PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISOX, Editor and Puhli.-he I J n t ' J - i at thy Hoppm-'-. ):-u'n, Piti if t. sccond-ohe- MaH'-r R 1 &z;,ij--r.r??a j f To. - miles out in the ocean, and he swims ashore in 15 minutes. Couldn't do it in 100 years." You, forgot, kind sir, that the junele scenes are made down on Catallna island where the sho. line of sunny California is not far away. T!: movie people 1):r;; hi' vi- had a wunl.-.;.;,,, ,,;wr or. the idum' with W,. whole ,.:r,-:li.. n" 1 i- tarn d .(? arid :---.-:-,- ' - y l00K if ,a It) V ?'.' 'S-W-- M03T AITYTJUN f.KDN tii,l'.V. ae 1 1 6-1) t. , e.t a.. . !; ( 'i 1IU ' ( f ' ': ( 0 .1 : !;,, ::! ! .il it 1 h ii. : adc ami i ire ' I I O J ... i motmi tii !u f ti order i o avoid eadv hur- 1 1 1 s n I ' iic ti iiir ru :, I war. ;n i i , ha no'smi-ama I he j,r; ; 5 i'l.'l ,t cairn ;md i he d'. ii.-dii",- lax levy that il would he heller to u--e the prem en! u-ars iiKirlu-l road n;m! to n.iiipUlc ilu- highway, the uahnmlmd imriion of which ;hey chum is ahoui the womi piece o ,.U.n,jy (nuchal road in I In.- count v. )'' i m tit s of the plan aiif (bat such action miejil . .-, i ; 1 , ! i 1 ! a precedent which would, in the future, j.rc-vc inimical lo hv niioM'd v.-.!cin of imwkct road.-- in the 'i I .... I I . : " . . i ' ton , i i . ' . ;;iMi can in i j;!! i in- ma e! iv '.'Is arc iii)'Tt;'iicc lo (he noii-lc of i-;.ir.!tv :r nerai'-c il ' in main hit'h . a het a1' -.c m'ad.m : ,, ; , M-O.-lic;-;) ii IIIOI V niu are i t lm e m; . net , core oi : i'c anil v. l 1 1 1 ii a t o, i i 'ill ei;r ,"i!Kre'!o-. i- V.VmIs.t for tin1 v'-ck: r r r.ay f !!)!' - well, "you ak i-dV;i!v," After tin y fill up t!:r una! holes in Viilow r.lrwt, wonder i.r they'll renaue tin- travel pile from .May stri-e,, adjacent to tin's on'iee. it "s all jiihe with I he town folks an is, '.'iiiisi- they know it's thre hut sup pose some uninformed tourist hap 'ieii"d lo blow atoit'K Kome dari: .anil r.ionny n'gtit next snniisw ;av.; Oet -Ce Uu-u?' Slow m 5r a laiiKiKe suit. (r Tiis mm Sam .'o!:-en jiiMt caa't ke-i) hi.t uaiiie out of print. Sam, li" say;: lleit (he "firemai!" will hold a t-ivrnl O'liiuon .Mieeliy iiishl, Knys. I'M'k out: Vou fciww ntiar tilwa.rf. !!ti:;p'ii lien Saai jv"nllWB t!if! l he uNl ;: . i 1 ai It 11 - -1 .'1 oh: T"i 'lie, m? t.i op Utt'.r I depai !!!!! I. Warm :-!.: an' i,v-r en Oil Vol' !.t 'tar j :: "If yec masi he joe witii anoi cr v. ,,!;,-' !;ii't nick ('ti ;i "pea.ched " blonde." "' : Pa' on ar.o' her i cord." "Them S for ron ura t r. la 1 ions." "Save Chat nruxh for the diner." "Afl"r a nijtltf of siafiS and cind ers." T'epdM.iat discovery- TTiere is no fiKiivid'wl so commoTiphtce or ro cfnfl that y-jii cannot discover in hr: (eai'T.'eneis someihins' !'ii'.rhly di ver':r?i; or intenseiy i'ltere.-tinK- -f fvtr rt '.'!! yoirr ima;er"tic:n and let a ran n'.ti '' "i'r.v it oi this: 'a in. coHiz 'o tio ''iwy 'ev a lew !i;ir''t'"j, le"' I've .o: m s i -rei ; ra; . iay !i:t p v. rro'n i tist What hi'ppeued to e'.' : .: hetalded' i'ii'' i v -a;---' j-."o I " Q TV C I .M -t I"" :-t not he.' if;;e of i ' .a;" v : "U TI 0 X iV. I N G" Say it Fast and you'll e;et file ide i-LOCAL NEWS ITEMS A pleasant social meet in t; of fhf Civic club was held at the home o! Mrs. "0. E. Oilman, on Chase street, I u fn or eiore i; s wer ;.o seia, fiv er y one nf vr"n ;-S:iie(! ep as mem-h.-rs ind paid a y: .(!' dm-s. 'Cue cliib !'i"ii'i.;e'; to t;u;e on ro.i.irtctv.Me ac tivity the co'Kina spnn'ier. Y. B. Tucker was in from his Dlaekiiose r.aich iias jiiorning. Mr. TitcUer sierel a field of his wheat very early last fall, soen afler the first rains carea f:h1 he says it, is now about inches hirii and going utronjr It should lie ready to har vest by June 2 5th, -Mr. Tucker thanks. "We tire down for a bump er crop this year," Mr. Tucker says. " and if we can get. $1 or $1.25 a bushel, old Morrow will still be a pretty good country. Miss Elizabeth Phelps. wp,o is at tending college in Iowa, has just re covered from a serious attack of grip and is again, in rciooI after be lli I i has ;e list of pood Williams had Friday afiernot n. A splendid Valley farms for wlianpe for Mor-, proa'ram CT'iwil. Fit - I row county ranches. 4 7 tf . 11 i t s a h ) l.'-Mf'.ialn j: i i a asme, , i standard in . ,i al;iii has set ailoring MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, OREGON "II iC . !'' HI'I i ,. , ,a, ae j a the -a: 1 1 v.j.i, .II ll' t k- are fi'Sed -VN'-C'r iTi:n !!; i i ;; 'f d:'i r a." , or ma to nrew. sai ii Ii ' '!.;' a ion To le ,a.a !. !p., to ur.r.U ,a).l then to ::".d t.,.,n t ('. - t bre-'V we :i:ike i "se . i'l!,, !i '.'is that !.! f .ro we a.wake; the"' h.';c miire it h.:unt us w.k by wtvS, ;'.'. air'-e us eu v The make o:l.tmily (f at tha.a. V !! t if; we'.i. any.x.iv ay we l'round e.p the collection of old !uc!; ;U me lei wli." ay street crass... Nt.'.ri tf..t m' t.tked it oe nicelv a:ai noaily. ':n i . t thins.-, and pi mtcd t.rass seed oh what's the use. IT. say it j. ? a.. b:