Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 19, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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rrnr urnnMPn itph & t rx I i ' i.
I fi r Mh r r I J r K rt K K l I II - """ .WIKK tll I'lBUCATIOX
Yi wutii -i t f.j
S. A. PATTISOX, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter
: v
Terms of Subscription
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County.
W. E. STRAIGHT, .lintiff
Nancy Crank. Frank Tharp,
John Hale, Elias Halo,
Leyd Hale, Ralph Hale,
John V."o"!vai-d. and Ada
.1. Woo dward, his wife.
id. Clar-
Ch .n-. v
fi' iii .--"d.
Dppartmpnt of the Interior, t'. S.
Land office atLa Grande, Oregon,
April 15, 1921.
Notice is herebv riven that Mack
T. Gentry, of Lena Oreson. who. on
Apr.l 7, Ill IS, made homestead enn-v
No. elSTal for S l-XE Vj , E '.MV xi,
NW'i, Xtt'i,, L'2SVU. XVi4
''i. Section 10, ai d on March 6.
I ! -. mad- a l.Mtiois
euiry, v . o ; -j :, tj
r:e'M t.-ai
1 1 . : -id ion i .
ian. 1,..:; ;;!:.
homestead entrr. No. 0173fia fn.
SEUSE14, section 21, SV4Nw', N
e.,s y4, ssw sk, section 27
Ntt'U XEH Sec. 34, Tp. 3 S, range
29 east, Willamette meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim
, io uie liuiu aoove described, before
jl'nited States Commissioner, at
.' Heppner. Oregon, on the second d'v
of JutV 1!I21.
'ia-imam nrmes as witresses
!':,;t,i" A Hammer, of Ourduno. Orel
: . n. nws liMtwn. of Lora, Or-i-nn
: .y. liiati, of Lena. Unon, Kr,.j
of j., rvef'iv.
C S DI XX, n. giat.r
X ()'!'(
!':: T i rcATiu.v
-VI ! ! I ; At i
1.-1 r?
( 't;
'" sir.;
U, S. V.
i -"-3
! ' ' ' ' ' ' "i 1 i'n'.i.'iic I COiil-
t'H1 :; pre.-, ion a coujic of weeks ago
1 1 we ta.i er-. meet nig in an editori-
I E i. " .'.
h a :'!()-
Oi o
d h
al wiih llieniu-iil ion i cinvev ing l he thought that per
naps i lie i ami re 01 the lnghwav builders to built
way lliropgh lone s principal street was the main cause of
t'oiuiilaiiit at that nirrtinr ',- 1.,,1 tl,,d,i d,.,t ai
'him iiw iii'niia LllUL .u i .
the hiirh- .most wthiw:
"Soft summer breeze, whlsnprine
Alas,,,, or llw ,.,lit,,r ,,r .1,,. (',,.,.,. . .., . , . ' j trPes". s,a,s Fhinin brightly above;
1 "- ' '. ii--i iui..- ui aii mmy CISC l moonueams peeking all around. It
would lake the term literally and distort our meaning into ' I!luy b(' true that lovp is blind b'ut
a personal reflection on Mr Mason or the town of I one !er keen Jl !al!"
aiidin order ft, set tmrselves right in the eyes of. both our
critics we will here state that we had no intention of even
iiil.malmg that there were any ihes, deatl or living, on Mr. six.vott ins mf.whf
V huiiti dt- j.ti i w tn-n ...1 : .1, t.. i ' .....
1 i" ii in won. n tic 1 e.iKies.
Red sez: "Good bve.
Mr. Mason, ho-w-ever, insists on terming the figure of
'ii a "-li at lotie" which it wasn't. The editor of
to i( i;i: si; i ouksts
( ;
:y, !c
s!v an,
rs tht
U 1;
i lerawi
uie are
' report o
Time, v.
