TUESDAY, MAY 10, iga1 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE lONE GETS ANOTHER FROM HKTI'NER GAME A big crowd of fans went to lone Sunday and they all returned with The word that the Ione-Heppner con test on the lone field was some game. Heppner scored in the second in- I ning and by the time the seventh canto roiled around had three tine : tallies nailed on the barn door. lp . to that point lone had not seen first base. Just then Miss Fate slipped a cold deck into her index system and with two nieu on bases Nichol son, Heppner "s left fielder, alter j making a spectacular running catch which carried him barely over the I foul line and behind a bis automo- ; bile, made a Ions throw home which Griffin failed to hold. Loth men came in and before the inning was : over lone marked tip one more ; which lied the score and when lil.ike i.iade a hit in the ninth with a man en third the game was theirs. Solyan. Heppner's new pitcher, pitched a wonderful gifnie allowing, lone but four hits. Heppner played , an errorless game straight llnough. j Grifliin, Heppner's new catcher, also played a fine game but was badly 'handicapped by never having caught one of Solyan's balls until they went into that game. P. A. Anderson, an old time ball player, a present day fan and a man who has umpired ball games all over this part of Oregon was a witness of Sunday's game and he says that while the two teams put up splendid work the real star of the occasion was Umpire Johnson who played the game in his usual fine form turning an obvious defeat for his home town team, Into what will go down in that club's annals as a glorious victory. Following is the lineup and score: Heppner Solyan Griffin ' Aiken Hargott Green u ood Tioardman Sims Anderson Nicholson Heppner Position P c 1st 2nd 3 id ss If " cf If lone 4 lone Hockey Cochran Roitman O. Reitman V. Keit man V. Sperry Cochran V. Gainbill Blake BIM, WINDSOR, 68 YEARS YOUNG CHANGES BRAND ON HERALD Windsor Castle Ranch, Rock creek Hills. Editor Herald, Just noticed my paper branded 1-15-21, and you did not s:-.y a word about it. I don't suppose there Is any law aganist changing the brand on a newspaper; am willing to change it if you are. I am disgorg ing a check for the alteration and W. H. Turner was in town Sun day from his Sand Hollow ranch. "Iiusy plowing out my way." is about all the news Mr. Turner bad. Cal C. Kocker. of Portland, repre senting the Employers Indemnity Corporation of Kansas City is h re on a business trip and has established an agency of his company with Roy V. V'hitcis. Mr. Koeher is looking for a furnished bouse and expects to bring his family here. Word comes from W. It. Cronk, who has been at the Portland Open Air Sanitoriutn for several months, that he has so far recovered as to be able to leave the aaiiitorium. and live on the outside. Mrs. Cronk went to Portland Sunday to join him and they will take an apartment and remain in the city for another month or two when he expects to return home fully restored to health. brand; please :. That will and better for Where They Clean Clothes Clean Suits Overcoats Neckties Hats Dresses Waists Gloves Hats Lloyd Hutchinson TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing disfiguration of said change it to 1-15-22 make it 0. K. for me you. ila'.o Postmaster at Eightmile, but t lie stage driver is onto his job and puts my mail in the right box. Please send us a Postmaster and storekeeer for F.ightmile. Fine job for some lady, cripple, or lazy man. I am just across the line in Gilliam county, but I know ten men in Mor row county where I know 1 in Gil liam, and have "known a good many men in Morrow for nigh-on to forty years, and I feel at home in Morrow county. I have lived 19 years in Missouri, years in Colorado, 3 years in and south of the Black Hills, one year in southern Idaho, one year in nor ihern Idaho, 12 years in the Big Bend country in Washington, and the remainder of my 66 years here in eastern Oregon. I first came to eastern Oregon in the spring of 1883 and I am here to stay this trip. I suppose I have been alone nine- tenths of the time the past five years out here in the hills. I smoke no bad cigarettes, don't part my hair iu the middle or wear California socks. But say Pard. it is mighty hard on $1 a plug "chawin tobacco" to be alone so much. Wishing you and the Herald suc cess, I am, Yours very truly, William Wallace Windsor. UTAH WOOL GROWERS REFUSE 16 2-3 CENTS SALT LAKE. The. first wool sale of the season held at Jericho, Utah, was not sucessful from a grow ers standpoint. Buyers represent ing eight large firms were present but oniy two bids were submitted Irbove and the highest was 16 7-S cents a round. As this wool, which is con ceded the best grown in I'tah. brought ?2ctms a pound at the seal- last year, the growers cept the low offers and off. The clips IH .1 to the east ed bid sale refused to a. the s-ile was called will probably be shir on consignment. -C! WASHINGTON. May man innou of the hou-v committee on public lands has o. :'.. .1 