Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 12, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year $2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
We are under obligations
the Herald right" in last week
ing this paper's comments on
ing at lone. True, Mr. Mason
with our ideas regarding most of the points at issue. In a
matter of this kind it is mostly unusual but always agree
able for the putter to agree with the puttee.
True, Mr. Mason chides us for commenting on news
paper reports of his taxpayers' meeting, and in that posi
t if Ti he may lie correct. H is oftc 1 remarked by pessimisms
eind others that "you can't believe anything that's in the
papers anymore."
There seems to be a difference of some $7,500 between
Mr. Mason and the correspondent who sent forth the news
-of the taxpayers meeting to the world, but as Mr. Mason
(objects to us taking cognizance of newspaper reports re
garding his meeting, we will have to pass that up.
Regarding the "proposed Spray highway", which by
the way is tiot and never will be a highway, but a post
road, Mr. Ma -.on says it is "child's play" and "nonsense"
to talk about such a thing and then asks "Why not com
plete the road (meaning, we infer the Oregon-Washington
highway) to the Umatilla county line before getting
We lake it from this that Mr. Mason thinks the coun
ty court should take the $70,00 that was apportioned to
the I lardman-Monument road to finish the O.-W. high
way which passes close to or near by lone. Doesn't Mr.
Mason know the county court cannot do such a thing and
that if they could and would do so that it would -1)c an
unwarranted and dishonorable act? .Suppose the county
court should have taken the $25,000 'apportioned to ttic
lone-Cioosebcrry road and used it in some other part of
1 he county instead of using it where it belonged togetlicr
with some $r 0,000 of general road fund money, wouldn't
Mr. Mason have objected strenuously? Are the people of
1 lie Jlardma. 'nd of th : counts' not entitled to the sa.1v:
fair treatment that Mr. Mason desires for his district?
Tf ihese few observations serve to put Mr. Mason
right regarding fair and honorable methods in county road
matters we will feel that our indebtedness to him for pur
linc us right about believing the published newspaper re-
orN of liis meeting is cancelled.
M'lKKow i iii v'i v wool, ;uo -..
i i:s ux sm.AKi.Nu rnu'i
(Hi 1,. A. Hunt)
T! '1 im ihv rouiry wool growers
II. o
l i
I . I ii li I
1'.. I ill : !
1 ( t in; in I lie
g.'iil on Aprd
i ,! HI
h a ail
'A th-
i 1 1 1 1 : . M
. inn 1 ei;
11 -i.i: ; lit
. AT,'. I' IV
I.i .. I"
1 1 in'. ':
I I'll el'
. C.I'
I I'.'li
I ill t V I I' I'l'K 'I
,'wl.eio fhe-
irl pall 11 W I'.!
1 !l i'. lit rat'.
r social ion 111
, 1 1 'a 'l''
I ml III. tl lln' Di li. .
r'. -li'llng bi I'o'if.ly lor
Viat the 11. 1; i lorn
V. ' vihii I tur vv w I'.iyiii
1. ,11
charging ;i I o.T il.iy for hou'd
'i'ae Auona ..lii'.'i.iiii'ii have decide!
1.1 a ten i-i'iii mi' oo r. rail wiUuiiii
I'.ianl. In Ti :-s ll.r p. in' boon.'
paid Is from 7 ioiiih to 1 il cents will
It aril. After ('.'ii iiil. i . T itlsou-soir
i.i' lli.i loral rill : vi ami nl.i'i' n-
.,vn f, I''.' I' .rl !i:ii v,'!i. n -vo.-l !
I --.It liat t In- shi'i I'li'i'li ll ul ..h.ir 'i'
I'm' exp-n ! ol' .'!' ann:'. w.th '
i . . arc: s, ; ii'l lii'il raid -m high. ,r
; '' cut:. I'.'i- liivil, no '. v, hi! i.-. r.l
v. -nil in"! than lv r'sflt; of wti;ii
i win 1" Iiv mi. I Ilia' a I'll in a
p opi I'ionate i!l,i' ill illcalilli; I
l ot lin roll on . !ili'. T'l! 1 i " in I.M
v lh llio K""-' i.il ivila.tiin of livin.
i a p. ii' a
Tin' 1 an ol a wool
I. i(lV ni'l Vol .ll'f'.l I
rlo't 1 1
i Mi
r o
not tin
their ;.
