Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 05, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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nciQ Walts
S. A. I'ATTISOX. I ''.(lit or arid I'uLli-lu-r
tfr. and r3. FaT.'co return
en f Lrlcujh Frcm i!i3 j
Cc.r t-uti j
Mr. sml Mrs. 1 Lnnr.lt. '!'
M Vii r ni l., M-prc visitors in
len.- on S::im-'l''y.
,1'ilin Xah vo ii is o-.n vis-i'eij-
tt-ij h "',!; :.r,l Mrs. R. V.. Imii-
1 at ti
ii-WCI"!, J F
'II, i'listolf !!: as SI
la.is Matl-i
i inv
( !; Year .
.s I .)( I
-ij tan-
' ' i-;
' . n (''
i n'.'ni d
. . . "-nt
i:i t'.
of M -M
A. M:,i-
"ilGII T
.: i uui
I 'uiti -
an, ia-.p:r.
! : ' . I i i cm
u having for
IV n.'iVM'!
- .)-. c t;.
t;il;ci! for
ii w ill
r,-i it 1
Thai I lie presenl '.'i'n hurden wo all feci so keenly ai
lime imusiml hu-iness
laid ;. 1 1 1 i i ii i: i i .ur c"ii ii I v
he a did .ai al ile
! hold- ie i hrh
lie I
- in (he ropin
M it-,.-. ' :iiy id
!-.-!!, !.;!' i n t ;
. e l-nl ! ill- fie!
. t I I I i
, la--
1 1
! r
i ie
a l-e,'
a i i
e n i a.'ir,-. . -(
)i. -"ii w
i .- ihan n ehiiiii 1, liial 1 1 1 - 1 1 v lia.s i.eeii - "i i a i e lend on
.lli-- hdi a en-eh n .;,,!, ih.,1 the v.hoie tnuihle in the Fault ol
lie- eoniily eotnt and lhal ihey .dioithl, thei-efnre, lie re
called, l'l'idhwilh.
I n ainilher .;i..v of this jiaper we pnhlish a sUitement
andaaied h Jud-e ('ampliell whitdi should throw com
-id'.-rahle hht on the many lhni;x ci unphdned of at tin
lone meeting, and in which it is pointed ijul from official
sources that unel of tin- Ih'.lv increase in taxes this car is
('ue to "vum-s over which the enmity court had ahMilutciv
ii" control. Slate taxes are more than dmihled this ear,
hut ihe Morrow comily court does no! fix ihe .stale taxes,
'i he ( 'reeon H.dmi.L'.ton highw ay may have ci.e.l too
much, hut that work w as i n t he ha inks ( if l he si al e h iIi way
eoniuii ssnni and ciitiialy oulside the control of the count y
I - d he county com!, as a hndy, did tint vote for the
is..ance of S.'.d.o,)) iu highway hnnds a couple of years
-!-!'" Ihe people o! the conn!)', pidhahly inchuliny many
ailendauls al ihe lone meeting, approved llutt heavy in
ilehledness hy an o'ervhelmin,n' vote. Neither did tlie
icoiinly court vole the heavy tax on the John Day district,
nor any oilier irrigation lax.
Aeain the statement shows that instead of incrcasim:
the count lew the fu
eountvcoUrl Ctll down on that
tli-iii StJ,,,,, Ii ;. ,,! f .
Ulan .,,.,,,. ,N only U,l to
County COH t -lis (hie.
i, !-,- i ill i ,i .. . . nun iniiiu gin ner ieet wei, anil ner
1 ei so'.ialllies .should l.ave IK) place 111 the discussion of nice little hands all muddy, 'ncvery-
serians, puhlic (ineslions, and the siatement attriliuted to',ll,ini;' n"do wrote I?(1 a ',,,,,,r nf
, ,i a , , , . . , , other week. She said, "the 'goldfish'
one spiaker at lone that a certain ntenioer ol the county semi th.dr love they are very sad
hoard is "hroke", does not trot anyhodv anywhere more Hm' '""''some since you went away;
.i . i .i . i , " . , ,. Ihey miss you."
than to place thai oilicial m tne same class with most ah r-c
ihe rest of us in .Morrow cmintv at the present lime. Niocp n,,,1's f"vrit'' spoit (noivp of the
i " , i i i time): "Kiftccn two, fifteen four,
ui"ii, cow men. w neat nu n, merchants, hitr land owners , ami eight make thirteen."
