Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 26, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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K3 .
j-' j- .ar jk
U U 'J'
S( 1921. by Malum .Ne
Oliver Rr.vaie tan
On: turn in the wood
Lis limn hurlicd a Hi'
wspuliT Syii'lU'ate
liis cur iluun to
hind road. Then
eling to lli"' blue
til lie
ligure hunyin;
woman waved
toward tin;
ca r.
her hand
ln-lp mi- over the fence," sin;
Willi si
jm! -is the
melons- quickening of
1 hi i.t her over. .She
l:i 1 1 I hm 1 ii, inin liis lace.
"J ml I le.-ep you wailing? I tried to
111' I'll I illM'.
"I was afraid "
"Jnr mi jr (if me?"
(jui'si inn li'-i'
eyes rhalh-iia
"The gin-'-quoted
llii' rar.
"U'heivV" i!
''I liini.
1 rides oul today,
as lie helped her
' lie
she snuggled down be-
(,iile liini.
lie named an inn some miles away.
"I;ut why go (hero 7"
"Well, one iimsl eat; nml I remem
Iicr Hint yon love to ilance "
"You wouldn't like II ?"
He leaned to lier. "Not for a single
jnlnule, lull "
"We won't go, tlieli."
"Well, where V"
She told 1 ilii anil lie si 11 red at lier,
vvonih 1 ilii;.
"You told me you never wanted to
we thai phiee again that you wanted
to forget "
"Thai, was more than a lnonlli ago."
"You mean Unit now you don't 7"
"What would you forget If you
"First of all Hint my wife litis de
tided to divoree me."
"you're sorry V"
"As Ihe devil I" explosively. "And
for all the sins of omission and com
mission that made her think she would
!e happier wlllioiil me."
An I now she could not look at him,
(hough she tried. "You say these
things -and In me!" .she manured in
ninl hei'ed tones.
"To you lirsl of nil! Allie ." He
leaned lo her again, his hreath hot on
lier cheek.
"There's the place!" she cried, eon-m-Ioiis
even iis slu4 spoke that it was
11 mislake. Then, 111 a rush of swlt't
(infusion : "Perhaps yuu can't help
being yourself, hill, 1 should think
you'd gel tired of your own wilfulness
jit limes."
'Tin 1 need lo confess II V" She
;;lanccil nl him with slant eyes. "I
L'ol Hied long hefore you showed me "
"That your wife was tired of limling
jou always cross and impalient.
( ilii he a I ully crahlied !
'I haen't
I til III I il III' It
ily sat Wei
loll lire of a
" The
(I 'I' o
!ll:ll t
's Ihe
ile I hey i
the di
.pel' you
1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 -1
htinii'l i
lie lieun
lo ron I i
,e Ih
J oil
I 1
mi ! 1 1 1 1 1 i nv
w 1 1 1
"Ar" we running away?"
l 'on't oti know V"
'"I In re!" Ile slowed lor the stop as
she lenn.-il forward, socking out Willi
eiiaer glance the little rustic house
iimong the I l ees. "It looks Just as II
illd lluil litsl lime we cnine hero. Hut
uu've taken Ihe naiiie iIoh ii I"
, "'Why not? I limey moon ' 'iimp doesn't
Main lining now."
"But il looks as if it nil-'ht he re
lali-l lo a li ineyinoo i men now."
( 'pen
I.iur, ile.i--e. I in going
k.ll'l "II rea'i,
on on-lit nol 7'
.1 :v on going I
-.111 riijil. hill 1
e thai oii itiu't-
,'iit it?"
I'o M.I
'II I..
I the
. til"
III. .!.
1 ' -l1
lie .!
rl h:
d h;
,iiet: 11
:i,,u. -I'll
111:' U 11
r viil
el ell' illu:
lull a
-lle ' 1! d
lo lead
Ill In- ('
. ir I.
n ill the u 'l"!'i .
l're-enll, she h
loo'.ed up,
I'u-ing look
ii-i'oit 1 1 m t
1 -lie met tl
m. He tliil nol
(,,e 1 ail
Vil li' '
the M."
folio a
Men '
-t him stand in tl"1
appeared to lie uj
ilooi'u ay,
-orbed in
'line It's all run out
ed us well in his
" His
e es.
