THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON TUESDAY. MARCH 22, 192 1 t. and J,-n,. . LOCAL NEWS'ITEMSi. i er t..e ratio"- sg i h,- I-r: ti- , F 1 A Member of the kc serve i iW PAGE SIX You will fee! so much better if the clothes you wear on Easter Sunday are WELL CLEAnD AND PRESSED Send than in now ind have them e'eaned rudit Of til Wits ill . fl" 1:1 J 1 . I.:".., m II :!, a I'iyni "' '! trip i" !;..arili',iiti Thurc dry. H reports the roads In fin "iii'iiiiun and thinus lookim' pro 1,'rous a ui" new nv- rowre rvn sfdersiVie substantial building j.s r-- ! peotcd dunna: the auinnnT. One young auto driver missed ': i'lea 1 he'e ,n .-OUI ''. Il-ppiH-r : I I : .. J . - a.-', ho r- -" le : r f ': 1 H- h ( from Ion". Kov V. Whin-is ' il' d the do,.!. Mr. k'e'lv Ik .s " 1 one it over th- horseshoeing depart- r::f at S'Hrivner blacksmith: ion. ! .Mr. and Mr. E. M. Hulden, who been spending the winter at the turn at .Main and August streets Vor ;-,ri, i-turned on Sunday's train f " ill -7 IPJCAM TAILORING eamn;; ."CssiiT.r Dycir i ' . :;:it in E f ; . . V near the power house Thursoay ni'-'ttt. and landed his car in a hole hut without dninc serious damas;p to the ear or occupants. The corner is, j ,, a liail (jne to nepotintp at nielli, and there have been several near arc;-!'-n1.s tit the same point. Jai.ies Aioliiilian. succcssi'iil younir ; sh'-epiiit'ii, piiiv:'d V,v, lie !s mor- . 1 J 1 : n ord tnariiy aifw-U us tin orator i ! !! 1 hU'-;;day even ir:;,'. Mr. Mo!l:i- if 'Ml "V-IK Oil" of the SJU'ilk-l s; at the It : I i -- M h;ie.!H't, ; nd it. -. a facl tiit'T e t (! '' xt (!ovn to bras lacks In v ( ; oi. i'usiiit,' the Irish qiiHsuon per il !.!..; ) ! eit-r .-litipe tluin any ef the !l : "ion- !.!. in.-i) sneahi-rs'. J it'.fl Vr. )'; fV.ic1 spen' 1! ' Tinn rday ;w Fi idav in town enjov- in,'.' the I'iili-lfk feslivfiifx. ! 1 Mr. and 'VUs. ..)o Furiev wtre i tr.- is nt the I'atricK T.olei T'utis div find Kridny, co,niiLr in to a: 1 'end lite h'iliirnian 1, 'liquet Tlmrs di'v ni-h. 1 j !) Van AVaters h'ed service at !!) KreseonM cliureh i-ist 'rhun-..v ji (lei:.,-..,- ., e ;-ies or J.-cl tires in Ue -c- ! jjl ner s'line lime m-yt 1 e : 1 11 -,u ti"- ' jjj ' 'iry e! reli-ion I'rot.i 1 lie e;- I jm;t j jij'tite'r d'e','n to the iire'-'PTV da;.". 'i-i;p 1 jjj sulj.i.-c! v.-iil Ij" tiTv'Hed In a tnl)ry j) eeitt MitltlDIT OlitJ Will t,e ! ft 'olr -'iet! I Hie ::nd (ltlcat in;: a! i j: !' . Dr. V:;-.) V;iU-r H a !. ' t' (: 1 ; hiioier ami j ilmui milnit and t';ii-i lj! .'t.rm 01 'i tor,' and his ;";dri :-:.- '; -:y. (I I'ei (1'iiibl It . v.-eH veirlh liearitirr. I! 1 and drove out to their tncii .Mnnday tnornin.u IHackhorse nuoiMK. ok oi:K(i( : g UTV, SKKKS SIAM J'OS'i ( '! eiearaii W'u'.l.inetoti liurean) ;vs',to:. r.rarc-h 17. K. v.. ,1 :-y e: (r-t!oa City, who ha:-: just ! jfc ,1 :ei i pr .-e'tetil ot i lie .Nii , I-:,' i ,...!:. -roeia'ien, i, ex- ' ! step 111 V,"a.-'ii!i:j'te:i ot; Ms v h'ei, 1 for a con feretiee with the vin (!;. rjal 1! 11. !: ;.. ,.nii-r-tf.,!! tiiy Mr. Brodic ! !ja ;.....-..()ti ( to J'reHiti-nt !!:ir-lfc : v hi!" he.-. . red v, iil he erved U i.iirhs'er in Shi'ii. v. hich Host n y '.s a- ' -v:b liel 1 iiy an Ore- j L; ; man. ; nd vhifli il i ''lOtK'd niaylS hi he ))leel!l e(l a Son of ('!