Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 19, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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f - . 11 v j.-, .. nxA. uuuiN 1 UttSlJAY, APKIL, 19, 192
In tlio Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County.
A public corporation,
If. 0. Cochion. Klsio , BlnkeW,
F. II. French, J. 0. French
Vurk C. Carmi'-liiK-l, us 's 0
l'Ktji.-. (;. V. drey. .Iose If
Picrcc, A
li. Loath
-M. Lite h
A. .Mr,
. ;i f o 1) J.
. rvirl J l:i ryu, Thorn;is
J. D. Ji-nhiii.;, Uanie
i'?. X. II. r.'!iili..rs,
augh, O. i.irichaiu'h,
is"J, .loini .(. ''.iveiis,
.!;!, 'I'lii- I'arviu
a corporation, A, Z,
Aaron liovvo. ya C.
S liwood, Oi is Slii-pardhon.Oliff
Sin pardson, L. Tliotiia.s ' -state,
I.. A. Wicldine, and Asa I,. Young,
and any oiln r p rson or persons
owning or claiming to own, or
having or claiming to have, any
inN'i-esI or estale in or to the
real properly hereinafter do
bribed, Defendanls
TO M. ('. Coeh,-;
ii. French, .1.
I), Klsio l,a.l;oloy, F.
0. French, Park 0.
. W. drey, Jes:;e R.
la rj ii, Thomas llos
eiikins, Jlatl.ie Ji.
. Leathers, m. Lino
a u Mh, A. II. Moses,
s, Jacob J. Niekle.
I'ynnieliiM , ;.
Vi'iT", Ai-vid I
kins, . J ). .1,
Leathers, X. II
baueli, C. I.inl,
I 'ii n J. Civ-n
The I'arviu Co
Rhodes, Ait.
Kelhvood, fit is
Tliomas estate,
, a coi'imralion, A.
"ii Keys'-, Jva O.
Sheiiai-ilson, .;, l.
and 10. A. Wiek-
tine, anil any oii-r person or per
rons owning or claiming nu.,
or having or claiming lo have, any
interest or estate in ,. (' ( ,
real properly liereinal'ter describ
ed, Did'endants:
OF OIIKi'ON: Voi, and each of vo.t
are hereby notified that n,e above
named I'lainlifl'. a public corpora
tion, is the purchaser, owner and
holder of eerlifirales of deliniien'-y
numbered KIN, XIX, ,.-,:, ((.",!) s 1
v7t, 7fl. XXI, XXa, '10 1, ' !ifi '
!. ''', '": , !MI. and
.1,1.1: issued on the r,VK a,,,,
ust. I I ( . bv lie. Ml,,
Mo l-
lector of JleiiiieM 'I'.IXes
row County, Ore;;,,,,, and
wiid SlioriiT and Collector
qitent laves in Hi,, office
County Clurk of Morrow
Oregon, on Hie 1st day o
llllfi, for taxes due and d
filed by
or Delin
of the
" Aiiausl,
tocellier wii ,,enall
Costs t hereon, imon
nli-rest and
I property
' fertile,
limy, orei'on.
ellMeil that the
id c -i-'ii-e,. (p j
is Set
ile and followiio'
i ne oescripnon of the tra.cf or parcel
of land hereinarier set not, t- -m-o
liein.i; the amount then due ami de
linquent, for li'ves for the year 1 a I )
together with penally, interest ami
costs thereon, upon real properly
siluale In Morrow Ooun'v, Orei'on,
iind piirliculiuly bounded ami de
Hcribed as hereinafter .-of rriir
mi( trad or parcel of land heint;
assfs.sed lor , year 1 '114 Hie
first person whose name Immediate-J
ly precedes the description thereof I
and Is followed by Ihe mime of the j
person ii ipea rilif,' to be the owner
thereof, :iM appears on ihe tax roll '
or Morow County, Oreron, for Ihe
year 111 III, now in the hands of Ihe
Sheriff of saiii County for c,ili,.( i
III Ihe date of the first nnbbv-tlnn of
tlii-s siinimons and notice, which dale!