rio. I vicrvhodv in .he i'-hiiiIv will admit tiirie I reel v tv.a; I rc
. i I i , ". , ., ' ! She was walking up the street
the'' ;,ri. roke iin 11. iW aiid lial hetll lor Ike past SIX l.t Sis,- looked at Red as he sauteeicd
."'it months I'lot'g and she mumbled scrip thin"
. i
I Hie speaker is repor'..'d
i lie i .i..vl i ur; 1 1 ' li.i a Ci ni I la i ned
t.v n ' an':., and lh. ride
i 1 la s ioc ! lor .
he i i u . i :i ,i i -.eik i
l lie I" ui
, i '. i ii
r the c nut . . v i-iu.l tlu-x
mi ci ii: . .li.ti ie. ti ine walsed anuind the county or rode
hi -i i h"'-( lea.;!;-, or in an ox can?
, I ". in ''
hlhw,.', Vi
i e
... I
Iun ii ted .-sImum in e,raJe around thai cue. hesiues
S;.vm ;, two hnd-es made ii,vr,sii v hv the chan-e, hut
, , , ' , , ,, .
he 0,,! ml mchllon the i.tet lhal to hudd up Mam street
Mould h;iC OIK-'llU'.l two r.lih.oad CI ossills. that the hlll
,1:11 , ni.ii.ii.,!,,.!.., . .!,,.,l,',l. Ii , -l,,.,..l .,. ,...., l..,.
;,,,,.,,,,, , ., ,,, I
I l ie
HI. ' ,H III. 'I i'-'ltil t ill.
i ill's w I'tild lia e
-I Mdlli
.- , i ,t. i ', i. ii , i . i
..thu -e ol the In-iiv..,) I'Uil.lers lo pave lones principal
i i . " . " '.,'.'!"" a '' 0 is .ihi.u: the l-ii'esl diad llv in Ione's ,.i--t.
, '
in:. its
1 1 i n nil ivi i i: iim;
i M.aio i I'm 'to''' )
II. i p- C.'.i I! Van W 'l. is
p ,i, -i . i , .t . series nine n .1 m.l
, , i a. I.- b- ' ores hi I he H--.'.'i: !
1 ,.11. ti n-, w vk. n " "" 1 " -no
t, at ..' Th" S no .1 1.1. I a't! ol
0. ,' Old Tos'iit-ient ill the 1 ' '-'
od, i n S ''..oI.u-.Iihi and il. le
1 ,i. !..',. vv " to lamp an hen,-,
'I'll- ma i pi ct.il urn oi i ' - -; ni '
) ,.s !.. ' 'I r-ncileit with ''.'.'!. 11,1.
;, w. M a m.s!' v I-''''
one who is si on to be e. 'li i "' '
M-h.'l.u : e' :i . - il n
1, -iaMi l Ins ibjp. t v,i h ll'- A '. t
(o p- " "I i' Ml so. h a lucid ue nv
l'he ,.'-iirut .1 o-s all' c'' 'i d ' " '
iti.un. i i '..it a ppeal- io a - u " '-r
i t.unl'ih, and inn '.!;,: r.r- ;:mt i'--
;j tiii; coi;:; i y court
' : I ; n ; n a 1 v,' w rovun y
tS .Male , l in )-,i, v ii' i "ri! in
o )((
meet wilh
--ii-ral appr
o v a i
dcpres.-di in can he honotly
c 'I'D and oilier oltji'ials
i ne
- f h.r (lie county judire and
- which was. inauya-paye'-s
at lorn-. 'I l;a!
.11 '. I i l la' ! .1 .le w ill i
Id 1'V'id ;.i"
v a ni - lid-. would he a
: I III ' (Til ' Men!.
it i ca-ier In Tind dmh
v I ' i ea rrv on lie.- pi:l-ii
', 1 1 1
i .'Id
i - i i -1 . i I
d,t heh
't, -h re;."e,
i,.. ,., .,,..1.,.
i ill
i ! . ; i r j
I iieiv
a -
I I : a t (-"ii i m a
d he h
m i 1 d I " 1 .. e
.il'l'l"!! ll
ial laxes are ltm:
'!na' 1 1 ; i -i cusi
per cent allowed hy law, the
limit to the amount Ol more
! i -t
ive the devil or even tliu
in Ihe newspaper account Of
I hat ' e are pa 1 1 1 u I hese
,,i oeud in aul oniolnles. hat
. , !
i ol
tets s,-,,. a monlh.
he time the
iU'con.iai. - ii i e i .r e lor their m n
I i Mi
iM'ni ;'1':!1' U O! k
I ue i, Mill si 1 1 t oi I one am
! I
,!,,, . I, . , ,,. , i i .
llli'f llll I 1. I' I'll, III, ill ItlISS
XhiHV). J 'itll.il
del' ail. the
.'fi. 'il.d u-a'iv a n. w roir.t of i mi
. .l.i'i!.'. lo i ' p knov 1, ,1 ,p ol th. in ir
. i ami sir, .; h.-iuug i he t.ut h o; the
u. 1 1. i - i'
ii. h con-.t uiTp ctlUcism ,tii, -a!
to iittv-M iti sii uii; a ti cater kno
:;1un;,s:,:,.;;;';:t,,u.:,,1, ;;:::e
mi.'.i".iii a.-ul. I ."in the rel.g.ous
l'he on.s who heard Dr. Van
: i,rs will l.i(! tpp. ember ti." -
.i.td.p.nes, and these who di! n -t
'"" ' -"" ''"'' v- 1 l!"h"
'"fcl i pp 'fimai -..! as is s.l
led.;c and a better iiiuicisiamar
b in lo a. i ,n,i auiiih. ie
inei -lean I !!. n l met nl lone
VS-.h, eei'ln
pi'l' Kih r'ii on
.! Ii, ai.i t..o.l tii m 'nj-jnir..!. -
priboil roini1
Iff i
I " 5-S "i ?. Hi 1 f!
UNA - nJs - CJ K.J y
i.i.ifs t (,i.r,i v
f'i! tOY!
ea! on
nil' 1
-. 1"
1 1 ath i
ii : le I
I to
I .'Md
a,.,! it v-ee.
and cil.iriv
-.nt ion
on it.
-1- i-
t; ;-:i.i! iiki.i':
"Willi his h fl hai.-l as 11 sn"pnr
he raineil tin. six-shou-.-- a"d fired.
'I'l'e in XI I'l.imi'til the darkiU'S was
.-i-in-ec 'o- si d by yen I'lashcs-, sni'iti;,'
'"; I'm. n shaalewy heinds. The air
was full of whiz twirl tiiij'ln. One--two
hull. Is t i;i;.eil the boat's side,
In days of old when tec wen f to
ncho.. we were to'. i that three I'.-ct
iniiko one yard. We have sirce as
ceriaiticd thai soniel imps- TW O feet
make one yard.
A certain eiit.-rta'is'ni; btisipos
lionse in this town believes ill 'S-ufc-ty
first" it keeps its KasolitiP t-iii!.'
in clone proxiiaiiy to a natimial
r - c
A yontiK ii'a'i was sei-n cine. -gin?
frem the post "trice snhiii-ised in
mirth and frivolity. I.anehine; and
Kc-licitli'lini', he sat'n to his friends,
peel What'm I u'oing to do
wilh this? It's addressed to my wil'ei
and I didn't know I had a wife!
Il'.'i effervescent exuberance pre
vented his saying more.
Ttodo was a nice nirl mile sl.o
went and got married. Once nnon a
I timo Hi, ,ln on,! r?ii i,,,! !.,.! .ii.. .
-nmbrol off the highwav into
""' (litoh ra,l'er tlioy fell off) ami !
n"''0 i,ml 110,1 nml a yitnfiil lop. !
(sometimes called a fence post) ns-i
I. , J1!0 "':V,'r "b,ick ,0 nor,n"""
,,1,1 im Wfl, ailll IICI
to her : il l'i-i. nd that Pe l d en t 1
K,.. .vv.,v -a,,. u,.r, : '
' lH'1 1 :
: he w as i-' al b-k i ia am1 K.
!"' e - . he v is lo. k 'lis; ha, k In
he w
lo- k-t;
ited -!o. n't
i'oi n't 1. now
I. row w'
she wa
(r ul. I, i-t r w.- .... i.i
r",i of a o-eik la d w.,.-.
x AreiiTv' x.wein'Y'
'"''a. fUnut !-,. .n..r.is v: o.,.