T wi,!-U I:
for ''I
-en si l
'e a
(T(de;.,en:n Wiisliiiiyton Iiiire:m)
WA.SHINCTOX. Aprd 10. Con
"r' so'iiin Sinnott hi'.s in'roduct d in
!!. hnv o ; l,o foiloVins- bills:
'nil'-." the H-i -s :i f i, t to cor
ho (d'I'ices of register and
in Cliilod S'ti.l.., (iislrii;!
a-d y
. r :
y A,mitas:e
II. foci
I o am
so! M
to :-ov
i 1 .
, 1
lr. uiion
, i ,
I n
en i
(.' e:
el ai'ei
he critic
tiiist the
! tin
U! t
i tinig lo llie j ii',l:-!i'd
I that lime was all
counl - court.
up .lai
' i
enorl s
il si
Ci '.
i 1 1;
.; 1
' 1 1
lis I"
.in ooa
111 SI 111'
i'ae i'lid liiu-v
her liiishand. J
and C'vnihia C'orhran. his .
vife, Ida Grabil, and Thom
as Grabil, , lier husband,
Guy Hale. Caroline Cason,
and C. L. Cason. her hus
band, Sarah Cason, and
Walter Cason, her husband,
Dan Hale, and Lettie'Hale,
his wife, and all other per
sons or parties unknown,
claiming any right, title,
interest, estate or lien in
the real property herein
described. Defendants
TO Xanc-y Crank, Loyd Hale, Rali.h
Hale, Fannie Woodward. Ella
Vale, Ellon Hale Duncan, William
Dunpan, Henry Cannon, Darrel
Cannon, Marv Cannon, Ella Ha1;or
Sii.-iiy. Ini Srior-y, Sylvia Halc-T.
C. S. Hale. Michael Hale. M,.ude
Halo P. G. Hale. Clay Halo. Mvra
llalo, D( lia Armiaiai , Harry Ari
!:' Oa ro!ii; p j. ,,n
:' H do, I.etiie Halo. and ail othl
t '' oi l' 'o:;s o'" t' lr'.iis irer'Kn n
'i t -' 'as-
i-and : t;
April l
ini e. p,
i'.I.a (
M'son. cf
Aide, Or
f'-:i. lo th
;:ven that How-
Lena, Oregon.
who, on March 5, lP-jp, made addi
tional homestead entrv, X0. 0173tj6
i o r S W i . XEH. ' E K S W J,, S W K
'SE'i, section 34 township X south
Range 29 east Willamette meridian,
has riled notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
I nited States Commissioner, at
Heppner. Oregon, on the 2nd dav of
June 1921.
Claimant names na n-itimcc..
Eddie A. Hammtr. of Gnrrintie n.
:on, Ross Urov.-n. of t.ena n,-a
JayeHiatt. of Lena. Ore'ron, Fred
Hone of Lena Oretron.
C S. DVXX, Register
l.er,diy given that.
' "mniivston.T or -
I-lid aTjae. (indfr picVsl
P."' 'alii 2 15.1, U. .J., 1H11'SU'''1,I
Uoiiication of
Heppner, Oiesren
S't-nl Xo. 019131, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder
but at not less than $2.50 per acre'
at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 11th dav
Of May. 1921. nevt of tlii r.
XOTK'K I'Olt H lil.lCAi'iOV
) v I i
D. partment "f th
A .
Tp. ! ei'ior,
I 'l e reai pr. .tieat;-
of t;o; st'atk
-t cntirelv di-
Vehic'e aeiviri
I !' in. (For r. lie!
1 one -ici nrs t'ae-
Our cniies are both reminded that the Herald has
expressed no opinion regarding the merits or demerits of
1lu' ''"'i'l'"" l Ibc highwav tlir.mgh lone. That matter
was one to be threshed out and settled betvycen the people
1,m(' 1a",,! ';de highway commission and as we un
derstand the .situation it has been settled. If lone Ins
iM.tl.eeii treated fairly it is a matter of regret to all fair
minded people.