If I did?
she asked, sluuue-
"But. hy T"
Almost, he knew what her nnswer
would I"1. But h listened euuerly,
luviithlo-s'y, thlrstliu; fur her broken
litteriiii. c us the desi'it thirsts for rain.
"Beeiiu e I -I--wanted t end our
lUljililllll I -tlllliltllgK."
"Then .Mill leiilly don't uiit to ill
11rw ini'V
ltilt he did uot need In ask. Her eyes
were icitlKK wonderful things.
Tut ihe IiKiiplest !"
Niii, I am I" uU cortectetl.
And "tdii time he did nut reslut the
i.mnii Hint uioveil him. Ills arum
for Uef Iii'ld her cIom.
la the Circuit Court, of the Stale of
Oregon for Morrow- County.
A puhlic corporation,
M. C. Cochran, Elsie Blakeley,
F. II. French, J. O. French'
Park G. Carmicliael, James Gil
lespie, G. W. Grey, Jesse. R.
Pierce, Arvid Haryu, Thomas
Raskins, J. I). Jenkins, Hattie
II. Leathers, N'. H. Leathers,
M. Linebaugh, C. Linebaugh,
A. IJ. Moses, John J C'ivens,
Jacob J. Nickle, The Parvin
Company, a corporation, A. Z.
Khodes, Aaron Royse, Iva G.
S dlwood, Olis Shepardson.Oliff
Shepardson, E. L. Thomas estate,
E. A. Wickline, and Asa L. Young,
and any other person or persons
owning or claiming to own, or
having or claiming to have, any
Interest or estate in or to the
real property hereinafter de
scribed, . , ' Defendants
TO M. C. Cochran, Elsie Blakeley, F.
H. French, J. 0. French, Park G.
Garni ichael, G. W. Grey, Jesse It.
Pierce, Arvid Haryu, Thomas Hos
kins, J. IJ. Jenkins, Hattie 13.
Leathers, N. H. Leathers, M. Line
baugh, C. Linbaugh, A.-D. Moses,
John J. Givens, Jacob J. Nickle,
The Parvin Co., a corporation, A.
7j. Rhodes, Aaron Royse, Iva G.
Rellwood, Olis Shepardson, E. L.
Thomas estate, and E. A. Wick
line, and any other person or per
sons owning or claiming to own,
or having or claiming to have, any
interest or estate in or to the
real property hereinafter describ
ed, Derenda-nfs:
OF OREGON: Yuu and each of you
are hereby notified that the above
named Plaintiff, a public corpora
tion, is the purchaser, owner and
holder of certificates of delinquency
numbered 8 IS, 8 4 8, 8 f,3, 859, 86f),
87 1, 8711, 881, 88 5, 904, 907, Oil,
924, 928, 9?,4, 935, 93G , 944, and
9511; Issued on the first day of Aug
ust, 1010, by Ihe Sheriff and Col
leclor of Delinquent Taxes for Mor
row County, Oregon,, and filed by
said Sheriff and Collector of Delin
quent taxes; in Ihe office of the
County Clerk of Morrow Counly,
Oregon, on the 1st day of August,
1916, for I axes due and delinquent,
'ogelher with penally, interest and
"osls thereon, upon real property
sit utile in Morrow Counly, Oregon.