11' Ml 1
i ! in, i
'li a
cl.li ul'
v I.,.
1 1 la.--nil
! 11-
I' w r
is n.
to "liar t,... -i
I ye hi- hi'. li a. Ill) cents p.'r pound
I. thr wml mi n at tlio piVM'Hl time.
Al t. 'i' eon,-i.t.T.i Ho .l.'lil.i'i : I 'mi i
v.as uiianliMOMslv ot.'d pv all (he
thcopnioti preseiil III it tin' priri' ol
t-t t';i l inn sheep l"r til.' I!' 21 season
I. Ill I'. 'ills per lira.l ami double pav
i"' shearing hui'lis, wl,hl hoard, ai"l
I 'ail steps lie t alien by llio si'i'i'.'t'M'r
in inform every rheeomnn In tin1
niiiy of tlio a.'ti,,n of lii' tisi.o.'ia
I. ai. Tins was foil lo lio as nonrly
lair as It was poasililo to oiiuill'.'
i, alt. 'is at lio prosont tlnio nut wr
it ptli'o t,at conform to tlio pri-os
1'. niK p.iiit olsowltt'io oVt r tlio no.i'a-
v ".(.
Tlio plioopi'ion also tlisnssoil 111.'
Jr.liiftiiy animn lraiupai4ii whl.-lt Is
in proni'i'ss In M,,rrov ouintv n u-'
w.'io voll K.ili.ifi.'.l with rosnlls so
tar til.taiiio.l. This ro op.-ratlvo if
tort with I lio shoopmon nnil tlio To 1
'nl jiovornn'ont hits not toil ' ''at''
I Of cinotos at tin or."no In I no
ft orpin. 'ii of I'.T.O. Thoso ;u' t',,o
rlioiipoul coyinoK ovor klllod.
Mr. Uar,,M Doliynn w lin Is w,-'V
iiig ontiroly tnolor tlio nuporvtsinii
r V.. Stiiklo, who Is i'i -opor.it in.:
f llio dhoopcniw ors r. i ii i in i , loo, mot
v.lh him niidor tlio fo.l.ral pay roll
l .iM n.'i'ountod lor 100 rojroto in
tl.o lust month. This ivmpalmi will
bo rontiniuM iiiiil the Hhoopnuin mio
K.itiHfioil that furlhtT oxpondi m
ut this Ohio U n , ,t Justifird.
to Mr. Mason for "putting
s lone Independent, regard
the recent taxpayers' meet
"put us right" by agreeing
I O! .I'MIP v..l u w
(iOWl IIS IIOIJI ali l l'IM;
T'l" conlri'i't l omi.i'i'i o wii-Mii"
!' Hi" h"v i'.'n.'-(.-s I'.iiilr:'.'! for t'n'
t'll'i a'i'1 Mio'mw roont ii's. who
'ril'i. 'n.i. -1 'lin p-.-.io ' I' 11"' n.,
"m'.ia lla-in ll v Orn-'-ors nsoi'ia
;"ii ''-'.I an linpor-.-it mool Inir In
"'.' to. Mia ;h": rv ul U.-rilli-tnil
T' nr.. i iv oion'ni; and i otic:.!'-
lori'i ri "d On.'." ('i'.iira.-t. T'iIm con
t ..,( v-l'l do fn rlli.. li -v i.i, n vh 'i
ho rvaMi iron a.-o tryini; to ilo for
tlioni'olvos lroi'."li co-onornlivp of
'oris It cols lip:
l"t ('o-o.orativ.' yolllni; i'i;..nov
T"d It nivooH to so'l llio hl'v of
'I' 'ho inonihars nndor llio paoliii"
llrl To ro-iiDorato wllh th Yak
inn or iuiv oil'. r hay provo-s avi
i't:on in -mi I'fi'iirt to it'ihii'zo the
I ii'i'l'l'.'t rnd la 'Int tin r:nr priron.
4 til - tt rmVi-f-ihiw to st;i.lil
I "'"I 1 ""r 'ivihli. er;l"K of h.r,
;.'iid to Kiiirani.'o (. t-ir pin I'l'.as.r
I'lVLivod for his monoy.