HO ' : -! f: look tlieir 1. ai .
r'"V;,T' ' ' II''."hi"J. b.:h....,,,i';
t ;,'T1 -
b it
rb in-
,i' ,.,;,-,..,, j
" --r !
ii-i, ..., i, ,, ,, , , i
n h,1J '" U( -
'dr.,w one in the dark." ' ' " j
- rc-
mi arnsi is t-upposvet to tie a dp- I
,' .1 . , ,t, I 1,1., t j 1 . ,. ,, , I
"' i'recedent. sl;.:ht ng of anih. niy ;
s.i'i-'na at ii-i ii";t'ei-s u- '...,
..- iha.ks t,,- ia,:., iviiHn i,.m1: ia
' vine Ikht and fire; h,. , ., w,n,
his eves and not with his pais like
coiunionplace pi rsons.
Napoleon 11 v,.v,.. !i n ,1
London Tid-Bits
Napoleon l h: d a s -n hv his see-
i.n.l 1..... ., i . i o i i ... i.
i,b,.,' n ..... '.. . .
11 ... . ' ' i i. 1 1 1 i, a i ii os I I- ' I .a ,
iuke ol R.'ich: t.u't ill IS It by h's
zx Xuv- r.r 1 -1
,.,., f FMU..; , , ,,, '
llt,,,r v. , .j.,;, H( ,'v ;
i th,. -throne of i i-"per pt' Fr u !
. ,s ...,,.:., . ''.
n theii-h ro,- .e- a-'d I
mo-'i'r wai M.iro I.o-.-e i! ,.'-..'.
, v..,,..-. i of ., ,, ,,.
ti.e.ii h m ., u-ij v-v.,,-.
I ; ' '.' i.iei,
" roT i-... .
.. . ..
-vi .
, ,-iC'l i. r." i i s '! . . . j j. -me
in rr. a.usc an China sr..) ., pi: f;' i; . .' ,...,,, c ' ,j '
ar u , ot :oo 1
of l
ii !
. to I
.-i ii.
.1. .1.
:r:r iiu- 1 Ch-na-X:- ;r
, -..s for the statu.
!", X--w York, where
I a '.''-v.- ik.ys aa.
( :iae
in ir
-h jia tho N'o-.r Kar'., t'-'.e tnos
ees, ev-rvthliis; is "griici'aily
' wiili liuie prospect of itn
:it until d-;':p.ite Hctien is
y tlie AlPcs hi re.-'ai'il I') the
hi-n liaiious. Ci:;i;!i'iuns iu
and lie: ( 'a'iea.--:s an; touched
ith il.-iails of t!e' ri.allirt; sit
.t fei;i!i, wii-re lie; vft -ran
a-e-s have s-;i et teve.al
a ao:-a the lit., i-.i (ire if r.a u
eivina ni.r.1 sh : tbr.vittg ('--iu-e,ay
!n.-i.fil tie;--; h-'f re the
. K.i.stti 1 ' '.-r.' .n tli e i r v. ay
e-1 had re ah al ("aii
a lh- call can e tor
l le Iv!
' mild
-k la S
run i !'
1 thi;
to Ci:
i.i .
' II sin
' ,-' -a.--,. "Th are
e-e. r- . naae: . a .as.
n al! throie ii wiil
soon be ie re. What we rliail do thou
we do rot know. Kv. ryihiiisr here is
iiie.-eend and disturb!!!!;-. It is con
sidered certain that tlie Nation. ilisis
or the llolrheviki, or hot h, will soon
take Ihe city and no one knows what
will r. suit." In a la'er letter they
speak of tiie arrival of a ship to take
back a load of rueaccs for repatria
tion and the joy it brorarht to the
camp, although the Salonika camp to
which they were bound c.nild oiler
little additional in tlie way of food,
clothing or other relief.
Previous letters, written from the
Near Kast. tell of the enforced flight
"at the wihm of a Turkish official,"
of the Itamhes and 2()n little orphans
in their charge. They had to leave at
a moment's notice and in the dark,
traveling all night on foot and carry
ing their own blankets, clothing and
everything else they possessed. They
were allowed no lights and were told
not to speak above a whisper, as mur
derous Turks ware running riot all
along the way. After stumbling along
through water and over rocks for
hours, they reached the railroad sta-
tlon at day break, exhausted but with-
out the loss of one of the 201) children.
but none too soon, for with the com
ing of light the Turks discovered what
was afoot and began firing upon them
fronl the hill-sides, the little caravan
of exhausted children and missionaries
m., .k. ..t 1,J,U, v.l.la tll,iM,rl,
a hail of bullet.
