Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 05, 1921, Image 1

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ivasM i:x3 teas? $ -Xh $r.;;'
ciiii bis imm
1 J .
wori.n AiJ;.!!rri( h:;i;t,vay yvoTiis oi vi y isfcov.iw ix
FlWflf IV V'.JOI'OliTHJX TO I KKI'I.V To ( iii'i'iC.S
!"):: ; ;s'' i.axds !
Auto J.i"r?io V-iy A'so IV' Factor
In Do fr oioi" ' t'io Am tint
;' Ajvpropriati us
(Ti''i".'.TH!n v.nlilnrtn liurcn'i)
VXcjistnttDN. AP'H 4. Federal
appropriate li
ter highway con
struct inn vn ''r"-on wi n bv -a n
aiitrmen'od. r an nP!,r.'.:s-nt. a fl
ed tiv !'"'. ! ?-'tro Sen?"r. n. r
c, ,r'; .i.i in the ff.-lrrat highway bill
S ;).lor-t,.l,
Urlc-lv. H- norndment jwovMer
th't a?i pr th" 'cdii'tion rf rrt to c--ecoil
5 rent for pdmlnii-'tri'fon.
J? per rrr. rl' 'IP fl!!"" available-
annir "y fo- f. fill lyehwry oen
tfuc'ion sh"1! ho a"P0riic-n"d to tile'
f, riri'i' 1 :t i ' . 1 fates ill Tiro iVr i oil to
the tvin1'.?- of in yo-"et
pervo- in r"--. an I fott the renvr'-'
int:' PS noy coot s'v'l k" n niicrt ionod
to the set? I- in proportion to Hfi
n--mbo:- of ;t:o:or vehicles licensed ,
o;ich yppr. 1
p.ov;i.j,nl j, fortiior nindo tVii'
t'lo fun-1" ;in"ni"ionpd to tho fwdor"" i
lam! v'-.tos s'nil! 1-p tisw"! for
it aTfOn and nianv (n nice oi ricm
vh-l!v or partly in the forest re
serves. Party Pk-dttP Volloved
"Hie clause in the amenrtmenT
providiug' for ,t!-.o apportionment, or !
1? per tod1 of the lu'ehway funds to
the nn'ilie land states is in necorfl-
ancs ''-'th a nhrik adopted by theiCen'rul Meat Marl
r"fnb,'Pon. partv in its platform ar
Chieriro l"s.t June" sa.id Senator
Rtanfield in discussing the legisla
tion. "In the f(H states and Ah'slta
larpe areas of '.and have been placet1
in fere: t ro-cvr": to ponet-vo their
V-eiltVi ffir tile benefit of the fllt'irp
children of th. states, and th
nir i
adonted rieelares that th"p niNf
lands shon'd he a tontrellinp fa 'tot
in ftp annortioninent of federa;
hlfhway funds.
"These lands are net onen to sot
f tetit. imp - o-'einont, rievo'ooTnttnt
n'r to rhey snhinrt. tn taytjon T1"
child-en, of fie oa-tc-n nn1' mtri.i'r
states a'-e nnrt cviers an'l' hner
iaties of this conserved wnlth eonal
lv '.viih (he ehihlren of the states in
y-iijcli the forest reserves" are locat
ed: The eastern and midrl'e states
Ions; ico passed the'r public lands
to n-ivpte ovne-ship, and thev are
nn' bein taxed, to help boar the
pub't--. iipt'dens of fie frovernment,
amon? fiem its s-hools and roads.
Piese.it Plan llurdon
"Ttip nnbiip 'ard -tat1s eve op1
ptlled to bear ail these hardens rv
tax levies upon privately owned
lipd only, and in some of the states
the to'a1 ncre.tce of privately owned
land is less than half the area of the ,
'T'"t const' u-,;on of nuMlf h'gn
v"ii's is one of ic largest and mos(
ii-ino-'ant. and far reaching of the
pierv problems of this ceperacon.