Is the 2L'nd day of February. 1H21 j
ertilicale No. SIS, M. C. (Teh
ran and Klsie llln'keley, .;ast
, half of Southeast quarter of
Section 7, Tp. 2 S., H. 2,1 lOasl
of the W'llliiinelle Meridian. 1 1 :
Certificate No. SIX. '. n. French
and J. O. French n
Cnrinlehael Nori Incesi
1! 2fi
of Section
Tp. 1 S.
Fast of the
dhtii . . .
' M'
:ii) s:
W. Ili-ev
v: t h-ir
' of the
ol -
! i
oi l lo
ie 'on !l
17. Tie
Wd'.,t e
V. I,
1. 1
el i
st ,U.lll
u i h i
i I .
I to
S '
I Fa
east un;
r, North bait
eaut quariorol Not I liu . -.i quar
ter ol Northeast quarter, and
Northwest quarter ol' South
west quart, r ofNorlliwest quar
ter of Seel inn 1 ;, Tp. :! N.. i;.
24 Fast of the Willamette Met-
tdittti f'J
Vcrtilirate No. ST'l, H.tttie U.
Leathers and Hattie It, Leath
ers, Lots R and tl in Hlock I. of
the City of llatdinaii, Oregon ..
It 05
iVrtiticale No, SSI, X. 11. Lent ti
ers, and N. 11, l.eatheis. North
east quarti r of Northwest qttat
ter of Seel ion '.' . Tp,
E.ll t Ot W ill. llh. tie
li 2r,
. ami
Mi i
I I ll'lCilte I SSr.,
b.i u sh a n,l i ', 1 ii. ha t
M. I.iio ban 'i and
ban, li, , , .V ,.
i:.ii bat: ol I ..f.. hall
f Ne:
i l'e
i - t da.' . ..: So. i aoi
I N . I,' " l et el
M.-1 id mil ... .
1 lb'
' I'til a ale No !'i!
and A II Muses
A 1
111. 1
I Las
tilVellS. SoUlhWisI
Si'UthWost llU.lltel' ol
uuaihT. West hail
1 quail
Not 1
st qtlltr-
eaht quarter of Soutnwe
fer nf ',irllni,iiil fiiiarlt
half of East hulf of Northwest
uuurtcr ot Northwest
qiuu ti r,
I,' 11 f hulf nt Sun I heust
f Northet quarter of
west Quarter. Vnrrhone nnar.
of Northeast quarter of North
west quarter, and West half of
Northeast quarter of North
west quarter of Setction 17, Tp
3 N. R. 24 East of Willamette
Meridian on
Certificate No. 907, J;1,ob j'."
ja.oo j. Ajckle, Lots 1
an. 2 in lilock 3 and Lots 3
-i i . JS ock t, of the town of
Castle Rock, OreKorl j, 00
Certificate No. nil, The Parvin
Company, a corporation Pri
Hi" larvin Company, a corpo
ration, South, hair 0f Northeast
quarter of S'-etion Ifi, Tp 1 N
I. 2 i.'a. t of Willamette Me
ridian t, r
rlificate Vo. oa a
and A. 7,. Rhodes, Lois 1 ft and
11, and 1?. of Rlock 31 0f the
town of Trrieron.Orccon ti 1
Certificate xo. f,2S. Aaron""lVov- "
and Aaron f;oyse. Lot 0 ' n
I. .'nek O of the City of Hard
nian, Orefon.. ct nn
.-r!incr,!e Xo. f( r; 4 . Iai G Se!l
wood and I v. a O. Sr llwood, Lots
1 ami 2 in F!lock 4 .c the town
of Castle Rock, Oresron ' $ 30
Certificate No. r,:r,, Otis Phep
afdson and Otis Shenardson
Noi l It half of Northeast qnur.
f'-r, Soulliejist quart(-r of North
east quarter, and Northeast
quarter of Southeast quarter of
.Section fi, Tp. f, S H. 28 Fast
ol W 1 bimet (,. M,.,.,t;., s , , -
n. , . . .f 1 1 . 1 a
icaie xo. -144, E. L. Thomas
Rslate and JO. L. Thomas Estate
Rots 7 and S in Block 1 and
Rots 1 and 2 in Illock 8 of the
town Of Castle Tfnelr fl,. ,.n
Cerlnicate No. 053, j.;. A, yirk
Ime and 10. A. Wickllne, West
nail of West half or Southwest
quarter of Southeast quarter
and West half of Southwest
quarter of Northwest, quarter
of .Southeast quarter of Section
17, Tp. 3 N., R. 24 liist, of Wil
lamette Meridian $ 35
The said aiooimtu ),,..,,.
