TUESDAY, 7JAY 17. iqai. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE FIVE MADE LONG TRIP ALONE ,.jm " """'""""r-y jTSsi.-! Did you ever run across n fair young thing gazing helplessly at a puncture, waiting for a mnn to help her out? Remember that time and then look at Maud younger, former society girl of San Francisco, now legislation chair man of the National Woman's party, who arrived In Washington after n 3,500-mile' trip alone from the Pacific coast. The dog In the picture Is Pandy, presented to Miss Younger on the way across the continent. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS BauBchera Carnival Company is with us this week and the " lower end of Main street presents a lively appearance. The American Lgion Boys arranged for the ' carnival to come here and they expect to gather some ducats for their building fund. The carnival ofers a large range of entertaionment and agree to give everybody a good . run for their money. W. P. Mahoney and family, M. D. Clark and family, Mrs. Brock and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney of Portland, were guests at the Van Vactor sum mer home on upper Willow creek Sunday. A baseball game and a bis dinner were the principal features and from reports of the day Manager Dave Wilson will have to jazz his team along to keep up with the score made by the up creek players. Dr. E. R. Hunlock, Grand Chancel lor of the Knights of Pythias of Ore gon, was here for a few days last week making an official visit with Doric lodge of this city. Dr. Hun locit formerly practiced medicine in Lone Rock and Heppner and has a wide circle of acquaintances through out this sectio'n of the country. L CLOSES . She Wanted Another. " Edith visited the new arrival at my dome, and wis told that an airplane dropped It cu the roof of a hospital and that the doctor brought It up. Be fore Edith " ehed home, she saw" un elrplane anrf cried out, to the amaze ment of pu-ssersby: "Please, mister, tit op one, drop one." Exchange. Continued i'rom F;tge One) Moore, and ciass prophecy by Hazel Smith. Marshall Markhani was the only high school graduate. He gave us a fine talk on Colombia tel ling us where it is situated and the great, opportunities for the American peoople to develop the country. Before leaving the stage his two neices Dorothy and Billy Jane pre sented him with two beautiful bou quets. We are all fvery proud of Marshall. To top off the day a dance was given after the play in the Wads worth hall and everyone enjoyed it. The Holmes ferry is now in oera- tion west of Irrigon and cars are crosing daily. Hurrah for happy Holmes'. Judge Campbell of Heppner was BOUCHERS BIG UNITED SHOWS SECURED BY Heppner Post, No. 87, Am. Legion TIES., WED., THUR., FRI., & SAT. MAY 16 to 21st Big Legion Dance SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 21 COME ONE SPECIAL HAWAIIAN MVSIC BACK THE I.I.(aO COME ALL WE IE AFTER A KME IN HEPPNER an Irrigon visitor Monday and look ed over the roads and ferry landing grounds. t Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wolfe hava house full of visitors this week. Mr. Wolfe, and Harves sister Mrs. F. B. Toner and two children motored oyer from Yakima Sunday. Gordon Holmes, ferryman, and H. W. Grim motored to the county seat May 4th in connect n with the firry franchise. We expect to an nounce operation of ,the ferry with in a few doays. , v Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Trafton, and party of Malta, Montana, have been Irrigon visitors for several days on iccounkof being held up for repairs for their car. Air. Trafton is in the Scnnal merchandise business at Malta and also vice-president of the Malta National Bank. They .eft Vaita iasi December and have taken the roii.idt: through Clifornia and are now ou their way back home. Mr. D. R. Glasgow, attorney of Spokane Washington, delivered a short aaddress in the course of which he told of graduating days in his boyhood and he told of the greater oportunities the boys and girls of to day have than when he went to school. For now there are high schools in every town and the col leges and normal schools are a com mon thing now, while in the early years they were few and far apart. The representatives of me railroad company could not come, H. W. Hicks is on the sick list, Farmer Smith and Win. McMurray, the tra ding passenger agent, did not get back rom an eastern trip. On ac count of the absense of these speak ers Mr. Andernsmoeda mckHicsv.-o ers Mr. Anderson made other, arran gemeutg to fill in time maped out.tfc the original program. The., bail game added a big attraction to tae plans of the day. Raymond Jurdon pitched and Dale Watittns caught for the makeup team and won: the day by a score of 12 to T. The drama a play in two acts en titled, "Among the Breakers" was given free to complete the school program and proved a complete suc cess. The auditorium wrra cramed full and many people stood far out in the hall. The caste of characters re: David Mtiruy. A. J. Strader; Larry, Hattie and; Bruce Huter, N auuin; Clarence Hunter, Lyle D. eauin; rotor Paragraph, Ishmaol BUSINESS LOCALS Shutt has several rem Bargains in altalta ranches; easy terms. 