THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY a4, mt. THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER In a new size package A Member of the Federal Reserve S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter PAGE TWO Terms of One Year Six Months Three Months IRRIGON A boo I a fl :-!) anloinolnle loada of jeople ealhe down, from rroaat y, "VV'tst-tj i:;tn .Saiuriuy l Hi bnin- I. pi IMl ; O flilf l-'I'l'.'.' between H'llnnS ,',in laitr end 1 he p'jint ju-i b.-low Ir 'ji"i)ii. Tie- fumiiy f 'on! in is:- inn' iv-; ; li'l iiii'miii!'.- the j'i'osaer (oln in rcml dub of B-nlon Coi.nj'y v. r' among the parly aud viewed tlii' landing on belli sides of the Colum bia and roads wlii'di lead to Die land ings. The ferry is now in operation iMid tlic road leading to the landing mi tin; Oregon .side, leaves thin; Col umbia highway ahout two miles west in Irrigon. The Committee of the farm bureau on, north county lair arrangements to bo held at ISoardman this year, met with the committee at. lioardan (Saturday evening and made consid erable progress on the plans for this years fair. Another meeting of this commute will be held at Irrigon Saturday May 21st. Men and women who are to see to this work have established a reputation of making things move and we may be assurml U will be a success. W. II. Walpole reports the Bale of eight acres just east of town on the Columbia river highway to Stanley A. Anderson. Mr. Anderson has been In Irrigon more or less for a Dumber of years and has decided that this place is good enough Tor him. lie will build on the place at once and will run a chicken ranch and probably some garden stuff. Mr. and Mrs. Peering and son Ed-j-ar were among the visitors at the tchool exercises. Mrs. K. C. lleimeck, of Pendleton, lias spent the week with MarkhamH. .Mi s. 10. It. Hand of Tori land, Ore Vim, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Walpole. .Mr. A. Ives, of i'orlland, who was nursery man in Irrigon in the early nays, spent two or three days visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Grimm and other friends and looking alter ):is Interests here. J J .J. -J .J. J J J J T .J. .J. CECIL .5. J J J J J J J J J CECIL Messrs. Charlie Thompson, Joe Water and several other prominent men of Heppner made a short str.y in Cecil Saturday before leavnlg for Arlington. .Visa Mallnda May, of Lone Star ranch left on the loal Sunday for Wasco where she will visit for some limn. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley and Miss KirBt of the Willows were viHitorn at Fnlrvlow the home of Mr. and Mis. Kverett Logan, Sunday. Mrs. Hannah A halt, who has been tpendiug the past few months visit ing friend In Oregon returned to home at San Jom, California, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brady, of lone, (t Art Minor, were visiting wilh Mr. i' ml MVs. George Krebs at the Last Camp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. KniptVl and ilauhtcrs, MIsmss Blanche and Anna, of Tout villi-, were Arlinto.i visitors S.11 unlay. Mis Ceorlu Summers of the Last tVnp, returned home Wednesday ami' spending a lew days as the l of Mis. Phil lit ady at her home near lone. T. W. McKadden and Mr. mil Mrs. Win. 1 1 ud of Kightmile wer 1 1 yitig 1 . 'il 1 he Cecil scenic highway Mon day. Herb llMul returned fro-ii Port land Weiliii'Mlay where he spent his vaealion 'I'11' 's ll(,w once tone in the 1 p lies': at I tit t ' 1 1 ti- Flats. Mi ..; lOsiiier of l'o w Mil. - as lit in-; her 11, I'll $ fir I t .1. 1 w 1 .1. I ' 1. e 11 la A 1! are '. a v 'ti.'h.. ! f I" ! I he .'',. ii l la;' ai'i'iird l'o ! 11 W' 1. a 1 na Jauai lieput y d, and . II. away t r 111 It. imo, and John, 4 ho village constable disabled. Cecil 1.- In a sorry plight. Let there ho peace until our leading l.shis returr 4o their duties. Homer Nash parsed through Cecil Monday with J. J. McLiUitc's sheep bound for their summer pastures. David Hvnd. of Sand Hollow, nirived in fpent a tv Cecil WednesiUy and daysat uunerny taia before returning home. Harold and Cecil Ahalt left on th hical Wednenday for Pendleton. Oskar and llob Montague and Ceorge Shane of Arlington, accom tmnied by Joe White, the Scout of the Willow, were here Saturday before Laving for partH utiknown, partu unknown. Mr. r:id Mrs. George Krelm of the J. "st Camp acompanled by Mr. and lis. II. '. Johnson were callers on Mrs. llynd at Butterby Flats Wed jii winy. Earl nnd Clare Calk'.r.s. of Inn? hpent Satcvday with Clarence Winter i,t Shiuiy Del. J. M elton of the Lookout. i i.lliiiK on his Cecil friends Friday, J. M. 1I1 flares he will be able to reach Cecil several times a uay an t-oon an the highway is finished and lie also declare that that road will Subscription $2.00 $1.00 $0.50 lake some beating. .1. ,T. McEntire, aenmpanied by hir, daughter, Miss Josephine, of Killar nev. wi re ( eil callers Saturday. .1, J. will soon have a new resid ence in place of the one which burn ed lio.'