The point the Herald has stood for is that the county
court is not responsible for the location of the highwav and
slu.uld not be blamed for something over which they had
no control, J
'1 he Herald is not in possession of the information rc-
r " 1 ' " " , IK "I"-'" ainui aiKfaccomphshment of the caterpil
lar on K,ea ereck gra.le that Mr. Mason requests but if he
Mil secure toe data lrom an authoritative source we will
be glad to publish it.
aad oi.
" J'l!!e .",0
of sair loeie mi
il ". ire;)., mull "sses I ironeii i n
haneid cosis in carryiim- (nt onie
I '''. Was inirotluroil lafl session
bin disapproved by Iiurleson.)
Amendinp joint resolution giving
lo discharged soldiers, sailors and
marines a preferred right of home
stead entry approved February 14,
19 2I.I. (This amendment increases
period of preference right from two
to ten days.)
ill d
Mother N-iture Meant Man to Earn His
Dread by the Sweat of His Brow.
Ty V.''.? T. K S K N T A T I V K JOHN Q. TII.SON, of Connecticut.
1 v " 'J
1 t Cs-
.1 .J I
mi' K 4kAV-
mole ihe liaterioral
Nature tt.i am us to earn our lnvaii by the sweu.
of the bruu, niiii if a man tines that nature jjenernlh
.v. litiii in i'. ii ul imvsNnl eoiiilitiiiti. lint if he for-
els all tins, riiles iii-Iiail of walkitir, em, lines hi-
or.. 'iies to a swivel chair, stavs within the four wnlh
of .1 niotn, persists in tl.e belief that he is llie exception
In ciery ollur aii'ti al Unit nature 'miile, she snoti he
iiis to evu't hit' enaltiis of him. lie funis his re-
-tne jeM.r li.Mtr. lie funis he has more weight and
mi!-. i;lar slreiiL'lli to earrv it. He ilislik 's exer
.a, Im.i i-e il tires hen. n.nl the less he exerciser tin
.ii L'e. s mi. Snnu eviTv onr.it, paraik 's of tias slaek-
Mil his work eom,s Worrv anil with that unrrv no irnt.ihlo ,.,i,nli.
t:ot, of the nerves. Su.l.lenli l,e is bro,ig!,t up with rt roatld stop ami
learns from Us duetor that sumethitijr is wroin,' with him.
Then begins tli pursuit of health, ami vacations, which formerly
were a plea-ure to him, are full of the fonhodiiig an.l wotnlenii whether
lie w ill be all ng-ht u, a month or six months. Ami all this can he pre
M'tite,! not l.y ursrien of exercise, not l.y .loitijr things to such an ex.ess
if to -it, 11 further le.t.l tfie vitality ami the resistive fonr, but by constant
Mtmll .Uses dully of a moderate exercise, which takes nothing out of l
man hut exhilarates him ami is after naturs own methods, which eonsist.
iti Knulual rather than violent changes. With the improvement that mines
from this moilerate exercise his will power strengthens ami his appetite
hcinmes more normal, so that he can more readily control it ami eat in
moderation ami enjoy that food. And in proportion an he practice tern-l-crance,
just so much docs his mental and nervous tone improve. And
he soon finds that there is doul le the enjoyment in the kind of eating he
doe when vigor.,,, and under self-control than that which he praeth-ed
l efore. Kvery part helps a part, and when the eirclr is a vicious ciHt
it leads around to greater deterioration, and when it i a beneficial eirele
it leads around to better and better impnwement in all respects.
The averagi' man knows enough U take cure of inanimate niaehfnea,
to see that they have oil, to se that they are not run badly or in an imper
fect ivuditn.il. The average man will see that hi horse' or his motor ear
is properly taken ,-arv of. He will insist that hi boys at aehool hav
propor exercise and porU When it comet to himaelf he fwlt tlwit b can
take ny liberty or lieeiwe. forgt all the dirtate of health, and yet expect
to go on with hi work ju4 the aame.
f " M
t J i &
M i I
L" sf" Tv lx " ' r
George Wiinger Smith, mayor of
Louisville, Ky., who If considering the
purchase of a coal mine and the estab
lishment of municipal coal yards.
