TUESDAY, MARCH 22, iq2 1 THE HEPPNER HERALD, 112?; Zl. OESGO! BHM 'linn -ill ML 'aHKdnnKZiaiAW-jKFtt WKL-wtV FKeatre B. J.Sig'sbee, Mgr. OltKliOVS m:v SCHOOL DISTUIt T LAW ("By M. P. 't Oregon's new school district law. authorized by the passage of House biil No. 215. is oharamet ia.ed iy prominent eJuca.tors ami editors us tha pe f school district law in the Fait' d i i-s. a Mao :t e l-i' if) 1 L..,cn . : vf 1 , V'.' : : . ' 4 it: 5 a v g Ci'iC Kit tO i-'ai'.k m.tPV 1 ' r,M ,vd j.; 'H'P'VO of npa-s vry who ink t, . 'a 4 ' ar -:i."."i 1 r s 1 : 1 i . ' i t-i.-'.ni; t-r ai i;'d, !'.(:; r f.'liv!-. bin a r;ua:l 'v 1 I sine! 1 ru.rni equipmcrii, will do well to attend tlie ioilowing sales, which ! will sell as stated. 1 If a rv 1 PTP .T'h. .-TPt"; ' THE f'Si'-i ;v.yi..r:- flE-irs PUmweaw nn-an balk iRSdoangftKr Ibes't Shannon Oiicctt'd bv Lawrence C.Windom' USS KKXXKDV PLAYS A Dual role in tliis story of a sweet little JSeioiitinitc miiiil and i dizzy blond. you know .ma !;!: i i ... fr5nk Mayo in "hitchin Posts" .us jffiiXi A (iI5K.1T P,OMA( E Ol'' OLD DAYS ON THK MISSlSSU'iM SUNDAY, MAR. 27 HE LUCK OF THE IRISH YOl W.VVT TO SKi; T!i!S H-s Hari.;, v.'!'-1 Thi v.'i la Kelly at Tl Mr. and M. .id! v. .ri id : a- t .1:' Laa! Carap. i ' .1. S: :(..-1, la'ady sp.-at Srnda- :;t ,! a, J. V Oaborn. rlomfr Xah an-'rc-'J Dadp-i-'n Fr id a.-.- nnd 7-1 ia; J. .I.McKn:ii fr Kil'ar'i-v. Miss Kstber Losan 01' Ra ba- rrioivJ, Mi-a- (:-.; '.Vin. S'-ady Pell. v,-oro vVitinir in Cf-i Sunday. Ualpii M'fn'fr. v:ho ha.i ftir. l'ria::da in y?.kim:-. r. iaaae his hoa-c jk ramai'Ma r,;i .'Jp... Lou i.aaail a ;'t f- Hi aa ,?n: Wi'h n Irw l-mtf of 1 w ai'd i,i for M',"!a"ai ra;-. :; . band ladoaaia- so n::-.r i- 7h(. son to 1. :;vf C"C:!. y:s 1 to day laaiidna- ' '"'i '' I'ttl i'r'!ia hf.vo a.Ti ! i :n ''' '''i Irani lairiiaad darin,; ;; ! and: .ri, Ii iv-o !a-ae trunks, r;., y n ' - cani.raai to na,.j i ''i,:Vi ! i!le Oi' -oc laaaata 1'av ' :n ;: ntr.rty, and as soon as the '1 la it; iii-i tji 't.l's rri t :;. nrt Mi's. Wilev, aacotanaaiiai by 'r. aad ":i's. Paris, ail of Th V, Plows,, v-e-,. caliers at the h(,i,i' 'f On I.o;:;;-l j,j V,.,rB,;J. V.aaia.esii.re, and also t.a.de a : ' 1: dae in Ccril on their vaiy 'net: 1 . Mr. J. Wilkinson, of Pniihiad, sup. rintetident af tiie fevaan !ias sam P.ivir.i; coi.tr-.iny, a 1 r ived in ta -ii on Moaday and is overseei'iii; u. ereciion of the ruf.hcr, He, ready 10 'ne.ain p.ivintr as ea.tdy as po.-,tn'bl'. I,otlia ,.Ma;ii a(;ne and party, of .r iir.aaon, waan busy mon aioun.i (eeil li.a'iii. y mi Wi'diicstiay. J. H. Faanlilin. of lieppnt;-, too!; ditm.f with thf i,t ly r a( i:n;iiabv Flats on Friday. . r Mas. y. Y"-- fi ll, j'.iair ..,,1 d :v Mra and ne " w! ad on ii : - "di :i! the ib" for (he I an! y www on1'. and f t a year. - :i '' ar.ai :;f, ; ':;e haa i-ee-laaiiira!! .. it; ha. . id-' ana.e e ' 'a;' wiibaai iaa "fame; w i.'l o; a. -irs. in t'l,- 11' a pa ' 'i r a ..rr a r ., aaaiv. iaeai , .