.n a lew weeks ago. Mr. lioyd of Arlington is the contractor who is now hnhy Willi a large force of ui' ii binMin a new house, Mrs. Z''i,ni!h Logan, of Mount Vi '.v is 1 nn'itaiiiSng her broihor and his wile from Yal;ii:i:t for a week or two. V'. JO. A halt, w ho is working for W. T. .Matlock above Heppner, took a day off during tiie week to vi.vil his Cecil pals. George Hardest y, of Morgan, was Cecil Thursday. I. O. O. 1'. GUAM) LODGE MET; AT ALBANY The annual meeting of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows r.wt last week at Albany. A. M. Phelns and A. J. Knoblock represented the local sub ordinate lodge and Mrs. Frye and Mrs. Frank Turner represented the local lodge of Itebekas, the former being honored with a grand lodge office, that of grand marshal!. M. It. Biggs, of Prlnevllle, was elected grand master for the com ing year and S. F. Bowman, of Pen dleton, was chosen as deputy grand master. Delegates from Heppner report a splendid meeting and have much praise for the hospitality shown the visitors by the people of Albany. Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home the br.con, LEGAL NOTICES IRRIGATION NOTICE The hours for Irrigation will be from 6:00 lo 8:00 A. M. and 6:00 to 8:00 P. M. Water must be used through sprinkler or nozzle. Rate, $2.00 per month. No charge for less than one-half month. Charge will be made from the time Irrigation begins until we are notified to discoutiue. In cose of (Ire shut off water from irrigation. This Is to your own in terest as it will help pressure for put ting tire out. 2-5 City of Heppner WaterCom mlsslon. NOTICE FOR Pl'BLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LnGrande, Oregon, May 12, 1921 Notice Ishereby given that FRED ALBERT of Lena, Oregon, who on April 24, 1916 mnde homestead entry, No. 01 5799, for SWV4NEH, SK'i, an KHiSWVi, Section 5, Township 3 south, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, 1ms filed notice of inten tion to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before I'nited States Com missioner1, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John llrosnau, l'hil Higgins, Waldo Vincent, Percy Hughes, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. M'NN, Register. XOTU E lull PI 111 It A HON I Department of the Interior, V. S. l and Oli'iee al LaCiando, Oregon. I May 12, 19 21 No! ii e Nhereby V ''" that m itj:i. i ci'M v.. ' la tu. O-.'-.m, v. !", ea .May 11. I i ; limiii'M.-.-.i em ry No. a I It. i'.ii. lor NK t , Sy i, . N 1 ; .-' K ' 1 . Sivtiim 21, NW SWU. W" NW'i Seel ion 22, Township 2 south, Kanca' 29 easl, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land ubove described, before I'nlter Slates Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John Brosnan, Vein Pearson. W. W . uckman.Charleu H. Luckinan. all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Dl'NN, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undei-Hlgned bus tiled his final ac count as administrator of the Estate of Wm. H. Hall, alius Hayes, de ceased, and that Hie County Court of the utato of Oregon for Morrow County has appointed Tuesday, the 6th dav of July. 1921. at the hour of ((,n oVlm.k (hw f01enoon of said .day as the time and the County j Court Room in the Court HoUse at ; Heppner, Oregon, as the place of hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final ac- IL 3 count must be filed on or before said date. 3-7 SAM HUGHES, Administrator. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mot-row County. W. K. STRAIGHT, Plaintiff V3. Nancy Crank, Frank Tharp, John Hale, Elias Hale, Loyd Hale, Ralph Hale, John Woodward, and Ada J. Woodward, his wife, Fannie Woodward. Clar ence Woodward, Chancey Woodward, Harrison Hale, Glen Willingham, and Lau ra Willingham, his wife, Clarence Willingham, Frank Hale, Mabel Ayers Hughes, and A. P. Hughes, her hus band, Ella Vale, Gussle Ayers, Ellen Hale Duncan, and William Duncan, lver husband, Henry Cannon, Mary Cannon, Darrel Can non, George Baker, Milton Baker Edward Baker, Ella Baker Sperry, and Ira Sper ry, her husband, Sylvia Baker, Mary Hale, C. S. Hale, Michael Hale, and Maude Hale, his wife, P. G. Hale, Clay Hale, and Myra Hale, his wife, Delia Arm itage and Harry Armitage, hor husband, J. H. Cochran, and Cynthia Cochran, hia wife, Ida Grabll, and