. Transfusion of Hoed from his nurse, who volun teers! to sulmit to the ordeal, was necessary Saturday night i'.it Sun day evening a telegram was received here by his sister, Mrs. W. B. Brrratt s-iying t'nit he had passed a fajriy L'oo-.l day .-.nd was holding his own. Give Us a Fair Rate of Return is a good slogan for any industry. But it is a very timely one right now for the electrical industry. Everyone wants good electrical service and every one will get good electrical service, but they must be shown that unless a central station or lighting company is allowed to earn on a full and proper value and not on a depreciated ralue that central station or lighting company cannot continue to serve in a proper and efficient manner. Let every man who has a stake in the industry take this fact to heart and convince his neighbors and friends. . . Put your shoulder to the wheel and then get every one to do likewise. Heppner Light & Water Co. "In Every Respect" says the Good Judge You get more genuine chew- 7 ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. The good tobacco taste lasts bo long a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That's why it costs less to use. , Any man who has used both kinds will tell you that. i Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco e'Sf8eeectft lOOOOOO-OCOOOOOOOOOOOOO6OOOOOOeOO0O 0 0 0 fff, 0 0 0 0 0 i'i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o CO. Good Goods" Buy these lines and be assured of true values-quality throughout. Beau Bmmmell Shirts Napatan Shoes Gordon Hats and Caps Grinnell Gloves Arrow Collars Interwoven Socks Ed. V. Price & Co. Tailoring Hodkins Gloves See the New GORDONS Minor Heppner & Co Or. 6 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S3 V5 O 00