.'"mows: Tl,e Taxes aforesaid bear
"ll"'l- from the dale of filing of
m"' r,nmmii'- f leliiiquency, re-
Hliecllvely f; I h( l-ale of II
P'T cent per annum, until paid the
date of njIIS 0- Kai( eeriifjeates be
lli"; Illo lirst (lav (if A, ,,.,,,.1 line
I And j-,,,, ,uu each of you ate
li'-rehy summoned to appear within
sufly days after the dale -of the first
publication f this summons, exclu
sive of the day of first publication
lltereoi. to-wit: February 22, l')21
and defend the suit in the Court'
aloresaid, or pay lb" amount due as
shown hIm, vp aiaiinsl said tracts or
parcels of bind, respect ively, ahoy,,
described, ,,f which you' are i,P
owm-r, 01- in which you have or
chum to have, anv inte.,,ut .... ...
laie. t,)i;eiher with inleresl and costs
aecrited in this suit thereon. Ser
vice of n conv of vn,,..
. - .,". t, ,1.1 u ,1 ,-
oilier Pl-oeesss lnav l, mn,i ....
"""" wil ,lie
iindersicai'-d a'lornev for i,i!mio .
Ihe place specified below as his 'all
dress, and in rase of your failure so
lo do, imh'ltlent and decree M ill 1,.,
entered a.L'atnst vmi and each of you
foreclositi.; said tax li,ns for 'the
amount sol opposite and following
Ihe description of said Unci or par
cels ol' hind above set forth, toirether
with interests and costs thereon,
aeainst said tracts or parcels of
land and said tracts or parcels of
land will be sold to satisfy said
imlKtuent and decree obtained in
Ibis suit.
Von are rurther hereby notified
lhat Ihe plaintiff will apply lo the
Circuit Court aforesaid for judg
ment and decree foreclosing said
tax liens airainst said property, here
inbefore described.
This summons is published once
each week for sixty consecutive
nays in ine uennner Herald, a news
paper of general circulation in Mor
row couniv, Oregon, published week
ly al llrnpner in said County, the
date of first publication thereof be
ing February 22. IH21. and said
publication being made in pursuance
of an order therefor made liv the
Honorable Cilberl I'helps, judge
of the Circuit Court nf the Slate of
Orecon for Mot row County, said, or
der having been made and entered
on the 711, ,a(. ,,!' February, 1 'el I
m-' oi:i-:co, i tv s-iiiiu. i i
. I I 'Ct
A'toiliey for Vo,-"
in. and t lore,"
, it 1 ! I ii; F! cu
-; l : H
i ' ,
"sen. did, na
"I, I in i In
m and An!
puc-hii-e th,
a i
suer-i s
No. (H :
ii'a i i
I s,
j XI
banco 2S
Wil'anii-i i
Mi'l-idlan an.l II,.,
tinibi r flu recti, under the provi
sions of the act of June :!, 1S7S, and
acts aniemhitoi , known as the
"Timber ami Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
nienl.iuiil that, pursuant to such ap
lie.itiou, ihe land and timber there
on have been appraised nt 1320.00,
the limber estimated 220.000 board
feet nt $1 ,00 per M. and the land at
$100.00; that said applicant will of-
it nnai proof in support of his ap
j plication and sworn statement on the
jf.th day of May, 1!21, before 1'nited
j States Commissioner nt his office,
' at Heppner. Oregon .
A n v
pep-oll IS
s imti-ha-
e b.
i lb
w on
Tty to pro
' .iiirv, in
tll'li' before
a ceriobof
ll'ce. alb g
did.. it the
i ci
der last
2 0,
ten III
Mill e'i,
i.iul i
feels lil.-l.
0. S, IM'NN'.
,ir; Ister
1 pllb
'i t :
M iv
10 21.
1 'i 2 1 .
Wondartul Huiun
IliiuiHii (.iitica lone
a ivonderfnl
It tin been
pow er of resistnii, e
proved tint! they till DcHr a pressure
wire wines greater than oak and al
most aa uiii.h at wruught Iruu twfora
btint cruilivtL
THE HF.PPMRT? tttt? A T r urnnnirn rtn.N
Department of the Interior U. S.
