r TUESDAY, MAY 17, 192 ; THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE TWO t L 1 A' 2 1 it THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon. Postoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year ' Six Months $1-0 Three Months $0'5 CECIL ;tll ;,rrr. .un.l;.y .-: :it i! i. ; I F" (' will 1 r. I'p: j '1 ;' ;nnl l.ome or ) Mi!". 1. 1 miiI I'iniiily H ,11111 ilny : 1 n (1 liilii'lon. .M'Jii(l;iy r 1 "I' i;l''''i'l-lii:- ui(l l'l ii nd.l Is in I' I U'"!'1"1 .1. (I V ;,nd Mr. and Mrs. mid diiiiKlit'T, If v.ci" tin1 Kindts J. Sli'i'l'-r Sn- I,. C'.rton Cm. Ilanl'-sly Kmloi'.i, nf .MoiTim ,,r Mr mill Mrs. II IIV 111 Ci'C'il. 'Mr. aiuifAJrf;. Fred B noli a n an and family 1 1 tb.-ir ranch near lone, 1mh1i a hIhhI call in Cecil Sunday lr..H' inking in Hid fishing picnic In Id at While's grove, near the Willows. Mr. and Mrs. Zi-nnith Logan or Jlomilain View ranch, spent the k end at their cottage at Cecil. Mih. Hazel Logan and children, .HToiiipanied by her mother, Mrs. Manna Aliall of Watsonville, Call Jortiia, were calling on .their Cecil liii iids Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, A. K. Wait, of Tent ville, Did the. county neat a visit Sunday. ls Mildred Duncan, or Buny Bee ranch, accompanied by Miss Ellis or Owing, v, "i e callers in Cecil Monday. John Birch, carpenter for the Ore gon llaani Bavin:; Co. spent the w k 1 ml in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brady were cal ling on ili"ir friends around Cecil -ii'iilay before leaving for their homo near Inn". M. l.ill" Logan, from his ranch near th" Willows was a bu;y man in !h" (Veil vicinity Tuesday. I,,,, Mm reus- who ha? tjeen work ing on th" Fairview ranch for sev- 1 ,.,,.nihu left on the local Wed nesday for Portland, v.rre ,ie wil1 visit for some time. t,.i, i-rr.l.s of the Last Camp, made a hurried trip to lone Wednesday. infel. Johnson, My- ers and Ha'rrnum, all or TentviUe, paid the Egg City a visit inuisua,. c i r,nr, hands of sheep be longing' lo Smylhe Bros passed through Cecil during me wen. their way to the summer ranges. Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Schroach . . niioo-o prove, visited and iainny ui ..."t," with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at the r.;,.t r-onin Wednesday ana niuis- dnv before leaving for Heppner where they intend to visit at the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Van QMirnarh tor some time. 11 xronniim arrived in MIR. 1',. 11. "' Cecil from Tortland Wednesday and will reside at the Shepherd's Best during the summer while her hus band is vorwng lor Oregon Hassan, Paving Co. on the highway. Herbert Hynd, of Butieroy Flats left Wednesday on tho local for Portland where he will spend his vacation before hay harvest begins on Willow creek. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, who have been spending a few days in Hepp ner, returned to Butterby Flats Sat urday. ' Geo. A. Miller is a busy man work ing on the county roads. Warren and Roy Stender, of Seldomseen, are helping George raise the sand With the Oregon Hassam Paving Co. hard at work on the state road, and the county mi'.n at work too, notmng can be seen around Cecil but, sand flying in all directions, especially when the wind is blowing. HOTEL PATRICK HAS NEW FRENCH CHEF Mike Roberts who has been spend ing most of the winter at Portland, returned to Heppner a few days ago to look after his property interns; here. R. Vasseau, a French chef of high attainments in the culinary art, took charge of the kitchen at Hotel Pat rick last Sunnday, coming here fronr. Weiser, Idaho, where he was em ployed by the leading hotel of that city. He was also for several years chef at 'the Geiser Grand at Baker one of the leading hotels of the in land Empire and is especially well qualified to cater to the gastrinoma needs of eastern Oregon people Manager Hart says Mr. Vasseau comes to him with the highest recom mendations and the usua 1 high standard of the Patrick's dining ser vice will no doubt be more than maintained undeil his management. Mr. Vasseau expects his wif to ar rive in a few days and will locale here. Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home the bacon. . Tieserve District No. 12 Chiirtiir Number 3"" REPOBT Of CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER al ,,',' in the .tale of Oregon, at the dose of business on May 10, 1021. BESOUBCTES thlM 1 1 II II K pUMimn--. ff In a $ .?!3! '! ff I Wk W fp;,: (J new size -4; gn iVpackagel 3j A Member of the Federal Reserve 1- 'rTTmfn ffn aiiH!!!! HT.Sa iil I if S an I ii fl j -h:-.-- '--.'..;v:;r:.ui- M 10 cigarettes for 10 cts Handyand convenient; try them. Dealers now carry both sizes : 10 for 10 cts ; 20 for 20 cts. It's Toasted Interest is the Only oney You don't have to work for. Don't fore get it. And what is more delightful than to get money which we don't have to earn by the sweat of the brow? Put your savings to work for you. They will work every hour of every day in this bank, without any care or attention on your part. First National Bank Heppner, Oregon A Member of the Federal Reserve pa t l'i. I:il limns s ir,.i '".s. 1 s 1 ,pl;llli ''.I h"l'l I IV.' 1-1 1 : f HIIH'VUK'.l :;,;:,M;::.v"r,!M1,M,.:!",.:;rr;v,,s. ......... pr , ,. , I -'. ,!.' . i"V.'l IHIi.'Ilt Se.'Ul'ltlcK ... All "Hi"' t "it.' I .- - ' 1' ' . 1 "' "":;:::,r:-;:;:" .tu,,., ' ' ' I""'"''- ' ."Hi "II '.i' I'T ,hul in i niMi mi ... , ,,'Imt than V:.nH.is h'' ,. I'.anU 1 '' ' -...l.-n.l It : :;::,:;:,,;,.' ,,. I' "in I'H' 1 ' i;,..l,-".'i' lu'iki""". Net :.ii""'"'' 1 ii... I'lilli"! MlU'M " ' ';'" ,,, ... i.,si l" iii'iiml ., v,,";::,.v;." '-" '""I I urn l.:.nk .. - T,,.;ll "f l:- V"V,!,''.'";,U' ef i' 1 1 V ' i I fwll ,.,,.V, ,,n l""0 - ' ' , ,,.,. items r,,,,.! wiui i ( S Tl" I-IU ' r.iini INABILITIES , u i'iii.1 l" t"'"1 in'. IT .Hi- ,,, ,.-.. .....I ".. ,ull,S ulltHtlllll'l'"- .. t nnniMi'i . .. . i() ,s .,, - , ,! for- ::;;;:;;.::r,?:u:-,.;;a'; ... r.c, or. i'i ;ii f.:iii.i; i :.:.:t !.v ..iintti Ml I Im mitsl.ilidl'.f i'i.h.i -r I.." f""r , in 12. ITS. ",""r"'" ' ln 30 ,,,, Krrv t.l.-....l 1"" iVrtltUM-. l d'."'-"J Ji'Jborro' llUIHM ll t It A Ul IMKIIiv."'" " Oth.r U.mi.rt '"."e-l.. " loth" than borrow. TiK V m,rt ami tu luininn ami' -1 JTrUl."" hl b"nh PUr,h"d... . .1.- lllA.1 " 11 I 1 JS.7SJ 0 1.400.09 1.400 -f, 11 ii 1 il.Ml r.i'i.i'i'i'.'.'i I. i.i'.i'.'J.HT iuil ml 4. ITT.. nil' II. ll'"' -rt 4(5.1 .r7 OJ.'.l'.O.C- ;:.o.i -..is i,;r,ii.on H',-., K. ino.nnn on to, noo 0'' 4:..:'.tt.ss '.nm nil ;,;,:!. ;',0 ' "i.l '.id 'JT 4 15 HI S60.SS4.T6 50,000 00 80 00 6.222.16 100,516 1 S4.:4J 41 146.04 ;s.5r.j Tot " . . . .. , ... IhM tw. .t.t.,n..t I. tr. MAHONEY. CMhUT. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Lowest in Price Highest in Quality Kvory part of the Ford fliassls suhject to nny sti-e.ss or strain is vanadium or molybdenum stert with three to four limes llu .sHvntjth of liiiiliesl quality ordinary steel, bwau.se of Ford heat treament inetltods. The entire chassis weighs only tOSil lbs. the lightest ..automobile cliassts n the world, imd the strongest l6. cause of the ()ualitt in each part of it. If freight cars were made of the same tpiality material each car could can-y four times its present caimeity loud safely! The I'ord Chassis is t;ie ti.ijbest quality material in any automobile regardless of price. Yet the Ford car! lowest in tirst cost; lowest In depreciation cost; lowest in tire cost; lowest In cost of up keep, maintenance and repairs. It Is the Vnlversal Car the car every one can afford to owln and to drive. Every family In Oregon needs one to ,mve Ume, to promote health, and to bring the Oregon mountains nnd streams closer to your own borne. ' New 1820 1914-1915 Prices Prices Chassis ..(starter 70.0O addlUonal) H60.00 $410.00 (without starter) Runabout ..(starter 70.00 additional) 395.00 440.00 ( without starter) y Tonrlnie (starter $70.00 additional) 440.00 490.00 (without starter) Redan, with starter, Coupe, with starter" 795.00 97S.OO (without starter) 745.00 750.00 (without starter) All A bore prices F. O. B. Detroit. Corrs-t AH: .w.v JOll-N IV 1 1. r. .. . Kit ASK Ull.UAM V. O. MINOH, o .i....l sad sworn to before me IhU 10th day of May. 1921. SuhsrilhfO orn ,u " .,.,. nmKUlALL Notary Pubilo. Thoouvs i. Ryaa, sales manager for the Wr& Motor Company authorises the statement to all Ford dealers at Ford curs and tractors are now at rock bottom prices that they cannot go any lower; that they may go the er way. A word to the wise Is sufflclent.BIT NOW. "You Can Pay More But You Can't Buy More" LAT0URELL AUTO COMPANY I . ... 1 ' m I I V.' I'll' r - - - - Mi oumImUi snlr Aut" u .