7 .9 PAGE THREE - TUESDAY- MARPH THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPM.t, OREGON MILJUt. J HE PPJNTrD'Q nrrr -T- r x i maU v 1 'Jva Trr" Ofi, Well, That's Different Nim(LrSJl C VfcULAjVA V 8q1 "RUUW MSNBCS W) IfiSS' f Y'llC I jl! ' 1 " - WA,CX3 STOCK SITUATION" I eiAi-r-iiAlxi: HUME i OREG0X CANTATA The most perfect and beautiful tnorobred in the northwest will make the season of 1921 at the tf? .rn re5n Stock farm. Terms Z tne season with return privilege. The White Hulless Barley is also Kept here for sale; also clean Blue house; also a few tons of clean seed rye. Ten head of fresh milch cows. Twenty-five head of Jacks for : sale. Will lease Jacks for the seas on to responsible parties. Twenty head of fine saddlers and racing prospects. BEN SWAGGART, Lexington, Or. 45-48..-.. HORSES FOR SALE I have a few good work and brood mares for Rale. Will o-iv-a fall terms to responsible parties. a. w. uammell, Lexington, Or.46-48 AVanteil f!len.n rnttsm tops at tu& Herald office... Cash paid for same. First Aid in Finance A Checking account is for the man who must know how much money he takes in, how much he pays out and what he pays it out for. No matter how much or how litt'e a man's wages or income amounts to, he can make it go farther by using a checking account. If wou have never tried the checking ac count system try it now. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. The Winchester Store A caliber for every purpose We now have a rnimiUu .., , "... from oo. , .i " L. - Ul waster nfles 4 wwpuaiii guilH. They are on display in our store. exhib.Uon of world-famous rifles. complete Winchester rifles built the West Anrt w .i. half a century they have been toe"andarddoiomn0ereers'.hM 2S5Trf As,ie,need 8". Winchester originated, model and a caliber for every purpose We have a vanety of these famous models in our tore now; don't fail to call and see them. WNCffSTJt World Standard Con and Ammamitio ,kMt, .mr un .3SI tlitr r,,VV.r.2 ill MQrFL Olt.rtf Attton frtwtinr Rx'tt, s,i,d frmt 0W tmtr-drtvH. 24 tne k iarrti. M n tor .44, .31. .11 mnd IS-19 Wtnthtifwimwtndr, Tkt m,t iu rrtutui rit rrr mad MOD ft. 4t.rfr jriian Rtti-r X.'lt, thd frame t- nj". m J tor ,,'S If, ,13 IVtm !iDdrC!7rMVf,' a'"" Wftrf r nth mrt,t ,md,r,,ttMt sfnddrut tvf, Z?',tl! , . rr, m Fx.fiwr ffrmmdut UU, t-t mnd GILLIAM & BISBEE (Livesttwk Sanitary Board Bulletin) A trip through eastern Oregon shows that the winter just ended has been the most fstwraDie m many jca,s lur uve stocK. The overhead Which Was Bn rninr.no " uct'" cut tt, nract ca v nna lourm tne costs of the winter of weather have been in part respons- uie lur mis; material reduction in labor costs h an talrnn nlQa rni employes have been, cut from $8 5 a ""ma io sometning like $50. Sheep herders are now working for from $60 to $75 a month whii.1, sents a cut of forty per cent. Sheep ondieia are asKing 12 cents, iarKeiy oecause their price was es tablished bv the TTtnh siioo.. ok... ers' Union, who voluntarily cut from 11 72 teius to 12 cents. The crow ers are talking ten cents and will nave no trouble in filling the jobs at uus price. btockmen arp nntnmioi. have been able to get along without iiiucu munej. ana nave by means of trading amongst themselves1, and in some instances giving their help an interest in the stock, been ahl tn squeeze through. They have been outuesMui in cutting the overhead. iiuur uas oDjectea but little, know ing that this was absolutely neces sary. A DeCUliai- Kitll!tir,r. io n. in respect to cattle. Feeders are selling at market points for practic- allv B.K Tllllph nr,. indicating confidence in the future of the beef industry. The horse market la ,,....: io inipitrviu. There is considerable demand for siock to take the place of trucks and tractors. A number of mares will be bred this spring. Farmers feel the need of raising sufficient colts to replace the older horses, worn out or 3old to avoid depreciation Eastern Oregon stock growers are determined to pull through the pres ent period of depression. BaiVkers state that there has been enough money saved during the past tix mouths to recoup much of the loss that has been sustained because of siuwers not selling at top prices Stockmen realize that the only way In the lone run that nna no i j .... xm i,a.u iuw in the stock game is to loss the stock. mm year mere nas Been no disease loss, neither hns th , ' " ul