47tf. You can buy Alfalfa Seed at aGil liam & Bisbee's. , 50tf Poultry Supplies at Gilliam & Bis bee's. t 50 tf. Spring is here. All kinds of Gar den Tools at Gilliam & Bisbee's. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring, Mrs. Curren, Church street. 27tf A 10-20 Titan Tractor guaranteed to pull the 14-lnch plows, at Oil & Bisbee's on fall terms. 50-tf. Shutt has a list of good Willam ette Valley farms for exchange for Morrow county ranches. 47tf. Gilliam & Bisbee will save you postage and express if you will buy your extras now and fix up your machinery and be ready to go into the field when harvest is readv. 50-tf. lRI!l(;.TIO notice TWO RANCH SNAPS 50 acres nUin alfalfa. Good water right, Rood new house. One and one half mil" '" fhA .00. Easy terms. 180 acres 4 miles from town. 50 acres in alfaliu, balance farm and grazing land. Good Improvements. Stork, machinery, nmd euipment included at only $1,000. Easy terms. Better See Me At Once About These Fine Barguins , ROY V. WHITEIS The hours for irrigation will be from 6; 00 to 8:00 A. M. and f,:00 to 8:00 P. M. Water must be used through sprinkler or nozzle. Hate, $2.00 per month. No charge for less than one-half month. Charge will be made from, the time irrigation begins until we are notified to discontiue. In case of fire shut off water from irrigation. This is to your own in terest as it will help pressure for put ting fire out. 2-5 City of Heppner WaterCom-mlssion. KOTICE I'Oll PUJLICATION A Growing Business ThUi U to enounce to our friends and pat and the pub lic generally, that in order to accorooda our growing bus ines we h.ve leased the rooms reUjr racated by Mr. Borg and adjolfllng our present quarters which will double our floor space and make It possible to serve our patrons with larger and more varied stock of goods. We will be pleaded to have you call nd look the store over. SAM HUGHES CO. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, May 12, 1921 Notice ishereby given that MABEL E. CUHNA, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 1st, 1915, made homestead entry No. 014660, for NESW'i, NV&RK14, Section 21, NW',4 SW'4, W V4 NW Vi Section 22, Township 2 south, Range 29 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Uniter States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John BroBnan, Vern Pearson, W. W. Luckman, Charles H. Luckman, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, May 12, 1921 Notice ishereby given that FRED ALBERT Of Lena, Oregon, who on April 24, 191S made homestead entry, No. 015799, for SW14NE14. SE, an HHSW14, 8ectlon 5, Township 3 south. Range 29 EaBt, Willamette Meridian, hag' filed notice of Inten tion to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before United Status Corn mUsioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: John Brosnan, Phil Biggins, Waldo Vincent, Percy Hughes, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. Hcndrick; Scud, Merril E. Doble; Mij Daie. Mrs. E. F. Fagerstrom; Bess Starbright, Miss Winifred Stew ard; Biddy Bean, Mrs. M. E. Doble; Mother Carey, Mrs. N. Seaman. Prof. E. H. Anderson acted as direc tor. Music was furnished before and after the acts by Henarick's.. Messis. A. H. Allen, W. B. How ard, and C. W. Caldwell of the school board and clerk M. F. 'wadsworlh have sacrificed a groat deal of their time in the construction of this school building and they have en joyed to some extent the fruit of their labors, and the district can wc-il be proud of their tine school. I.igular meet in of the Irrigon Commercial Club Friday evening. May 6th was a very lengthy affair. The new proposed pipe line connec tions for an irrigation system for the town was left to a commute to look iuto legal points and report as soou as possible. The club meeting of the school District was followed by the hay growers association meeunng. Coun ty agent Hunt and Charles Towell explained the workings of the asso ciation and booked up some of the hay growers. The matter of stor age facilities seemed to be the only objectionable point but it is believed this can be overcome in lliho near future. 000000000000000000O0000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 at 0 0 0 . For Solid Comfort IteZeU 1 Our 7"!Diamcndland" V-ZVll a jsSsj ' New Pair of C Oxfords Your Oxfords are not a luxury when you buy them from us. They are splendid shoes that will give you good service and add to your comfort throughout the summer. Men's Brown Calf $7.50 DlacK Hid $6.50 For Hunting and Fishing we have just what you want Men's 15-Inch Lace Boots, Soft Brown Calf $10.50 SHoe Repairing' on Short Notice Send Us Your Old Shoes. We Will Make Them Lihe New Ones N. Gonty Shoe Store 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000000000000000000 A Real Sensation Best Grade of Fine, Large Salted Peanuts at the unheard of price 2 lbs. for 35c Some other very attractive prices on our Bargain Table Phelps Grocery Company