The Rambos conducted their 200
charges, with many adventures and
hardships, to safety within the walla of
a British Relief station, and turned
homeward, stopping over for a day
for rest at Adana. While they slept,
exhausted, the Turks tora up the rail
roads leading to and from Adana, and
left th 'tn marooned in the hot, dusty,
besieged city. They awoke to find
buliets b'p. iking throuali their vat's
and wh s. linn all arour.il th an. Will.
orane. a y. ieig American relief
worker, they feial' stir. a. I fr i a
Adana i:i Nr-ir I ast Ko-.l. joaiini,
a refill - caa an a:. 1 fleeifA son h
ward. Tiiy wee sl-ei at r.-; e it ,!!
ar.d at-a lang e-oas a-s w.;.' -! three
h ".irs li-e'cre dare: to nil. iiU lh
ran ae: - ss an o, ea s i..e-. At hi a
i'h Mrs. I!- ni'io ire! M -s l". -a ie
'.adied ti the rr.iin:"'; beard el' til-
''orii. liehiinj a barrlcde ol b ittg-ige
tb'e , . Pi-os ta side from tl. !, av.-s,
t'.rlrg. and Ftanho h.nis.lf a; 'he
wheel, with baggage paed hinh ai-
4oum, ,;,m, ,0 '- off th, hulleu.
hev made tlie rush, dr. villi; Pl;e Jell'!
for two miles." until beyond the a m of
the ran lits." After pi.iry other stren-
uecs experiences th.-y made Ihev w.-iy
'l' v """"""" ''" e"" " " '-r,,r
lt.'.toum for several 'nonUis, theui.
i.o ne to the I'nltel Slavs.
Il'shcp W. H. I.a-:;buth. in char
'f lli Me'-holist tr. sa -s in N'jr.h
I'hin.i, here -I", Hen.' ' -p a-c f.a .1
I starvation as the r. : u't ( f a d - s'ro.it
! : oud foUawe.l by two se..s, 3 o.
j drou h. say
j "Their clathes are raits. d and
a., , , , i- 1 hnir .in 1 v fivi.l u j u - t- j '
' i,,'. '', ..,. .. , '
lLi.if HI iti-ruo, ir.. a. iu..., u a Vl.lil
m's. One cold nis'it In January hi
..e v ,, .!,.,,:,,,
ereatures fn ie to dea. h. Wait ,s to
i.e do-irt mrM be done within ihe n-xt
;ive !a!Uh -' w itliiu t!.j r.-x: two
r thice niiiiuh. Othervise malum
v ill r.-nsh." . - ' .-
- be u -fh "'-" i'tb? f .!!'.' s.n
...... . -t ..,h
.... . '
i p!tU4 inro.sT t:.-i in ; tin
, 1-1 lVev . of e ,,. i
i. .,. ' .' ,
, -i m a. or.. ui. :.,! s L . . i-. , ,
' v. - - -
! is af'.-nio-.n. !
: I leri a'"Uit
t tap ov r .-..i. p chl.-k. n
mi'.-'l ihe l '.alhaly. "I
1 of Inn-. Seeh
I r;
it and I
l-n.ih." a icoim
Ihoieei! it vas i
i.oia-aierah; act
t.s convo!. p us that
human nature is
all ri-ht."
- I'hcy don't con- :
voice tne, to any ;
gtvut extent," oh- 1
jpctrd ilie star
b o a r d e r. "N'o-
body ever (Iocs a
good deed with-
out px;-p.-tini: a
r a rd, Mi .-. Jig- j
I g-rs. In hiyily !
'; ticirai h.-eks in-
$ tend a d for the
1 y.,an- re.o'o do
i Ihir.-.'s, but
never in r. -d life. ;
i'l he o.er tel.
r per
few .
n I"
pea or
aips sl.i
ay-, an
ah I IjU,
a - a..
.1 hi
"I 1
! tr
a 1
y lei
i n- kh.
an i'.es i
d a
h. .'.i.e' wlia a
!: had knitted
.'.onely good
h..u-ht at te."
i e.-n!s, and I
rade iala e for MCu
asn't ovorwlieliii.nl
with joy. My
lll her splendid
lother, h1, with
inn-ones, wa.s an easy mark, and in
clined to rind g od in everything atid
everybody, was enthusiastic over Mr.-i.
Crimp's generosity.