Yon arc further notified that Ihe
.imotint for which s-Hd c t' i""ife Is
issued is sol opposite and following
ihe desei ipt ion of the tract or parcel
of land horoinul'lcr ret out. t'- -"ie
being the amount (hen due and (h
Mnnnenl. for taxes for the ypnr 1911.
logclher with penally, interest and
costs thereon, upon real property
dtio'le in M.irniw Countv, Orc'en.
mid particularly hounded and de
sirihed as hero'in ''t " .ot ',,.!.
said Iraet or parcel of hind being
i'ssrssod for Ihe ! r 19 1-1 to the
fir.il person whose name i in mod ia le
lv precedes Ihe description thereof;
and is followed by the mime of Ihe
person a p pen line; to he the owner
'lie eof, as iOMiri'i's on the - roll
if Morow Count v, Oie-ioi, for the
venr 19 19. now in the hands of the
Sheriff "I said County for eoiirei i.-n
It i In- d "' of Hi" I'if ntl''-Oii" of
this summons and no'i'-e v.-''lch ,fe
Is the 2?inl dav o' Fehrii-rv '1921.
Certiliealo No. SIS. M. C. Coch
ran and Elsie I!lal;ooy, Fast
h ilf of Southeast nuartor of
Section 7. Tp. 2 S.. R. 2 E""t
of the WilliiineHe Mo-hlian " "5
(Yrtll'iri'le No St F. H. French
and .1 O. Frond- . - . n
Cnnille'o'el Ner'hw""' 0O"rt"
of Sect ioii 7, Tn. 1s, I! It
of t
Willamette M-ri-
" il ( f,
ST,:!.G. Y. Crov
Pie' C,', Vet hn If
qirirter of the
ilh'ii .
erl il'ieate
lltlll .li'lisi
of North
west II
"t qii irler
ol tli Nrtfn-
Iter of Set
tion IT. lp.
I! N , 1! 2 I Eitsl of lh(
el it Meridian
el'l it li'.He No. ffi!!, Arv
and Arv id lliryu.
iinartcr of Section II"
.. $.90
1 Haryu
, Tp. 6 S.,
ii !a met 'e
I! 2 ,
Mi i-1 . 1
Fail of l!
; 11'
f tin
Lot wn or
da a
1 S7 I, .1. D .!: 'OS
.1 ar.l, ill--. '! . hw a I
1 he North" ' -1. . - ir
1 he ed i;aar 1 . f .-1
.. nh.we. : M 1: "I
qll..l't or ol No; I h -
-. , Nor'h h.slt or South
r ol No; ihw - oaiar-
he itt uiiaf'-r, ard
e;e I
lor 1
Nol I'
Soll'll- j
N . U. 1
e Mer- I
. $ : 0 0 i
: 11 ii-l. r ot Nort '.w (
Si el ion 1 7. Tp
-t of the Willanu
2 I '
CeitUic.no No. S79. H.itiie U. j
Leathers and Battle 1 ! Leath
ers. I ots ;". nml 6 !n Work I. of
the Citv of llaiilinan. Oregon
' , $3.05
t'( ttitie.ite No. SSI, N. U. Leath
ers, and N. 11 Leathers, North
east quartef of Northwest tiuiir
ter ot Soc'Iok 2. Tp. 5 S . R 25
l-'.i.-t of Willamette Meridian...
, $1S 80
Certificate No. SS5. M. l.me-
htuigh and 0. Linchaimh. and
M l.iuohiiugh and C. Line- .
hiiuvh. Northeast quarter and
Easi half ol East half of North
it uaa.ur of Section 16. Tp.
4 N., K 2" East f Willamette
Merldtau "5
IVrtllU-ate No. 904. A. B. Miww
and A. II Moses and John J.
Gtvenii. Southwest iuai lr of .
Southwest quarter of Northwest
quarter. West halt of South
east quarter of Soutnwest quar
ter of Northwest quarter. East
half of Fust hHlf of Northwwt
quarter of Northwest quarter,
Kat half of Southern! quarter
of Northeait uartt of North-
west quarter, Northeast quar
of Northeast quarter of North
west quarter, and West half of
Northeast quarter of North
west quartsr of Setction 17, Tp.