- - R JS (b IS a. uivestme T. I, Of fOnie',-' d to tiriSve 1 ifell'l.Ce with . fire.. e e IVe- KJSi ;rK Si V 'i . i!-:u " I'.i-s'i'.vi':: ;::: in "he local n;rn: re miw mm co. mo d r'f, if in in,' in.ilier. up a il ),!-- .,: no .(ir, : ,t II IV l-Yiila ar 10 h t, a rra n pi nefti. - Hie 1' rltll-es viv-r-I! at tile h'tieh. well lcii(,,, n vr nil: ay, wlir is I iv.-1 1 ml. n. 'Ji eul . I Many classes of investments shown Isrge shrinkages in value during the past year stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. But you haven't noticed any shrinkage in the value of a .savings .bank .investment, eilii-si in principal .cr .iutcrest.. If .your money is here, it earns' a iixed ra which VI. iie" III . Os.aian !1: beautiful .d::v an:! 'd1' uhu at IV." ' 1 he'll '1. Dlllh ,l- i; if, 11;.. S. 1 1 . , id "I :,' i i-'h apd l!,i" I our I : ill SalUi'ihiy e 0111 (lie iloii: the illlelei-.i -f lie (1 i II II II 11, w s' ; r. h ui pi'. as d.le iiian iin," i 1 : 1 . r Hie "Ci'eaiir lorrow Ciuiiily l''aii", and lo il 11 111: III pel'l ' l'l I IllS Ol'llill'.- The Una id ma 11 people have 'oniniiinily lair for two years at' 1 h ',,'e made a Ida suecess or It. Mr. 1 h' uhaunh, pivsidi ill of this or mini'a 'tin, exidailied it had 011I Ki'own their couimumty nml should he ni e to mean all the name (alls for. vr . Sii-ins outlined how Ihey financed the business and offered f 11 -l In r increase our working caliilal for H is iiiiih'i'la It ins-. nip rair would l liehl early in replemher, alleina'ely til lloai'itiau and Irri I'on. '1"'1r year II would be held at Hon 1 il a n, s I hey a re - lined up from 1 1st experience, not next year il w r ' ' I he liel. I a I I ri iaon. The (."' Miihllni; al tloardman is larre lo accoiiiiiiodate a larae ex itl I lie In iron oi l school could he tiMil up for an display room, ami rie now en' 1 hi' ; l.u I I o, 1 , -, a nd ma leri'i Is. Al ,'. S. II. Ihtai 'lman mad" a re port on lee .rii:',i'P.h made on the riiialilla 1 in pi il s power project, lie claims 1 here has beep no equal in unity and boosiinu as tnere s on lliis pi oposil ion. No other project ever ttained such j;reat moment 11 111 in such a shoia I hue. Messrs. Hon ril man anil Powell al so oullijied Hie necessily of eVery body beinc a booster for the John Day irriKal ion project. We should all join hands and boosl loyeiher. 'rite I'lnalilla liap idspow' r projeci. the .ohn Day irrl :;alion project, the Ta.llerson ntu; Holmes ferry, Silos and I he North Morrow Couniy fair. These things ine all wilhin our reach, if we only insist on huvini; them. Most of llieni will come anyway. so il' yon do not feel like hoostinc, i;et out of lite load before youare inn over and hurl. oon s.11,1: ir " 1,1 fda; IT ' 111' h" '. coiiiu ai.o lie usee lor some: iiuiids could easil he fixed1 t .a dies of Si. I'aliick's church ike euro of lite livestock ex- ' will hold a food sale at Humphrey's A coniiuitlee consist iin; of di'lla, store Saturday. March 2li, M. !). Doble. Seaman and ; couimencint; al ten o'clock 11. 