PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY. APRIL 5, 192 1 L : r-' i - ir j J fn. V iir ,1 in j;.t v, u;,u ., .,,t!i . j iUJm rV!.-,:f;Il. jii,G'..j 1)1 V UtitH. STAR THEATRE 1 I :' l'a"e On,- ! ! ' Co.-,: in :a: Lihvay coium i -.'em ( i. r.)v T:x I-cvy lor g.ading WUlow cie.-I; section i, National Rei i i' i i i ... i a i :,; j ; lie U. ,l.-V, as.lin .ii on h:miwi.y Ull- ' amount if ioi;-- j.l.r fi.nir.ui to O.wr iluu-r, .-; 'ovi-'rt by the r-.nnfy i per :..n.-. T!' i r: t! Which v.-' court tbrou i it" own or " til 1 i:ii)v, Ai'iai. WILL ROGERS WW, lOWffiiHC her . I'll !!!) A V, Ai'FII. !)'h GLADYS WALTON i vr: a r.u.t; 1 Ton i,i; i: SI M)AV, APF.!! I: en v. hioh a ir.--oa:'e eo f fn d . Tl' ' 'liore-o-'p !i . I .-n SC. a J 1 7?, which 1r;v. .-iv--n a to'al ; . ' ; i ' ! i n . for I; x .i iM-vH-. r--, for 1 ' h- ft.!!, .-i..! tli::fp.f Tp?1, f 0:i;.2fi. Ti a-nt , t . Illl!' V;. 'I '(I I;., f'dl'i cli.r t. 1 ' .!, or a !! ft t! a b' ' W h ." f won ' 'or ho ).; !!!' C."(vv1 u ": '1. r r!i" G"- limi'aC Id la I'll!'' W", ' r I V(T cri'-n- (. !' 0'; f' ;i', hi!:'. lb., s. v bv LOCAL NEWS ITEMS- ,j W. . Minor e-cV'.'ied a w!"H ilant specim. n T' nr dy from t!.r MeMii!an irn ., nor'!, or L'-xir-o.i m-'a-u1 i,n -0 inf!; s in he'?' I. I' ' 'miM li:: an t a. !y l,i r.v-t ilii. VI '1 I ( 1 I I il'IV fill :; on I.".- Ml l..V: ''or t'.is ,17 1 . :. ;.i !r v.- . l'i ' t r i r r.f' -'! I.y tl'f n ' y-.r, v.f!'!il Tho total :: univ -r.nrt i : n 1. vi, .: ) 7.7 52.4 1. To '"Y,- r. "in: y Mi1 'hp it. Dr. an. I Mm. V I 1. M 1 1, I i : rwr.iwt, m 'i ri :1 !'l! ;l I " n ill : Jil.'tit y 1,.'. 1"T. i. i. t :!). ':'. 1:121. on If r :ii Iihv panic " v! wn ' in or. i II5 o Ills Ynko Ituscil (n 1 1 i -' pocni Eiy i;ol?cr( V. Scrv in .MOVII.W ! TI'KSO.IT Al'i:il, I llli a... I lli CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IV FOR THE SOUL OF RAPHAEL l ioni Mmnli ll!!is Ityao's tiicilcst lii lfon wmi, Oiii' of (lie lliicst pill inc. m in wlicli ('laiii Kiniliill V(uin Ims iii'ai:'il Al'l'l l N'llin TO A 'in lli cnal,' ill I In- last Kossioii of (illlil) ST Vl'.: .)!i? j Ilii' Iiirislalnrc.. 1'po,, aci'f H inn tin flmsit'on ill' lialik rxami.lir hn n to (Condon ( I lolio-Ti iiios) ' '"a 1 " '' I'fl'i "d us a nionibfr or t li TI... ki.i.f board nl si'iiiiliv iiiKI liis m-oor v. ill be ap- !.......,K in Snlfin on U'oilni'silay I I""1"1''1 ".v "io v. rnor. niPlil (onrii nioil I he a ipoi nl nirn t or I M''- bobi.ft.'on b Ti ronilon Til. O. 11. KobrtlKon c r IIih cltv as flatc (l'lv 'v,,"'"!-r ' "" :U-ui and ci lia nk cxaniiniT. The a pnri'i I nifiit ; 1 " 1 " 1 1''1 I'11' ''f b bi new work. Iir wan inadi- hv l.'i-uik I'l 'iimvi ll, Klato ; h:,s '"i ri-M'Kivlriii'o villi in. of banks. i ''"'(iai' rii-rcirli'icnl lor miiho tunc anil oxporis to lie sopi liilrli ino Ka .li-i'ii Or. io niiifii' jmi c vani'ii- Ol- ,,l,n,,illlN.,.,l I.. Illi.l l,ultl..n i " MV.-.., f, M.MO O.llllO ... : '....,. ' this s-idc or lb mountains. In nil Willi il a ,'iibsirintial fa I: Mr. l.'ohiTls oil's niany liicnds- In Kali'l-ll Orci; i' w ill bo I'bld to lo-ir ' : "" ii... 1.. nii .....i.. i......,,. i.. a v. ror -..u ni. .if f.iiui.i in t .. ... I.. ... ..I' ....... 