7 You Better Leave Our Boy Alone, Boss TUESDAY. MARCH 22. iQ2i THE HEPPNER HERALD. HUPlr.? MlCKIE. Tf-fF PVTAJTrvx: nviu 1 -1!'- ( m ' m.aia JUiV V SJL,r kLg DY prunes .tughroe . ' I fliaaal I - - - - I n .inm hi, 1 - OREr.nv rivTiTi The most perfect and beautiful tnorobred in the northwest will make the season of 1921 at the f ten 0reSn st farm. Terms ? 25 for the season with return privilege. The White Hulless Barley is also Kept here for sale; also clean Blue house; also a few tons of clean seed rye. Ten head of fresh milch cows. ci ?,",five head of Jacks for sale. Will lease Jacks for the seas on to resnonsihle nartioo Twenty head of fine saddlers and racing prospects. BEN SWAGGART, Lexington, Or. 45-48.... HORSES FOR SAI.K I have a few good work and brood mares for sale. Will give fall terms to responsible parties. A. W. Gammell, Lexington, Or.46-48 Wanted Clean cotton rags at the Herald office... Cash paid tor same. First Aid in finance A Checking account is for the man who must know how much money he takes in, how much he pays out and what he pays it out for. No matter how much or how litt'e a man's wages or income amounts to, he can make it go farther by using a checking account. If wou have never tried the checking ac count system try it now. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. W HAT THE SALVATION Alt MY IS DOIXG At the Oreeon Rescue and lUatm nity Home at the present time, there imy-iwo gins ana thirty babies. Twenty-two counties in Oregon are irpiesfiuea Dy tnese girl mothers many of whom are yet in theii teens. At the Working Men's hotel in Portland during the past year, one thousand six hundred thirty men have been given free beds, nine hun dred thirty four were given free rooms, six hundred seventy meals were given away. In the past three months more beds and meals have Deen provided tree of charge than uurmg me entire period of last year. During the nnst winter average oi sixty-live men have s ent on the office floor in this hotel ev ery night and were glad of the privi lege. The Industrial home, where de pendent men are given cmploymen working with waste paper, waste clothing and waste furniture, b. crowded as never before in the his tory or the institution. In the annual Hnmo Sprvifp tin peal which wil be conducted again uus year irom May l ,to May 1U the Arniv- w'll ask lllp nnnnlo nf C.'n gon for $90,000 to be used to relieve puveny, aisease, misery ana aespair among our home people right here iu uregon. a wormy cause. The Winchester Store A caliber for every purpose We now have a comnlrt ,tnr.t, 7, . . ... from .22a tr, .k. " "r Ul """icnester niles They are on display in our store. Winchester rfles built the West aj . WINCHESTER War'd Standard Can, and Ammunition U. OV O. GLEE CLT It HERE APRIL FIRST The Girls' Glee club of the Unl versity ot Oregon, will appear in Heppner April 1st, in a concert full of clever and original stunts, new songs never Detore neard in the wesl and a large variety of snappy songs The twenty-two membra of tho club, selected from ninp.tv nnnlipnnta have been training since last fall to .malce these concerts a success. They represent tne best musical talent o the university. Fnllnwinir n tv, girls who wil appear: Alice Gohlke, Genevieve Clancy, Eloise McPherson .ueruice ait.st.ock. imncnno i.otnof Laura Rand. Katharine Tinker ninH. ys Keeney, Constance Miller.' Pnrr- iauu; Lean z,inK, sterling, Neb.; Lsther Wilson, Plainfield, Conn.; Florence Garrett, Hillsboro; ' Doris Hoefler, Astoria; Vashtl Hoskins, Margaret Phelps, Pendleton; Marian Linn, Irene Hugh, Eugene; Nell Gaylord, Tillamook; Naomi Wilson Medford; Belle Chatburn, Marsh field; Alberta Carson, Hood River; Elizabeth Kessi, Corvallis: Marvel Skeels, Coquile; Friederike Schilke, La Grande. OF INTEREST TO SHEEPHERDERS Sheepherders will now ho njaanrorl of payment for their services under the provisions of a law passed by the recent leelslatiire trivino- tii herders lien ciairng. Followinr Is tho fvt r,t tH law: Section 102K0 si,.., i,...wi.. ., Rfitain I'ossession Until Cliiim is 'aid Any person rendering servic ' .es set forth in Rwllnn irnco h siring to secure the benefits of' this act, shall