whiclt may pi onerly be termed tne
motor age . j: is rio-i-iv una ir ' f
wttpovaw "'tun scT'ienienr larTc
are-is w:fhin fiete states, rnr pr
vent th"ir nx'''on anr' deve'nnc' I
without providirg sor-e adennatf 1
means of ex'endin!? aid to 'e I
states ccjual to whit they shou'd I
but do rot receive, in taxes on these j
lands, '''he 12 per rent r,revtd-d i' j
the pmon'tmem Is pn,nal apnroxi- j
mately to the amount these fores' I
reserve '-ndt: wo -HI jtny in state ;nv
count" laves if they wp. f p-'iv-itel-own"d
and . sttl,i t to taxation. i
"The apnort iennient of the re !
mainder of the funds (S8 per cent)
is ni-ide according to the mo'or V-
biele licenses issued in each -tate. If!
the funds are raised far public high- i
way activities hv a cae tax imrosed
upon mo'or vehi'-h s. tires and ac- :
cissoiies, as pronostd by anothe' ;
amendment rronarpd hv nie, then .
this method of appo-tionment is ex-.
ac and eiulnbb. It merely means
that the contribut'on made by the
manufacturer to the government at i
the time the vehicle is sold fo'low-
the vehicle into the state, and is i
there t'sid for the construction and1
maintenance of roads for the samu
vehicle to run on. i
Plan Hc!d Fair
"If the funds are raised by an an- j
propriation out of the general fund ;
this method of apportionment is
still as nearly fair and exact as may
be written in any legislative act as '
the number of motor vehicle licenses
in each state fairly reflects the
wealth, population and toal road
mileage within the state. If this
factor 1 used in apportioning funds
it is easy and inexpensive to ascer
tain the size of the factor by merelv
petting a certificate from the off i-
cial having charge of the motor
bicle department
Dr. McMurdo reports the advent
of a fine 9 pound son at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sprinklea on
Monday morning.
Jack Faria was able to return to
his hoiiie at lone Monday after un
dergoing a very aertotii operation tor
the removal of a raptured gangren
osa appendli twelve day.t ago. Dr.
McMurdo performed the operatloa.
In Spain, the people writ on a
average fever thtn ten let tar ech
I Tiuifi 'lliai :)iiL' !':': ihc
Sl.iU ISiKtiMi'y I'h'.u
; In riev,- of hc ftirt th;'. at. a inor'-
in Of t r , ; i y , y :ru at lone ivu'rti
ly, c-wii1-n.M ;;.ivci''-' it h-i. in
of the corniy c.ir.ri v;if- ini1,r,s,".,(l in
an.' p;r'",ii-rly vo;.a diiis; the oo.-t
of the U'm a creok r Ki'icot road th''
Hi'vald .'" fi' d for a svuhiiic nt fro'n
tile rounty poui'i rovrr'n1; tlip niat--tpvs
in dit-iuito ''".iiii fie stand-'uint
of (he court and tin- r vnwin.sr into-.
va.s taken f"-iii t!;c
to- L. A. Unnt iiiv!
.u to rt Mii-on
.'t'i' ndativc to tt '
:-'.y,. v.Ms itjv,.n j".;f
ilii !m:Mn v'.'' Hiai-
);,. (V,;,h !'..
to !!v l';r'ir,'0- (r'ypn.
at piwt' li-HRtli fivr.
pmn:y n
foi'iv I'd.,-
-'f lone,
iva:ters ;
pi.T-t fr
.1 a
we a!o oik
liis- letter
to Mr. Mai on:
Cot of IV. ca Cro: k K.iad
ront C ilvoi't & Fh'.me Co.
for mJvt-ris $1,2
ft t a "
ft ' s . r s
4T0. ST
3.06.4 4
24!). P5
f"n-kS0 htt-lnvny ocm. (pwdr)
S. Oil Co.
liristow &
PTiesl .
(irancdine, etc.)
John: on (groc-
Rcrt Mason (sundry s'plias)
Tum-a-him L'. r. Co. (s'p! ips)
Tri-S. Tor. Co. (suaplies)
pcidcnt Irsniaive
1 rvt.sn
10 6 7 5
6. 451. fit
t, lone
TOTAL Sin, 605. 54
"You will iar in mind that the
olal amonnt wl lch has been ex
pended is a life over $1 2,000. The
items are small items that cannot ho
"'assified wider the aliove hc't
There are on file now all the labor
yo't.che's showiPK the man v.'ho
'-(irked, the :inie ho w irked, the
,v., rr,ii; for v.'hicli li c worked, and this
!s sipx.ed hytlie foreman in charge
of the work, which will all have to
'ip cone through to satisfy you. 1
hink. as lo e'-acfy how the money
has been expended.