"Hut even in my infant years I was
gifled wilh the wisdom of the serpent,
and I felt from the first that there was
some malevolent scheme in the back-
"The scheme was soon developed.
Mrs. Crimp hud many chores to do,
and she hated to do them herself.
There was wood to be carried into the
house, and the cow to be taken care
f. and a hundred other unprofitable
(asks. Every time I'd meet her she'd
say, "Well, my sweet little boy, with
your golden ringlets and sunny smile,
how do you like the socks I made you?
If you only knew how I worked, so you
would have the best socks in town!
And that reminds tne of a little errand
t wish you. would do for me. do to
.Mr. Jinks, who lives seven miles north,
and ask him to let you have his saw,
so you cau cut some kindling for me
"First and last, Mrs. Jiggers, I put In
$1,000 worth of manual labor for that
woman and my youth was poisoned,
and my manhood embittered by it. I
might have forgiven everything had
the socks been good ones, but they
were atrocious. The heels always
worked around to my Insteps and the
tops worked down over my shoen
"It has been that way all my life.
When a man insists upon doing me a
kindness I look upon him with sus
picion. When I was laid up in my
room with a broken leg two or three
years ago, I had an excellent time.
The leg hurt only at intervals, and I
hud plenty of novels to read, and
nothing to worry over, and I would
nave enjoyed myself splendidly but
for tiresome plvlant hropists who were
deiPnained to sit by my bedsale and
heer tne up. 1 didn't need any cheer
ing up. and I tri-d to convince them
'bat their visits had the oppe-'ite ef
fect, but they wouldn't take a ll nt.
They sat hy my ram-li of siuTcring and
told idiotic stories, and bored me al
most to dentil.
".Tim liiitL'inbottoin was nn einpc'al
nuh atice. That man s inply wnu'dn't
tai away as hue; as there was an ex
cuse for staying. lie said his con
science wouldn't allow him to forsake
lie bedside of a suffering friend At
that time I curried some accident in
surance, and when my check came Jim
borrowed half of it, and after he got
the money he never worried over my
p$ any more. Ami be never returned
any of the money. I don't blame him
for that, for I make It a rule never to
return borrowed money, but I can't
i-ns ly forgive him for boring me so
infny hours, when I wanted to be
Obeyed Orc'ers.
"How is It I nave such bis telegraph
"You told iu. sir, to use dispatch in
that correspondence, so I wired ail the
All Have Obligation.
Every rlti7.cn has oliligaiioin" In the
rommuulty in which he. lives. Wheth
er a man Is prominent or not he In
esiiecied to do his jairt in helpitig
bring about normal conditions lu this
country. , .
! A Pretty Good Vithod.
' -"Why do ycu VR'Hraw yur boy to
send bin' v-rses to ttie uii.sazitifs'? TV
ynq want hun. to be . a, jvi.J" "No,
merely want him. to get 'the conceit
knocked out of him, that's all."
t -
h u .-
tin. la
th- law.
Mr. an
Moraan. :
it Ti
!,... r.n-.m.
in A. L. TroPrd-n. of
:!i.a.ni..l bv Mr. Ss:il!i.
1 ("!: n i.i-r from T'-e
P '.lies, teai'e o short call in Cecil
on S'Uid-.y !k 'r- e leaving for me
borne of Karl I'a-ii -wor'h ;a K'n-i.
Hiv Viym.n. pf Uai rdnian. has
b"ti lei.y nro'ind OeHl niphing i'i
raii.:f iner.is to commence shfttriiii
in j I'.'V days.
Mr. ar.d Mir... .1. M. Gi'ni"n and
fa.i.iiy. who hive been working ''t
The .Sheiiio rd's Rest for . It. F.
Thomp'on. lift on tlie loci Thurs
dae fr a- incir home in Lexington...
The niavr and hi i"iiny were
seen to t.oa'd the local for Heppne.
on Friday, both ivideirly very much
exehed over some "!"i!." which
they arc polii? 10 vnf-e for good and
all "time or fewer ho'. ! 1'- Ir pence.
Wonder wh.nbcr th- si-l.ji et wis
"taxes'' or "ii riga'ien".
I!. A. lleo'li. of I'lnaif'. r;v V.