3 N.. R. 24 East of Willamette
Meridian $3.20
Certificate No. 907, Jacob J. Nick
le and Jacob J. Nickle, Lots 1
and 2 in Block 3 and Lots 3
and 4 in Block 5 of the town of
Castle Rock, Oregon .-. $1.00
Certificate No. 911, The Parvin
Company, a corporation and
The Parvin Company, a corpo
ration, South half of Northeast
quarter of Section 16, Tp. 3 N,
R. 26 East of Willamette Me-
ridian $3.75
Certificafp No. 924, A. Z. Rhodes
and A. Z. Rhodes, Lots 10 and
11, and 12. of Block 31 of the
town of Irrigon, Oregon $1.15
Certificate No. 928, Aaron Royse
and Aaron Royse, Lot 6 in
Block O of the City of Hard
man, Oregon $7.70
Certificate No. 934, Iva' G. Sell
wood and Iva G. Sellwood, Lots
1 and 2 in Block 4 the town
of Castle Rock, Oregon $.90
Certificate No. 935, Otis Shep
ardson and Otis Shepardson,
North half of Northeast quar
ter, Southeast quarler of North
east quarter, and Northeast
quarter of Southeast quarter of
Section 9, Tp. 6 S., R. 28 East
of Willamette Meridian $17. t5
Certificate No. 944, E. L. Thomas
Estate and E. L. Thomas Estate
Lots 7 and 8 in Block 1 arid
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 8 of t'he
town of Castle Rock, Ore., $1.00
Certificate No. 9 53, E. A. Wick
line and E. A. Wickline, West
half of West half of Southwest
quarter of Southeast quarter
and West half of Southwest
quarter of Northwest quarter
of Southeast quarter of Section
17, Tp. 3 N., R. 24 East of Wil
lamette Meridian $1.35
The said amounts bear interest as
follows: The Taxes aforesaid bear
interest from the date of filing of
sard certificates of delinquency, re
spectively a'; the rate of f5
per cent per annum, until paid, the
date of filing of said cerkificat.es be
ing the first day of August, 1916.
And you and each of you are
hereby summoned to appear within
sixty days after the date of the first
publication of this summons, exclu
sive of the day of first, publication
thereof, to-wit : February 22, 1921,
and defend the suit, in the Court
aforesaid, or pay the amount due as
shown above against said tracts or.
parcels of land, respectively, above
described, of which you are the
owner, or in which you have or
claim to have, any interest or es
tate, together with interest and costs
accrued in this suit thereon. Ser
vice of a copy of your answer or
other processs may be made on the
undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at.
Ihe place specified below as his ad
dress, and in case of your failure so
to do, judgment and decree will be
entered against you and each of you
foreclosing paid tax liens for the
anion nt sot opposite and following
the description of said tract or par-j
cols of land above set forlh, together i
with interests and costs thereon,
against said tracts or parcels of
land and said tricts or parcels- of
land will he so'd lo satisfy said
judgment and decree obtained, in
Ihis suit.
You are further hereby notified
lh-.it the plaintiff will apply to the
Circuit Court aforesaid for judg
ment and decree foreclosing said
lax pens against said property, here
inbefore described.
This Munitions is published once
each week for sixty consecutive
davs in the Heppner Herald. i news
paper of general circulation ' in Mor
row county, Oregon, published week
ly al Heppner in said County, the
dale of first publication thereof be
ing February 22, 192 1, and said
publication b.lng made in pursuance
of an order therefor made by the
Honorable Gilbert W. rhelps, Judge
of the ("ircnii Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, said, or
der having been made ami entered
en the 7th dav of Fehniary, 1921.
OF OREGON. By Samuel E. Nolson.
District Attorney for Morrow ('emits-,
Oregon, and Atjornev for plair.t
i'f; w hose address is Heppner,
Dai,' of First I'uhlieation, Feb. 22.
!(! t
l".a:e last public
at ion, Apr. - b, i - i .
I. a-' I
of the
an 1;
I', ''Hi
Nl I'll
1 r.oo'.i
1 raven t
pea o:
Ve T- W
:l Lo'
' n.