v 11 a OLUI III loss, nor has there been any consid erable amount of loss from forced liauidatinn. If there e,,or v, i losses in the stock industry, either the stockman or the banker have been at fault, the stockman, perhaps, because he haK p-iven nr. th,. because he has lost faith. Any stock man uiai nas stooa otr failure until now, is surel vthrontrh the nmt f it. The banker who has helped him is now well able tn see the (V,,li p his good judgment. Federal rennrfn ehrw ho i , ... ' ".'vn niHL iiine ten million less domestic animals in the United States than o Breedine stock f Klire tn ha ln ,..u demand. There are good reasons for believing that the end of the present decline has now been reached and that the upward trend that the mar ket is showing is to be permanent. Shutt has a list nf pnoH U'ili;.,, Valley farms for exchange for Mor row county ranches. 47tf FOUND Shell hair ornament. Call at this office. 42ft. h 01 XI) Oregon automobile li cense plate for 1921, between Lex !?fton ani Heppner. Owner call at this office, pay for this notice and recover- 46tf. 1'Or H(Mit-Rniiea in o e tt .voi ui xxei- aia office. Inquire this office or of 1- i 1 iii 1 Mau with team or auto to sell McConnon's products direct to consumer iu thiscounty. Mc Connnn - rr ixrj Mention this paper. 47-48 Shlltt. tin s RPVPral r.., : z alfalla ranches; easy terms. 47tf. ...Wanted Tosh ton raffs at the Herald office. Brine Heppner Herald Want Ads hrlno. home the bacon. fr CHTJIICH NOTICES J. 4- 1 i nrsi Lhrlstlaa Church. The usual services of Ui nhr.h wlU be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible Schol at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion SfirvlpA anA Preaching at eleven o'clock. The evening Services will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at. seven o'clock and song Service and Preaching at eight o'clock. Everev- one is cordially invited to attend these services. W. O. Livingstone, Minister. Christian Science Christian Science services are held e;ery Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in I. O. 0. F. hall. Sunday Sshool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday vening at 8:00 o'clock at thft home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All Inter ested are cordially invited to attend these meetings. rnoFESsio.vAii cabds J v t Z v v 4 4 4 4 b -'c 4" 4 ! Subscribe for the Herald and eef all the county news. Only $2 a year. FATHER AB0NZIE0 DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON h IS i I If it tz I DR. A. D. MoMURDO THYSICIAX and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HETPNER, OREGON r fit 1 ' f S. E. NOTSON ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W Masonic Building HEPPNER. OREGON Father Peter Abonzied of Mount ebanon, Palettine, l here on a mis- ion to the Cathotici of America. Fa. her Abonzied apeak Arabic fluently. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORVKY-AT-MW First National Hunk ISIdg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON MRU IXSI'RAVCK Successors to C. 0. Patterson I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my heme in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS, G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 27tf NOTIO, Sealed bids will bo rccived by Morrow County Court, at Heppner. Oregon, until April 6th, at 10 o' clock a. tn., for 80 cords of heavy 4 ft. slab wood for use of Court House. Bids may be submitted F. O.B. cars, Heppner, or delivered at Court House yard. Measurement at Court House yard only accepted. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deemed best for Morrow county 4 Wm- T- CAMPBELL, Judge. 47-48 Oliver Chilled Plow Co. reduces prices to 1918 level This is good news for you, Mr. Farmer! Peoples Hardware Company "You'll Always Find" says the Good Judge That you get more genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. A small chew lasts so much longer than M v , , . . a Dl8 cnew of the ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tooacco taste gives a long lasting chewing catisf action. Any man who uses the Roal Tobacco Chew r.ill tell you that. Put up in (wo styles V-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco n m, in ii in in.. .i Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 25C A POUND Order a Strictly Firt-Cla8s, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. HEPPNER, 0RE80N I?