TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE FIVE vLOCAL NEWS ITEMS IRRIGON '.it I 7 AN f ZING t H We l:avc established a first class Tire Repairing Plant and are prepared to give you the BEST OF SERVICE One block east of Hotel Patrick CHASE & WILLOW STS. HEPPNER IV.. v. isurr! M. 1.. in a hi;; huMin." has jn-'t '!! 1 'I ! ,Ht rouahly 1 i'i''in d ' ill I) e mil ;-,til hav- re-tor n :a ! :'. tr v!'i in the !Hl Oia at nd f. tV'l I'" IV .1 rly lat r slow mar 11 town ibis extra 1'iin liliiil. ii 11 fi $l.:in less u- th-an a shows how his in these E Lit I I-', v. K 'u st '. !;!!"! t- M 'V of fi t r v,-, k aa-l lv.-t . ho v; mo; niag. stock avi r I hey went lor i .0 . than Mr. Hughes paid year aao last I'll.. That the cattleman is getting readjustment days.. Morrow county wheat fiel'Ts, sheep bands and cattle herds never were ill better shape at tit's season than at present. All that is needed to start the golden twenties rolling around are markets for what we produce at decent prices. F. A. MiMenemin reports that very good prices were secured a.t sev t ral public tales he lias cot within the past we.! or so. "It is roa'.'y su-prh an;." 11". JlcMnraiiin s"'d. "bow manv peovle are able to P"- ea-'h fur th";r pun-bases aril take advantage of the d iseottnt ." A speei Commerce o' on in a; a perfect a ! til-'1 town ' oa"k pow also ;Mno s li ip drh a finance 'c Kamds pi lioitv P"o' cided Tlio suing yea meet 1 11 E-T . were ol-e president ; dent; X. treasurer: executive boa Waite. IV 11. A committee in connection committee on roads, ard ill ' fl iair e!" the lriaon h !b v. as held Tuesday g baa by the ,l,s. 4 a. A eomm'tt.e ".as i ' t.. -!.. a ai. tab r- ! '"'he- (Vut for the it of the rteatile, d a ;-'H i-.i j..) nit- rj ai ' lr v as ;! do- jj v ': ;.:! for !! eat- el oa'd I... elect, d ) ikU H El To The Ladies" '! t!:e fol'owio officers ': IT. V. Wadsv.orth. M. K. lloble. vice-prosi-S'Haan. secre'ary :anl ad three members of the ard, consist ing of V. I. . I..-, no anil H. 0. Wolfe. was' appointi'd to work with the farm bureau the ferrv lamlinu and s committee of M. K. fi Doble. V. Powell ha with the oondnrte,; fl Gm'1' a gans oi the road U. Wtilpo'e s since held farm bureau n Holmes, fe volunteers iml landin and Charles a meeting committee, ryman. ard have been on ? work this li" 'AT KOVTK.U M '1 MI1T- IXfi Tl-KSOAY. AIT.M. IS AN Arrili-t IATIUN' a ral Pit reus of of mv and at PfSV 111 I'-avina wh-re 1 talre this lay sincere in' ion of the have received in I been fpent in keencat or leav- To yiy Frien lorrow county: As; 1 have i::'ere:-! s in H. p'-a. r ; toon lor ano:!p r expect to eaaat-'C and establish a home means of exp'.assin a l hanks for and anpn s;i!iiidid ta! roiv.l ?e I at your bands. Most of my life ha; Ili'ppp.er and it is with, tin regret, now that the time ins,' rpproaehi'S, thai I am surdei ins the close busines associations and personal friendships- that have come lo me with the passing years. Nowhere do I expect to meet bet ter people than I am leaving In Heppner. Nowhere will I find more kindly neighbors or more loyal friends; and to the good old town, Hie warm-hearted friends, the kind ly neighbors, I extend greeting and wish for all, as the golden years pass, all the good the gods have to bestow. With 'kindest regards to all, OSCAR KORG I'Piwrit I'icn ivi.i. t::.i VINS S-noM !.':.1.T(' !"::;i The first locomotive with steel springs was built in England just 100 years ago, and is still to be seen in the South Kensington museum. The Heppner hiah school ba-vhstH team tool; tee fil'-i aaime of the reas on t'rop.i the Lex'naion bi:-th school Saturday on ibe local diamond l y r score of 5 to 6. Neiiher team whmvi.l very good fonti became of