$ si
irt,ii.. j
NA '.'
' ! ' 11 'all! I. d n;t v,ii :n six -. .,':
'--:.! tie- dai" of fiea public' :d i or
I'd- s'liunioiis. i ;.(. if yoy t'a.il i o so
anaear an 1 up.iv r, I'oV vvint il;. real'
Hie plaintiff wdi i.pply to the- mini
lor the relief prayed for in bis com
plaint to v, it; For a dt cree of the
faart that the luaiii'il'f is tha owner
in lee-siaiple r.d clear of ail inler-
t. lien or eln'm of any of the de
fendants above named, of the follow
ing described real property in Hepp
ner, Morrow County State of Ore
gon, to wit; Lot numbered Two in
Block Numbered One in .Morrow's
second addition to the town of Hepp-
nci ; that the detendents and each of
them be decreed to have no right,
title, interest, estate or lien in o- io
:-a;d n.ul property or any par i here
of, mil that the plaintiff's ti'la l e
fo'-ovrr quieted against said de'fend-aut-
and each of them, and for sucb
further relief as to the Court may
seem, meet and equitable.
This summons is published bv
virtue of an order of Hon. V. T.
Campbell Judge of the County Court
of Morrow County, State of Oregon,
made and entered on the 13th day of
April, 1921.
Attorneys for Plantiff. Address
Heppner Oregon
T)ite of first publication April 19,
J 'a L' 1
In r 'be jrivi e f
' I-: of Lena, n,-
D2. '.lede
i'nfv, ."o. o!T
. and , V i
') 1 sou-h, Kan!:
ridian. has I
inli nt in to mirk. t
to establish claim to
T". P
0."g. n,
! -
i ! ' i in 1
, si ci ion
29 east
ed 110-
'rt A. t'u!
a .Ma reh
'l i: ., :,.,,!
, li : i XK '-
' Lois 1 , 2.
' IN. tOVCllfd!
' AViliamerie
; tiu- i
pt oof
above described boi'on
Sta'es Commissioner, at
OrtHion, on the first day
1 9 - .1 .
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Keegan. Harry Brown, G. ' E.
Ayers, John Ilrosnan all of Lena
C S. DUNN, Register
ine ionowing tract of land: SEW
Vr T -2 S" R- 27' E- W.
Ibis tract is ordered into the
market on a showing that the great
er portion thereof is mountainous or
too rough for cultivation."
The sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour' no,si ....
ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to
immediately pay to the i!pniv,. ti,
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adverse'v
he above described land are advised
to Hie their claims or objections , on
or beiore the 'imo designated for
C. S. DUNN, rtoe-iRfnr
-,J-2 .yOr.AN.SKIFFKeceiver.
('l Ii i. (.;.
'u r-, w nor;
the land
C ni led
of June
' of Oregon, hiiT
i:i!s hel'eiila!'!, .,. ,1
"ii that f. (ho
laws of the
rtKen up tiie
Department of the Interior, U. S.
jan i iitnce at L.a uranoe, uiegon,
April 13, 1921.
NCTiCE is" hereby given that
of Echo. Oregon.
who en March 1 1918 mnile Hmoe-
stead euiry No. OlSKTiS, for Lo".
h. t), anu 7, st; a mvij NrJ4
SW'i Sec. 6, Tp. 1 is U 28 E.. Wi-1
fi inv'n.lilti 1 raiite I'D R Wil
lamette meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make three-year linal
proof, lo establish claim to the lanj
above described, before the t'nited
tales Commissioner at H. pnne-.
Oiegon, on the 2iith day oi May.
2 I
Claimant namts as witnesses:
W. 1". Wiggleswortb. of Echo. Ott.
Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, Ore.
Ji.i les Wheeler, of ileppner. Ore.
". H. Hucka.by. of Kcho, Ore.
C. S. Oi 'NX, Pa lister
. j.
j. ,
! !