"I have been informed that r
i-ive-o etvo"nt of :iionev was spent f"
Irilllng hn!cs nw Lee Pndherc'r
n'.ace, and that these hole are plus
eu and ready to be shot but have
not yet boon shot.
"The cu're'-ts which were bought
for the market 'oad will probabh'
' e used there, hut if not they wil'
"I'm-! as a credit to the road.
"Tve powder vhicri was bouRh"
o ne on '!o ;(fd has n t all 1-err
i-ed on "Vis market rnd. seme of
as been bo civ 'd for o'her road,
nd M . V.- ..!, ttat'id that he ha-'
'he fir'jrf: as o hew much wis Ir
e rot'i-ivd ivm ntpe" sources t
sua')' " hut ho if out
town and I a:n unable to get the ex
act amount.
"There is one pom which j one
"oned a J;tfe hit. the oost of renai'
'ni h caterniilar has been cbargrri
the market rd at Jo"e. wh'lc T
-hotU'ht that it
honld have bec-
"hareo.1 to the T"mo - Ooosehet r--
oad. That is a distinction without
d:fferp)i'-e. as jt ; ah none In the
same locality, and if a machine e
n.t of "rd,-r it must be rep-iired
'tow'-vor. I ha,-e bet n informed that
he machine wn somewhat tvl ( t
ortler ivbon jf airiveH rn the fto.se
beri hill apt! tha1 h" repairs u-ii'c'
honld liavr l.-een chirgen to Wil'tn'
'reek V'"C cjir-'ed on dtt'-i'n itll''
tpirgrd to I- ne Ir'.l. and tne-erer'-bev
felt tb-.i it ivor rig1'! 'o crrry
the repair '.vor'; v hi'h i-'z!it real
'v bei(ipg ttt the lone lo'l over t(
Hhet' creek nnd it ha - bet n ""ne.nr
"ord;ngly. his not a 'rr'ie jteu
ind is a d:-tinetien as st- ted before
wif-out rjT- real nie'-it of difference
"Mr. I!a-'.iw stated that '-ou wr
af -t ani 'o'K to have a statemen-ceye'-n;-
f.-o fmrt that I had sub
milted if !'' lone meeting. I do
not, know what you want lut I have
selected what stetes to be the figures
rnv"t'iir: thf point of contention.
"The taxes collected in Morrow
cc'intc 'or : o vear for all purooser
was $ t f. ti . 7 " 7 V " . co npared to the
tax colli ced for this vear of $ 5 4 5 ,
680.6:1. The people themselves have
increased the tax bvy almost 60''
within the last year, as tne records
S'ate taxes paid in 1rl'i $34.fift8 71
'State taxes paid in 1f'20 50.568.23
state tax.-s paid in 1 "2K 1 04.8 1 5.0n
Increase in sped, school tax 4 1.650.00
"This is not evenly distributed all
over tiie county, but may b" ascer
tained by examining the list of spec
ial taxes levied in school districts as
shown on the assessor's ceitiflcate.
Irrigation tax lew $100,000.0')
'The reason for the increase of
, atate' taji-s is of course practically
bpyond the authority of the county
as It was practically all voted atthe
last election, when a 4 'i mill In
crease was made in state taxes by
the vote of the people themselve.
It Is tfeneially understood, of course,
that no tax Authority in the county
has any control over state taxe, ar
thla Is fixed by the state tax com
mission and atate tax levying bodlea.
"The irrigation levy tor approxi
mately 1100.000, ahowa $7t,000 of
this In the John Day Irrigation dla
triet, aorae $21,000 being in the
weet exteniloa aad the Westlaad Ir-
; rlgitioa dlatriet
(Oltlnoed on pag I)
Action Fe
(Tch";iti",i YV.ashi'ip;ton ltmvnii)
YVAt-'IUNGTON, r?arcii 31. Pow
er developers from all over the coun
try, gathered here in Washington
the last few days to protest against
what they characterized as the ham
pering of new water power develop
ment in the west. Their protest was
specifically and directly against the
regulations adopted by the old wat
er power commission, composed of
secretary of war Baker, secretary of
interior, Payne and secretary of ag
riculture. Meredith. These regula
tions were adopted on Feb. 28, 1021
four days before the cabinet mem
bers who composed the old water-
power commission wont out of office.