Land Office at The Dalhs, Ore
gon, February 2, 1921.
NOTICE is hereby ei yen tint .Tne-
ob E. Cannon whose post-ofiae ad
dress is Spray. Oreirnn di,ir, r,
rd dav of Ami! Tim m
U ' vw, ill nils
ollice Sworn Statement and Appli
cation No. 021 5S2, to purehse the
J.ots 1, 2 and 3, and SE4 NW'i
KeC. 3 0, Township 6 South, RanRe
26 East, Willamette Meridim, and
toe timber thereon, under th-provi-sions
of theact of June 3, 18S and
acts amendatory, known a- ' the
"Timber and Stone Law", 3 such
yalue as miaht be fixed by ajiraise
ment, and that, pursuant ti such
application, the land and i,ir
then 011 have been nnnv.n ise,l i-iv
Hundred Thirty dollars, the iniber
estimated 430 M. board feet. at$l 00
per M, and the land $200; tha said
applicant will offer final prod' in
support of his application and iworn :
statement on the 27th day of ipril.l
If 21, before David E. Baxter, Lr. S.' '
Commissioner at Spray, OreKo'r) j
Anv person is at liberty Xtl pro- !
test ibis purchase before en tit." or)
initiate a contest, at anv time Hfere
paunt i-sues,- by filing a corrobor
ated affidavit in this office, alleg
ing facts which would defeat,: the
Resist 4
I-AM) 1
Denartmnit of the Interior, IT; S.
Rami Osfice at La Grande, Ave.,
March. rj, lfl21. 1
NOTIC10 is herebv given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of jthe
i.enerat wuki otnce, under pitvi-
sions of Section 2155, It. S., puiu
ant to the application of
Tfepjmer Oregon,
Serial No. 010442, we will offer at
public s;ile, to the highest bidi
but at not less than $?,.',() n-r a
at 10 o.'clock a. 111., on the 11th
ol' May, 1 021, next, at this
fice, the I'ollowin.'.; tract of hi
Lot 4, Sec. 10, T. 1 S: R. 27 10. ,W. II
The sale will not be kept op
tint. will be declared eie
wh, n those presenf at the In
min ed have ceased biddinj-r. T
person making the hitdtest bid w
be required to immediately p.y
the Receiver Ihe amount thereof.
Any persons claiminjr advers,
me aoove oes'TiDeii land are aa-
vised to file (heir claims, or oh',.-.
ions, on or In lore the time desi
nated for sale.
C. S. TT"NX. Register
4 7-H3
the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Morrow County
Ilerlha E. Clenn; Trustee,
now Ret t ha E. Glenn-Her-roux,
trustee, Plaintiff,
Allie E. Fleck, C. K. Meade,
J. E. Howley, J. B. Hon
ham, Nora E. Bonham,
James T. Ilrady, Koxanna
Brady and H. Clenn, Defendants.
TO C. K. Meade, J. E,
11. Bonhnni and Nora E.
Howley, J.
Bonham, of
above named defendants:
OF OHEGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against, you in the
above entitled suit within six weeks
from the date of the first publica
tion, or within six weeks of the date
of personal service' of this summons
uponyou outside of the State of Or
egon, and if you fail to so answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff wdll
apply to the court for the relief de
mam'.i'd in hoi' sr. hi complaint, name
ly: For the foreclosure of mortgage
riven by Peter Fbv'k and Allie E.
I'le.k. upon, y,'i.' Seclion 2(1. N'
Ml' i. Section 2S, Tp. 2 N, llange
V. M., for one bpit
of ihe
s irn, wie-i'i
do now
nit ores!
'j V
, -t
I in !-,
1 'o.
t lot lie!
'I ,1
11 '
'' . I !b tin, ,-u,; u i idi.: di t'l-ndant,
wi'i apply to III.' inn , t for the relief
' it. m.imlcil in his i ro. s cbniplaint,
namely, :;s follows: l or the loreclo
silli' of second uioitg.ige gien by
.1. 11. Hoiiham and Nora E. Honham,
i upon NWV, . Section 2tl, Tp. 2 N, II
:'i;, E. W. M., forthe sum of $200
in I'.ivorof H. Clenn. with interest
ji hereon at 10 per cent per annum
I from April 15, niltS, ,-or fil-,y ,ol.
hirs attorney's fees and for his
costs and disbursements herein, and
will ask tliat saidsecond mortgage
be decreed a lien on said NW'Vi,
Section 26, Tp. 2 N, R 26, E. W.