W C'ttMlt.
lay of June
ivar1! Stat' -
at ::
n 11. e
,,.,011 No. ul'.lTSl,
W N la 1 1 . S. eth'ii
i I
Taw n-hl
1 -I Soti'h. Ranro 2.
tie Meridian, and the
'i',,t. Nillam
llill'i r tlier.a
.mis el the a
11. iiuui r 1 no t'u" '
t of .1 line '.!. 1 S 7 S
arts am.nd.itory. ki.own as
"Timl'iT and Stone I .aw
value as might be fixed by npprai-e-1a.on1.a11d
that, pursuant to such tip
lieatton. the land and timber the.e
im hav been appraised at $310.00.
the timber estimated 220. 000 board
toot at $! "0 per M. and the land at
$100 00; that said applicant will ot
ter final proof in support of his ap
plication and sworn statement on the
Mb day of May. 1921. before
U nited
States t ointiiisslotler at tits
on ice.
at Heppner, Oregon.,
Any person Is at liberty to pro
test this purchase hefore entry, or
initiate a contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corrobor
ated affidavit in this office, alleg
ing facta which would defeat the
1st pub. Feb. 22, 1921.
Last pub. May 3. 1921.
Too Lu.
After 1 woman hn heen marrleJ
two jreara she wonder flour she could
have helloed the things her husband
.aid during theli courtship. Hmollloo
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, February 2, 1921.
NOTICE is hereby givn that Jac
ob E. Cannon whose post-offiee ad
dress is Spray, Oregon, did, on the
3rd day of April, 1920, file in this
office Sworn Statement and Appli
cation No. 021582, to purchase the1
Lots 1, 2 and 3, and SE NV, i
Sec. 30, Township 6 South, Range :
26 East, Willamette Meridian, and !
the timber thereon, under, theprovi- j
sions of theact of June 3, 1878, and
acts amendatory, known as the
"Timber and Stone Law", at such 1
value as might, be fixed by appraise- I
mi nt, and that, pursuant to such
application, tile land and timber j
thereon have been appraised, Six '
Hundred Thirty Dollars, the timber .
estimated 430 M board feet at $1.00 j
per M, and the land $200; that said j
applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and sworn i
statement on Ihe 27th day of April,
1921, before David E. Baxter, U. S. I
Commissioner at Spray, Oregon. I
Any person is at liberty to pro
test, this purchase before entry, or
initiate a contest at any time before j
patent issues, by filing a corrobor- :
ated affidavit in this office, alleg-
ing tacts wnicii wouiu aeteai tne
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at La Grande, Ore.,
March 15, 1921.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land office, . under provi
sions of Section 2455, R. S., pursu
ant to the application of
Heppner Oregon,
Serial' No. 019442, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder,
but at. not less than $3.50 per acre,
at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 11th day
of May, 1921, next, at this of
fice, the following tract of land:
Lot 4, Sec. 19, T. 1 S. R. 27 E.,W. M.
The sale will not be kept open,
but. will be declared closed
when those present at the hour
named have ceased bidding. The
person making the highest bid will
be required to immediately pay to
the Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
0. S. DUNN. Register
NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver.
4 7-53
In the Circuit Court of the State of
. Oregon for Morrow County
Bertha E. Glenn. Trustee, f
now Bertha E. Glenn-Ker-rotix,
trustee, Plaintiff,
Allie E. Flerk, C. K. Meade,
J. E. Howley, J. B. Bon
ham, Nora E. Bmihani,
James T. Brady, Roxar.na
Brady and H. Glenn, Defendants.
TO C. K. Meade. J. E. Howley, J.
B. Bonlr.im and Nora E. Benham, of
above named defendants:
OF OREtJON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you in the
above entitled suit within six weeks
from the date of the first publica
tion, or within six weeks of tfte date
of personal service of this summons
uponyou oafside of the State of Or-
egon, and if you ran to so answer,
lor want thereof, the plaintiff will
; apply to the court for the relief de
! nuutded in her said complaint, nanie-
Iv: For the foreclosure of mortgace
(given by Peter. Fleck and Allie E.