Fi-nk'.in T. Criffith. n-esident of
he Portland Ua'hvav. Light & Pov,-- i
er company; C.uy Talliol of the Paci
ficPower & L'ght company. Henry
t. Pie -ce of Tacoma, representing
the Washington Irrigation and -yelopment
comjanv, ?.nd W. A.
I!t ackenridge, P. Vr. Balard, renre-
-enting the California Fdison com
nany, were some of the Pacific coast
men who participated in the bearing
which was before, the pew w'ier-a-iwer
commis-den, couiptised or sec
retary of War Weeks, secretary of
Tnto-ior, Fall and secretary of Ag
riculture. Wallace.
'l'o Submit Object ions
At. fi( oonolusii n of f'e hearinas
'haimian Weeks sai'l tint he v.-on't'
t'hiHit all of the objections t fie
e-ciM regirati'ins ro the Secretary
Mi " r r ' 1 1 . of the commission, in o-tiet
ti-t 'i.e. light make any objections or
teamen! on th praiiosa's to change
, -f dore, he nromi:-i d that the rom-lifti.-ip
would immediately' consider
he regulations, the ptote.sts of the
o"-er d.-volr'-ecs and the comments
f . ,.v y rrill and arrive at a
n.-cdy de'dsion,
rl-ner'M:ced n"wer developirs of
the whole country declared at the
hearing that unless the regnla' ions
;- modified practical!" no Pen' -'."'ajiiiti
lit of : ny k'rd would res"H
''oiii th" water power l"g! -kit itn
0'- whi'h t'--e wcr -rlfl fant'ht for
tf.'i years. They complained that the
-tr c ions are nnrcsonaVe anrl
"i-'-t in erine'nle, ain! in n''icite,.
'-:" pteven1 he finandntr or new
.j,,-t.i tn ;,tiv cmisidt rable orient.
Mr. Criff't'i made the princinlo
(tleieent t" the coirmis'sion and tie
hi eted pr:( ipal'y to three things.
First-., an arbitrary calculation as to
he lit .' ot' the nroj"t"t and based on
'list ;iti a Vt ra ;-" re'uiireini ot or v-"i-'vt'F
for depreciation; seeom'. an
'r'd'rary rt tjiiii emcnt. for an ac
"'t't 'i 'ar ;o-t-'it; ami thirl, a tt-n-dt
nev to riuplicat" state control with
federal supervision.
M . Criffith slated that all of the
newer d'-vdo-rs now 'have to con
'oim to the regulai iotif) daid down
Y Aip vi mzrs with i ah'ii k
G'oota ! - written all over lhe face
of B. F. Wellington of San Francisco
i",'ii:i'iac: in er, says the Oregni.'an
Mr. Wi o:rg"in is tourii. ; lie eintl
in lb" i:.i' tests ot his hnsine"; ant'
is st.iyna at the Perlmoo. hi'e in
Pot Hand. Three thousand gi'h Hi"
empioyi d at makine women's easels
in Mr. Wellington's San Frun'isco
factory, which has an annual ptM
roll ame-iii-,ng lo more than , ni'l
000. "Despite the great drop i'l the
price of raw materials, "Mr. Welling
ton slid yesterday, "there has
not been any depreciable drop In
the !,!(. of production. I think
that prlt ( -s are at the kwest It vi 1
right now and I look for no fanner
j own business, for example. Our prlc
'eg are back to pre-war levels, but It
costs us more than twice as much to
produce the articles. The rejmon
for all this la the high cost of labor.
Before the war I paid the girls In my
fatcory fit a week for a ten-hour
day. They now receive 120 a week
for aa eight hour day and a half day
on Saturday. Hut wa cannot reduce
wages because the cost of living has
not dropped to amonnt to anything.