11 O 1,1... of tin. First National Hank of th rily and nil w ii Ii the rr i, st f. cess in ciiiiiliii'linir its all ill's. His i Old Y n W:r-.'i'r rave litil bankinr. I'Mici i. ilia, iiinl 'I, nov!"i' io Sprint' snmi'iliini; of a wallop last of ccindil Ions all ovor Ore... mi,- Ssiiinlav ii'kIiI. iMiil wln-n lloppiuo lii'n an iib-sl ni:,n !r the. no't to folk awoke on Snndav niorninir Ihev wlib'li be has been innii'lnled. a It looked onl on a f;i rl I y white world, is one that reiiuiies reivl'iil and nri- Fvorylindv i'ell belterMend iv, how tare .Indi'iiicnt mid the hiulirst t- ever, when we leiu'ned that I'ortlanil ,,'Kri,'' I also enjoyed (?) a snow storm Sun- Mr. I.'ol) rlsiui served I Ii is d isl net I da v. n . on the ir,t!n Frid.y uou'iilna. Ua !eh Cr.'.'ro v.o a i f o Th" VnUi Kr:J:tv ro" a sho"t via.t ilie't vvii h re !." 1 ivi's iii'i.l i'ri. :i'!s. , .. ' John JenUiii". road ov. .r in III' '. r.Aurd.-.ian -! -i r-i . was a bv-fi -. ;vis'i'or at the c-onrl on FrU'.ty. .u. i Aii -l)i'.i SI'-lho ,i;-! -Mr. Crain : w'ei'e vis'toi'ii at ihf cfuh'y coirt. on ; TiHlr.'ci.iy. '. . A. A c( ; r! hy. oi ib'iiln'.i'ii. wi.f in a t erela n'-,' at !he reuular :-iss'f' c l' t!ie c'li'i l'i ! y. cor 1- " --ay. Mr. V-''-r-'rly lirs bad ih''i'"" of 1 ho road v.'cu'n in thai district !'or si.kih ("no-. M'!:.' Mar.,!"':! a p"o i ' iien t fhi-i'l'-Mi n or f!o r-""ia. v as a bu-nresf Yis.tor !i:o'e Fioib'y, . !tolens'-r. a''on"Y of u-nr v a i a oii'ss vi.-bor at. tho couio ho'!'e Friday. i.'l.'O M. Kini ''art. of iebn Ptiv, .', .j o r, , .,j Hoi.'l f'a.t' ick TUlirs dav evening. Kennotli M-oiftiey. who suffered a !'io"! i: "' '1 tiii:ch sevei'al wee;;.-; ujro v.'henih.i:' milo tonic d cvor, was vh'. to ''"t df-.-.-n stairs Wedncadiy and hrs ince boon snnnim-himself r-r";-tv e';e,...m!ly at iho l'irst Nation:'.! H:',!',1; rei nor. Mrs. .1. (). Hai'or, Mrs. I,. R 1?"' boe and Miss Marv FariK ivo ''h n t"rtaired at the Usurer home las! Wednesday and Thur"dav ai'tfrnorn'" at bridge. Eight lables W"ore 0"r--pied and those prosont sr.y most de- i' III,,., l'i" ,Jl lllH.ll'M cu C'aiii- Iiaic Morrow county with Sherman county on a I'ew of these items. m i This I :i filed 'a rra n a"d !h, I Ofi'lO', 01. i io ra: !' t a 'ii-io ni o". o'd ro-cd is' ri't:' 1 1 ror r".'"!i'ai ivos ar - c :i I-' arTrcxiM.'lt"iy no' a i::o -a- d i i i n .I'o iiy".,a tha! lb, ' li d I.,-, o !.-n,.,i balanri' or this $20, '. carried into the j 'urola. The s:M"nint wi!l j'i . ., ji overdrat'l en Iho road I'lind ol' almul :!0 hiiii. but $ 1 n f!l)0 ol' this Ins lavi alia-ady assessed coverin:; ll:e same. Ceini'v road, 1 !! 1 1 $fl2.." In. -12, County ,,a :l. 1!I2'J 3f,.l Ml S 2 Available, for 1!(2. 1. oii!.y....2i"',7ffl.SG The aiiio'in! levied for the market road piiraosas,, 120. was If ! 2,'j "if). Ill ord ;r to match the state ne ney Ibis year it was necessary to levy $ i lowins the sanies delicious rofrPsh ments wore served. Assessed valuation I ', . ', , '.. '.," . , ' ,, . ,,.-.,, hi- av in ; it. oiii !)tli. from 9 to 1 Morrow ounty 1 3,86.1. a7 1.00 I ,p ,', ,,,. .n)ilu.s n,, ,ml. Assessed valuation ol ies only, Jmnl muvir. .adv. S icvman County 1 1) 618 !) 18.00 I G. yV. Switprt. old time bui However the cash yaluatmu nil-,npcs man ,, rPsirto!,t of Heponer. ini;s as Riven by the sla p tax com- L T , , i now lesonii at leiifieioii, was nere ission are: , . ,....:,. .,. 1 m . 1 c r nn an a nay Ol i o ,i u i ' ii' lee w e,a, If 1 7,1 1 h. , a4.0(l . , , . (:.. !,; ,,m,.iv iiitevootc. In this city. He says himself an,: Mrs. Swagsart have both enioved pood health during the past winter at llieir newhoine but he cannot pet over the jov of vb-itinp his old stanipinp grounds here whenever op- ini Morrow Counly -.herman County 20,225,080.00 Amount raised for roads in Morrow Co. to be expend ed this year oulside of marko! roads $20,706.80 Amount raised in She-man County, exclusive of niar- 'k''t roads 6!). GOO 00 "The amount of mileage in Mor row county is approximately 1,200 mill's, as near as it can be ascer tained fi'om court, reco'ds. "The amount ol' road mileage in -iho man county is. lai) miles. "The Morrow county road funr iiuountr to about $18 per mile whih lie t'"iid available lor Sherman c"""ty is a little above $155 pet tn lie. ' rip're is one item ol' practice thai anpears on (he records this "r I hat mav no) apoo-r for pom time to come to a special vide of (lie people. This was the hail' mill vdd rn i. and ro .vote bounty 'tax, which was carried by a two to one vole at the last eh'i'linn, and wlii'h when collected w ill stand as a fund tor the county until expended. This is not ,-. large fund liv any means, but If taxes raised and is not a permanent levy The oilier taxes so far io known are permanent levies until repealed by the people, exeetvt the nno'tni uii.h r supervision of the co'in'y court.'.' A lull com- e'' i'" bud.;et was pu:-'i-'."d last January. Hy way of comparison as to the LETTER take time this vcrk to go ever your Farm Implements, ITr.rvestxng ar.d Threshing Machinery, ttc, cr.d make a list of all the re Teairs R'ieded to put tverytLI. in firsl-dof;?. condition for the coming sca-o-i's run. JT WILL CAVE you much time, money and annoyance when you have your crew assem licd and all ready to start work. IT WILL ALSO Rive us a chance to order any parts.- we may i.ot happen to have in stcck, thus savins telegraph, telephone and express charges on ruth orders. NATIONAL REPAIR WEEK is an estab lished institution, and it will pay you big to take advantage of it. CO OVER EVERY implement and machine on your ranch THIS WEEK, make up a lict of needed parts and hand to us and we will do the rest. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING IN THE I. H. C. LINE YOURS FOR SERVICE iliia i ; 7 "We Have It, Will Get It, or It Is Not Made': animal and sent for his mate. Bill, r.orp, adjoining their present store so i-loytt ana uarocr say, lnienus io i and will add a line of clotning, rut start a 'possum farm with a view to l niflilnas ar.d dry goods tc tneir'pie-:- The Present Loniber Price HOUSE Any Farm Building WAS (last yenr $1,000 MAY RE (t!vs summer) $ 800 NOW 6oo WAS (last year) $500 MAY I!E (this summer) $400 NOW $3oo Order Lumber Now! Build When You Can! LUM11ER PRICES CAN'T GO DOWN ANY MORE. THEY ARE SO LOW THAT SAWMILLS ARE CLOSED DOWN. INCREASED DE MAND MAY FORCE PRICES UP SOON. DON'T RISK HIGHER PRIC ES. BUY NOW! TUM-A-LU M PLANS AND MATERIALS FOR HOMES AND FARM BUILDINGS i-r: . '- 'rL" - . - , port unity offers .Tiidre Cdbevt W. Phelps came ov er from Pendleton Friday and bold a sho-t term of circuit court in the afiernoen The time for holding the regular soring term of eou"t in Met ro".' coti'Vv "ois hni'r.-'1 bv the it cent legislature fmi-i M-v to ,tipip P"ff. .l-nie.' has reni"d Cie F'or eon li,nt"e at M'v v Con a street T'l v"'i getting settled i hero last Saturday. Mrs. )T C. Johm-on rod ron". U"." rv an I Cbarbe. hav- e oved in'e Iheir Main tvo.t home recenilv va cated bv l1rof. .T'lne" an' fap,',v. D S. P 'i ' w. J!.i " .n-han. W. II Turner, of llenmier; estor se"iTi"'i imgon; n. i' v.aiK'ns, j.iri"r(i : and the I.exingte'l Stpe P"nk o' ' i I.exing'on, a-e recent nuv sub-"-!-", i 4 ers whff" ti'"i-ies hue been placed OP the Ilera'd -u 'ilieg l'-t. Miss Genevieve At Clancy, or Porthind. one of 'he fir"t sonrano or the F. of O g'ee cl"h, v" t'v "not of M'- -nd M"s. Ido'-d H"l"h-inf-n '"'t Fridav. Mhs Cla.ncv mi'i Mrs. Hutchinson wire o'd I'm, friends in Pi rtlntnV 'n which ";'y the l!u'"hi'i"nns fnvnierlv rfid"!. 'r. and Mrs X. P. iv,vr,-ti on te't'iiied Hon. K. A liooth at din ner la"t Fridav pvoping .I 'ck llvjid an-' A. l'i ivih-"e" vere up f.-eip Cecil F"P'iv and 'tiird'v ( Cliff Pors. or I'hea ere. k. W 'S in i'f -.-tl e-: ti'i.ani'"'' saifriiav. i'e re nots C't tie vrosoei ' of a Ml" r i o" K"ea creel; couoin t lie vcy j : ",u.'h bi'i". r. ' . ,i.,(.p. ,, F's" t"nv V Sat urday night. A i-il Oiii. I'l'oiii !i I" lor I'lUs ami t'i"ir f unilies and Init l.'s oohy. ii d limbic. id . P. A. nd."son lo-'ded his Sride haiker v. :'h Hepi "er ba'l fans Sun lav aio' leo! them to lime t" see the , game there with Tendon. The" say it was a roo 1 "iiiiimv came v'tli a oo'e of 4 to ti in Ion. 's favor. Of 'O'ltse a li't'e cell wind rnd dut , il l'.''', make anv d'ft'orence for that ' is In l.e i-xip led ll.'s time of year. Frii n 's of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar llorg l'iiteriained them at a dinner i party at the hotel la o Thnrsiin 'veiling, t'"1 nt't'ir b ing given as a token of Hie esti em in whi"h Mi 'i I 'Its For" are hehl . nu the eve I tb.eir donartn-e for Billiri's, n ipa. where tbev will make then 'mire home. These present were: iMe-- "'s. and A!edames II. H. Pai'er j -n 'van Cooln an, C. I.. SwecK. i ''-ed Lucas, C.'ore Tlionon. F F i -"i-i-k; Mr. Harry IMincati, Air. J. F. ' Cools. Mr. and Mrs. Perg "swt to leave i n a duv or two, for Fillings, wh.s r Mr. li'rg will engage in the Jewelry hp-ipess with his brother, Frank , 'I "ru, who has been established in Pii'.ini's 'or nevernl year.".. Mr. and Mrs. H.irg leave many friend li Meppner who, while regretting thetr j Vrvfirture, wll lwish Cieni much Joy I 'nd rirosperlty In their ne-r Bone. Hoyd Tollin, leieftmpljl neratf or for the O. Vi- R. fi.. wfO' to Portlond thl morning (or a short vacation trip. The depot fore rcelred an hon pal to KoodneM Arcaniaw 'poMura by expren tht other night, and It 1 underitood that Bill Keenan baa boucht a coatrollnf lDtcreat In the making a close study of the habiu, etc., of llicbv peculiar creatures. Sam Hughes company has taKcn over the room just vacated Dy Dsciu ent extensive stock. The addition will just double their present floor fpaco which is some extension for times like i.liese. I i i A Member of the Federal Reserve ,aV ' ii; i l.j: Non Inv -Shrinkable estnients Many classes of investments have shown large shrinkages in value during the past year stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. But you haven't noticed any shrinkage in the value of a .savings .bank .investment, either in principal .or .interest.. If .your money is here, it earns a fixed rate, which you can depend upon. First National Bank Heppner, Oregon A Member of the Federal Reserve