PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1921 0. A. C. BOY SEES Gi! TRAGEDY Starving Chinese Clamor For Garbage Thrown From . Diner. Condition too appalling for descrip tion and misery too awful to look upon -were witnessed only six weeks ago in the famine dislrii;tn of North China by W A. Sellwood, Y. M. C. A. secretary and gradual of 0. A. C, who has just returned from 13 months' service in Russia and China, and who travelled 10 days, covering 80') miles, through the famine stricken section from 1'ekiu near the northern l.oundary, to Nan hiK. near the Chinese coast. "That leu day journey was one long "horror," said Sellwood. "I am haunted yet hy the memory or the drawn, des pairing faces and the pitiable cries fof ,tood of the starving, hull' naked men, (women and children who crowded un der the train windows, lifting "l their forms in desperate supplication to us, wvery time the train slowed up or etopued. There are 45,000,000 Chinese confronted with starvation In the famine district, and the dally death rate Is 15,000 a day. Typhus and jiestlluiice are adding their toll to that of wholesale starvation, and eondl itlons are simply beyond any adequate description. "In Russia I have seen corpses olaek ed up like oordwood, and many other :thiiigs very shocking to people who give comfortable, well-ordered liveB linre in the United Stales, lull these were nothing lo the tragic things that w-ire visible on every hand all along the 800 mil': journey through the Uinlne diHtiida of north China. The corpneft were not slacked up In orderly fashion as in Russia. The survivors are too weak anil wasted to under take any such task, and those who perish are left to lie where they fall, or are rolled into streams nearby. Almost lit any time we could look out and Hen bodies flouting in the fltreams or lying about on the ground. It iu a common thing for fain Inn viu tinm to succumb whilo digging for roots to eat, and the mute evidence of this last futile effort to secure some morsel that will sustain life a little longer, i visible on every hand; the dead bodies of men, women and chil dren may be seen lying beside the hole In the ground that has been dug with uticks, or with the wasted cluw like .liandii of Hi" starving. Long ago all dogs, cats and oven rats have disap peared in thin land of horrors, except for a few wihl, half crazed dogH that are dreaded by the emaciated human rreiiiiit'cs because Ihev fight so tenaciously for food and sometimes at tack I ho children In their desperate hunger. I'lverylhlng eatable has been oate.i except leaves, roots and grass, urn! Il;e:c are rapidly being exhausted. VYIiim- there are trees the hark from t !. is ill., i used, and iim.'l of the (i. , r v i (1; .in; as :t n-.ull. This wo,--(,; inn i i n. ccl up ' n : i a .'.'ft of meal, ;.M! in. i J., ii.' i a. !.: 1 of e.i! " by mix lit! i ! .;. It is !i 'm'. v. In n I'm ; ,- i h i 'il iMi I ;:i:.i;'s Hi' !;.. : In; (ii Is s d: : i,!, ,i . ' i'i.' ' " ,ii. : ; . . : 1 1 ' i ' in :-t . "l,f , . j i :' . y v, " t'i't wild i inn:.-? nil .!,. ; ;i; . r illr, ml al point s whi'ra Ii,,. i, . I ",ll Hi ,' d'liltn; i 'i' "s i.sii."I daiW. Uii.iwiiir, !iii.iximat il ly v. I .! to !,.! th'.i ir! to be iltir.p 'd. I'.itii ...Mills (.!' ;.vm. sUrvir:; (: i ,; . ; ' , f r ii , iii's ..i ad am e ami ;,w:ilt tli ; . -.: ; t'l.i truln. , ; , , rur ic , io U'e cut the ir. .iiv !n f;' in I ''i'o i I-; ihein-,-, c ;, r tb ' wii v'-i in '''.e Htr-.rt-,.,' . ', III ; : i H.e. Il l .(' I - i - I ' ''' 11 f ,i (,r ". .' r .! from Hi tr i'il. a'..! ( , . , nui'" I i ;ts .1 il- s ! ' i iv I i I i' ". (', . . i i I I i. '.I h. s ' ' ': .' t,. , ,i ' li i . i i '.. e : 1 1 ii. , ' . . ; . H i i i.i .... i i !;. .'e ; i 1 'i ' ' i i ' i . i ' . ', .i" l : r t- 'in Tir-.l. Ni, ' ,(. . 1 1 I ,v ',..(7.1 up" ,v ''.I I''!'' I , . ,i .ii r ii , i i "HI . ."i Hi: 11-,. . ,'.'. , ' i 1 , C '"il, .: u,l ,', , ,.e kl. i !...! in'l i I . : ..!;! pi.: ' . Si.- i ' , , .' ( , '',..:.'!' '.'le ,c. .: ii I'; i'.." ' i "I s I- ' V 1 :. S" i i!i . - -re I , , , , ' . '-I,- i'l S. . . I 1' , -1 i: ,! Il n ,' . ."I v '.I ' ten 1 , ! , w , : S...-..1 nut r..r n,,- , : . -' l.d- ' ., t IV i , .1 ..1 t- mi !' ' b " " ,1 . ..... e L,.i I c r, " ' . . in, I I I . i-i-i. "ii - .. pi, i !. r!l lo S 1 ;'. .. i .Ii e! i' LEGAL NOTICES ..AI'I'I.K .ATIOV IOII JIIKMKNT.. j oi:i:( losing t. i,ii;s 111 the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. MOFiKOW COUNTY, Oregon, A public corporation, Plaintiff vs. M. C. Cochran, Klsio lilakeley, F. H. French, J. O. French Fark G. Carmicbael, James Gil lespie, G. V. Oroy, Jesse. R. Pierce, Arvid Ilaryu, Thomas Hoskins, J. D. Jenkins, Hal tie II. Leathers, X. II. Leathers, M. Linebaugh, C. Linebaugh, A. 1!. .Moses, John J. !ivens, Jacob J. Nickle, The Parvin Company, a corporation, A. Z. Rhodes, Aaron Royse, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Khepardson.Oliff Shcpanlson, E. L. Thomas estate, ' K. A. Wickline, and Asa L. Young, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own,, or having or claiming to have, any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter de scribed, Defendants SUMMONS AND NOTICE TO M. C. Cochran, Elsie Blakeley, F. II. French, J. O. French, Park G. Carmicbael, G. W. Grey, Jesse R. Pierce, Arvid Ilaryu, Thomas Hos kins, J. D. Jenkins, Hattie B. Leathers, N. II. Leathers, M. Line baugh, C. Linbaugh, A. 15. Moses, John J. Givens, Jacob J. Nickle, The Parvin Co., a corporation, A. Z. Rhodes, Aaron Royse, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Shopardson, E. L. Thomas estate, and E. A. Wick line, rind any other person or per sons owning or claiming lo own. or having or claiming lo have, any interest or estate in or to the real properly hereinafter describ ed. Defendants: IN TIIK NAME OF TIIF, STATE OF OKK'iOX; You and each of you are hereby nidified that the above named Plain! irr, a public corpora tion, is the purchaser, owner and holder of rerlificnles of deliiuuen',v numbered SIS, SIS, Xr,rt, SKO, Sfili, 874. 87!l. 8X1, 885, H01, 00?, fill, 024, 028, 0114, !)3 5, , 044, and 053; issued on (he first, day or Aug ust, 1 9 1 , by the Sheriff and Col lector of Delinquent Taxes for Mor row County, Oregon,, and filed by said Sheriff and Collector of Delin quent taxes in the office or the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, on the 1st day of August, 1016, for laxes due and delinquent, together with penalty, interest, and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon. You are further notified that the amount, for which said CM'tiflate is issued Is set opposite and following I he description of the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set out, in:-.e being the amount then due and de linquent, for taxes Tor the year 1914. together with penally, inlerest and costs thereon, upon real property situate In Morrow County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and de scribed as hereinafter set forth: said trad or parcel of hind being assessed for the year 10! 4 to the firsl person '.vho'-o name immediate ly M i red".-, I he ilr.vript ion .thereof, mil is followed hy tie nunc of the pi ivi.i a;ni' ;n'in.; in !; j;,,, ,.lvliw til"' I of, as rppe;. r:; e) I lie t;l; y,, Hi riorow Count v, Oivron. for lb" ' ear 1 'i i 0. n. w in the binds of Hie Sle'r ft el C,,-,niiy fur cnlie-M : H .he dat.- r (,t i ;r e iiU!.;,.;il ion of this summons anil notice, which .p.t '. the .IL'nil day o! F . briiary. 1021. Cei -lificaie No. ' 818. M. ('. Coch ran and KlHio lilakeley. East half of Soi.tbesst euar'er of Section 7, Tp. 2 S., R. 211 Ivvt of the YVi'laiiiotle Meridian. 8 5 (Vrt;iV:i!e No. 848, F. 11. French and .1. O. French ' ' ' " ("arniirlt.'iol, N'orl lnvesi ii"irte" of Section 7, Tp. 1 A.. It. 21! lvtal of the Willamette W.-ri- i'.i "I' - , Jifo S" ''.'n .ficate No. 8 .":', i. V.'. Crev aed .leise . Pierce. Wed half 1. 1 ii t he., it quarter of I he I ( 1 1 ,v. s i inii'.rler nf he N'orl h w '. II !'!.' of Si el, on 17. ". . .. r. o' .he . i;:,.,- ?.. . i'il" 1 : ; .', v No. . i- i I ! i ,i .1' e. i !'.' , :iv , .1 i,:..,r- j 1 . 1' el Nn: : In ii ii,. I . , , .., - 1 I P.. il ot So in :, -... .' ii'i,. rt ;- or' j N.-r: !iu i -.t tu . i i . r ol N -i , . (CI el! '.!'! . N . c ' ;i "C ! ; ,. i' 1 '. ' ea ! en. ier . f ei :lni. , . I I 'I e.c lie, I C UMC-I -. ,. I j . N'iH'"'V " .'11 c r ' : il' .-.:.: I ' . t .,11 '' r ( '','. . . " !,::.. I." rr .v urn ; ; Ti " :: n ; ,, ei ii e v.,:, c, y. e: c - ' e . Ill c Me N , ..''. II,. 'le !! Ic ..I hen a : ' M :' , : I. ' i I. etc c .; i C "l I'l,- ', !, the (',1 i : 1 , ' :, 1 1: , ' "li V west quarter, Northeast quar of Northeast quarter of North west quarter, and West half of Northeast quarter 'of North west quarter of Setction 17, Tp. S N.. R. 24 East of Willamette Meridian 13.20 Certificate No. no:, Jacob J. Nick le and Jacob J. Nickle, Lots 1 and 2 in Ulock 3 and Lots 3 and 4 in Rlock 5 of the town of Castle Rock, Oregon i nn Certificate No. 911. The ia,v! Company, a corporation and The Parvin Company, a corpo ration, South half of Northeast quarter of Section 16, Tp. 3 N., R. 26 East of Willamette Me ridian 7r - ... i j Certificate No. 924, A. Z. Rhodes ana A. Z. Rhodes, Lots 10 and 11, and 12. of Block 31 of the town of Irrigon, Oregon ... $115 Certificate No. 028, Aaron Royse and Aaron Royse, Jj0t 6 in Block G of the City of Hard man, Oregon $7.70 Certificate No. 9 34, Iva G. Sell wood and Iva G. Sellwood, Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4 n? the town of Castle Rock, Oregon $.90 Certificate No. 935, Otis Shep ardson and Otis Shepardson, North half of Northeast quar ter, Southeast quarter of North east quarter, and Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 9, Tp. 6 S., R. 28 East of Willamette Meridian $17.15 Certificate No. 944, E. L. Thomas Estate and E. L. Thomas Estate Lots 7 and 8 in Block 1 and Lots 1 and 2 in Block 8 of the town of Castle Rock, Ore., $1.00 Certificate No. 9 53, E. A. Wick line and E. A. Wickline, West half of West half of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter and West, half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Southeast, quarter of Section 17, Tp. 3 N., It. 24 East of Wil lamette Meridian $1.35 The said amounts bear interest as follow: The Taxes aforesaid bear interest from the date of filing of said certificates of delinnuoncv. re spectively a: the rate of 1 5 per cent, per annum, until paid, the dale of filing of said certificates be ing the first day of August, 1016. And you and each of you are hereby .summoned to appear within sixty days after the dale of the first publication of this summons, exclu sive ot the day ot first publication thereof, to-wit: February 22, 1921, and defend the suit in the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above against said tracts or parcels of land, respectively, above described, of which you are the owner, or in which you have or claim to have, any interest or es tate, together with interest and costs accrued in tiiis suit, thereon. Ser vice of a copy of your answer or other processs may be made on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at the place specified below as his ad dress, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment and decree will be entered against you and each of you foreclosing said tax liens for the amount set opposite and following the description of said tract or par cels of land above set forth, together with interests and costs thereon, agii'nsl said tracts or parcels of land and said tracts or parcels of land v. i .iii.h'moi this sni! Yon ; thy. I th. Circuit be sold to ami decree satis :ibtai said d in ire further hereby no I'ied plaintiff will apply lo lie Court "loresaid for iu.i :- r.'.nst and d-"t,.(. t di i closii!'.: m;::-! tax liens against said properly, !n-.e-inliel'in described. This summons is published once each Week lor sixty consecutive days in the Iloppner Herald, a news paper of general circulation in Mor "o.v county, Oregon, published week ly at Heppner in said County, the date of first publication thereof be ing February 22, 102 1. and said publication being made in pursuance of an order therefor made by the Heiiorable Gilbert W. pbelpsi Judge ot the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, said, or d r having been made and entered 'he 7th dav of February, 102 1. I'.il'N'TV Ol' MORROW. ST TK i ' i'V'iECON, Hy Samuel ii. NoS-on. i ! set Attorney lor Morrow C.iu.i ;:. g.;n, and Ai'onny for p'.':nt !.e , :-.s is pn:-.".-. el. i' 1 ' !'.:: !!.:i: !s'r. i'. '. :. il : Apr. '! 1 ;c 'i' l!:e 1-iie i 1, 1'. :' '.'!. , : Ic 'I'-ande. iccicc:, .. V : e. h . e'.iy ei', . n lie! , ! !.:. e;H 01' 1 1 I'IC.'t'C', r: !. . e:i 'Kirch 10 1 ',' t...u.e ..;:.! i-.::iry Nu. 017 5 I ". I'.u ;. ' si: ' ; . Section r. m nf., . '.'. , : ' . 1 , ami SK 1 1 . Sec: ion S. ' - .: :iip ; South, Ran;:e ".i Fast, c i Meridian, ha filed notice f ::rc!,: ion to make three year 1 . if i., e Mi.-di claim lo lb land .!. '. a,--cril before the flitted I C oic i:ii- oner ut Hi pptn-r, Sr : ,,:i f :c S'h d y of Apt il. ; I ; 1 I'.,. : :ia:i: nam. !'.- :tr.e.-.i:e i. ' i'. . ; l'rai'l: Mof-ihe. I'l'.il : i .ml li:;.ins, all ot l.eii.i. C S. !'. NN. ( Keai'-ier. Ni i i i l (iK I'l ! N1S - ,"' be n', r. f s ' ' . ' ," I 'ill,:':'1.', vli.-er.. ie a i ' Ap' 'I! V. .- V. ' ', :', i'-l V...-..! , t I ' .1 "-. 1 N I'l, a- th $100.00; that said applicant will of fer final proof in support of his ap plication and sworn statement on the 5th day of May, 102 1. before United States Commissioner at bis office, at Heppner, Oregon., Any person is in liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at nn time before patent issues, by filing n corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleg ing facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. 1st pub. Feb. 2 2. 1921. Lasf pub. May 3. 1021. NOTICE FOR ri'lll.H'ATlOX Departmerit of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, February 2, 1021. NOTICE is hereby given that Jac ob E. Cannon whose post-office ad dress is Spray. Oregon, did, on the 3rd day of April, 1920, file in this office Sworn Statement and Appli cation No. 0215S2, to purchase the Lots 1, 2 and 3, and SGVi NW, Sec. 30, Township 6 South, Range 26 East. Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under theprovi sions of theact of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law", at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, Six Hundred Thirty Dollars, the timber estimated 430 M board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $200; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 27th day of April, 1921, before David E. Baxter, U. S. Commissioner at Spray, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleg ing facts which would defeat the entrv. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Sot H ii 1 6 1 f p i :Ti i ,i A TlO X Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LuGrundo, Oregon, February 15, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Franklin K. Payne, of Echo, Oregon, who, on March 2, 1018, made Home stead Entry No. 018856, for Lots 3, 4. 5, 6 and:, SE NW, NE S'W, Section 6, Township 1 South, Rarrge 28 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to mike threa year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before the United States Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th April, 1921- Claimant names as witnesses, W. E. Wigiesworth, of Echo, Oregon; Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, Oregon. James Wheeler, of Heppner, Oregon; and W. H. Huckaby, Echo, Oregon C. S. DTJNN, Register. NOTICE FOIt I'lBLICATfOX Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February 12,1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Lotus Robison of Hardnian, Oregon, who on March 2 5, 1016, made H". E. 0 1 r 5 ;; !t and on July 14, 1 020 made additional H. K. No. 021)250 forSE'4 S"'., Sec. 7. Lots 1, 2, EVjNvVy,, NKM. "' 18- K'.-NW'i, W'.NEVt Sec. 20. T. 5 S.. R. 2 5 K., EVs-VB Sec. Township 5 South, Range 24 East . Willamelie Meridian, has filed notice of intei'lioii to make three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Witters, clerk of the Cocinty Court, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 1st dayof April. 1021. Claimant nam?s as witnesses John J. McDonald, George McDonald, Ev an C. Stonenian, and Ceo. IT. Hayd'en all of Hardnian, Oregon. H . FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. notice i'ot: ri hi.icatio.v ISOLATED TRACT ITHLIC LAND SALE NOT CO.II, r.A.M) Department of the Interior, XT. S. L-nd 0:iiv at La C-:inde, Ore., 7 larch 1'-. 1021. NOTICE ic 11 11 ny -i'v -n tV.t, os i.;,.t,. . y tl C V.' iOlic- I'f I hi? :'. 1,-r.i! Ic."-! ' im;'.. r " 'I''i :, :i i of s.vuou I- r;r;i:- -,-n to IV a"?'"' .' ' n ( ' v.-il.i. : T"".'XK" rial No. Hi'''' I.'lbfe l'C: ". t" I1 ; ut cl ' 1 !:'" -1 ; r c.e- :.t -t i-irt.t-r. T", l 1' CT''. ! 1 1!. .A !0 (.cl.-'c " r ;' 'i.n . I i ' : ' " r;ce. the .ll-.'v ii . ' )"' : , (, Sic I". '' S " I'-.V- . "d The .'. wiii nc k-p: c.oen. ,,t lie ic!.,,- 1 c'.otiJ when t'i ' -. vr-.-fM at t- :....(! biv,. ccic'il bcldici. Toe person n,, I' l l- th- hb'.h-st hid will l.e renui'-e.! to immcliatet;- pny to the Receiver the a-uount C'ereof. Anv t.'cson:', ct'H'iiir." adversely I',,', a'l-ev d-c-iT'he.i la id ace a '. vised to til. their claiu:?. or i bi"c- tiom, on or l.c.'"V th- ti-.i &-?.