" I h 1 1 r oi hlos i ha; ov. rv .nolo
li a' of (ho assi.ria ! 'on .-..'lin,!: flo
i- .no i;n.i'o of hiy .'drill r vr t'v
"'in' nrii'o. f o h. Hhiprini; ooiiii.
1 " riil.'i i f t(. tinio at which II;,
! '' v i. -.old
' I- T'-'.l in t'io . von! thai an
! !i-v I ' i'ir ri. ,1 ovor lh-.' ll ,. i 1 1 i
! vil' h. r'.'d liv lli'lo ar --i',.o in;
i I' o llv'P hv lh.' in. I', id. I .1
I T'! s . -nira.'t v ill h- -".il" i.
!i ! vv. -- at a l 'lo- I'm' and r, or
! 'o" v.-', 1 1 bo tn-ili. o t-U a on al lo.'-n
! f'tly "''I' rt-rl Of III.' 1 .''. TO ill t'l"
hay oxi'oi tin.r s.'.'l ior-.". of Hlnrnv
I 'I'd I n-;-. i ' l;i ronnlios. in orilor to
ma io i no pian a snccoss.
1 iiaiuu r ii;i i: ix .n vu-Ki;
c.wvox ri:u, r
T'io rahliit drive iinnoniii'.'il Inst
work lor Juniper miivon will tako
placo ui tho l'oniiis I'ur-iin t ; n.-i-, .
Pons mo lioini; propur. d this work,
l.unoh.'tm will ho soi veil at twelve
ll is peotcd lo put on two tlr:ve
'he simie day. Kvoryhody rouiisi' is
expecteii lo 1-rillK a KOnd sized rulliiit
lull, to loavo their Runs at homo
i nd report lor duty at li::irt for tho
fust d'ii, Tho seooml drive will he
alter diiiilor.
This will ho an opportunity for
aeople to have some ro.il sport. K
oryhmly should try lo come.
Sftror. One Ro4i Co. or
In Iroliind saffron early lie. li ne it
fnynl eo,,t and fin a loni; .eii .1 f
ter sueh exeltisiveiiess v,i i(ik'ii itwai
ll Knii. the u llnw hmH on dyeii shin
n'liiaiiieil a nmrk of social disiinciioi.
ii i lie Mel. rides In ri satTi.ni nu
"Ui li einplincil In mod eal illinni
mii'd liinniisei Ipia In oomlilliiillol
lth tin foil n4 9iihsiiniii for n.-i.'
.ml of c.uis.-. at nil ('nod ihe color
IK of until textile u Jolle wub
ml cruvu Ktgiuaa.
To seal In the
delicious Burley
tobacco flavor.
It's Toasted
t, -j. .j. .J. . . 4. .J.
. .J. .J. A A A A A A A A A A 4
Isn't it just perfectly dreadful
when thwarted ambition clouds your
Now, how about it, Doue? Thev
used to say that "Mary was the
sweetheart of America."
- r-c
Red sez that he has been told that
if you want to beat the railroads out
of the high cost of traveling, go and
get yourseir tattooed second class
(printed matter) can travel any dis
tance for two cents an ounce.
Red sez the girlie wr.o made this
confession sure can park her trunk
and suitcase in his garage: "Or
course mama got the social bug ana
dad went out and tried to buy it for
ner. First they had me educated.
I'm overtrained. What I lacked
they plastered on with a trowel until
no one but myself knows that wna:
I .honestly desire is to park myself
on the front porch or our old home,
with the boys Irom our block all
squatted round on the steps waiting
tor each other to leave; while dear
old dad in his shirt sleeves, sits in
the nhadows, backstage. Now, yon
see why I can't go through with this
- d-j
(???) He didn't know what Percy
had promised his baby doll and
failed to see what that had to do
with it. He reached up a hnnd blind
ly and gripped her own. (???)
- r-c
"The scent of the sage was stronp
n her nostrils and the tarto of JhC
Iknli In her throat. But the girl
was happy; this ni'iht ride made her
olood sing. The knowledge of thi
nned pursuit, the touch of peril, ap
pealed to her spirit of adventure."
Rod used lo lie di'Vil on a weekly
.lowspaper away hack in Ihe middle
west. One day the ho:-s , . . .(de
leted by ii nsnr.)
-r- c
Cot a bright idea some lime ami
"y 10 write it down in the darkest
land of dark.
r e .