M., subject only to the lien of plaint
iff's first mortgage on all of land de
scribed in her colnplaint.
This numinous is published by the
order of Honorable C. W. Flielps,
judge of the above entitled court,
by oi-der made and entered under
date of March 12. 1.21. First pub
lication of this summons in llenii-
tierani at Heppner, Oregon, tin
date of March 15. 1 y a 1 . and
publication under date of April
C. L. C WIN. ationiev for
plaint:;!', 1. O. address,
The 1'aIK s, Oregon.
JOHN C, WIN, attorney for
H, Clean, defendant. I
O. uddr.-ss, The Hallos,
Araba Long en Hndhaklng
When friendly Aintn mwt "thelr
talutatloD u almoal K, .tesgue, for
they shake hands aeven or "Iglit tliut-a,
ml auuiPtluiM reatfdlj kiss each
The Wicked Flee"
i I was standiiiK on Kearney street
in San Francisco when I saw a two
horse va ;:iri pass witli the letters
"Q.M.D., U.S.M.C.," 0:1 its side.
The loiters seemed to me to have some
personal sinilicance.
; So I hailed the driver, who was
dressed in a blue uniform, and asked
, him what they meant.
J "Ounrterninsti r's Department, Fni-
ted States Marine Corps." he said.
I "Oh," I said. "Is that it? I thou -lit
, ttiey miirht mean, 'Quick, Md)onald,
j Fseless Suckers Made Comfortable.' "
j He laughed a bit. "Your name Mo
Donald'.'" "Yes."
"Well, they milit mean that, too.
Cut a job?"
"Hunt one?"
".rump in ami come with me."
He look me to the recruiting office
at the foot of Market street, and the
wind-up of it was that before the day
was over I was enlisted in the Marine
Corps as a private at thirty per, and
on my way to the barracks at Mare
Which is all merely by way of ex
plaining how I came to be doing a
mid-watch in an orderly box in front
of the commandant's house on that
auspicious nifiht four months later.
Shortly after midnight the telephone
"('onnnandaiit's orderly," I answered.
"This is wireless. Message from
Western Cnion."
I Ki-a
pad at
'or si,,'
that I
!:cil a pencil and memorandum
d irepaied to copy it. "Let
' I said.
was; till
astounding me
('omrnanOIng (Itru-cT
Mare Islanil, vi.i
Place Private I-'re,
inimediate arrest.
by mail.
, JTaHnn Rnrrccks.
Commanifant, Xavy
V. Mi DnnnM under
l''urtiic-r insirucLiuns
Ciimmtnilant Marine Corps.
Fred E.
McDonald! That was mv
lialher than stay and face the un
certain charge, with its still more un
certain attendants of trial and punish
ment. I would run away.
What with the sentries and civilian
watchmen and guards it wasn't going
to he any easy time trottm-' olf tin.
island, and that I knew.
Then I started down Davis street
toward the water-front.
1 knew where there was a shore-boat
lying alongside the sea-wall at Ihe
end of the street. I would steal that,
or borrow It. rather, and get away.
It was a mighty dark night; I had
that in my favor. I got half-way
down the street without being dis
covered. Then, just as I was passing the En
gineer building, some one turned into
the street about fifty feet nliead, I
slopped and slunk against the side of
the building; but he had .heard me.
"Halt!" he cried. "Who's there?"
It was n sentry.
Just above me was n barred window.
I took hold of the ledge and pulled
myself up noiselessly.
There I clung, tnunkey-like.
The sentry challenged three times.
Then he proceeded to Investigate.
Several times he passed me so close
that I could have kicked Ills but off.
I'.ut nt last he gave It up and went
his way, and I went mine, L-raie 'ully.
I made It to the sea-wal! without
C'trther mish-;p.
And then the deer of a
o-ir-hy 1.
t v:ai,v
man ing
d ami a ni
"I'h-h. vo
;1, Oi la
'.in b
or oi'll
I didn't think he would, and so 1
'(epp on running.
l'.ui all of a sudden, from in front
af nie came the sharp :
"Halt I Halt ! Unit !" of tl sentry.