- natcd for i.i'.c p. S. iVi'NN, Pe'rictcr NOLAN SKIFF, f.ei-cver. 4T-SS M'l-a.i-s it 1 ni a "" n'.:iv. .' !T's i 'i "".; ft t .illd- l'i'd. V-' ::lv.:r 'old ie" r, s;h-: : . . o' t . .1 -, 1 . : P',-. . v-i'-c N 1" -c I '. f : 1 ' Su v M.MMOXS 1 Oil ITlil.IC'ATlOX 111 the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Mori-ow County Bertha E. Glenn, Trustee, now Bertha E. Glenn-Her-roux, trustee, Plaintiff, vs. Allie E. Fleck, G. K. Meade, J. E. Howley, J. B. Bon . ham, Nora E. Bonham, James T. Brady, Roxanna Brady and H. Glenn, Defendants. SUMMONS TO C. K. Meade, J. E. Howley, J. B. Bonham and Nora E. Bonham, of above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re- i quired to appear and answer the I complaint filed against you in the I above entitled suit within six weeks j from the date of the first publica tion, or within six weeks of the date of personal service of this summons uponyou outside of the State of Or egon,, and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will : apply to the court for the relief de jmanded in her said complaint, name-, ily: For the foreclosure of mortgage I given by Peter Flec'k and Allie E. I Fleck, upon WVfe Section 26, N NEi4, Section 28, Tp. 2 N, Range i 26, E. W. M., for one half of the original sum, which is $625.00 now remaining unpaid, with interest thereon at 10 per cent from Decem ber 8, 1913, and for the sum of $185.51 paid for delinquent taxes, with interest at 10 per cent from April 26, 1920, the further sum of $110.00 attorney's fees,, and for her BEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. goo acres good land, 500 acres tillable, 240 acres in wheat, plenty of water, fair house and barn, fenced and cross fenced. Priced at the attractive figure of $22.50 per acre; on easy terms. One-half purchase price may be paid on one-third crop payments. Roy V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ST. PATRICK HOTEL H n i 1 McAtee (EL Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks YOU ARE (:. - ".ssr ' -:- :s.: ? "' "-.; ;:.v..--; .-. ;.. ', "'" - " ir 1 r irT n n in iiiwii imi I lima mi i h m F . R . DROWN i'vnt fur GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL. ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO (iOt)l KI'.SIDF.Vt FS IV KKI'l'.Milt Kill SAI.K. PRICED Klt.HT. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 HejipruT, Oregon S I Headquarters g Men's Florsheim Shoes. Hole Proof Hosiery, 25 per cent off 0:1 this er.tire line r:zzrT..-i,-r..- , ..:i costs and disbursements as prayed for in the complaint. H. Glenn, answering defendant, ' will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his cross complaint, namely, as follows: For the foreclo sure of second mortgage given by J. B. Bonham and Nora E. Bonham, upon NW, Section 26, Tp. 2 N, R 26, E. W. M., forthe sum of $200 in favorof H. Glenn, with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from April 15, 1916, for fifty dol lars attorney's fees and for his costs and disbursements herein, and will ask that saidsecond mortgage be decreed a lien on said NW',4,: Section 26, Tp. 2 N, R 26, E. W. M., subject only to the lien of plaint iff's first mortgage on all of land de scribed in her complaint. This summons is published by the order of Honorable G. W. Phelps, judge of the above entitled court, by order made and entered under date of March 12, 1921. First pub lication of this summons in Hepp ner Herald at Heppner, Oregon, un der date of March 15, 1921, and last publication under date of April 26, 1921. C. L. GAVIN, attorney for plaintiff, P. O. address, The Dalles, Oregon. JOHN GAVIN, attorney for H. Glenn, defendant, P. O. address. The Dalles, Oregon. STRAYED OB STOLEX From my ranch ten miles north of lone, 1 black mare, branded "B" with bar over it. Suitable reward for her return of for information leading to her recovery. Ed. Reitma. lone, Oregon, 46-49 Aihen, Props. i 1 V E. L COME 1 $ to $ off each pair r '. :.-.r.r vrjx'jrar 1 BRICK 1