PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ST AIi THEATRE Friday, May 13 TOM MOORE "Duds" in from the famous Saturday Evening Post story of the same name by Henry C. Roland, a story of the aftermath of the great war, of the pillage of devas tated Europe. Playing with Tom Moore we have Christine Mayo, known as the woman Hercules. The combination of these players in this story makes an ' unusually entertaining feature. Saturday, May 14 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i mm 'P 4- - I R Y &Vt v' 0 rUNIVERWCS SPECIAL ATTRACTION ERE'S a real thriller! The best ever r.iii'.-e Its director, Stuart Paton, made ' 20.C00 Leagues Under the Sea" the stirring drama of a daring woman who stole a whole ex press train, carrying ten mil'Hi doilcrs in ijold-but who couldn't keep a certain younj man from stealing her heart, even though he'd been sent to say that she was wanted at headquarters- See bewitching EVA NOVAK play this rousing melodrama ind you'll have enough excitement to last you for a week. Don't miss it. Monday and Tuesday May 16-17 An All Star cast with MITCHELL LEWIS play ing the leading rele in Jack Lcrdcn.s great stciy "The Mutiny of the Elsmore" The mastery of Jack London's story telling, his spirit of adventure in the earth's far places, and the fascination of his characters, that brought him mil lions of readers, are heightened in this screen ver- , sion of one of his most noteworthy tales of the sea. o O 0 0 30H' 0 ' 0 0 0 0 rk wo-! for mm : IRRIGON -i ! ! ! ! ! J I J j Fire was diwove red in the house of Harve Walpole about 6:30 A. M. Tuesday morning. V. G. Corey who is visit inn Mr. and Mi s. Walpole had built a small fire In the heater to make It more comfortable for the children to dress themselves by and in a short time, the sparks were fal ling down through the ceiling. Mr. Corey ran up stairs and discovered the room full of smoTce. He arous ed the rest of the family and further 'attempt was made to gain entrance to the mom upstaris with buckets of water, but it was too late. The flames were far beyond con trol. The fire department turned out immediately to save other build ings and to help carry out every thin? movable. Practically every thing was saved but the house is flat ruins. This was one of our best residences and its lest, is to be regret ted. The baseball dance Thursday eve ning proved to be nuite asuccess and all teport a fine tune, W. M. Friend, an old time Initon ite, was in town visiting friends Thursday and friday. Farmer Smith, of the Union Paci fic Agricultural Department has in structed Mr. Seaman, their agent at this place to handle the corn situation in every way as In former years.. Those who have not had any free ,seed corn before, may secure enough to plant one acre without any charge. Those who wish to build silos, enough seed will be furnished free to fill a silo.A supply of seed corn Is on hand at fcoth Messner and Ir- tgon stations and the supply at Messner will be shipped to Irrigon as may be needed. This is the yel low dent, but they also have a limit ed amount of the white Flint, from stock that has matured in this dis trict planted as late as July 15th. Additional seed may be had at 8 1-3 cents per pound. A number of ladies interested in a community day in connection with the closing events of the school, met with Pl'nrnr Antnrurn Frl,t:iv ira- Ining and decided to promote a com munity dinner Wednesday, May 11th. A managerial committee was chosen with Mrs. George Rand at the head. assisted by Mrs. M. E. Lester, Mrs. ' H. C. Wolfe, Mrs. M. E. Doble, and Mrs. Nora Castle. It was recided to ask each household to provide a well stocked basket of eatables, comprising a substantial proportion of solid foods, and a moderate quan tity of pastries, cakes etc. as usual. Arrangements will be made to serve ' coffee, so it is recommended- that the baskets contain a few cups and spoons. Cream will solicited and sugar furnished somehow. Mrs. Doble and Mrs. Howard were chosen to serve coffee; Mcsdames IT. C. Wolfe, H. T. Walpole," Nora Castle, 'At. K. Lester, and K. H. Anderson will have charge of the serving of the food. It is believed an efficient and orderly plan has been devised for Hie service that -will meet the an 0 iproval of all. The dinner will be -,t at the new school building and bas- 1... ( lw, loo,l 1 llw, Vi,in,lo ftF the rommitte between ten-thirty and eleven-thirty if possible.. There 'will be games and sports of various Icinds by the school pupils from ten in the morning until noon. After 'noon entertainment by the school , graduating exrivini-s. The play, so lunch adwrtisvd will be given in the evening, beginning at eight o'clock fh.un. It is entitled, "Among the llienke's," a drama in two nets with appropriate music between acts. Those taking part have spared no time nor trouble in trying to get their parts down but have had var ious difficulties owinrt to stune of the participants being called away on business and having to fill in with other new members. There will be no charge to the play or any of the doings and everybody is invited. As the writer underslnds I. we will be glad to welcome our neighbors from Iloardman and Ilermiston and trom other places. It was the intention to dedicate the new school building on thlf day and this may be possible yet The matter has been taken up with the Masonic order and the Tus can Lodge, of Vmalilla, Oregon, and is now trying to get special arrange ments to carry out the dedication plan but it Is a question if time will permit It. If it cannot bo done on May 11th, the dedication will be on a later date before the new school opens for the next term. Kveryhody in the district will be expected to devote at least a portion of the day to the community meet if at all pos sible. Luther llayden departed for his liiune in Si'Mlile Thursday going by ::v l' Yaki'Ma and Pasco. Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow, of Irrigon and Mr. and .Mr", V. A Ford autoed to ltoardtnan and look in the d .lice l.irt Saturday ni;.ht. NOTICE OF TAKIX VP AXD SALE OK ESTItAY MILE Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, under the laws of the State of Oregon, have taken up the animal hereinafter described while running at large on my premises, in Morrow county, Oregon, about eight miles south of Heppner, Oregon, to wit: One bright bay mule, about three years old brand 64 on left shoulder. That I will, on Saturday, May 21, 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, unless the same shall have been redeemed, at my ranch, about 8 miles south of Heppner, Oregon, in said county, sell said animal to the highest bidder, for cash in hand for the purpose of paying the cost of taking up, holding and selling such animal, together with reasonable damages for the in jury caused by said animal running at large on said premises. CARL A. HAPPHOLD... Dated and first published this 3rd day of May, 1921. .NOTICE OK TAKING VP AXI) SALE OK ESTRAY HORSES Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, under the laws of the State of Oregon, have taken up the animals hereinafter described while running at large on my premises, in Morrow County, Oregon, about 11 miles northeast of Lexington, Ore gon, to-wlt: One black horse, about three years old, branded with an O on left stifle. One black mare,, about two years old, branded with an R, on left shoulder. One bay mare aDout two years olr', branded with an R on left shoulder. One black mare, two years old, branded with an R on left shoulder. : One brown yearling horse with white spot on forehead branded with an R on left shoulder. One gray horse about three years old, no brand. One gray horse, three years old, branded with an O on left stifle. One, year old mule, no brand. That I will, on Saturday May 21, 19 21, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, unless the same shall have been redeemed, at the South Springs ranch, 11 miles northeast of T.evine-tnn Oregon. in ! said county, sell said animals to the ! highest bidder for cash in hand, for the purpose of paying cost of tak ing up, holding and selling such ani mals, together with reasonable dam ages forthe injury caused by said animals running at large on said pre mises. I S. J. RITCHIE, I Dated and first published this 3rd day of May, A. D. 1921. Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly Fir't-CIass, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. THE BRICIi tMcAtee (Q. Aihen, Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME 0$000 0 OOll No w b the time to order winter Can furnish cither heavy or common slab in any quantity Ordrr Now. Will Start Shipping TUU Month. TUM- m LUMBER COMPANY HEP LEXINGTON 1CNE BUSINESS LOCALS " In" 1 j a laiii'l il inn tiargairx in ;isv terms. 4 7tf. Von c; liam t 1 in h-iv Alfalfa Seed ish. i 's. ;i( aO il 50 tf IVmltt y Supplies bee's. at Gilliam & rtis 50 tf. Sjv Mv; H In re, -All kinds of Gar den Tools at Oilliani & lltsbee'g. FASmONAUI.E PKKSSMAK1NO Kt'inodt ling and Ladies' Tailoring Mis. Cuiren. Church street. 3 7tf A lo-2( Titan Tractor Riiaranteed to pull the H inch plows, at 'V Ubco's en fall terms. SO-''. ",iu li;'s a 1 ' s t of pood W'i V.illev firm for ei', row i'Oimhv laiU'hes. the ' l'im ,t Ilir-he t "'e and tApve evrv row cVne-v ""d he will s;m i if you win lid fix tin ' ready to ro I ' Prices Reduced After Friday, May 6th Following cur'big sale last week of waists and hosiery and for the benefit of thcee unable to take advantage of that event, we are making these very attractive prices. COME EARLY. BUY ONE OR AS MANY AS YOU WANT "WIRTHMORE" WAISTS Kxcell cut voile Waists SPECIAL 78c Not a waist in this lot that is not worth Si. 50 or more "WELWORTH" WAISTS Sj.50 and $3.00 values . . . . ' IM'.CIAL $1.47 These splendid waists in voile or organdie come in white and colors SILK WAISTS Georgette and Crepe du chene waists SPECIAL $3.75 These waists are all bargains at $5.00 to 87.50 FIBRE SILK HOSE A real hosiery bargain. .- . SPKCIAI. 30c Colors, white, palmbeacb, pearl grey, OK grey, champagne Price will be reduced 5c each day until g all are gone COME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE 8 o t i r '!! a Minor & Co, Good Goods . . y S 5 O field when harvest is readv 50-tf t