I knew that meant business.
There was only one thins; to do. It
was a lotii; swim across the channel,
mil the undertow was trem herons,
hut I turned and dove hendlonj; from
'he seu-witll.
Say, did you ever make a running
dive, expecting to hit water, and In
stead land square on a solid oak plat
form. Xo? Well, that's what I had
A float, for the use of shore-boats,
had been anchored there. I Ienrued
aiore astronomy In that instant than
I ever had nt school.
The sentry and the watchman pulled
me off the tloat. I was pro'ty well
daed ; but sot myself toeila-r In n
"Sure, an' ye are a lucky begsar."
ald the watchman. "What are ye
i-oln' to do with hum, siutry?"
"Turn him over to the serneant of
the cuard. I sui!ise." said the sentry.
"Webnt were you trying to do, any
Hit v?"
"I'm restricted." I said. "I was try
'.na to make a liberty. I haven't been
off the Islam! since pay-day."
"Well, I don't know aa I blame
rou much," said the sentry, w ho is
a re-culisted man, and bad probably
broken restrictions many t!ms fclm
self. So they turned me loose and I
started up Front street, pretty badly
discounted. I had just missed my
best chance for piinintt freedom.
And I knew that I must run the
gantlet of several iqore sentries before
I reached the launch-landini.', the next
point from which it miht be possible
to pet a boat.
The rattle of a sword sounded nliead
of me. It was the odieer of Ihe dav
mnkinc his rounds. So he was to be
added to my other troubles.
I would impersonate a member of
the guard.
I had dene watches over that post
and thought I remembered all the or
deis. I would make a bluff at it any
way. I walked boldly out in the street
and toward the approaeliiii'.' foots! 1
When ill, our Ihirtv naces ilisfiet-
slopped. "Halt! Who's there?" I
"Olhcei- of the day."
"Advance, officer of the day, with
the countersign."
He advanced.
"Halt! Countersign !" I challen 1
again, when, he had arrived within
ten paces.
"Custer," lav said.
Finally he turned away, and I
luted and started on, taking off mv
of sight.
I got out
I walked boldly enough now. I m
halted by several sentries, but ga
Ihem the countersign and was allowed
to pass.
However, while I was Hearing the
launch-landing, a big white light ci
lug up the stream .suddenly gave me
an Inspiration.
It was the Scheme, from San Fran
cisco, and from the curve she v
making she evidently intended rtumin"
alongside the sea-wall in order to hi
a consignment of stores on the Island
The corpora) f ,,, guard, who had
come down from the gnanl-lieii
stood near, lantern in hand, check!
oil the freight as it arrived.
I.watched my opportunity. At a mo
ment of some little confusion' I slipped
iiom my niiiing pince to a point near
Ihe cases of goods, and then .-tartei!
I'oldly up the gangway. Imping t ho
mistaken in the darkness for one or
the workmen.
Hut my little plan didn't work.
Soinelhlng. or some one attracted the
attention of the corporal of the gipan!
to me. He let a whoop out of him
mkc a (. onianehe.
"Halt 1 Hey, there,' you! Stop!"
I vms already hnlp-way up the gang
way. I didn't stop. How could I?
I Just couldn't afford to he caught
A general court martial was the
least I could expect 1
I leaped up the gangway into the
after compartment of the ship, and
tin another gangway to the upper deck.
The corporal of the guard was right
at my heels.
I rushed to the port-rail, leaped over
it, ami landed again on the sea-wall,
with a crash that well-nigh broke my
I scurried off in the darkness.
As I passed in rear nf the guard
house I saw lights flash in the relief
rooms, and heard the excited hum ol
voices as the guard grabbed limit
rides and belts. In thirty seconds I
would have half a hundred men hunt
ing me like a rabbit. '
A light loomed up ahead of me. It
was the light of my orderly box.
I rushed up to it. jerked open the
door and sprang inside. Just Hum
the telephone rang. I took up the re
"Hallo, orderly. This is wlreles.
Where've you been? I'.een trying to
get you for fifteen minutes. All right
Take this message." It was as fol
lows: ron-inritali'1',' fTTa-
M ire l.-laeii,
bre r in nr, ,-,-,!:
,U l::,.',, !-.';,' v.Sv
U 1.
eetlld h,
have puieV"
About half an hour a'';.