- e, :., ..j. !. s, a,.;,; r ,i, aia:e nadir (he itir-.-if it limi tif lia' Siaae taeia' is 00 d .-"!" raiinly. nnlejx it vantld b ");tt v oa.'a! !v.V7 r,0 piinils tin the eensu.,. If they have, (hev would be a town dial rid and retain their nii .-a-iii "nrim:?- ihn. All the oilier schools vaiabl be under the county board. The t'oany is that it is far easier to secure from th county five very tible turn than 1 f0 or more as at present required. The county dislrict hoard assumes control of all school properly and all indebtedness aainsl the same, within the dislrict. The first, county board will be made up of five chairmen of exist ins boards, and at the next annual elec tion a new board would be elected. Thorp woud be a rejruar nieidins; place for the board provided by the county court in the court house. The duties of the new board would be: To employ a supiaai.leiiderit of school-;, fix the term of office and contia tisaiion, inclntlins n--vo.-v.ary ! aa-, e'iiej expenses. (Present suuer i'llentl'inis would serve out the re eerrdi v of their (earns. 1 To e.aipley .. el,ri;l clerk, fie his aoaaa aani ion. hetuha e'c. To ei nia.- all a. (.:-. ay araiftaa! -a a, aaa'endieii ; sannrvii o i s, I eat la era. ewiiloas, nutl asir(aiMs and fix tie ! a ' tapi as;i ioa. 'i'ii 'erse and build school boosts, hav ; ail li:e(. lain! - ii-v :i hool ptu-;ai--: s, furnish all supp'ii s. e!c. To prtaa.re :tn annital let-lail. Iey t'l V", in a 1 " : opttai oritMetl reior: ") lax payer. consoiiaate rcnoi .is and .'rrittip: 'or trit-.isportiititin of ;i:;iils. fi 1 t,h ion aad d '.H'ls.inp the II ail Iv1 s-i'ii ihal provh ion is boiimiaries 10 lie served !,v eaclt school hott -e. etc. II wil ' seen that pro', ision i : e-ade far efficient supervision of all schools, id;. 1 consoi'h.tion wil; he en. (aauraaad, fiuir ecnoray in pointi'e-lat-itl lad in ihe pnraiiiise and distr1 bulion of stippiies v.'iii he secitrta!, and that the blanket. lax co-erina tha whole county will lessen ihe ttix for sevenly-five per cent of Ihe (iislricls, which or now pavini- la to flO mills or more. r,mi.l ilia coun ty iitis liaared that a si- mill blan ket t iX Will supply ;ill t he money po-i- ri "tiiref! to run the a la ''ell tile ihe) eilSI'd s i . y j sj 1) rhrrae oul! not arise ihe ;ix more at: 2 p. m. in Livery Stable in Lexington. Oregon W. I, Gcuid will offer for sale. 16 Lead o( 1 ruses, four wagons, header box s, combine harvester, several sets of har ness r.nd a lar amount of liu-.ccllno-eoii!- farm property.. This sale is he'd by virtue of an order of the Hon. A. M. Cannon, referee in bankruptcy, and the terms of the sale will be announced on the day of the sale. ? .1 if V ft- ; 1 , a I .T SJ, Y - ,1 A. M i. Ti. t. V. -1 . v. is it; i i .1 ,ti ,-i L. it ,.. r - uru. r.' 4: is?, ft a di.m il j AT HIS RANCH ONE MILE SOUTH OF EIGHT MILE SCHOOL HOUSE, IN MOR ROW COUNTY OREGON. Ora Adkins will sell 14 head of horses, three cows and a complete set of farm tools and implements.. TERMS OF SALE AS FOLLOWS: $10.00 and under, cash. Over $10.00, approved notes due De cember 1st, 192 1, bearing 8 per cent in terest. Five per cent discount for cash. SALE BEGINS.AT 10 A. M. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Y. i 1 i a t. th.. it. -trs to M - in "id Fall 7 , la F-':U SAI.F Two exira i-.'aiu : 1 ..aois. taie til; ila o ho:- iv.o y -ar-- ;a ' ' : d an-.! beta.- h;v. " vi '-I 'dairn hail r -!. Cail op, phcra- or ii'.V rt, Comii.n, Or-a-. W. !. n. 1 u"ir crna.ii 0: ('ail ft. chat or d.a-.a-' r. e-: jii(e-i !.- 'a fl'e Fra fa.- wher- V". Ti'ah' ran aco---. his o; ! friend la!. Pairiow. opr- of lane's i...-r bant piaaee-;. Jt-. I!!: 'r iiml r, ,!;- ;!,:'....! rn "I l .ial r'l (iec! irip ;! -v ha - 11 a ''.iaa toj"''"" mviiiht. owner can at. ho-pi'alMv t ;ll,s ''i'lPP. p i" tor tins notice and I'Ol'Mi -- Oteaon atltoiaohile lj. cei;se pla e for 1'.21, btdwtiii Lex- hard ! 4iJtf. IV A S i'lill jia a woh Pain or auto to sell MTor.iiorTs prod lifts dir --t to consumer in th.isaramty. 'c Connon ic Co., Winj-n,-., Minn. Mention tin's paper. 47.4s. bea- Maai't'OW cneaty fot and h.ia heartedne.-s in r- tim-s. The par-y b 'i e- their re- ,... ,;.1H,,;. , r(.,ir , H turn journey .0 tlaar -i-r- .ptt-..- , ,, , 0,fi(. ,,.,,;.., ,his (J.Tic,. n,. (A hoir.e? op Saturday, d-diahred wtta v MrM'lnlo .f,tt 111-ir trip. Don't, foicet the bin dance in r.-eji hoi), March 26. Irripon nmsic. tad supper served by Mrs. T. H. I .owe. Everybody welcome. Con.e and hare a rood time. Mr. and Mrs. KnioM and f-ir.tily of Ttntville, spent the week end in Her'tiistnn. Mr. I. louncer, of Sah ra. acooai paniod by his son, M Oswego, arrived in Cecil on Satur day and were lookinz over s0ine land they have recently bought a f".v miles out of Cecil. Gordon Hall, of Eishttaiie. was calling on h'a C-cil friends Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duncan, of Busy Bee ranch, and Miss Jo sic Mc-En-ire of Killarnc-y, were Cueil vis itors on 'Friday. , Melville LoEan, from his ranch near The Willows, spent the week end atnonp his Cecil friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Phelps, of Ar lington, are assisting Mrs Oral H-nrikson at Willow creek ranch. Wilfred Cecil of Heppner. is work- NOTIC?- Feuled bids will be reeived f)V Morrow County Court, at Heppner, ' . lOlniiiin until Anril th n I in iuunaer. of ,' , ' '" iien (t. in., im ou mi us 01 neavy 4 ft. shtb wood for use of Court House. Bids may be submitted F. O B. cars, Heppner. or delivered at Court House yard. Measurement at Court House yard only accepted. Th rittht is reserved to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deemed best for Morrow county. Win. T. CAMPBELL, Judge. 47-48 Shntt has several -n tiargains in alfalfa ranches; easy terms. 47tr. th 0 la Ot '. r la ' re i.o aa'i'tr M "el ion of a loaal si hool ' ' ' ' c tine a- now ' rl - 1 " ua iil I lie- "a v 1 Ii.ti ) This aomie it P 1' ;) aropi rty, ia 1, r-ll.