ihe lack of practice. Many aw'. ward errors W"re made bv the local b-ns whirh will be weeded out ill another week or two. The outlook for lienpner having a speedy team a I't it a little more practice" is very good. PoMsnn. who is the most experienced man o it is pitching: He showed lois of speed and a good conlrol in Saturdays game, and he also had his old bat ting eye. Aiken, another expel ioncd man, is catching. The infield is go ing to be especially strong with Royd and Irwin m their old bin lis at firsl and second respectively. Cason on third and Ferguson taking Peter son's old place at short. "'" on ''" ihe only new man on the infield and he is showing good form for an Inex perienced player. The outfield has not shown, up very wU as yet because of the fact that they are new men, but it is be lieved that it is only a mat lor of a short time until they are whipped into pretty good shape. The P.l'lel he'd -1 Taesd An has la next -r :'ar the , '. Apr! bud e I i p g of on wiil ng lc O"' 1 par II. e oa 'am el i lie. SOph lif'i. ai aamai'v g"".a rranavd for this di-ma';-.;! ado: pop a- b' si Pan1 : d ,; a 1 1 ''a eell o! T:'; of Two Cl'.U f" I- opioia' .!' lU'liali cbii-". No;.. ina I noi of officer.- I copio-g yciir ,'.;i;l be piiide l -. t : n and il is iba-refere ant t'nit all members be pr The picture offe"ed SOlll a"'o to the- room having the g number of penults and patrons as vhiiors will ho awarded lo the suc cessful room at this meeting, i Tlie season's lyceuni course which i has just closed le.ft the association with a net profit of $71. Ill), Mr. Sigs bee having been mosl liberal in his terms with the association.. The das position of this money will be decid ed at Ihe coming meeting. i r A this time ttest week. The started May day. Sian'i I oys, t p. ; ,' st '.in fa 'ai. :; have aa re, d stricily lo lb ill 01' 0"'et' h'-lp uiaier or lose, honor co tlie end all from ed ihai played v ami oil'e The 1; ored the Poai i nrn ed ! they ma a ca insl (itir tear count of Marshall sprained WilS ume did not tion leaaam baseball season al Irpaon. Sit'i ebl play oil the Hrigon "ir ending in faor of lo IP The Irriaon boys tint Ihev wen Id e aereeipenl not tulov r, h Helix. p.iii' :.' ( Ml ;m ' lrr Mill, any i a am-e d ! "i'lt il si ay sbip iside w in anv ai al it would in las II 1. ill. a r. all t is cla im en w ho lloldman ll"l Pioi- liiiin l''iiday, playing di ii'.n 'hool learn, ami re elia - (uiie jubilant thai t!:'r.".l lo sia,re wen runs r.oiirdna.n's thirty three. i was baillv crippled on ac opp of the best players, Markham. nursing a badly Pifkle, and the Kn:aht boy de lo take part. The boys expect to gel further I ban only Soc'iil dance at 10'Us' temple Sat urday night. April SH!i, from to il! lor K.Iks and llieir families and lad ies only. ;'() music.. . adv. American Legion Dance at lone Friday evening, April Kill. Aililagton orrUestra... (iood titno lassnred. ..Kv erylMid.v come. Wanted Clean eottou rags at thfi Herald office... Casli liaid for same. A' 0 j. Whit first base. This, however, makes il one and one. ! Walter .1. Mead, of Xehalom. was in Irrigon Thursday, trying to work up a rural telephone line. His prop osition ditl not appear very atlract Mve to our people and it was planned to organize in. I lie near fill tire and build our own lines, j The committee on Ihe North Mor row County. Fair reports having come to Ihe conclusion that they would give the fair a trial, ill leasl, and are lo notify the ltoarilman dis trict accordingly. We could make it one glorious success if we only make up our minds to have it so. We challenge any community for their ability to raise so many dif ferent kinds of exhibits, and their .quality has no equal. i Mike