(1 my
relief came and my mid-watch wa
over. I'.ut I had some trouble next morn
In,' in cxplainim,' how I'd -ot su bad
ly battered up over nlht.
Child Entitled to Opinions.
In training the child, his opinions
should li respected and parents should
take time and have patience to show
1dm wherein he Is right or wrong. He
certainly cannot always have his own
way, now nor in the future; therefore
he must learn to obey before he Is fit
to command, and careful, constant
training is needed to produce this re
sult. Children should be chums with
! their parents, and should also have
J the companionship of other children
I and learn to "get along" without diffi-
ulties or quarrels; adaptability is es
enilal to happiness. Exchange.
Paper Money That Is Lost.
From liginv available It is
mated that bills of larger denomina
tions are not frequently lost. Prob
ably not more than three-tenths of 1
per rent of them full to return. Tak
ing It altogether. It Is estimated tlait,
aside from the shinplusters thnt were
lost, there has been about J.Wumo
worth of paper money thnt went out
of the treasury and nerer came back.
These were Tnlted States note ami
gold and silver certificates.'
The Oceaa Accident & Gua
antee Corporation, Limila
nf ;
p.u. 1
w Vo-k (office m Fitih
York (ity). in the state of X
n the thirty-first dav of 1 lecen Ii
!,:ieie in the insurance eitminiisul
the slate of Llretcon. pursuant to la
of il.,,s,t capital
$ 800.000:
1 01
Notice is hereby given that. . the
undersigned has been appointed br
ihe County Court of the State o't"
Oregon for Morrow county admin i
strtor of the estate of James W
Ci-aig, deceased; and all persons
having claims against said estate are
required to present the same, duly
verified according to law, to me at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
ironi the date of the first publica
tion of this notice, said naie of pufj
'icatlon being April 12. 1921 '
W. H. Herren, Administrator.
notice to ci:i:i!toi;s
i NOTICE is hereby given that the
undersigned lias been appointed by
ihe county court of the state of Ore
gon for Morrow county, as adminis
trator of the estate of Andrew J.
Warren, deceased; and has duly
qualified as such administrator. All
persons having claims against said
estate must present them to me, duly
verified at the ofiee of Woodson &
Sweelt, in Heppner, Oregon, within
-ux months from the date of first
publication hereof.
. , Administrator.
Date 1st. pub. Apr. 12, 1921.
T j Much "Taboo."
William visited gntndma, but wnu
ii permitted to touch ihe breakable
irtiele it the house. At the arrival
f his mother he said: "Let's go horii,
na Everything to this house is.
don't much.'"
England Welcomes Virginia Flower.
To many people the Virginia creep
er seems like rather a lowly and mod
est plunt. and yet It has received a
warm welcome In England, where It
is grown freely, rniuhllng over bulld
ogs, rocks mid wails, just as much at
Home In Kngllsh soil as In American.
eiiict of
the owners
P. nian-
r.ij uired
Aui 'ist 24,
' "..'a for
of Cor
! r'l 1.
2 1.
:c m and
I'ai lison.
for fie st-;'e and
personally appearc
CO I ,
(1 S.
who, havit.K been duly sworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says that he
is the editor and publisher of the
Heppner Herald, and that the fol
lowing is, to the best of his knowl
edge and belief, a true statement of
the ownership, management, etc., of
the aforesaid publication for the date
shown in the above caption, required
by the Act of August 24, 1912, em
bodied in section 4 4 3. Postal Laws
and regulations, printed on the re
verse of this form, to wit:
1. That the name and address of
the publisher, editor, managing ed
itor, and business manager is: S. A
Pat lison, Heppner. Oregon.
2. That the owner is S. A. Paul
son, Heppner. Oreirnn.
3. Thar the known bondholders,
np.rtcacees ;,nd other securdv hold
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort
gages or other securities is; w B
Rarratt and Sam E, Van Vartor',
Heppner, Oregon, and B. E. Lee,
Canby, Oregon..
Editor and Publisher.
Sworn to and subscribed befor
me this 19th day of April 1911
Notary Public for Oregon
3924 w" "vuwi reu. Z5,