"I love vim, oh, how I love you!"
ho gasped. "1 know," she mur
ium ed and snuggled closer,
And then without warning, lie
caught her to him. smothered her 111
his arms, Tussod her saundiy rron
hroal to hall'. A little nondescript
gesture expressed her thought ln-t-'or
than she could have put it into
r -c -
Now. who do the experts insist
that "green" and "erea i:"' are t'l"
onlv colors harmonizing u'th all the
liiferent color coin binat ion-?
r 0
"I know a young lady whose pel
liol'l-y is '.Vr-ians and Angina.-."
"That's nothing; I know a yoiiiir-v.-oinan
who ha-t a sp.'i'ial fondness
for moonshine and babies."
. r e .
It may he that tho author, or nov
.'Mst. or wl.it. ier you call triii. -r.
liii eye on the "ll.i'.l of Fa's. ", i-'j'
lied tl'.s' m .11 tiro ao,re.T .
convin mm him tha .v av rsgi'
"-i.r-l factory" cr'ndft o t story pr
ior story merely to ga'l'.er in the
stuff that makes the whi"is or
nrogvosa mi n."
r c
Il -d "iice knew a r iia-n.'d -oh.
weil. her friends failed her Jury.
Now Joity and Red ,vi i'e re ll
cuius for 123 days, 14 hto-rs and lh
seconds. The trouble was Jerry l-ad
the wanderlust ; "lot's go" w as her
ii'ot;o. Things might have h.en tiii
feret.i only Jerry wau'ed 10 wait
five years. She was ambition:-; an.:
the bright lights d'nimed her i:Mon
U.l said, "All right, kid; hut if yon
she uhl chan,:e your mlad, you'l:
probably find it's too late." (It is )
r c
Certain sinmiions can bi st be de
scribee! its "mixed".
r c
13 IT?
Is a rhythm of 11'e whic!
men and
avoid "
women cannot very often
"Kvery dollar Hived is u pl'Iur 11
the structure of happiness snd sue
r r .
Wonder w ho she m-ant v hen h.
said, "He isn't much to look rt. bu:
when vmi gel him alone after dark
you'd lie surprlseo"'
r c
Yes, boys -you used to hesitate,
itgiau-r 11 blush tif poibl? an'
'murmur, "Would you do you er
- Muno '' Nowadays, you meivl;.
to-n ihe (i;i.cka -- across the lao:e
and t,.in at her. '
Now what in the world do they
mean by "syncopated feet"? Any
relation to the "jazz neart"?
Some time ago Red saw the fol
lowing "joke" in the Portland Ore
goaian: The old boarding house stunt
r.f "doing" the little personal
garments in the washbowl be
fore seeking slumber has not
passes cut, according to E. A.
MePherson, of the Moyer store.
Mac tells of the chap who got
an invitation over the phone to
join in a game of penny ante.
He said he couldn't come be
cause he was washing.
"Washing what?" asked nis
pal on the other end of the
"My B. V. Ds.," replied the
hallroom boy.
Just then central cut in and
said, "I'm ringing them."
Red had a three minute giggle
over this. Then he registered a brain
wave and immediately revamped the
joke something like this:
Last Sunday morning Red
man in this town. After some
little difficulty with connec
tions, he said, "Hello, Charlie,
hurry over and we'll jazz the
flivver." "Can't do it, Red,
I'm washing my B. V. D.'s"
Just then a sweet voice familiar
to us all, chimed in, "I'm ring
ing them."
Now. lust yesterdav T?ed I'pceivoH
a letter from, far, far away; the fol
lowing is quoted, from it:
Here's one that I'll bet will
make you laugh:
A young fellow called his
best girl up on the phone and
here is the conversation:
She: Oh Harold dear, won't you
come over and see me tonight,
He: Sorry but I'm afraid I can't
She: Oh yes you can, come on.
He: No, I'm afraid I can't.
She: Well, why can't you?
Her Er er I can't tell yon.
Sher Aw come on ana teu me
He: Well er ah you see
it's this way. I'm . washing my
B. V. D.'s. (Just then the cen
tral who had been busy else
where, plugged in, saying,
"I'm ringing them."
(w)ringing them; get the idea?