the com mit! to report favoring a bill recom mended by the secretary of the in terior clearing the title of 200 acres of land owned by E. W. McComas on the Columbia river near rendleton Oregon. This land was brought from the state under the swamp land act a number of years ago and it has been impossible to perfect the title, although the property has; been greatly improved. Leo Nicholson left yesterday for Seattle to spend a few days before going on to Montana for the shearing season. He expects to return to Heppner in about three months. A pleasant social evening was spent last Friday at the Masonic temple with members of the Masonic lodge and Eastern Star chapter with their families present. A COHK Kl TION Hale P. G. Hale. Clay Hale, Myra Hale, Delia Armitage, Harry Arm itage, Caroline Cason, C. L. Cason, Dan Hale. Lettie Hale. and all oth er persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, interest, estate or lien in the real property described herein. Defendants IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed r. gainst you in the etititUd suit within six weeks i from the date of first publiea'io.i of jthLs summons, rnd if you fail to so ! appear an. I aivv .or, for want there. f H;t plaintiff wit i.rply to the .'ouil for the ivl'i f pra;od for in h;s com plaint to wit; For a d rree of the I court that the n.a.n'ilf is the owner !in lee-siu'p'.e and clear of ail inter ' t. lien ar e!a'n oi any of t'o b- ;fendan:s above named, of the follow ! .ng d. ; e; ibed real properly iu Hepp i nor, .Morrow County State of Ore gon. to wit; Lot numbered Two in ! ii;.ek Numbered One in Morrow's I second addition to the town of Hepp- mi; that the del, niienis and oa-'h of i them be decreed to have no right. title. riHrost, estate or lien in o- to au' mil property or any par rlier-- 1, an 1 that the plaintiff's ti'Ie be o'evr quieted against said defend ant- nrd each of them, ana tor sue, further relief as to the Court may seem, meet and equitable. This summons is published by virtue of an order of Hon. . 1. Campbell Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon. made and entered on the 13th day of April, 19 21. WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys for Plantiff. Address Heppner Oregon Date of first publication April 19, 1921 V V V ' r i. PROFESSIONAL CARDS - DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HErPNEU, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO rUVSK l.VX and SlKliEON Offlc Telephone 122 Patterson's lit ng HEPPNEi;, Store O IS EG ON P. A. Anderson and Gay M. An derson returned Tuesday from an auto trip to Portland where they spent the week end. Mrs. P. A. Anderson, who accompanied them as far as The Dales where she visit ed her sister, returned with them. needing warm weather in his dist rict. There was a heavy frost at An error crept into the Herald's report of the recent school director's 'meeting here, whereby Mr. Devine. of Lexington, was quoted as saving that his district paid $133.33 a month the past year for an "inexper ienced teacher." What Mr. Devine really said was that his district paid $133.33 for an experienced teacher. Mr. Devine called our attention to the error and requested a correction which we gladly make in jusMoe to Mr. Devine and also to the teacher who, he says they all esteem very highly and regard as a very good teacner. J. H. Pearson was in from Butter Creek Monday and says they are CAM) OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who ren dered assistance to my brother, Ru dolphus Pope during his last illnes and at the time of his death and bur ial Thpfl Unto rf ntii crh hnrt v his place Sunday morning and every- ness will er be forgotten. Sincerely, Walter Pope. NOTICE FOR ri'BLICATION r. s. Oregon, Department or the Interior, Land office atLa Grande, April 15. 1021. Notice is hereby given that How ard E. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 5. 1920, made addi tional homestead entrv, No. 017301!, for SW'jXE'i, mNWVj. SW'i NW'i, N'HSWy, SEUSWVi, sw USE'i, section 34 township 3 south Range 29 east. Willamette meridian. has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on t lie 2nd day of June 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Eddie A. Hammer, of Gurdane Ore gon, Ross Brown, of Lena, Oregon, Jay Hiatt, of Lena, Oregon, Fred Howe of Lena Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register A. McMENAMIN LAW VI IS Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 66 5 Roberts Building IIEFrNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORN!: Y-AT-I.A W Office in Court House IIErFNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HErFNE-R, OREGON SAM E. VANVACTOR ATTORN F.Y-AT-LA XV First National Bank Bldg. HEFFNER, OREGON thing is backward. Wheat is not doing as well as it should and pota toes planted a month ago are not yet sprouting. , . I III ji x- wm V! ea i . Golden Gate i! IRRIGATION NOTICE Coffee 1 -2 lb Free With Each 2 1-2 lb Can 1 lb Free With Each 5 lb Can for the first Week in May Phelp's Grocery Co Headquarters For Good Things To Eat HEPPNER'S LEADING GROCERS The hours for irrigation will be from 6:00 to 8:00 A. M. and 6:00 to 8:00 P. M. Water must be used through sprinkler or nozzle. Rate, J2.00 per month. No charge for less than one-half month. Charge will be made from the time irrigation begins until we are notified to discontiue. . In case of lire shut off water from irrigation. This is to your own in terest as it will help pressure for put ting fire out. 2-5 City of Heppner WaterCoin-mlssiou. LrZZ&ZZ ZZ CjSrISiA, Thm Nation' Hair I 4' .'),, 1 t IKOOIWra Y NOPITLS MS V"V V," THOU WHO MOW. 4r X.PQit!vilv rH!rfttill corrects ecze Biateont scalps atopa fallinK hair i promoteB luxuriant (rrowth arUislustra. beauty, health action Immediate and I certain. Money-Back Guarantee. f ' LDCIT Til,' R CO.. kinul flty. Ma. SL.MK)N.S In the Circuit Court of (ho Mate Oregon for Morrow County. of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that ,the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County admin istrator of the estate of Alta How ard, deceased, and that nil persons having claims against the said estate are required to present the itjme duly verified according to law. t me at Boardman, Oregon, witl)in six months from the date of first publication of this notice, said dale for first publication being April 26, 1021. ?. H. BOARDMAN, 52-4 Administrator. WATERS & ANDERSON 1 IRE IXSVRANt'E Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER. OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. States Commissioner nt llrppne', Oregon, on the 2 t h day of May, 11121. Claimant nanus as witnesses: W. V.. Wigglesworth, of Echo, Otc. Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, Ore. Janes Wheeler, of iloppncr, Ore. ' W. H. Huckiiby, or Eebo, Ore. C. ri. 1)1 'NN, Register NOTICE 1 OR PI lil.K ATIOV Dep.uimenl of the Interior, V. S. I,an I (ilfice at l.a Crande, Olegon, April 13, 1021. NOTICE is hereby given that FRANKLIN K. PAYNE of Eelio, Olegon, who .on March 2, I01S, made Home stead entry No. 01KXr(, for I.ois 4, 5, 6, and 7, SK',4 NW'Vt NEV, SW1', Sec. 6, Tp. 1 S R 28 E.. Wi 1 C. lov. n.-bip 1 S, range 2S E., Wil lamoUe meridian, lias filed nutiee of intention to malfl' three-year I111.1l liroof, to establish claim to the land above described, bi lore the I niled COl'NTV TISEASl IIIIIS'S NOTICE Second call for General Fund County Warm nls for 1021: Notice Is hereby given that all Geneial Fund County Warrants re gistered up to and including Novem ber 30, 1020, will be paid upon pre sentation on and after May 16, 1921. Interest censes after that dale. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April 19, 1021. T. J. numphoroys, County Treasurer. 51-2 Heppner Herald home the brcon. Want Ads bring STRAIGHT. Plaintiff vs. Naney Crank, Frank Thnrp, John Hal.., Klias Halo, I.fyd Hale, Ralph Hale, John Woodward, and Ada J. Woodward, his wife, Fannie Woodward. Clar ence Woodward, Cluincey Woodward, Harrison Hale, fSlen Wlllingham, and Lau ra Willingham, his wit", Clarence Willingham, Frank Utile, Mabel Avers Hughes, and A. P. Hughes, her hus band, Ella Vale, Oussle Ayers, Ellen Hale Duncan, and William Duncan, her husband, Henry Cannon, Mary Cannon, Darrel Can non, George Baker, Milton Raker Edward Haker, Ella Baker Sperry, and Ira Sper rjr, her husband, Sylvia Raker, Mary Hale, C. S. Hale, Michael Hale, and Maude Hale, hln wife, P. O. Hale, Clay Hal, and Myra Hale, bi wife. Delta Arm Itage and Harry Armilage, her husband, J. H. Cochran, and Cynthia Cochran, his wife, Ida Grabil, and Thom as Grabil, her husband, Guy Hale, Caroline Caaon, and C. L. Cason, her hus band. Surah Cason, and Walter Cason, her husband, Dan Hale, and Lettie Hale, his wife, and all other P'T sons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title. Intercut, estate or lien In the real property herein described, Defendants. TO Nancy Crank, Loyd Hale. Ralph Hale, Fannie Woodward, Ella Vale, Ellen Hale Duncan, William Duncan, Henry Cannon, Darrel Cannon, Mary Cannon, Ella Baker Sperry, Ira PpTry, Sylvl Baker, C. S. Hale, Michael Male, Maude OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOvOi.H.ii.; o o o o O : a a o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 Business by Long Distance Telephone There is seldom a business transaction be tween men in different places that cannot be completed by telephone and, in many instances, in less time than it takes to dictate the average business letter. Consider the time taken by correspondence and the unavoidable delays of the mails. Try the long distance telephone in your out-of-town business transactions. Recent improvements in transmission have made it possible to talk satisfactorily to any point in this country. Long distance service is the direct and econ omical method of communication and does away with undue expense and delay. Ask for Tacific Long Distance. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company o, O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0OOO00000000OO00000OOOO0000O 2 0