: Flock, upon W1-: Section 26," N V3
NEH. Section 28, Tp. 2 N, Range
, 26, E. W. M., for one half of the
i original sum, which is $625.00 now
i remaining unpaid, with interest
: thereon at 10 per cent front Deeem-
ber 8, 1913. and f'-r the sum of
, $185.51 paid for delinquent taxes,
'with interest at 10 per cent from
il 26. 1920. tin- further sum 01
'110. on t.t'or
i-o-as ;n1 I'.is'.lir a - 0 li.s
for in I eo complaint .
H. G leiiU, ,HIISV III':
will apply to I he on '1 f
demanded in !.!; rr-vs
namely, as fallows: l ei
sure of second mort -'.a
J. B. Boii'iain r.ud Nora
upon NW ', , S( . a P". 2 6
ti;e relief
a l'eiel-lO-
e , i 11 by
p. 2 N. R
26. E. W. M . foitae
SO '".
of $20'
1 im-rest
r ; 1. mini
lift v ilol-
for his
Te.u, and
mol t gage
in lavotof H. C.Ieim. w"
thereon at Id per c. nt p
from Apnl IS. H'16. for
l.trs attorney's fees at'd
costs ami disbursements h
witi ask that saldseeOIKl
be decreed a lieu on
said NW.,,
ection 2i, Tp. Z u -0. r.. -
M., subject only to the lien 01 piauu
ins first niortcage. on all of laud de-
scribtd in her complaint.
This summons is puousu
d by the
order of Houorable G. N . rneips.
I judge of the shove entitled court,
I by order made and entered under
'.lute of March 12. 1921. First "pub
lication of this summons in nrpp-
ner Herald at Heppner. ureijon, un
der date of March 15, 1921. and
hut publication under date of April
6, 1921.
C. t. GAVIN, attorney for
plaintiff. P. O. address,
The Dalles, Oregon.
JOHN GAVIN, attorney for
H. Glenn, defendant, P.
O. address. The Dalles,
Do Today's ! Well.
The besi make sure of to
morrow's streiiKth l 10 put ur whole
strength Intv in of today. U. H.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon (or Morrow County.
Nancy Crank, Frank Tharp,
John Hale, Ekas Hale,
Loyd Hale, Ralph Hale,
John Woodward, and Ada
J. Woodward, his wife,
Fannie Woodward, Clar
ence Woodward, Chancey
Woodward, Harrison Hale,
Glen Willingham, and Lau
ra Willingham, his wife,
Clarence Willingham, Frank
Hale, Mabel Avers Hughes,
and A. P. Hughes, her hus
band, Ella Yale, Gussie
Ayers, Ellen Hale Duncan,
and William Dflncan, her
husband, Henry Cannon,
Mary Cannon, Darrel Can
non, George Baker, Milton
Baker Edward Baker, Ella
Baker Sperry, and Ira Sper
ry, her husband, Sylvia
Baker, Mary Hale, C. S.
Hale, Michael Hale, and
Maude Hale, his wife, P. G.
Hale, Cray Hale, and Myra
Hale, his wife, Delia Arm
itage and Harry Armitage,
her husband, J. H. Cochran,
and Cynthia Cochran, his
wife, Ida Grabil, and Thom
as Grabil, her husband,
Guy Hale, Caroline Cason,
. and C. L. Cason, her hus
band, Sarah Cason, and
Walter Cason, her husband,
Dan Hale, and Lettie Hale,
his wife, and all other per
sons or parties unknown)
claiming any right, ti tie,
interest, estate or lien in
the real property herein
described, Defendants.
