TUESDAY, MAY 3. 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. W. IS. STRAIGHT, Plaintiff vs. Nancy Crank, Frank Tharp, Johu Hale, Elias Halo, Loj-a Hale, Ralph Hale, John Woodward, and Ada J. Woodward, his wife, Fannie Woodward, Clar ence Woodward, Chancey Woodward, Harrison Hale, Glen Wi)linghani, and Lau ra Willingham, his wife, Clarence Willingham, Frank Hale, Mabel Avers Hushes, and A. P. Hughes, her bus-, band, Ella Vale, Gussie' Ayers, Ellen Hale Duncan, and. William Duncan, her husband, Hmry Cannon, Mary Cannou. Dtirrol Can non, George Baker, Milton' Baker Edward Baker, Ella Baker Sperry, and Ira Sper ry, her husband, Silvia Baker, Mary Hale, C. S. Hale, Michael Hale, and Maude Hale, his wile, P. G Hale, Clay Hale, and Myia Hale, his wile, Delia Arni itage and Harry Armitage, her husband, J. H. Cochran, w here They Clean Clothes Clean Suits Overcoats Neckties Mats Lloyd Hutchinson TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing o 1 -2 lb Free With Each 2 1-2 lb Can 1 lb Free With Each 5 lb Can For the First Week in May Phelp's Grocery Co Headquarters For Good Things To Eat HEPPNER'S LEADING GROCERS and Cynthia Cochran, his wife, Ida Grabil, and Thom as Grabil, her husband,, Guy Hale, Caroline Cason, and C. L. Cason, her hus band, Sarah Cason, and Walter Cason, her husband, Dan Hale, and Lettie Hale, his wife, and all other per sons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, interest, estate or lien in the real property herein described, Defendants. TO Nancy Crank, Loyd Hale, Ralph Hale, Fannie Woodward, Ella Vale, Ellen Hale Duncan, William Duncan. Henry Cannon. Dairel Cannon, Mary Cannon, Ella Baker Sperry. Ira Snerry, Svlvia Baker, C. S. Hale, Michael Hale. Maude Hale P. (1. Htie, Clay Hale. Myia Hale, Delia Armitage, Hniay Arm Itaw, Caroline Caon, C. L. Cason. Ban Hale, Letlie Hale. and all oth er persons or parties unknown claiming any right, tille, interest, estate or lien in the real property described herein, Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint Hied against you in the r.bove entilb d suit, within six week from the dale uf first publication of this summons, ;nd if you fail, to so Dresses Waists Gloves Hats n 0 G )lden Gate Coffee appear ani answer, for want thereof the plaintiff wdi i.pply to the court for the relief prayed for In his com plaint to wit; For a decree of the court that the mam' iff is the owner in lee-simple and clear of all inter r it, lien or cla'm of any of the de fendants above named, of the follow ing described real property in Hepp ner. Morrow County State of Ore gon, to wit; Lot numbered Two in Block Numbered One in Morrow's second addition to the town of Hepp nei ; that the defondents and each of them be decreed to have no right, title, l attrest, estate or lien in o-' 10 ;-,ik! ii at property or any part theo an 1 that the plain'il'f's ti'E- he i'o'evr;- quieted against said defendant- am' eat.h of them, and I'Ji' such further relief as to the Court may stein meet and equitab'e. This summon' is published by vinue of an oreerof Hon. W. T. Campbell Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, Slate of Oregon, made ami enu red on the 10th day of April, 11121. WOODSON" & SWEEK Attorneys for Plantiff. Address Heppner Oregon Date of first publication April 19, 1921 NOTICE FOR I'lTII.ICATlON Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, April 15, 1921. Notice is hereby given that How ard E. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 5, 19 20, made addi tional homestead entry. No. 017306, for SWNEH. EV2NWH. SW NWVi, NVaSWU, SEM.SWV1, SW ViSEVi, section 34 township 3 south ? onsi Willamette meridian. has tiled notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Qregon, on the 2nd day of June 1921. - Claimant names as witnesses: Eddie A. Hammer, of Gurdane Ore gon, Ross Brown, of Lena, Oregon, Jay Hiatt, of Lena, Oregon, Fred Howe of Lena Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register NOTICE TO CKF.DITOHS Noiiee is hereby given that ,the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County admin istrator of the estate of Alta How ard, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said estate are required to present the same duly verified according to law. to me at Boardman, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of this notice, .said date for first publication being April 26, 1921. S. H. BOARDMAN, 52-4 Administrator. CECIL 1 : - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farnsworth of Rhea spent Tuesday in Arlington. Miss Mildred Duncan, of Busy Bee ranch, was a Cecil caller Sunday. Miss Esther Winter, of Shady Dell was calling on her friends in Cecil Monday. Miles Shurte of Arlington, was do ing business in Cecil vicinity Wed nesday. Mr. nad