Marshall, one ot I lie tug land holders in the Poardman dis trict, was in Irrigon on business Saturdays Ira IV Hartzell, of Yakima, ar rived in Irrigon' Sunday and lias rented the eight lots and the house .where Mr. Samson lived, of the Becldey properties, and will jnove his family to Irrigon in the next week or ten days. He has some par ticular tract of land in mind which he intends to buy soon. 1 Among those who participated in Che Eastern Star dance at Umatilla Tuesday night were the Olasgows, Grims and Beniflelds. All had a fine time. If you are Eoins to take in the ball games In the neighboring towns, i don't forget your fifty cents. If you .haven't the four bits, borrow it or stay at home. Don't go rooting un less you have the right. If the shoe fits you, wear It. No charges. lie Thankful Anyway Boston Transcript "Thankful? WhM have I to lie thankful for? I can't pay my hills." I "Then, man alive, be thankful you aren't one of your creditors." i: A Soap Unequaled for the Laundry 4 25Co : Phelps Grocery Go. idc Has a Money Look Hoip lon, Texas, Post Mvrtlc Why do you think that he married lv,r money'.' Maud I have seen the bridge. ! The wine production of Maderia , for 111!!", is estimated n excess or : 1 ."20,(1011 gallons, a f0 per cent in j CI ease over 11)10. j NOTM'K I'Olt PI KM VIIOV i isoi,.ti;d Tit a t I't 1H.IC I, WD SU.I' NOT COM, I. WD ;eiiartm nt of the Intiror. P. S. Land (ilflce at f.a'irande, Oregon. Mar-h 15, 1S21. XdTK'K is hereby given that, as dii.-i led b" 'he f ommis. Ooner of te C,i per. i! Land fn fie. under prov s ion . if (-.riion 2-1"', It. .i , pur or.' to i hi- application of CPy HOYF.lt Heppner. (pegon r i I Xo. 0 1 'i I?, 1 . we v.a'l offer at public sale, to the hirh'- t bid.br. but at riot bss than t'l .'0 per acre, at 1 o'clock a. in., on ihe 11th dav Of Mav. next. H! this o'-cc, tbe following tract of land: SK'i NK'i S-c 2. T 2 S.. It. 27. K. W M. "Thi", ttact Is ordeie-l into i Im market on a showing that the great-c-r portion tiierecjf is mop nta inoiis (tr too rough to"- cultivation " The s-ib- will not be kept Open, tell wiil be declared rloh' d w le-n tbose present at the hour napi'd Imp-cca-cr! bidding The pi r-oii jo ." k ' n i' i in- hichest bid w II be 'inn-rci to i: nc! la lei y pay to the Kerehcr the ti a oil M I hereof. Anv per-ons I : ; ii i ! n ' ; r-t ife- ctjove doseilborl land .'He ;pli ed 10 f;b- tfii-i'- f.: iniH(f)r ol jel lions op or tfKfort'" the time designated fot Side i r. S. Dl'.N'S'. I!gi-ter 4 ' 2 NOLAN HKII'F, I!e-.-iv. r. We are prepared to do cleaning cf all fancy and delicate garments and wearinr;' apparel. Ladies' Waists, party dresses and all t ? such work, no matter how fine, can Jt-iL-. e properly cleaned and to your entire satisfaction. 0 We have made arrangements with one of the larg est cleaning establishments in Portland to handle any work that we cannot care for here, at no in crease in charges over what we would ask if the work was done in our own shop. THUS WE ARE ENABLED TO HANDLE ALL CLASSES OF WORK, AND AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES Heppner Tailoring and Cleaning Shop G. Franzen - . . t 1 PRETTY AS; AN EASTER Just finished from top to bottom Ceilings, Side Walls and Floors; Halls not ex-cepted ROOMS AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY A trial will convince you they are all we claim Single Occupancy, by night .....75c Best Rooms, by night $1.25 Summer Rates, per month. . . .'. .$20.00 Rooms De Luxe "THOROUGHBRED" Clothes are tailored to individual measure, and organized skill has set the highest standard in Tailoring MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, OREGON IHE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR