PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON o. s. m Mi :c m no Grande U'iide ;'?-n. of I. a Grand.-. h'i-rmi-i!. 1" 1, i-im.-inr. ?!)'). I . Il-.j i-e n ; .-n. oi ?T:-rl em n, bo- - I- ! -1 ' 1 t TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 192T last Wednesday n-i-mt. A is? -vcnintr's entei lainiin-m was -1 1 . TOTU, )I l I, TIN .I I" TAKIA IN "VI 1 1: J-'igui-es for Si-ruml Cunere-MHial I'Ml'irl Show Details ol Pa.i nienls M;nle in Grant ( oiMid-y ( Washing Ion lllli'-nll) WASHINGTON-, AprTT - Con gresMiinn Niilmhis .1. Siinmlt h;is se. c-uieil from III" farm loan largely I ln o'irh ih- as.-isl.-inci- or lormer coinirssiiian A . F. T.i-vi-r, na tionally known as the amhor of tin Lever food control hill, a, ma:-s of information emiee. nine tin- opera tion of ihe f. il.T.-il t' : i jin loan ail In Ou-gun, and par' if-ula 1 1 y in fin- ser ond congressional district, whi.-li :as the disiinriion of having piar- II the farm 1 ira lly nc-hn I f of' d undi r Hi Oregon. I')) to dan- Ihf total has ij ' ii loaned in i this organization, thi ol' wli i'-li a re a I Hooka n 5 11.1 I borrower:- y citin! farm loan loa ns t III antouni lliai g"ii thnmth hi-adiiia i ll rs , ainoiinl'; to The lotal nnmhi't' of s in Or. turn is :;mi::. in i -con !-'ri';-i.-;iona I disiri'-l tin- r tut Tin in h i nil II id i n I h is d M r aggregate lo $a. Iiist rilmt ten o the second rom i n 1 1 r s I i ng, and : ry counly. 'I'll inimhi t of loaned to ' in tin- lollouing I Alini'X assoriali lion nii- owi-rs totals i: mini of loans "r ii-l ; -1 r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 .s in the 'I I I, -'.'i a 1 hi:- money tlifir fiMipr'-.ii.ii:i di'trlcl is and shows art ivil y in ev The ;o snria I ion, the borrowers and amounts n-li assia'ia I ion ai r shown Mo: n of Annex, bor i a n . f Arlinglon 1 ,;i oo. Baker, nor- , amount If (20,000. of Honanza, bor ainounl, $ 0 r,,2 2 r,. rowi-rs, 112, amount. $i;:i A il inglon assm-iat ion borrowers', 1 I , amount, linker association of rowers, 102 Ilomin?a rowers, lid, Untie civclt assn. of I-'oss-il, bor rowers, til ainoiinl, $:!2.ri.inn. Central assn. of Madias, borrow er.s, 104, amount, $ 1 X(),2.r,0. Condon assn. of Condon, borrow ers, 78, amoiinl, 1174.750. Croidt Co. assn. of I'rinevilie, bor rower. 52, amount, $22fi,!IX0. The Iialles assn. of The Dalles, por rowi rx, 43, amount, $1-11,800. Dead Ox Flat asi-m. of Payette, bor row, in. 28, ainoiinl, $84,000. Deschutes assn. of liend, borrow, ers, :(!), aiiiount, $G7,340. ICast Hood lilver assn. borrowers, 4'i, amount, 148,l!00. KIkIm iihsii. of' KlKin, borrowers IIS, ninoiiiit, $84,!l(IO. Fori Klaninlh asijn., borrowers-, 1 X ninoiiiil, $71,500. Fori Rock Valley ansn., borrow ers, 25, amoiinl $24, "00. l,oiiK Creek assn. of l.oni? Creek )iori-owei-K, 1 7, amount $:!2.10ll. Free Water assn., borrowers, 04 ainoiinl,, $102, (150. K si aii. ' h .' ' ' I ;- : n., hot rov'.-t's, .::. aim. tin1. 1 ',) .1 to. I -o . r !-s'l'- ;..-s: ii,, borrov.-. i s. 17. a mo mi I, f I .'. "r,'i. -M'- i ill asMi. of Mi -t-i ill, borrower--. 2 1 . amount, JliO.T'tO. M lolius assn. of Mi-tolins, bor .".4. ainoiinl, $."7,750. intario assn. of Malheur, bor t ii ers, (JO. ainounl. 228,'ino. Paulina assn. of Paulina, borrow er". 2D, amount, $74.55'!. Kamsay assn. of Dufur, borrow ers. :.'0. amount, $51, lull) Ki-duiiiiid assn. of Ueilnrond, borrower-;, 4 l, amount, $50,1 40. Sherman Co. assn. of Moro, bor rowers, 17. Iniiount. $11 8,225. Sisters- assn. of Sisters, borrow ers. 15, amount, $ 11,700. North Grain Co. assn. of Hamil ton, borrowers, 2 1, amount, $53,150. Sioek Growers assn. of Ilurns, borrowers, 511. amount, 204.250. Siniiii.ld assn. of Stanfield, bor ruwers, 20, amount, $83,850. Tiiiualo assn.' of Tuiualo, borrow ers. 1 7. amount, $3 5. 3 50. I'pper Valley assn. of 7'arVdale, horowers. 2H, aiiiount. $54,850. Wallowa assn. of lOnli-rprise, bor row, rs, 53. amount, $22 1,550. Wiiswi assn. of Wasco, borrow ers, 25. amoiinl, $IO!MOO. White l;iver assn. of Wamie, borrow-r".. 33. amount, $5 1 ,700. 1'iairie Cil- assn., horroweiii, 10, ainoiinl, $32,5oO. :o-e pi H, r-li a I ;'ir-..'.-v a.:, a-hain.-d j Mi l i-onttibi '-OBIiilllJi y 1. W." Co: lit; ; .Villi' I led $2' 'ile:,t. H1 n. vLOCAL NEWS ITEMS ! i A 10-20 Tilan Tractor nnaranleed to pull the 14-Inch plows, at Gil & Ilisbee's on fall terms. 50 t f. J. M. Humphreys, a pioneer horse man of Ihe Kishtniilp section, was transaelinf; business at the court house Tuesday. Mrs. George Fell and Mrs. W. E. Brock, of Pendleton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Spencer ror a few days last week. The ladies of the Episcopal guild will hold a busines meeting TfTurs day afternoon, April 1 4 1 h, at the home of Mrs. C. L. Sweek. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cohn left hur riedly Tuesday morning for San Francisco, in response to a telegram innoiinclng the death of Mrs. Colin's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ih-nge and diildren drove to Pendleton Friday owning to spend the week end wilii his sisler Mrs. Harnett. They ri 1 urnrd Sunday evening. Mrs. W. P. Mahoney was hostes-s lo Ihe bible class of ihe Federated church Sunday School at her home lodL'e of Elks will inat-.;' new oiTie.-rs n. ::t Th'irsdav ,.v-mn:-and all members of the order within rem h fit' Heppni-r 'temnle ;rP e.x-p.-cte.J to be present. There vil al so be initiation and a line of bl eats. Members of the Blue Lodge, Ma sonic, frate-nity, enjoyed a farew. -!! party last Wednesday evening at tii. Masonic temple, the affair being giv en in honor of Oscar Borg, who with Mrs. Borg, left Thursday momina for Missoula, Montana. A pleasan: evening was reported. A. M. Zink, well known farmer of the country north of lone, is a vis itor here today, a guest at Hot. 1 Patrick. Mr Zink struck a flow of natural gas' on his farm about a year ago and he nays the flow appear stronger than when first discovered The gas burns from the outlet pipe a Connie of feet high continuously. The rock fill at the junction of ttu Rhea creek market road with the Oregon-Washington highway at the inou.tli of Rhea creolc which is bPln built hv Oliver & Allimatl, will nrobab'y be completed this week, p has been a rather expensive piece (,r work on account of (he hi" fill re quired to reach the highway grade but it is there to stay. v. P. .1. O' and his n sc. . T'.'sr.'.v f'littke drove i-p f.'.i-- Palbs yesterday to spend a fen visiting friends. Both were n-'r wli k"evj. resirlerit: '. .i are deset vi niy popular a'noi n a1 llepmiei- p. cp'e. vnt'ii Ir-T.-ip -!!e;-...- bi:h i e.i, an extendert ir'i lo Ireland, returning to The Dalle last August. Chas. H. Lalourell, manager or the Ford .agency, reports the recent sale of Ford cars as follows: Coupe lo Ralph Smith of Boardinan; tour ing car to Morrow county for the use of Koadmaster MeCaleb; -wire-wheel touring car to John Doherty; Mr. Latourell drove a cute little roadster out from Portland the othe' day that Andy Rood is said to be eyeing pretty closely. B The days lo' and l.Mll) 1(J ('.EMlfl-KRY HIT.T. The big caterpillar tractor . and grader belonging to the county road department were at work yesterdav on Cemetery hill, south of town, im proving that tho'-oughfare. The road was in bad condition and becoming dangerous to funeral corteges goinc to the cemetery. The use of the machinery was donated by the coun ly for the day, the wages of the op erators and the cost of gasoline be ing paid for by the city. The "cat" waddled its way on nown to I.exing ton in Ihe evening where some road work is to be done. in;. H st iMMii, ti:s T' e B'.-.r , ,- Jlv-7. Sr-Tool Tr'-e' 1:1 ' ' 'i vet-irre.i sati ir.p.'- evening a --ere, - f f'jt trip to T':!(,t T!.,eV v -ii' e th.