, .!. .J. .J. .J. .f. .J. -J.
Nathan llehriu. ottlclnl reporter of
the Miprvine court of New Turk coun
ty, w ho made a new world's speed rec
ord tn shorthand when he took down
279 words tn a minute. Hehrln niMi1
the reeord at a contest held hr th.
New York State Shorthand
asportation. In the test hr hrnt. ki.
own previous world's record of 278
worua, uiaiie in tWl.T.
The Treuble.
arylHdjr aooat Uu hnl aeeiM
be rstcbloi cold. Is ( jampr
Mo: bt tbere sr. so anaj drafu
tbowi rc
The First Christian fliurch.
The usual services of the Church
will be held on Sunday, consisting
of the Bible School at ten o'clock., fol
lowed by Communion Service and
Preachinn at eleven o'clock.
The evening Service will consist
of the Christian Endeavor Service ai
seven o'clock and song Service and
Preaching at eight o'clock. Everejr
one Is cordially Invited to attend
(heee services.
W. O. Livingstone, Minister.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office at La Grande, Ore
gon: April 15, 1921.
Notice is hereby given that How
ard J. Culick. of T.enn nroonn .Vi
on March 8, 1920, made additional
nomesieaa antry, No. 018406, for
in r- V4. IX Ji y4 , N W , N , SW'U , SW
SW'Vi. "Section 12, Township 1
south Range 28 east, Willamette
.Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make three-year proof, to
establish claim to the land abeve de
scribed before United States Com
missioner, at Heppner, Ore., on the
first day of June, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
Keegan. Harm Ttrnwn n c a.
John Brosnan, all of Lena, Oregon!
v. s.. DUNN, Register
Department of the interim. tt a
Land office atLa Grande. ' firpmn'
April 15, U21. '
Notice is hereby given that David
v . Pearson, of Lena nraonn ...u
on January s. 1921, made additional
run" nr.- at larae on my preuii.-,-
-ee ' ii couiny, aboul six
-'a. 11 ui iioai'ain.in, Oregon, to wit:
One g.-ay nii,,,,, wigh; r.-iou: S00
, ""OHii'u n i 011 ri
.-iioiilder, M bar on left iiin
one brown stalljsm, weight about
P0 pounds, branded quarter circle
V , tuiule''tea and M bar
ifi 1 iiiji.
, One ,tnrk filIy spidor branJ
right shoulder; M bar on left hip
one oay horse, yearling, spider
b-and on right shoulder, M bar on
tore b.;p.
One lay mare, weight about G00
Pounds, branded HI on right should
er. Ai bar on left hip.
i ce orown f i y branded DK
but If.
One bay filly
One sorrel hor.-e branded CD
One bay mare hranrtorf fiv-i tr
wagonstake brand on shoulder, and
mLhat 1 wil1' on Saturay( April 30,
1921. at the hour rf in-nn -.t.
- . v.vu U t'lUCK
in the forenoon nf BnM i
trie' same shall havo K.n .aA -i
at my ranch, north of lone, Oregon,
u sum county , sell said animals to
the biebest hiridep fnr noct. i., i .
.--v. wwii IU UUUU
for the purpose of paying the coats
of taking up, holding and selling
such animals together with reason
able damages for the injury caused
by said animals running at large on
said premises.
Neil Doherty,
Dated and first nuhliahori hi-
12th day of April, A. D. 1921. 50-51
branded DK on
Subscribe for the Herald and net
all the county news. Only 12 a year.
Christian Science
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday moralng at 11:00
o'clock In I. O. O. T. hall. Sunday
Sshool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony
(DAetiags re held ever Wednesday
e-nlg at l:M o'clock at the home
f Mrs. Eogwoe Sloeaim. All Inter
eatew are cially Urlted to attend
these meeting.
EVEN if your business is such that you have
gone without a bank account, the idea is
worthy of your consideration.
EVERY TIME you give your check you
make, a legal, indisputable record .of .that
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank