PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1021 Cnstcnic specials We wish to call our customers' line of attention to our pnng specials to which we expect to continually add any lines which market conditions will in any way justify. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Vall Paper We are offering a large assortment of last seas on's stock at from 50 to 100 per cent below new spring line:;. This is a money saving opportunity Rugs and Linoleums ill Our entire to 30 per cent ock of these lines going at from 20 jciow January 1st prices. t-1 JL Ci a. 4.5.1 Ci jit Mi Extra Special. Formerly $15, now only $8.50 WE ARE OFFERING UNUSUAL CASH DISCOUNTS on ALL SALES TOTALING $10.00 and UPWARDS, We want your business and are wiling to make it worth your while to trade with us. bois of Woodcraft on St. Patriot '!:: was a his kkpo.-. Chas. p.-,-dl won ti' st prize and all if por i.i'.. ..()! ctinintr. TV- i.f!!-:i ::! soeiet.V held n r fill ; : I si oil F: iday, s. '. if" ; its, ;!: an 'I co-tee; and : !"' a n:-- n.'t ;,rof:l fir I ho M:i t Samnlay iii;iii 1!... ladies o." ' so.-iai oo.nni-.i. .. (: :h Farm lei' taw- th;r last dance (Jf the st;i:., and had a ry enjoyable time. .Si Tai r - 1 1 . - from l'iiia'ii:a were pi. ent. 'f.'i.- i j 11 r carload's of boost, for the Kssii-ii Star dance at I'm till. 1 t In- -'!h!i, alter their trip lioardinan and Arlingion finis!; tlw tii.-ht at our dance. Mr. a. Mrs. .Ford, from L'maiiiia, also a ( ndi-d t he (h'tici-ro. 1 'on 't l'ori'pct vo'ir taxes. rr inch. 011 on .-,t V' in. sdav. r. a. M 1 v- in C'"-il ' of for 1 Minor and he count v Ol-'-.'o Via. 1 . !! ,. .' . l'-ii lor I'l'i-'hind S: ' :ne tht- 1 "fi; crust;. condiiion. Graveling 11": ,1 at and ; ; Wen (luring t!. writing all first half will no: ,l is due this i-i a nra ice So vuu - up your propria hill. li- sure it' scrip' inn of your 'I'll.- Hendricks furnished tin. 11,1 dance ai lloradni are scheduled li'on'h and y tlu- sie ill have to i I i-rs to th ' nii-i'.-ioir Mis. C. . ! coi'i ij:, liied Phi! I;r..t!;; Th.- 1; Mr--. Ja.-l; (''. !h -d on ? amp 1 lie county line al the time of working wi ll, jov rid- scene of action have been ihos- last lew days. A. Minor, of Heppner, ac hy lii r daughter, Mrs. of It. tie. were callers at i.mi on Tuesday, and ate) eat on ! IS i-rlniendenf 'I. VJ " R .'ins rem- fi W -2W-L2 1.11 day, al'-B t in woi H- 1 3 has com- I lii , 1 Tiieatre B- J. Sigsbee, Mgr. ;:t;i! Mr ". I hill:. V. r.'-. I 10 Ki'-k ! of si:-n con: : : i o 1 1 : on - and ash- for tallies with tin; propon h s. ', Ii 1:011 Orchen .-ic lor the liasehi an Saturday a play ai Cecil t : of rinaiilla ai Hail, y, are anio; up comracl:; wi my for seed hi lull. The very nicly. CECIL ?! Case rurniture G) Zella Kelv Mildred Dune; spenl I'e r-h 011 tile 1." ldieion. oin !!ii her Ce. oil Snndav .ml Mrs. 1 rom I'D! sidu i il i'i for t:a npaiiy. II. C a 1 lie!; arriv land on .sine!; T' mviile, Cec TiK t'.iavel wj ( !;.', i liassa 'iksf-n. Cantn , if of. lihea. 11! iy h. . he can "h -We are Henriksi n I- h I" I ! J J' J J 1 IRRIGON T V llliole ceivell llol- lleal ialo ( lie In.-.' t Mr. V. I!. W ice Irmii Mr. Cordon II ui-dav thai he had clo- i d I lie deal on Ihe r.-rry and ,oulil pel il era i ion wiiliin ll.irl V tit y:t. po. I s i! as a nracl n-.i I ii, m v, leel Ionic, I ' I'i el I 1 til . .'.Il ! ii ,-( power ma ri ie- I pe en-' i ae, ca i a I d" of c;i n- in:; live la i er ::-..-!' sin ,1 1 1 anloiiioliih s. II will ply Ic: ve n Holmes I ,;i mi i in' , a hull i I wo 1.1 i i. s cu:-l of I' i-.i.n, W'asliim-len, l.i a poin! suiialde 1. ii- a landiua (dace appi nxiiiiu 1 1 Iy two mil.-,-; wesi of Ii rhcoil. The coin iu il I . e en roads of Hie farm Hiireau icade ai-ianae--luenls lo meel Mj-. Holmes in the near t'ulure and lay mil a leiuporary road from ihe lanilinic on I his side to conned with the I 'oliiin hia I! i Highway. The com in il lee i:: ahai making plans lo pi.-scnt (his case lo .the stale hirhway commission lor a pel lliallelll (crawled -nid to 1 lii. hiv.liwiiy. This Ii fry w ill make di rer! connections nil the north side Willi icood rounds leading lo 1'rossor. Yakima. Sunnyside and all of Ceu tral and H.islern Washini'ton. On the .south side ii will save hundreds of miles for tourists Irav ellmc I iiiicon H . .p 11 1 t- aiid Central Oreeon (eriilory. n will cm (IIIt (he necessiiy of L'oiiu: tome distance up or down and hack a:;ain on the not i Ii ,ide. A comiuiit in publicity in this connection was also appointed and already Hie cominr. of this terry been published in ie leadiiiH dailies of both s-lales. Let!, is have been addressed to the ruiuimrrial clubs of inipuiiaiit cities lo utlwrlise Ibis cross cut. A b lier w;is sent to Hie commercial club of Prosser, Wash., contcratiilal inn Ihe people of lionton county for having accomplished this arraiiiceiueiil. A Ihoroui-ch reortcanizal ion of the farm Hiireau and Commercial clui) is beiilcc made I his week and w hat In and what we are do 1 lie a ii v ( ri ised in I he I'm lire. 11. 1 seaman, .Mr 1 11 si ma 11 s si. 11 (Hi.". Mr ! r. a 1 liv.-d fro i'i . day moniiioc. 1 11:111 W.-ht II) I' I lie SUIMI'lel- of Id lliere on nee ( ' III 111 Mr. 11 1 a n il 1 I II 1 I. mil ol' unl , and and wa r million. Mr. Si.;:man died shoia- , and Mrs. Seaman was lo ::! passporl or passll"e oul couiiliy until about a year -lie 1 1 d I . of many hardships prices ol all loodslul'i's. iie 110 more visils lo Kin iny oilier foreign country Iy a : .ei uiial I of !h aro. and I 'I here w land or by her: Harry 0, Ii nipsie, of Madras, Ore., r i was heie a couple of days last week Manila Ihe Hempscys and lookm oer Ihe country. fin 11 y said this sure looks .icood lo him and will come hack ac,iin in July. That is when ve will show him Ihe country. Mr. William Warner hit lor the Wednesday. He expects lo remain lliere a lew months with many of the old 1 i huts of his acquaintance, and hner probably return here lo live with his dauKhler, Mrs. I''. W. ,1 01 da 11. I.. A. Dohlo and son M. K. Dohie and wile, also Mr. and Mrs. Seaman made a flying trip to Portland and returned Thursday. Twelve members of ihe ladies aid society motored to lioarilman Wed nesday and were enleriained by liie ladies of ihe same society at Hoard man. Kefreshmeuts and a (ceiieral seed time are reported by all tile ladies par, icipat inic in the H ip. The font party .iciven by Ihe Xeijch- Oll li vis Miss: Hoc mi I friends j Mr. ; 111 ( and a : r Mr. Caili his truck Paving ri) Mrs. Coon: returned f;-i panieil ,y iter fa tin r com.- ji c! izen or (VI cale some suilable ihcc Klad to hear from Mrs Unit her daughter, .'diss Mildred, has it vered from her recent illness. Kveretl Lofcan, of Kairview rancli, was a business man in Arlington on .Monday. E. J. Stickle, government trapper, has taken up his residence, at The Bungalow. J.. W. Osborn and. sister, Mrs. Wellha Combest, left on Wednesday for Portland, for an indefinite tinie, Cecil friends extend I heir best wish es for a pleasant holiday. Mr. Os born has sold his homo to H. J. St rooter of Founuile. Air. Streeiei- look possession on Wednesday audi1" Cecil also extends Hie hand of wel- : H. fonie lo Mr. and Mis. Stret Lor and! 1 In ir fa in ily. Mrs. !. urge Krebs of The T.asi Camp, visited with Mss. Everett Lo gan al I-'airview on Wednesday. A lar-e party gai lu red at the home of jiorl Palmateer. near Mor gan, on Tuesday evening and sur prised William F. Palmateer, it ue Ing his ;'.rd biflhday. After con gratulations and good wisiies were extended, (lie evening was given up to all sorts of amusements. We heard some one remark that the sup per the ladies served at midnight was beyond description. It has leaked out since that the owner of Windy Nook had lo be carried home and put to bed. Cause Overeating and WIND on I he stomach! James ,1. Allyn, who has been spending the past week on his ranch near Cecil, b it for his home in Oak grove on Saturday. Harry I.: Hayes, from Hie 0. A. C, Corvallis, is spending Ills Faster va cation wiili his sister, Mrs. 11. V. Tyler, at the Curtiss ranch. Miss Esther Logan, of Founuile, was- lopking un her Cecil friends on Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Hynd and niece, Mm. Hoy Scott, of Iiutterby Flats, were callers at the Willow creek ranch the home of deputy mayor HenrlK seii. on Thursday. Miss Klein. McFadden, of Eight mile, was a Cecil visitor Thursday. Jeim O'Connor, who-is feeding rns Hynd or Tiutt. iby Flats U Irs. Ceorae K.-i-bs at Ihe n rr. and Mrs. II. St o rvidnnt, who I 3 isr :r;ve !; n in Ce'dl for soie I 3 c - Chi'-, left for Con:!!' : c il i.n I fj d.:y. U i T;i;,:np:Ti- od tj.,. ?!:oihfrls 1 ! li'St. ShiDI'od tWn (Ci- lo!'! of hi;. I sso. p i,. i, S H'-i.pii'-i raivh on Tues- day. 4 w. t. of Th.. rm-.-e r0i. a ! !" "misy diirin" ihe week send- M in:c hi? ewes and lauiDs to his upper a COi -Mrs A. H- 'ir;I:. r-'urne! to : g ;ot. i ''" Wllltxy c:o(; rau ii on Monday, p a;':.r spi iaiimc three mourns luiing I RJ iliiontcii t.. (.t.tilrr-1 sta.ic-s-mi kV-1 irip to her old heme in Xeivu'-i:a. j !'::' "miusll to miss ihe sovei o ' Moriss v.hich ih -y li:ne jjo-!f htr.'n : a ! a.- (sis, r.-n s- ,e os, :;mt ner.i-vcs , Hj soiiiin csn yet hoar tr. Cecil nm. y .".li and even iHo v. jul and Hie 1 SI ' U V 1! T'.,,.,.,m I,:.)., fi , a i-'O'-er, vat; tee ciksi t;,,. iuavor,M " '''" i''v i'!: -' on w. daesdav. ' B ;' M"- iianil: i ilri'll.o In Ili-iifCrr J .'IJ ; i'roni hi. & WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th Constance Biainey IN "39 East" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, .MARCH 31 and APRIL 1 PaoSine Frederick IN 1G3 This picture will be shown two days; so come in and see it Thusrsday if you wish to attend the Glee Club at the school house Friday. SATURDAY, APRIL 2 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS IN- 6 tie ol" Lumber Price HOUSE Any Farm Building WAS (last year ' $1,000 MAY lii: (till. summer) $ 800 NOW $6oo WAS (last year) $500 MAY BE (this summer) $400 NOW $3oo Order Lumber Now! Build When You Can! LUMBER PRICES CAN'T GO DOWN ANY MORE. THEY ARE SO LOW THAT SAWMILLS ARE CLOSED DOWN. INCREASED DE MAND MAY FORCE PRICES UP SOON. DON'T RISK HIGHER PRIC ES. BUY NOW! TUM-A-LUM PLANS AND MATERIALS FOR" HOMES AND FARM BUILDINGS 3. K. Nelson returned from a trip to Salem Friday evening:, where he went for a consultation with the At torney General on official business connected with the coming legal pro ceedings between the N. P. R. Ii. I officials and other property owners : and the directors of the John Day irrigation district. ' Cay M. Anderson is having an ad-j dition built on his residence in the") southeast, part of town. D. C. Wells and family have re- i moved final the Floreon properly 1 May and Court streets, lo the W. i Jaiiratl property on' the: oast side, j 1'aul GaiiinuH was a pas'soncrir on i I lie -out bound flyer Monday fiornmg. j C. ii. Reeves, former i'esident here, but nov,- of Hood Kiver, lei'i for1 bis home Monday iiinrnrii:;, after spendinc; a week or so here makin.:; photos for the cominr; issue of ' 'Holiiseh." high school annual. ' V ic Grosliei;, who believes in the early worm theory for i:ardoniiif,', celebrated Hastcr .Monday by plant ing Ills early spud crop. Ceorfce Cas-on and family liave closed their town home and moved to I be McGentry rr.ncli for the sum mer. American Legion gave a niirdny enjoyable dance at the pavilion last Saturday evening. .Miss Uulh Van Vactor who is teaching the young ivas how to study in the Reitman district north of lone, spent Saturday with her home folks. Rev. H. F. Pemberton, of The Dalles, will preach at the Federated church next Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Cronk returned from Port lane Friday, where she spent several days- with her husband who 1s In a sanitarium in that city. Mr. Cronk is reported to be improving, and will probably bo able to rtd urn home in a few weeks fully restored to health. Heppner friends of Harold Ilick erson, ex-service man, who served in the navy during the war, will rrgrel to learn of his sudden death at Sto. Marys hospital, I'endlelon, where he was sent for tretinoin recintly by the local Rod Cio.-s. His home' was at Salem, where his mother and a brother resale. His d.-a;h toccurnd on March 20th. Knuiiot Cochran, well known stockman, returned Friday from an THE DEVIL'S PASS KEY Better than "Blind Husbands," which you paid 50c to see and were well satisfied. SUNDAY, APRIL 3 Constance Talmadge IN A Member of the Federal Reserve i&V m.- .. .... .-vaSiiai. W sa !l iiif llle:- exti ndod lur Iay count ry. O. . Warner, Highway Inn at liar-ied by A. H. uring 011 put ling luml ia river at i! Non-Shrinkable 1 nvestments trip lo the ,1. ;in 'r.ine host of the II. ia i d man, accom SM'ait. who is na il ferry on the ro ai'dnian to connei i Wash a fpw Mr. :'ke in that thrning town wiMi the ington shore, were here for hours y.-siciday on business Warner reports- everything j the "host little town on earth". Clif Henderson, young cattle man of Cecil, was in town a few days the titter part of the wepk taking' a lit tle vacation. He reports things at Cecil are in the regular A-l condi tion. Joe Fritsch, ev-bnttery man, went dawn to lone Saturday to resume nc ouaintanco with some of his old friends'. Joe considers himself a T. S. rtrown enme in from Filet Rock Friday evening to assist with thp ort'tinizatlon of the Oreeon Wheat Marketing association in this county .and expects to remain until the bulk of the rominc crop is sign-, ed up. Mr. rtrown has been sssist- . Ing with similar work in Wpsinston and Idaho for several months and reports that the movement has-proven very popular with the growers In those states, where some 17.000.ft00 bushels have been signed un. Two . and one-half million bushels have al- so been sdgned up in Montana and . up to date something more than two millions i.i Oregon, with some P0(.- 00(1 bushels In Morrow county. Mr. ; Drown my that the road between Pilot Hock and Heprrcr Is In terrl. I hie rop.'.iti 'n Jus! now end thinks it Is about the worst r;(Co of road he )' ncoun'eiMi iti traellng: over trr-f vtutcs. He is v rt iupanied by I his Ife. Many classes of investments have shown large shrinkages in value during the past year stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. But you haven't noticed any shrinkage in the value of a .savings .bank .investment, either in principal .or .interest.. If .your money is here, it earns a fixed rate, which you can depend upon. First National Bank Heppner, Oregon A Member of the Federal Reserve