The moat depressing fact of all is
that the farmer ts obtaining practt-
n rrctest
by stale utility commissions both as
to accounting and depreciation. lie
asserted tha the regulation attempt
ing to force upon the power com
panies a federal system of account
ing would lead to difficulty and con
tusipn. He insisted that the arbi
trary provision for depreciation re
serve was unfair and tended to mini
mize the amount that the Cniteri
Statin government would have to
pay for lhe property if it elected to
purchase it at the. end of fifty years.
Mr. Griffith also said that thYoout
the r". u!a I ions there was atendency
to raeater detailed control and regu
lation than ever was contemplated
in the original legislation.
'he snirit. of the law was
He said I
that, (lie
t eoer 1 1
water power commission
should be mainly supervisory and
that the regulations adopted hy the
outgoing waer power commission,
: if enforced, would prevent a devel
I op..Vnt of new power projects and
practically nullify tne ten years'
fight to open the latent power possi
bility with the west.
Hauliers Want High Fee
E. W. Clark, an investment bank
er of Philadelphia am' a di'ootor or
the Portland Iiaihvay Ll'viht A Pow
er comnany, in re';P' nsti lo (oie"l;or.s
of chairman Weeks, staled that the
nor c
s. would insist i n !) ': to 1 0
nt for financing water powei
t'i under the present reguhi
Mid iniiniatt-d very sl'onglv
here would titj no money for
new projects whi'h ha'l lo be started
fronit'ie ;:roiint utt unless the com
pany doin" the dt vleniiK nt had al
ready established credit and was a
going conn rn
eh'' it-ma n Weeks qiiesl iom d Col
onrl Hugh L, Cooiier, known thru
out the vest as t ngi'ieer prominent
in water power development, as I'M
h oc lunch ( f f'e ponding npplb'a- !
"'ion totaling
itnaltd cost t
$2. 000. 001). ii)0 in ea
""It'd be actually mi
r Hie present regnlii
Co'iP"r answered Hint
t to-tel. tin'!.
(ion. Coloitel
in hi'
' ions
bad '
a.lv- n
t judgiuent no m
he fin "need utiles'
l.'O iects
aid that
ril'U t ion
tal Pa
wre libera!:;-."'!. II" s
g row i in; com't rns ili.it
::ge pisllls t nd di''
its would ondoiibtt tl!'.
power devi lot'"eiil lo
ler OOWt"
bet they
fineiife I!:
weii'tl only be
so tb vloptiit'iir:
ready i ".tablishci
to anotbor cj'hs.
.let!, In bis opln-
',"(',"; -e let y bad a
c etlit. In ati: v t r
tioll, tile colonel sl
tin. frilly ct4 the propttse'! irojc'ct(,
would never be dew-loped for th"
rt - on thee had no i ngiueei tn .'
tot"'". The electric develi'piis
haw- ti.-' le. Hie coin to it tee to re
main in Wa: him.'lon until a final d
ciri' " i- reached upon lhe liberal:,
ing of tiie regulations.
c,"t'v nothing for hs produce, even
though the retail price of food It
Still pear top level. II looks to me :
as th'nit-Hi the farmers this year tire,
t'oing to produce only enough for
their own immediate needs. If they 1
do, so'ni sort of a crush is bound to '
come." i
Kit. VAX ATI i:s
Wil l. I.l Tl It H
P'-v. Dr. George Ji. Van Waters
will deliver a course offive lectures t
m Heppner beginning on Sunday,
evening, April 10, 1 fl 2 1 , bis sub
ject being "The Sacred Literature of
the Old Testament In the Light of.
Modern Scholarship and Genetic
The lectures will be (flven In the
dinlg room of theHotel Patrick and
will begin at 8:00 o'clock p. m.
each evening. The admission will
be free.
A tordall invitation is extended to
all to attend there lectures. Don't
forget the dates, April 10, 11, 12, 13
nd J4.
American liefftin snc st ..lone
Kr1d7 evening, April ath. Arlington
orchortra... (ood Umm uuMored
rybodf rone.
s n;:n:
i im: i.
's roM'Pj.'ion lo
ia; It-. -.1 of ! nt
Says M iir.-c
or ran
o n
f'li'.e.-t c
ditoi nun
!pacii- ilio
last Friday
li. i'i",- I i 1 1. t".
