TUESDAY, MAV4 :fi2j?'j THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE i i Where They Clean Clothes Clean Suits Overcoats Neckties Hats Dresses Waists Gloves Hats ya nutcmnson TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing Oliver Chilled Plow Co. reduces prices to 1918 level This is good news for you, Mr. Farmer! WeCARRYthe OLIVER LINE Peoples Hardware Company TWO RANCH SNAPS BO acre Uln alfalfa. .Good water right, good new house. One and one half miles from school $6,000. Easy terms. J 80 acres 4 miles from town. 60 acres in alfalfa, balance farm and grazing land. Good Improvements. Stock, machinery, aiud euipment included at only $10,000. Easy terma. Better See Me At Once About These Fine Bargains , ROY V. WHITEIS To the Man With out a Bank Accouut: EVEN if your business is such that you have gone without a bank account, the idea is EVERY TIME you give your check you make a legal, indisputable record .of .that transaction. fi WE WILL APPRECIATE AN OPPOR TUNITY TO SERVE YOU Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. rSED TOTS NEEDED FOR EAST CHILDREN NEAR State superintendent Churchill Is I sending out a leter to the superin tendents of the state announcing that i the Near Relief organization is ask ring the children of the state to send i their discarded toys to the Near East i glon Saturday evening, closing - ::.. 1 ,, : ni.dar nn.nh'nl n.Anl. & V, I 1 Members of the Episcopal guild will be entertained Thursday aftr noon, June 2nd by Mrs. James Gen try and Mrs. Taul Gammell at the home of Mrs. Gentry. All members are expected. One of the best dances of the year was that given by the American Le the was that they may be forwarded to the re j lief ship that is to leave the Taciflc ! coast in June. There is vital need for something . that will bring pleasure to the child- ren in the near east. Thousands of orphan children after passing through unspeakable. experiences, need toys to brighten up their cheer less lives. Children of Oregon are asked to collect their used toys, such as blocks paper dolls, kimle.'iarten material, stuffed dolls, ele. and forward them lo the near east organization in the different counting. The Boy Scouts will canvass the town Thursday and collect all ar ticles contributed for this worthy charity.. Gifts of used clothing will also be gladly received and forward ed to the relief ship. present and every thing went off as smoothly as could be wished. Fine music was provided by the Heppner orchestra, alt ho somewhat handicapped by the failure of a ban jo player to show up. .'o fault was found wiih the music at that and everybody :e,io;ts a line time. reran Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. GEORGE MILLS WON LKWISTOX TRACK MEET George Mills, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Swaggart of 815 Garden street and a nephew of Mrs. William Matlock has made a real record as a high school athlete at Lewiston. Young Mills, whose mother was for merly Elbry Swaggart, lives at Kam- iah, Idaho, but is attending the Lew iston high school where he will grad uate this June. In a recent track meet he ran the 50 yard dash in five and two fifths seconds, and likewise won out in a mile and a quarter race, finishing in six minutes. The folowing story telling of George Mills' record is from the Kamiah paper. At a field meet between the Lewis ton and Colfax high schools last Friday, George Mills, of this place, was the highest point winner, his work enabling the Lewiston team to win the meet by a score of 76 to 55. George won five firsts and two sec onds, with a total of 31 points. He was first in the 100 yard dash, the 220 yard dash, the 220 yard low hur dles, thhe quarter mile run and the broad jump; and second In the 110 yard high hurdles and the javelin throw. Local relatives of the athlete are proud of the record he has made and Mrs. Swaggart,, the grandmother, is planning to go to Lewiston for the commencement in June. Mr. and Mrs. Swaggart lost five grandchild ren In the Heppner flood. East Ore-gonian. V.." . : ft ft ft n .-, ft ft ft. ft ft ft ft. ft ft ft ft, ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft . v.. if ... ... : ... v4. v v.. v., v. v.. v i v.. i. v ... ... ... ... . . w At Lexington last Frldayevenlng commencement exercises were held at the high school when Ore young people completed the high school course and ten pupils were gradu ated from the eighth grade. STATE GETS BIG SUM i 111 Continued From Page One) torcycles, 3158 chauffers, 4131, deal ers, 173 fees, 108,881.50. 1916 Motor vehicles, 33,917; motorcycles, 3268; chauffers, 4019; dealers 278; fees, $ 1 46,254. 1917 Motor vehicles, 48,632; motorcycles, 3400; chauffers 3477; dealers, 375; fees 1196,787.50. 1918 Motor vehicles, 63,325; motorcycles, 3501; chauffers, 3131; dealers, 451; fees, $461,422. 1919 Motor vehicles 83,332; motorcycles, 3570; chauffers 3152; dealers 586; fees $802,239. 1920 Motor vehicles, 103,790; motorcycles, 3,517; ehaufers 3394; dealers, 751 fees $2,085,168.50. 1921 (to April 30) Motor ve hicles, 95, 580; motorcycles, 217.1; chauffers, 428; dealers 4fi8; fees, l,!i0:i,5 49. Ilegimn!; with 1918 Ihn his in crease in fees is dun mainly lo legis lative acts increasing fees to pay in terest on the stale's highway bondod Indebtedness. BUSINESS LOCALS Shutt has several imi Bargains in alfalfa ranches; easy terms. 47tf. 1 Vou can buy Alfalfa Seed at aGll 11am 4 Bisbee's. 60tf Poultry Supplies at Gilliam Bis bee's. 60 tf. j Spring is here. All kinds of Gar- j den Tools at Gilliam Bisbee's. j ... FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING j Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring. , Mrs. Curren, Church street. 27tf , ... A 10-20 Titan Tractor guaranteed to pull the 14-Inch plows, at Gil k Bisbee's on fall terms. 60-tf. ... Shutt has a list of good Willam ette Valley farms for exchange for Morrow county ranches. 47tf. ... Gilliam t Blsbee will mt you postage and express If you will buy your extras now and fix up your machinery ana oe reaay 10 ru mi the field when hanest ur read 60-tf. SPEC1A1 The time to buy White Footwear is Right Now The Right Place is at the GONTY SHOE STORE 300 Pairs Ladies and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, made from the highest grade Pressed White Shoe Fairbuch, will be sold BELOW COST Shoe Repairing' on Short Notice? Certainly E. N. Gonty SKoe Store Did you ever try Calumet aking Powder? We have it now Give it a trial Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed Phelps Grocery Company 5 ? aV3A V 00'z A1NO 'Q1VH3H H3NIdaH 3HI