TO Nancy Crank, Lcryd Hale, Ralph
Hale, Fannie Woodward, Ella
Vale, Ellen Hale Duncan, William
Duncan, Henry Cannon, Darrel
Cannon, Mary Cannon, Ella Baker
Sperry, Ira Sperry, Sylvia Baker,
C. S. Hale, Michael Hale, Maude
Hale P. G. Hale, Clay Hale, Myra
Hale, Delia Armitage, Harry Arm
itage, Caroline Cason, C. L. Cason,
Dan H tie, Xettie Hale, and all oth
er persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, interest,
estate or lien in the real property
described herein, Defendants
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against, you in the
r.bove entitled suit within six weeks
from the date of first publication of
this summons, rnd if you fail to 30
appear an J answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff w'li i.pply to the couit
for the relief prayed for in his com
plaint to wit; For a decree of the
court, that the intuit' iff is the owner
in foe-simple and clear. of ail inter
est, lien or claim of any of the de
fendants above named, of the follow
ing described real properly in Hepp
ner, Morrow County State of Ore
gon, to wit; Lot' numbered Two in
Block Numbered One in Morrow's
second addition to the town ot Hepp-
net ; that the tleteitdents aim o-u.i ot
thorn be decreed to nave no rigiu,
title, nitres!, estate or lien in lo (m March 8, 1920, made additional
i :-.iu' mil property or any par 1 ll(,VJ-i Homestead Enti v, No. 018406, for
'of, si ii I that, the plaintiff's ti !: l-eiNEi4 NE, NW V4 . N , SW'. SW
'foievc- quieted against said de!li.l- i 14 SWVi. Section 12, Township 1
'oul' a p.' each of them, and lor pucK I south, Range 28 east, Willamette
u'tuer rener as 10 me win "'"j
seem, meet and equitable.
This summons is published by
virtue of an order of Hon. W. T.
'Campbell Judge of the County Court
of Morrow County, Slate of Oregon,
made and entered on the 13th day of
April, 1M1.
Attorneys for Plautilf. Address
Heppner Oregon
D"e of rirst publication April 19,
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land (M'ice at La Grande, On-gon,
Apnf 13, 1921.
NCTiCE is hereby giver, that
of Echo, Oregon,
who .(.n March 2, 19 18. made Hcme
"tead' eiUty No. ill ". for Lors ;i,
4, 5. 6. ant 7, SEVi NW U NEVi
SW Vt Sec. 6. Tp. 1SR28 K Wl-l
6. tov. ii.-hip 1 S, range 28 E Wil
lamette meridian, has tiled notice of
intention to make tnree-ycar tin; il
proof, le establish clain'i to the laud
above il. -scribed, b. to.e the i'uiud
-t.tis ( oinmis-ii ner in n. t'i'iie
the 2i'h day
2 I
rla'e'. in
11 a
1 - WW
th. 1 :
W I'. Wiaaii'.-'
i':v !. n: "i'ii,
Ji.l es T11 ell T
Vv . it. 11 u l; b.'
!-a ho
( I. ".
1, tl'
ii i.i aha
0! Echo,
ier .
MlTll't; TO ( r.I.IUTORS
Notice is hereby given
undfisiKU'Hi hiu been api
the Counly Court of tlu
Oreuon for Morrow coun
that t'.e
Hiin'ed by
Sti.te -ot
v a dm in l-
strtor of the estate ot James .
Craig, dcea-sttd: and all persons
havi.ig claims agaittht said estate are
(required to present the same, duly
vontlea accoruing
to law, to me at
Heppner, Oregon, within six montvis
from the date of the first publica
tion of this notice, said aate of pub
lication being April 12, 1921.
W. H. llerrcn. Administrator. &u-
NOTICE is hereby Riven that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the county court of the state of Ore
gon for Morrow county, as adaiinia
trator of the estate of Andrew J.
Warren, deceased: and has duly
qualified as such administrator.
neraona navtng ctaima against,
estate must present them to me, duty
verified at the of Ice of Woodson k
Sweek. in Heppner, Oregon, wtthln
su months from the date of . first
publication hereof.
Data 1st pub. Apr. 12, 1921.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Cand office atLa Grande, Oregon,
April 15. 1921.