Thom as Grabil, her husband, Guy Hale, Caroline Cason, and C. L. Cason, her hus band, Sarah Cason, and Walter Cason, her husband, Dan Hale, and Lettle Hale, his wife, and all other per sons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, Interest, estate or lien in the real property herein described, Defendants. TO Nancy Crank, Loyd Hale, Ralph Hale, B'annie Woodward, Ella Vale, Ellen Hale Duncan, William Duncan, Henry Cannon. Darrel Cannon, Mary Cannon, Ella Baker Sperry, Ira Sperry, Sylvia Baker, C. S."llale, Michael Hale, Maude Utile P. C. Hale, Clay Hale, Myra Hale, Delia Armitage, Harry Arm itiiKe, Caroline Cason, C. L. Cason, Dan Hale, Let tie Hale, and all oth er persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, interest, estate or lien in the real property described herein. Defendants IN' THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OREGON: You are hereby re iiuired to appear and answer the complaint filed asainst you in the : liove entitled suit within six v.ccUs h'oin the dal" of first publiea ' ioa of this s'liumoi'-', i ml if you fad ,i a" a;i;ie;ir a 11 I a m.t e; 1 In plaint ' f v li ; f ir the tel. el' pra; pla ial to wit; l'o; ioa.'.'! Ih.'.l t!le I'. a 111 lee -simple et d , I. laai -r e'a'e' , for van ti vplv to the d for i:i hi a ('.. er.'a f ii' 1 it is 1 h e 0' of ait of any of f' 11 1 1 ,1, fondants a!oe natin'1. of the follow ing h scribed l ead property ill Hejip ner, Morrow County Slate of Ore gon, to wit; Lot numbered Two in Block Numbered One !n Morrow's second addition to the town of Hepp nei ; thnt the defeinienls and each of them be decreed to have no right, title, nttrest. estate or lien in o to :-.ui' mil property or any par' t!ier .r, unl that the plaintiff's ti'la le fo'evi r quieted against said defend ant and each of them, and for pucr, further relief as to the Court may seem, meet and equitable. This summons Is published by virtue of an order of Hon. W. T. Campbell Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, made and entered on the 13th day of April, 1921. WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys for I'lantitf. Address Heppner Oregon Date of first publication April 19, 1921 NOTU'E TO CHEDlTOliS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the Slate ol Oregon for Morrow county dmiut strtor of the estate of James W. Craig, deceased; and all prisons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, duty .or MANY smokers prefer it. They'll find that this compactpackage often Lucky Strike Cigarettes will just suit them. Try them dealers now carry both sizes : 10 for lOcts; 20for20cts. it's Toasted verified according to law, to me at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publica tion of this notice, said date of pub lication being April 12, 1921. W. H. Herren, Administrator. 50-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Morrow county, as adminis trator of the estate of Andrew J. Warren, deceased; and has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate must present them to me, duly verified at the ofice of Woodson & Sweek, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication hereof. ALEXANDER WARREN, Administrator. Date 1st. pub. Apr. 12, 1921. NOTICE TO CKEDITORS Notice is hereby given that ,the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County admin istrator of the estate of Alta How ard, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said estate are required to present the same duly verified according to law. ti me at Boardman, Oregon, within ik months from the date of first publication of this notice, said date for first publication being April 26, 1921. S. II . BOARDMAN, 62-4 Administrator. NOTICE FOU FCBMCATIOX Department or the Interior, U. S Laud office atLa Grande, Oregon, April 15, 1921. , Notice Is hereby given that How ard E. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 5, 19 20, made addi tional homestead entrv. No. 017306, for SWNEVi, EHNW'4. SWVi NWV4, NViSWVi. SESVVU. SW SE, section 34 tow nship 3 south Range 29 east Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intent inn to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United Slates Commissioner, at Hennner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of June 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Eddie A. Hammer, of Ourdane Ore gon, Ross Brown, of Lena, Oregon, Jay Hiatt, of Lena, Oregon, Fred Howe of Lena Oregon. C. S. Dl'.NX, Regisler NOTICE 1011 rnu.H ATIOV ilei-ni tiaant cf the Interao'. T". S jl.atKl efla- a ' Grande, Oregon, . j April 1 a, 1;)21. I Noth'o is hereby given that Rc.b- ' ert A. Cu'ick of Lena. On son, who, inn Match 8. 1920, made additional homestead entry, No. 017237, for SEI4NEU, NKUSKU. KHNW14. Lots 1, 2. 3, and NEUSWVi, section IS. township 1 south. Range 29 east Willamette Meridian, has filed no tire of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described before United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the first day of June 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John Keegnn. Harry Brown, G. E. Ayers, John Brosnan all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Dl'NN, Register NOTCH FOit MUI.ICATION' Department of the Interior, C. S. Land office at La Grande, Ore gon. April 15, 1921. Notice Is hereby given that How ard J. Culick, of Lena, Oregon, mho on March 8, 1920. made additional Homestead Entry, No. 018 MS. for NEVi NEVi. NWVi. NH. SW'H, SW 4 SWVi. Section, 12. Township 1 south. Range 2S east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make. thre-year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed before I'nited States Com missioner, at Heppner, Ore., on tha Jfi'iHI lit '.3 iegin In a '2 You expect to have a bank account some day, every man has this desire, and it is a most worthy ambition. Start your acount here in a small way. We have no hard and fast rule that you must deposit a certain amount. - Rather we want you to enjoy the benefits of our ser vice from the start, and make use of the privileges we offer all patrons. Can you afford to postpone this import ant step in the improvement of your money matters? First National Bank of Heppner A Member of the Federal Reserve first day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: jonn Wrrv Brown. G. E. Ayers. John Brosnan, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S.. JJUININ. uegisier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office atLa Grande, Oregon, April 15, 1921. Notice is hereby given that David nr rtf T .nnfl OreBon. WhO nn January 3. 1921. made additional homestead entry, No. 017308, for SESE, section 21, SwSp E'ASWH. SW 'Abj'A. seciiou i, Muri. uraii see S4. Td. 3 S. range 29 east, Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention 10 iimn-e three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the second d?.y of June 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Eddie A. Hammer, of Gurdane, Ore gon, Ross Brown, of Lena, Oregon, Jay Hiatt. of Lena, Oregon, Fred Howe, of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Dl'NN, Register 49-2 NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PIBL1CATIOX Department of the Interior, IT. S Land office atLa Grande, Oregon, April 15, 1921. Notice is he'-eby given that Mack T. Gentry, of Lena Oregon, who, on pril 7, itlti, made homestead entry No. 015731 for S'iNE U . E'iNWU, NV.'U Sft'Vi, E'aV'-i. NWU SW'i, Section in. and 0:1 March 6. ! 'i C 11, lead" additional homestead .iiirv, No, rt1"2'.r., for N2NK.J, sY'iXWl.t. SW'iSW 4. fH'tiim 10 all in township 1 south, Range 2X east, Wiilaineile meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make threi year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of Circuit Court, at Heppner. Oregon on the second day of June 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Marsh Courtney, Waldo L. Vincent, Austii: Gentry, Fay Pettyjohn, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S.. DL'NN, Register NOTICE FOR Pi nl.lCATIO.V Department of the Interior, V. S. Lan I Office at La Grs'nde, Oregon, April 13, 1921. NOTiCE is hereby giver, that FRANKLIN K. PAYNE of E 'ho, Oregon, who ,on March 2. 1 9 1 8 , made Home stead en;ry No. 01S!ri6. for Lots i, 4. 5, 6, and 7. SE'4 NW4 NE4 SWH Sec. 6. Tp. 1 CI R 28 E.. Wl-1 6. tov. n.-hip 1 S, range 28 E.. Wil lamette meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three-year linal prr.of. to establish claim to the land a'O'iv.i described, bifore the i'nited ?taU Commissioner at Hppne-, 0:gou, on the 2th day of May, :21. Claimant nanus a witnesses: W. E. Wigglesworth, of Echo, Oie. Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, Oro. 'v Juries Wheeler, of Heppner, Ore. W. H. Huckaby, of Echo, Ore. C. 3. Di.'NN. Register BS3.H : K H Small Way osa roan J 4 J I I ! i J 4 4 i" 4 "J t PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located In Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEOJT Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW Office in Court House HErPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKNEYS-ATJ.AW Masonic Building HEPPNE-R, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bide i HEPPNER. OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co.