-e f.i: ;,;,. p:: i,-,-,--, a iaaai (s,. ae- tie tam ) , , he superintendent the pio 1" ' tl.; 01' the reie.ol ;,,d p' 1 pa- eon- erniie '1 1 -.com!, tele!" iaipreve '"hool ,' one ty. l',y hi- ,,: ' I h"'. i- a v ii'i' ' ss I nan lit-y -,.y- tl .... iaa I-. 1 In op n'l of r"ll t' l, ri.jei t any t, itcher ;e riatl ' ! bv hoird no'iie en" rejeetion () he deljvon d in wiaiina' ami to spi ei-'y i).e r..o,. They m;ty also e-tibii h hiah .-'dii'ils -jndcf the present re. ulat ions. Titer.- are still oilier f.-atii''-8 of the bill roM-ring (l-ttii's of officials, etc., I'itil tire unpi'Cis: airy to outline as He y in-e Ihe usual duties of such officials. To our mind, the weak point, it) (he hv is that it is optional with tlie f-otiniles. t should have been made mand-Uory. Experts sla'c thitl 11 will take three general Ions to overcome the individual and com tiiunily si-llishness that has always handicappi d educational reform. Hope in former times has been placed in local district boards, but they have not understood fundamen tal rural or educational needs. The state should exercise Its inher ent right and demand constructive reforms and create the system above outlined under which school busi ness can be transacted in a modern manner, and under which rapid progress along modern linos will be posible. It Ik to be hoped that Oregon will not drag along and wait for the mandatory authority of the state to effect this reorganization, but that within the year each and every ! county ,ln the state wil lhave taken Oo Saturday March 26, 1921 AT HIS RANCH ONE AND ONE i HALF MILES NORTHEAST OF EIGHT MILE SCHOOL HOUSE, Alfred E. Anderson will offer for sale, 12 head of horses, 3 mules, 2 milk cows, 2 heifers and 2 ewes. Also a complete set of farm tools and Holt, combine threshing machine, plows, dvir., header, harness and many other articles. ' TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 or im.ier, cash. Over $10, approved bani-usbl 1 notes accepted, .Jue Noverrtbe. i:;t, ir.21, ard bearing 3 per cent intescst per annua:. Five per cent discou it for cash. SALE BEGINS AT 11:30 A. M. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Oo Saturday, April I AT HIS RANCH SIX MILES SOUTHEAST OF HEPPNER Arthur W. Dykstra wil! sell two colts, len head of milk cows, five head of heilVrs, and ten head of shorthorn jcarlins; also several wagons, code house, three plows, grain drill, disc, seveial sets of harness, a new Ford truck, laige cream separator, one .ood j. I. Case thesher and 20-40 Case tractor, and many othe rarticles. TERMS OF SALE Sums of $10 and iimicr, cash. Sums over $10, sire months time on approved notes bearing 8 per cent in terest per annum. Six per cent discount for cash. SALIC L5EGIN3 AT 11 A. M. ' f FREE LUNCH AT NOON ...WanU-d (Vli paid for rlemn rot-; the great, forward gt-p that meanB ton rags at the Herald offLo. It,-;.. I t,tr ii..,... i . .,. ing at Butterby Flats durtng the them In. option Krknt(.d by tne pnt ydW. R1 Aiictiooeer HEPPNER ..... OREGON 1 -