This was too much for Red. It
was the last drop of water that filled
the bucket that upset and quenched
Ihe fires of mirth. Reu is now an
ticipating seeing the same jolte re
vamped in "Life," in "Judge," In
"The War Cry," in the "Police Ga
zette" and in the "American Legion
Weekly." (Also, Red is wondering
where the chap on the Ovegonlan
first saw the- joke, and what it was
Notice is hereby given that I, the
undersigned, under Hie laws of the
ftate of O'egon,. hat nitron up tin
animals hereinafter described whip
running at large on my premises, m
Morrow cou-ny, about six l-.'il.'s
south of lio;:; il in an, Oreron, f. wit:
One e.-r.v mare, weigh; .-.'ion: S')0
pov-1 H brain!. :1 H I on rii.lii
i houii'.er, M 'iai' on le7 liin.
one brown stallion, welghi about
7 50 pounds, branded quarter circle
over 7 i connected and M bar on
left hip.
One black filly, spider brand or
right shoulder; M bar on left hip.
One oay horse, yearling, spide-
t-'and en right shoulder, M bar on
fi hip.
One lay mare, weight about (.00
rounds, branded HI on right shouKl-
, iVi bar on left hip.
Ore brown f 1 y branded DK on
On j buy filly -branded DK on
One son 1 1 hor.-o branded CD to.
hip. .
, One bav mare branded flyiivg-V or
wagoustnke brand on shoulder, and
M C.
That I w'll, on Paiuioay. April 30.
10 21, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, utiles!
the same shall have been red-i mod,
at my ranch, north of lone. Oregon,
in said county , sell said animals ro
the highest bidiier for cash in hand
for the purpose of pi'y'ng the com
of tnkimt -1 -I , holding and ssiUm;
oi"h animals together with reason
able d" aau"s for 'he ir jury" caused
'av said animals ruini ng at large on
said premisi s.
Neil Dohertv.
D ited and first pit' I's'ud thi?
12th day of April, A. D. 1 :i. 50-51
notice ;ro ( HEniTOItS
Notice is hereby gtven that tho
-indersicrned l:.w been appointed by
the County Court of the State ot
Oregon for Morrow county admiui
strtor of 'he estate of Jmes W
Craig, d'i'eised; and all reisons
hrvit-.g claims t-gairst said estate are
required 10 pre.'ent the same, olu'y
verified according to law, to me at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from tho dnte of the first publics
Ion of this notice, said v"e of p'lb
'icatlon heir. Ar-rl 12. 1921.
W. H. Henvn, Administrator. 50-2
NOTICE Is herebv given tha.t the
undersigned his boon arpo n'od br
'he county cou- t of the state of On
ion for Mohow county, as adminis
'ator of the estnto of Andrew J
Warren, deceased; nnd has du:v
..,i.,nri.-H n si.rli udniinistrntor. AP
Persons having claims against pa'd j
-tate i"iist nr.Mt nt them to nie, duly j
orifled at the ofice of Woolen
Sweek. In Heppn 'r. Oregon, wl'hlr j
ox mon'hs from the date of first
-ublifulion he--nf. 1
Administrator. .
Date 1st. pub. Apr. 12. 1921.
4. A A A A A A A A A A A A
Mrs. Nichols and son Master Gor
don of Arlington, were the week end
guests' of Mr. find Mrs. George Krebs
at The Last Camp.
J. M. Melton of The Lookout,
pent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
J. Stre.'ter and familv at Cecil.
Geoige A Miller of Highview, has
been a busy man during the weeK
grading our county roads ready for
the jcyr'i. rs. row that fine weather
has arrived tJong with the good
Mi.'-s Ft Hot Logan of Four Mile,
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
friend M'ss Georgia Summers at. the
Last Camp.
H. V. Tyler of Rhea was a visitor
at Fairview, the home of Everett
Logan, on Sunday.
Mrs. A.. Henriksen. of Willow
creek ranch, was calling on her
Cecil friends on Friday.
Melville Logan, of The Willows,
spent the week-end with his brother
Leon at Four Mile.
J. J. Kelly, who has been feed
ing his sheep on tne Willow creek
ranch, left for Heppnr on Saturaay.
A. E. Wait, time keeper for the
Oregon-Hassani Paving company,
made a hurried trip to The Dalles
during the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henriksen.
of Strawberry ranch, entertained
their friends at a card party on Sat
urday evening.