within thirty days after the close of such services, rile with the county record er or county clerk, as the case may be. of the rnnntv in whinh mala are located, a notice of his in tention to claim a lien upon such animals for his care or attention or services for a time not exceeding one year in all, from the date on which such care, attention or serv ices commenced. Such notice shall state the name of the person claim ing the lien, the name or names of the owner or reputed owner of the animals sought to be charged with the lien, and a description sufficient for identification of the animals up on which the lien is claimed. Such notice of lien must be verified hy the oath of the person claiming the hen, to the efect that he believes the same to ho true; and when .such no. tire of lien is filed, the lien created by tliis act shall have priority over all other iiicuiiibniiices or liens upon such sheep, of every kind and nature whatsoever. Before ana After. ' Before he gets her lie snj3r"now womanly I" when she does anything. But after he gets her he says v "That's Just like a woman I" when she does a tiling. Cincinnati Enquirer. ! ! ! ! J ! .J. j. .j. ,j T S CHl'RCH NOTICES A -l- J 4- 2 'h 'h -I - me rirst Christian Church. The usual services of Uie Church will be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Service and Preaching at eleven o'clock. The evening Services will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at seTen o'clock and song Servfce and Preaching at eight o'clock. Eyerey ona is cordially Invited to attend tkese services. W. O. Liviagstone, Minister. Christian Science Christian Science services are heU every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in I. O. 0. F. hall. Sunday Sshool at 9:45 a. m. Testi monv meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:90 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All inter ested are cordially invited to attend these meetings. I A "h 4 4 h ! I ! 'I ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS j. A A A A A A A A A A A A 4. t DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON SSgttZSA MODE m,ri, . dim, nn,. II .. ,h kroner otr j Il ia mA it tt t-i. , . w Wncktttrrt ""JJt.J,r.;;;':'' " - 9 HI i.ja sr,iul .L 7?2:, .,.".""1"' : ' TIHAti(fF. GILLIAM & BISBEE GENERAL LYAUTEY DR. A. D. MoMURDO PHYSICIAN and HCIWKO'X Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON V II jr i 1x1; t Hi r 1 -: F. A. McMENAMIN LAMVEK Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main S65 Roberta Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W Office In Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON General Lyautev. wnc. acorrfinn reporti from Paris, will be marl a rrarshal of France as a reward for hit work In ennninn ahnni it,. ,,1 fleation of Moroceo. General Lyautey has been commander of the French force in Morocco for several year. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN K Y-AT-LA W First National Bank Bidg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON I IKE INSl It A Vf E Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREfcON Remarkable Biblical Verse. The Bobk of Ezra, chapter 7, verse 21, contains all the letters of the Eng. Hsh alphabet except "j," which was formerly written as "I." Great Name Survives. Of all the possessions of this life fame Is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives. Schiller. MATERNITY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Wrlta or phone, MRS. G.. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 27tf Oliver Chilled Plow Co. reduces prices to 1 91 8 level This is good news for you, Mr. Farmer! We CARRY the OLIVER LINE Peoples Hardware Company it "Here's Real Tobacco says the Good Judge That gives a man more genuine chewing satis faction than he ever got out ot the ordinary kind. Smaller chew, lasts longer so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two sfylex W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco I Fresh Pure Lard We render freeh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 25C A POUND Order a Strictly Fir.t-CIa.s, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. rr 1 1 1 I