Notice is hereby given that Mack
T. Gentry, of Lena Oregon, who, on
April 7, 1916, made homestead entry
No. 015751 forSM:NEV4, E'2NW4,
NWi Ntt'ii, E SW Yi , N'i,i
SW4, Section 10, and on March 6,
1920, made additional homestead
entry, No. 01S266, for NUNE,
SWNWU, SW14SW4, section 10
all in township 1 south, Range 28
east, Willamette meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Clerk
of Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon
on tjie second day of June 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: Marsh
Courtney, Waldo L. Vincent, Austin
Gentry, Fay Pettyjohn, all of Lena,
C. S.. DUNN, Register '
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office atLa Grande, Oregon,
April 15, 1321.
Notice is hereby given that How
ard E. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon,
who, on March 5, 1920, made addi
tional homestead entrv, No. 0J7306,
SE, section 34 township 3 south
Range 29 east Willamette meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
United States Commissioner, 'at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of
June 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Eddie A. Hammer, of Gurdane Ore
gon, Ross Brown, of Lena, Oregon,
Jay Hiatt, of Lena, Oregon, Fred
Howe of Lena Oregon.
C. S. DUNN, Register
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office atLa Grande, Oregon,
April 15, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that Rob
ert A. Culiek of Lena, Oregon, who,
on March 8, 1920, made additional
homestead entry, -No. 017237, for
SENEi4, NE Vt SE , ENW&,
Lots 1, 2, 3, and NBSW, section
IS, township 1 south, Range 29 east
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described before United
States Commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, on the first day of June
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Keegan, Harry Brown, G. E.
Ayers, John Brosnan all of Lena,
C. S. DUNN, Register
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Ls.nd office at La Grande, Ore-
gon. April 15, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that How-
: ard J rji:lick. of Lena, Oregon, who.
1 Meridian, lias filed notice of inten
tion to make three-year proof, to
'establish claim to the land above de
scribed before United States Com
missioner, at Heppner, Ore., on the
first day of June, 1921.
1 Claimant names as witnesses: John
I Keegan, Harry Brown,, G. E. Ayers,
John Brosnan, all of Lena, Oregon.
C. S.. DUNN, Register
Department, of the Interior, U. S.
Land office atLa Grande, Oregon,
April 15, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that David
W. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who
on January 3, 1921, made additional
honu-stead entry, No. P17308, for
SE14SEV4. section 21, SNW, N
E'4SYVi4, SW M SE '4 , section .27,
NW'i NK'i Sec. 34, Tp. 3 S, range
29 east, Willamette meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the hind above described, before
United States Commissioner, at
Heppner, Oregon, 011 the second day
of June 1921.
CTaiiuaiii names as witnesses:
Eddie A. Hati.ive., of Gurdane, Ore
g 'n, Rosu li'o'vi-. o; Len... Oregon,
j.'.y H.i'.'t, ef
I 'owe, of la. a 1
! C.
am, Fred
Ri tister
' i.-i fi'ti.
I(iL. ll l) TRACT
Li part nieiit
Land Uli i
Mar 1, 15,
of the Inti rior, U. S.
e a' LaGrande, Oregon.
i herebv given that, lis
directed by the Limimi ssioner of the
Utnora! L.:nl Olfice, under prov's
ions if S"ctioii 2455. Ii. 3., pursuant
to the upolieation of
Heppner, Oreeon
Serial No. 019431, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder,
bit at not less than $2.50 per acre,
at 10 o'clock a. m., on the Hth day
or May, 1921, neict, at this office,
the following tract of land: SEV4
NEVi Sec 26, T 2 S., R. 17. E. W.
M. "This tract is ordered into the
market on a showing that the great
er portion thereof is mountainous or
too rough for cultivation."
The sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour named have
ceased bidding. The person making;
All j the highest 'bid will be required to
immediately pay to the Receiver the
amount thereof.
Aay persons claiming adversely
the above described land are advised
to file their claims or objections on
or before the time designated for
C. S. DCNN, Register
49-J NOLAN SKIFF, ReceWer.