-i lioo
i n in a. t 1
f O. Cloc
inn son:;
i'V at V.u
1 1 act ion i
of 22 char
a -li v mi i'.o
troin the
to Prof, l.ela'i'l A. Coon.
li'lWil'r of
wild aeeoo
on their ti
young ei:t
t-sl and in
mi tin1 en
the IVoai .men! of Mpsio,
mailied the young lad'e-,
i-ip. liepp'o r ga o liio
si aai'i'i
in1 trip
:' the larg-
am' iences
h inclmled
1 hit erpriae
Hoed I
. mlleum
The program,
classical and popu
al and instrument,
approval from the
. and 1 lie coiicert is
t ho cry best nue;
ar st lee' ms, voc
! . me! w i i !i h'-i ri v
) ! r femer a iidietii e
com-'idev.-d on" of
'al p-ograms ever
given in 'he coy.
! Miss Maraarot Ph.el ps. ' a talented
violinist, is a native daughter of
lieiioner, being the daughter- of
-ludgti and Mrs. (1. W. Phelps, who
j formerly resided here,
i The excellence of the entire prn
fgram precludes any attempt to give
snocial mention to any of the yonm:
lladies, but it may bo snid that if the
club diould ever acain visit, this obv
a larger auditorium will be needed
I 'o accommodate those who will wish
to hear them.
I The' Brotherhood will hold ils reg
; ular monthly dinner al Hole Pat
! rick next Monday evening.
The topic for dim ussion at that
time is: "How Cuv We Malic Mor
row ('ountv More AllracHve for
nient '.'
and Community Develop
The principal sneakers
named are F. 11. Brown and L
Hunt, secondary speakers, C
Mino,- end Fred Tash.
Music will be furnished for
I ci,
I occasion bv Mie hirh school i"a
Mr. ami ATrs. Alex Cib'-s wi'l a'o
fav"r with some nf their pon"l"r
"otch songs, and the city bund will
also be present.. All members are
IOIIV day i:li:("!io
( asi; ,!:a i:d
Judge f 'helps
circuit court 1
Saturday when
an a demurrer
lion coiiie'i c,..u
1 bold t sort-ion of I he
fro last Friday and
he 1 er ril art'iiii1 "its
ill the .lolltl Day elec
S'.lll II. A'l p Vl'e-
a nd
W'oo'lstm A'-
Stveek appearetl
conic slants,
l ritie'i red fi
C. A. Minor and
;ttid McMttianiin
Frit a t't't"! red for the boa I'd of 'I i-
tors.. Judge I'h'dn't took f'e
liter under ad isenienf , and a de
Ion is expected within I ho next
,v days.
I'.MIKM'-'I Vi ( II l!S SS1' .
tion at i i:i(; i''
On Month
b"iii for",-tt-iehers
con-, cued a
toriii'ii for
int' a Pur,
'It I.' ':l!'l'
ti. eveoiin; nt 7 : ;;() p, Mi ,
.five of !he tort-ni't and
the I cxiiiilou district
i the biah -clou 1 antli-til,-
purpo-e of oroittiz
nt '!"e-it hers' arse c:a I ion
n. All nit. sen! were in
favor ( t sin h an :o. ociaiion and the
!o!l"' itu (,iii--ets vote elected: for
nresidt nl, V. O Hill; for vice-president,
Mamie Pointer; for secretary,
Mrs Cut roll; anil for treasurer, K.
L. Bosch. A coin tn it lee on eiiter
laiuineiil was also apl.oinio'l. It
was decided that moot ines would b"
held the second Tin stlay of each
n. on! h.
Sliiitt has, a. list of gt od Willam
ette Valley farms for exchange for
Morrow county ranches, 47lf.
Hotel Patrick
When you are in town, make this hotel your
resting place.. Ladies' rest rooms on second
and third floors.
We are serving a 50c meal from 11:30 till
two, and from 5 to 8. We have all white
help; the food is clean and wholesome. It
may cost you five or ten cents more, but
the value is there in quality and quantity.