111. I'o. i". ami Meialaiues tllaspow and 1 Huy t.oiuel hint; nice for dinner. Customers Benefit Specials We wish to call our customers' attention to our ''ne of Spssig Specials which we expect to continually add any lines ..'hich market conditions will in any way justify. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Wall Paricr ' Vc .ue i.:l t, 'riii ;.; ; lai i'.e assort, nent of last seas m's clock at Horn 50 id uio per cent below new priii:' iin This is a money saving opportunity Rugs and Linoleums ' Our entire stock of these lines going at from 20 10 30 per cent below January 1st prices. Felt Mattresses Extra Special. Formerly $15, now only $8.50 WE ARE OFFERING UNUSUAL CASH DISCOUNTS on ALL SALES TOTALING $10.00 and UPWARDS A'e want your business and are wiling to make it worth your while to trade with us. Case f uniture Co. f i rimes, of Ha Isey, who j take possession of the ! ..!" : !"i V 'a Arthur YV. Dyksira ! wi'ie ia loan y.-.!i. lent n hue on! land im -;ii'--s lielo-ir I '. S. ('oiitals- j :;ii !"! Win -vs.' Mr. 1 '.!-.-( recent- ! ly 1 .e'liaie ed his Diilui i-'ork ranch j lor 1 linn acre lilac:- -ear I'alsey, , ()i'e.i;i:n, ami will soon remove to Ilia: i lace. Tlie trade was mad" ! w i ' h W will soon tal;e po Balm Fork propertj. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. IS. Sparks, of Con don, spcnl tlie wcVk end in Heppner guests at the Patrick hold. H. 11. Jones, rppreKenliiiK the Chinese Famine lielief committee, spoke al I he Christian church Sun day evening. L. A. Hunt leaves today for Spo liane. where he goes lo attend fi II Illllll Ml II .III I III tl .1 I I.I.I '1 1-1 'HI! li l'lll 1' 101 : '11 t! it 1'ia a' ',' a tile 1 1 I'll!!' Ill" I the wle Hle Ci.'-O' many. I (: acia ' ion. Ir. Harder, who had mad uds here, rxpi r sia d rei: re: a ! ii:;r lleppriivr, and -roped that e lime he may he ah-le to return a ml l ive here. Mr. Sig.-liee has had extensive ex perience with the business ertl ol' the lli'ppncr office, and will no doubt prove a capable man for the posit ion. Heppner Herald AVant Ads bring homo the bacon. i rirsi 1 aonai a Heppner, Oregon $"1 s A Member of the Federal Reserve r.n:oMK tiiDi!: i x i i sti;v I'ATKOMZI', IIOAEM iMil s i i;v I'ATIiOMZi; MOM 11 iMit si i:y I'ATIJO.MZK HOAlli iNnrsTHY PATKOM.K HOMK im)isti:y HOAlil isnrsTKY Z r-Hi? PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY-JUST TRY OUR Z f hi; 6, m New Sipprir-Macle v H N 5 S.Zr Z ' t. ; z s s v Z r. Made form Morrow County's Best Wheat, by one of the Most Skillful Mill crs m tne northwest, in a modernly equipped, thoroughly renovated plant. WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS FLOUR IS AND WE-ARE WILLING TO .'., ': STAND BEHIND IT WITH An Absolute Guarantee--Or Your Money Back! 'H ' WE QUOTE Fancy Patent per sack, $2.50 Heppner Pastry Flour per sack, $1.60 Fancy Patent per bbl., $9.80 Heppner Pastry Flour per bbl., $6.00 We give our customers the benefit of saving freight between Portland and Heppner. Tri-State Terminal Co. VATIJOMZK HOMK I M1 S I HY TATROMZF. HOMK IMH STHY I'ATUOM.E HOMK 1M)VSTHY TAITvOVIZE HOMK INDUSTRY PATllOMZE HOIK 1XDISTIIY PATROMZE HtMK I.NDISTHY I'ATKOXIZE HOMK IXDUSTUY nzn -si X v Z m K a 1 Pes 2 N z O Q S S3 5 2 2 N TATROMZE HOMK IXDISTRT