-v ,),.., -.teil Pilot Ro'-'l; i :! bv a scire of 1 to 3. The Inioun for Ileppner ps Pet e'sf.n, pi'clier: Voung, cnfh"r 14 base: Irwin, se.i-r.i tins.'; Fer guson, short ston; si..pii. ?,rd b"se--J'ofre, rb'ht field; Chidsev. cen'er t'i.'d: and Logan- h-i't field. Pctet-snn sr-d Vo"ng worked together to ,! very good f-ffe'-t. Ir-'Pron pitching a two hit gam" and Young pegging to has'-s so ncenr:e.v- tint h"ce -teaPng was almost 'mnossihle.. The infield worked so '.yell that the oi-f. fielders had an eav time. Not on'v di.1 the Hennner hovs irlav a geed defensive game, but when It came to balling they put one pitcher out o' the box in two innings, the second 'litciip.' wis not so easy but never theless the hovs got enough hits off him to bring in six mnr-e runs before 'he game was over. The heavy hit ters in this game were Logan. Per-"t"-on. Cason and Ferguson. Logan "as noted for his two two-ha ggers, Cm -mi for his bunting and Petersen and Fe'-git-on Ifent un a steadv string of iiits all during Ihe game. Every member of Ihe eani get at le:'t one ''it. Ileppner exnects to meet Pilot Rock h T" on April Practice is in full pwtn'r on the student body plnv "What H:it-nened '.. Jones", it'ider ihe direction of vi .s rhpira !. This play will be "i-"n at the they ire some evening in Ihe near fptu.-e. and nil who nt- r iiie promised a full evening's amusement. t The high school must sell about "lie hundred and fiftv piore season tickets this week to finance the base ball schedule that they are planning. The tickets for sale this week will be $1.25 for adults and 85 cents for students. The tickets will be good for Ihe remaining five games on tpe. Hoppner diamond. This will be the last week that season tickets will be on sale. General admission to the games will be 25 and 50 cents, so buy our season tickets ana save your money., Henpner high plays Stanfield high on the Heppner diamond next Sat urday. The Stanfield game will be one of the hardest games that Hepp nei will be up against this year, and v very close game is expected. Be there. Good use is being inae of the new tennis court that P. T. A. built for the high school girls. T4ie high school is very grateful to the P. T. A. for the court and will see that it Is kept In use all of the time. Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home the bacon. Wanted Clean cotton nigs at the Herald office... Cash paid for sam-. wimimnnmmnEmi THE UNIVERSAL CAR DO YOU KNOW that there are more FORD cars being sold in Morrow County this Spring than there is of all other makes combined? WHY? Because the FORD TOURING car is the only really all around, low priced, general purpose car. The FORD TOURING car will do anything, go anywhere. GOOD ENOUGH TO GO TO CHURCH OR TO A PARTY . IN NOT TOO GOOD TO HAUL A CRATE OF POULTRY OR A VEAL TO MARKET IN The Big, lhgh-Pnced, Gas-Eating, Garage-Supporting Cars have helped put Morrow County in the financial hole.. The FORD TOURING Car will help pull you out of that hole xf you w.ll buy one and give it a chance. .The first cost, cost of operation and up keep in tires and repairs are low-negligible, in fact when compared with bi expen sive cars. The FORI) TOURING Car will make and.e you money during the busy summer, season. LATOURELL AUTO CO CHAS. H. LATOURELL, Manas er PRETTY AS AN EASTER BONNET Just finished from top to bottom Ceilings, Side Walls and Floors; Halls not excepted ROOMS AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY A trial will convince you they are all we claim Single Occupancy, by night 75c Best Rooms, by night $1.25 Summer Rates, per month .'$20.00 Rooms De Luxe My Suitings on hand will be sold for $20 below original price which will make a reduction on suit of $10 below actual cost. . If you want one while they last.come in today. WE CLEAN, PRESS AND DYE LADIES' and MEN'S CLOTHES Heppner Tasking & Cleaning Shop I G. Franzen " A Member of the Federal Reserve J Ti & p, hj 1 Non-Shrinkable Investments Many classes of investments have shown large shrinkages in value during the past year stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. But you haven't noticed any shrinkage in the value of a .savings .bank .investment, either in principal .or .interest.. If .your money is here, it earns a fixed rate, which you can depend upon. i First National Bank Heppner, Oregon A Member of the Federal Reserve 1 I THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.oo A YEAR