Mrs. A. Hmriksen have been spending the past week at their Hamilton ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller and S"ii. i'jlvin, of Highvicw, weie visit ors at the county seat 'Tuesday. The oil king of lone. Mr. F. Haley, accompanied by his wife and daugh tt r isiti-d in Cecil Friday. Ji'hn Krebs, Hat Pearson, Walter and Bob Pope were all county seat. Visitors during the past week. W. Dm ton and friend of Portland w, ie passengers who arrived on thte local at Cecil Friday. Mrs. Crabtree and children of Detheboys Hill were calling on their Cecil friends Thursday. Messrs A. C. Harms and Geo. II. Malther of Portland made a short stay in Cecil before leaving for Pen dleton Monday. A fleece sheared from one of Hynd Bros, fine Merino yearlings at liut terby Flats turned the scales at 22 pou nds. Mrs. C. Knipfel, of Tentville, and Miss A. C. Lowe, of the Highway House were visitors in the Egg City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kennedy were pasengers on the local for their home in Portland alter spending some, weeks in Cecil. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Myer, of Rock Clil'fe, were callers on Mr. timt Mrs. Zonnith Logan at -Mount View Mon day. Hoy Soott, enmptender for Jack Hynd. returned to Butlerby Flats (Tuesday from Hynd Bros ranch at. Freezeout. I Miss Doris Mahoney and Misses I a. b. and V. M. Hynd were down from Heppner lor the week end and thole in the big dance in Cecil Hall. I Clifford Henricksen, of Willow creek ranch, passed through Cecil Saturday with a tine buch of ealtle which was taking up to their Hain ilton ranch above Heppner. Herb Hynd, Russel Shaw, John Krebs and Willie Lowe spent Sunday viewing the sights between Cecil and The Dalles. All returned home safely sadder but wiser boys. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at the Last Camp Monday on their return journey from Portland, leav ing Tuesday for Heppner. . J. J. Crane, manager of Oregon Hassam Paving company, accom panied by his wife arrived in Cecil Thursday from Portland. Ho is in specting the rock crusher etc before returning. A. E. Wait, time-keeper for Ore gon Hassam company at. Cecil look his vacation last week and surprised his friends here by returning Mon day with his bride Miss Margaret Golob of Sunnyside, Wellington. They have taken up llieir residence in Tentville. Cectlitis extend best Wishes for a l'.app-, mm prosperous future to the newlyweds. W. G. Hynd, of Rose Lawn ranch, silent Wednesday and Thursday with tile Mayor at Bullerby Flats 'where Hat Pearson and his crew are shear ing or rather are busy busy shear ing when the terrific cold winds which have been visiting Cecil for last week ceases blowing for a few hours. Thursday night Cecil and vi cinity was visited by the worst wind storm known for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller, of Hiphview, visited with J. M. Melton at The Lookout, Friday. George, who wasn't looking out, soon found himself on his face at the bottom, of the celler stairs. We are glad to learn that George was more fright ened than hurt. At the time of writing a seventh victim went to the bottom; when Erie landed on terra firma he discovered he had received several beauty spots and he says he will not dare look at his best girl for some time to come. BOARDMAN Rev. V. H. Amen, of Portland, was a Boarbman visitor Friday and Saturday in the interests of the local community church. He went on to Pilot Rock for Sunday services. F. Klitz went to Pendleton Sunday and brought his wife home from the hospital. While still quite low, Mrs. Klitz is much Improved, which Is good news for her Boardman friends. Mrs. C. P. Harl has contributed two maples and two cederg for the decoration of the school grounds They will prove a valuable addition and It Is hoped that they do well in this lection. 1 Prof. Brumbaugh, of O. A. C. has brf-t! secured for the Commencement sddress on the eening of May 18th. The baccalaureate sermon will he delivered In th" local church the nenlng of the 15th, by the 'lev. J. V. Hood. C. A Greer, of Spokane, represen tative of the Public School Methods company of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday In Boardman. He was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Wm Finndl. Sunday he addresed ;he Sunday School along the line or one's duty to contribute to the happiness of the world. i There will be May Day exercises a' the Boardman school at 2 I'. M. Mcnday, May 2nd. Mildred Paisley has been chosen 0,'teen of the May and Uauren Cummins Master of Cer emonies. A special feature of the day will be a vlrtt from Miss Helen Cowgill of O. A. C. She will ad dreni the meeting of the Parent- Teachers following the exercises. Miss Cowgill is one of the Mate offi cials in Industrial club work and will meet the clubs Tuesday morning. The High School play, "Safety First presented last Saturday night was a real success thoroughly enjoy ed by all present. Without doubt it was the best evening's entertain ! nt offered the Boardman commu nity this year. Each mombmer '.f the cast carried their part well, and ti e dialogue was tali of fun and the .Munitions developed were verv amu sing. Difficulty in getting wigs and other theatrical needs rendered the makeup rather difficult, but the omission was sivreely noticeable. The ph.v was- so much enjoyed Caere has been some talk of n fen, but that is hardly ad.; that act i- eo'isulermg that tue end of si hool year is .-.n m ar. ihe The Heppner llir.li School glee club will give a concert, at llardman Saturday evening. May 7. Twehe clever entertainers will take part in the program which will include strietlv new songs, sketches and dances. Miss Bern ice Da toe, in structor in music in the high school, will act as musical director and .far ed Aiken i,s business manager of the organization. Satn Hughes returned Tuesday from a trip to San Francisco where he attended a recent, buyers' week celebration. Mr. Hughes says he had the time of his life as the guest of the big merchants of the Bay city and banquets, dinners and other forms of delightful entertainment, came pretty regular. Mr. Hughes also visited relatives nt Yreka and Weed, California cm his return trip, American Shruh Appreciated. One American, shrub which bus been received with great appreciation in Kngliin.d,, and which grows well there, Is the fcOifcaous name azalea, called by the botanists azalea cnleiululneeiim. This plant was sent to Europe many soars ago, nnd perhaps Is not grown so widely now us It bus been In the pnst, nving to the great Inllus of rliododeu iron varieties. Xucky Tiger Thm Notion' Halt ' f ' ' and Scat p Rommdy T l&K ENDORSED OV HOSPITALS AND 'wfJFj 1KOI WHO KNOW. S Positively eradicates '&&t'2 dandruff corrects ecze- j mateous Bcalpa Btopa follinsr hair i promotes luxuriant growth athlBlustre, t beauty, health action immediate and I certain. Money-Back Guarantee. f ' 4 At 4nif lifts and barber, or and 25 I wot enarauB iimpit. IVCn TIGER CO., Hinui Cltr. M. NOTICE FOK rriUJOATIOX Department of the Interior, Ean l Office at La Grande April 13, 1921, V. s. Oregon, NOTICE is hereby given that FRANKLIN K. FAYNE of Eelio, Oregon, who ,on March 2, 1(118, made lfome stoart entry No. 01Xr,(i, for Lois 4. 6, 6, and 7, NW'Vi NEVi SWH Sec. , Tp..l S U 28 E.. Wi-1 (i, .lov.n.-hip 1 S, range 28 E., Wil lamette meridian, litis filed notice of intention to make three-year linal proof, to establish claim the hind above ('escribed, in tore til Si a Ii s (.'omm issionec ti t Oicjoit, on the. 2iilh day i'ntted . pone", 0' .May, :i2l. Claimant names as wilnestn" W. E. Wigglesworth, of Echo Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, Ore .lanes Wheeler, of ill ppner. OK Ore W. 11. llncliiiby, of Echo, Ore. C. S. i)i(NN, Register 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERWOVEN HOSE New for Spring BIG REDUCTION IN PRICE w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W TOE HEEL J ,K ).? Mercerized Lisles Formally 75c reduced to 40c Pure Silks Formally $1,50 and $1.25 reduced to 75c THE BEST WEARING SOCKS MADE MINOR & CO. GOOD 0 G000000000O00OO000000O000000O2 I 2 4 K J 'h 5 i I ! t PROFESSIONAL CARDS ; ; i T r H DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DEMIST Permanently located in'Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO PHYSICIAN' and SI KGEO.V . Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNEK, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main C13 Residence Phone Main GG5 Roberts Building HErPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOUNKV-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPrXlCR, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK A TTOK N FY S-AT-T, AW Masonic Building IIEPrNE-R, ORECOtf SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOHN KY-AT-LA W ' First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON l' IKi: lXSl ll.VXCiO Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPFNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. rolXTY 'I'ltEASl'KEirs NOTK'U Second call for General Fund County Warrants for 1021: Noiiee is hereby given that nil General Fund bounty Warrants re gistered up to mid including Novem ber HO, 1(120, will be paid upon pre sentation on and'aflei' May K, 102.1. Inleiesl cease after that dalo. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April 19, 102 1. T. J. Hunipltereys, County Treasurer. Dl-2 Heppner Herald home the bacon. Want Ads bring O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GOODS 0 0