Messrs. Garlick, Schartner, and
Murphy, of the Oregon-Hassam Pav
ing company, were doing business
in Heppner on Monday.
Cecil Ahalt, who has finished his
duties at The Dove Cot, is now
working for Karl Farnsworth near
Oscar Nash arrived in Cecil on
Tuesday from Beaverton and is vis,-
iting his Cecil friends before leaving
for lone, where he intends to work
for the coming months.
Mrs. Hahn arrived from Portland
on Sunday and will visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Kripfel, at Tentville,
Cecil, for some time.
Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and children,
of Dotheboy's Hill, were Cecil call
ers on Tuesday.
Joe Marcus landed in Cecil on
Tuesday after having a few days'
holiday, ready for work again for
Everett Logan at Fairview ranch.
Fred J. Ely, of Morgan, made a
short stay in Cecil- on Wednesday
before leaving for Portland.
Carl Yambest who has been as
sisting the mayor with his spring
work, left on Wednesday for Spo
kane. C. H. Morey, of Lone Rock, Ore
gon, spent the week end with his
daughter. Mis. H. J. Streeter, at
Mrs. Jack Hynd, of Butterby Flats
left on the local for Heppner on Fri
day and will spend several days with
her daughters who are students at
the Heppner high school.
George D. Anderson and Ed Mar
tin left on Friday with a fine band
of lambs and ewes belonging to
Hynd brothels. This band will pas
ture on Hynd brothers ranch at
EVEN if your business is such that you have
gone without a bank account, the idea is
worthy of your consideration.
EVERY TIME you give your check you
make a legal, indisputable record .of .that
Farmers c Stockgrowers
National Bank
A Growing Business
This is to announce to our friends and patrons
and the public generally that in order to ac
commodate our growing business we have
leased the room recently vacated by Mr. Borg
and adjoining our" present quarters which will
double our floor space and make it possible to
serve or.r patrons with a larger and more var
ied stock of goods.
we will be pleased to have you call and look
the store over.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winter, who
have been residing with their son at
Four Mile,, left Arlington on Satur
day for Portland, where they will
make their home with their daught
er. Miss C. Winter. Their many
friends around Cecil extend the bett
of wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Winter in
thflr new home.
Miss Hazel Winter of Shady Do);
is visiting wnth Miss Vivian Logan
in loitland for some time.
The Commercial club Friday even
ing at Itf? regular monthly meeting
handled various sorts of matters
pertaining to trie interests of the
town aid district in general. Fol
lowing up the improvements in th3
town irrigation system, naming a
foreman to look after the town lat
erals for tfte season and to distri
bution cf the water. The most im
portant question of the evening was
the discussion of the work on Wil
low creek highway, which lacks
about ten or twelve miles of being
com yil -red. Thj cluo went on rec
ord unanimously opposing the coun
ty court juggling the market road
''ends, and using it for completing
the missing link of the Willow
Creek highway, but likewtse fav
ored its completion under a bond
issue. A few of the leaders in this
neve in the south end of this county
have advocated using this year's
market road funds for khrs road. The
Irrigon people .cannot see lit ,that
Mrs. Ernest Benefiel and Mrs.
Mary Benefiel returned from Harts
horne, OTclahoma, Tuesday, having
made satisfactory arrangements In
the settlement of the estate of their
father. They were glad to get back
to Oregon, having narrowly escaped
being mired in the streets of Harts
horne. It rained, hailed and thund
ered all the time they were there.
The Irrigon ball team played the
Boardman team Sunday at Board
man. From all reports we judge it
was an interesting game, the score
being 5 to 3 in favor of the Irrigon
boys. Our boys are determined to
stay with the agreement not to im
port any outside players. They are
going to carry the true spirit of Ir
rigonism, win or lose.
Mr. H. G. Lane, of the Umatilla
garage, delivered a late model Dodge
touring car to George Rand and Bon
Batie, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rand and son, Batie
are going to drive to Missouri with
their new car when school lets out,
and take in the country right.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glasgow, of ir
rigon, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ford
of near Umatilla, motored to Herm
iston last Wednesday night, the men
attending the Masonic lodge at that
Guy Hale, of lone, was an Irrigon
visitor Thursday.
Messrs. Glasgow, Hugh Grim and
Abernathy motored to Heppner on
Thursday to present Ihe protest of
the Commercial club to the county
court in session.