:ii)iTH W UAtti''"?' iii;c'T
"O.-W." !!I(,H' Y
Arc SLuiiiri'i l':"crn (!? n 't' n ls
O.i WVtli I'arlv ('orsiiiic(i:-ii
Is Icin: ( 'tin -i'lci ad
. nnncr was htoio-t-d b-
an o'mc
. ;.v cori-
i ;it f nun tt'o sl a- e hie h w a
iie.1 hl-t Fr'dsy. V,iM, C'
eis Tooth an 1 p.-,-:. ft
:( arrive. I
-Hon (if a'l
ili-sr tour o! ins
era Oi oi'en rtisds tm
"h early
(ritclioti w't-: k is iit-.v !'el-i con
rod. Tile Iri'i was 1,,-inr niaihi
Hie com lit is-.ioile-s I'm- tile plli--'
"I" lla!;i,i.;- j, Kt-dy of the tFi'-
tit roads vior to fie roi.ai!"i-
tnoe'ing of the lit
Veiled in Portland t
Ulissioller eoil ace
lioo:!) ayd P.-iratt c
rd which eon
s tnorning. Co;.i
I'ltl'tied Mes-r-.
a t r i (Her lie!
mil 1 1- sect o"i (i- ' he ! l - 1 1, .
- 1- ic'i, wa v toi TI'ii 1 -d - - bu t.
a., -.v.., tiidieed to tt t'n--i to Pori'and
Tlaav ' :v ni:;hl, so h,;. 'o foreati tha
tl'iipner trip.
Me-rs. pooth ami Parry a "rived i'l
lleppner oarlv in fie afte'-ni-ou, ex
pecting lo nroceed to P- n I'.gon the
"imp eveuii"--, hut c"r irouhle nuiil.'
it pecesarv for them to remain ovep
nighl. Assistant State Kngineer Kel
ly accompanied Hie two eonuuiss
sioners. An ini'orma, meofnsr of the busi
ness men wis held In the directors'
room of fie First National Hank,
when road matters in which Mor
row county is part icnlarlv interested
were gone over with the commis
sioners: chief of which was the ear
ly eoniplelion of the Morrow county
seel Ion of the Oregon-Washington
highway. The visitors had just driv
en over the route from lleppner
.InneHon lo lleppner. and wore fam
iliar with the present condition of
lhe highway.
II was pointed out that the esti
mate made for the com- truel ion of
the road from the Gilliam county
line o lleppner, made by the high
wa engineers, has fallen some $40,
OnO lmrt of coninlefng the road,
f'e shortage being attributed by
nepnner snokesmen lo inefficiency
of the engineer In charge of con
struction. ,
't he commissioners w re evidently
iiimressed with the logic of Hopp
ner's claims, and while the entirn
mailer was taken under advisement
hv the commissioners it was evident;
that Ihev fullv recognize the Import
ance of having this highway com
pleted and lleppner people generally
expect a favorable decision at tin)
ham's of the coinmhsioti al. thin
week's nit'ofi:-"
I The comiii is.sionersi left early Sat
urday morning for p ndlelon, where
i they were scheduled lo look over
two proposed routes for the Coni
jSt riims road, over which tin re Is-
taiil to be considerable! local coiitr.i
vci sy.
front th"fe they went to Wallowa
eiini.lv to inspect a highway on
which const rucl ion bids are expected
lo in: lot this week.
At "ie recpiest of the visiting of
ii'ials no public meeting nor enter
tainment w:ia given them by Hie
t'nni nierci'il club orci'iens of Hopp
u I", both gentlemen preferring to
alp'ial the V. of (). glee club cnlor
ta iii.ineiit in the even tig. and then
gi'ling a, good nh.'lil's r'st before)
baking up the final leg of their
cast' r n ( ir.'con Hip.
The mat tor of having
nor 1 la t il tea n - Spray road
the Hepp
plaeed on
I he st ale hi'hway pi; p
wan not.
lire '.: i d a I Hi is I line, it
being con
Isl-leteil lhe
st policy lo center alt
efforts on lhe
uly completion of
Hie main highway.
r.AimiT dbivi: si vdav
Ai'ioL si: f.m i:i:v
A rabbit drive Is being arranged
for by County Agent Hunt to start,
at Hie ( ti i n il place in Juniper can
yon, Sunday, April 171b. Detailed
.(it'ii tna I ion w ill be gv-n next, week.
i 1T ' ' "'