Ii. Riiirrtt. "f Ilenpnor. slat- hUh-
oiai-iission-r... a.ci-oi'ioa n h ni tiv
liit s'nip cnn-lneer Kr!!y. v-cra
.il-.l'".' ih" v.-rk thai lias been
i ii via v ner r t 'P'-il on
i'li'iin- w:'"ri Mrs. T. IT.
lilninvny H uise. Th-v
..'ft for I'-i'dl-.on and -.'h-r planes
b"foiv reUirnina- lo
M' U.-iliala M-'v
..!. ?'.-,nihiy from '''
visiv wilh 1'er '""':'
Sinr ranch al V'cuon
! -on ron-iii ar.d
IT. Whil."' and mm
In 11. and manv o'li-r
r n i .
ill f'PC-1
id will
v 19. ne
1! '
:'a;..lle. also 0.
illy, ' Shady
s nil ( lioroerhlv
a a picnic lend
.ri--y. a th-n
at r-'c-'.tinile on i'aii'lay.
M:-- A'cd-i ''."lly. "-In be" been
vyt'ns t'-r si. pi-, M!ss Zol'" Kelly,
t The Last Camp, reiurncd to her
hoiep in I'aikdale on Tl'esday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henriksen,
of Si mi wherry ranch, were visiting
with Mr. red Mrs. Jack Ilvnd at
Bu'terby Flaits on VYednesday.
W. F. Pnlmr.tppr and son Bert, of
Morgan, were callers on II. J. Street
cr at Cecil on Tuesday.
R. K. Duncan, of Busy. Bee ranh,
and H. C. Ellis, of Ewinc, were do
ing business in Cecil on Monday..
R. F. Winter and his bride were
trpaled to a good oH-rafhionod sere
nade on Tuesday evening on. thplr
return home from their bridal trin.
R. F. Winter and Miss Lois Easterly
of Hood River, were married in
Heppnei' on Saturday and have taken
nn their residence at the ranch of
N. F. Winter Pt Fourniile. Con
gratulations are extended by the Ce
cilites to the newbweds and also to
Miss Ellen McFadden of Fightmile,
wwho -was married to M. W. Herd,
also of Eighlmile, during the last
week. Their many friends treated
them to the usual serenade on their
arrival home.
Mat Blahm. who has been woilt
ing at The Dovecot for W. F. Mat
lock, left for Heppner on Monday.
The last of Y. T. Matlock's ewes
nnd lambs left Cecil on Saturday for
Heppner in charge of Ed Comiskey.
CHAPIN George W. Chapin,
pioneer farmer and rocKinan of the
Hardman country, died at hi 8 home
in Hardman last Tuesday. He was
about 75 years old and was a well
known and respected farmer. His
funeral was held at Hardman Thurs
day afternoon.
McDONALD Clifford Gordon,
McDonald, 12-ye"r old yon of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. McDonald, of near
Hardman, died last Tuesday morn
ing of spinal meningitis. The funeral
was helil at Hardman Wednesday
mornirir. the service being conduct
ed by Mrs. J. O. Livingstone of this
WARREN Andrew J. Warren,
respected pioneer of the Hardman
section. passed away at Ins- home in
that town, Saturday, March 23,
1 Hi 2 1 , aged a'aiut 8 5 years. He was
a native of Missouri and a veteran
of the civil war. A widow and n;ne
children survive him. The funeral
was held at Hardman last Monday.
I'ol'M) -Oregon automobile li
cense plate for 1921, between Lex
ington and Heppner. Owner call at
i this office, pay for this notice and
,r-coer. 4 6tf.
i-or llent H- use in rear of Her
'd office. Innui'e this office or of
n M-MiHn, 4fitf.
" i ' o niito i i.'--.. l-".n.Uiit!
F. R Brown, second floor Roberts
building. 4S-50
5'i.i.t or.vcrU i. ri-.rgaitis in
dfalfa ranches; easy terms. 4"tf.
... AVaute.1 Cash paid fur Mean cot
ton rugs nt the Herald office. Bring
t lit-in in.
Hepnrer Herald Want Ads bring
home the h.-ron.
1 urn prepared to take a limited
Timher of maternity casej at my
'or-. in it Henpner fnd rmiito
yst ni tentlon Ui .nil patjerts. .,Vnt
r,rhone. Ml:?. G. C AIKKN. Hopp-
'ler. Or. B"i n;. 1'hnn" Sfi! ?tf
f ... ., i .... , ;
i Reirort.'llnE and Ladies' Tailotlnir''
I Mis. Curren. Church street. 27tf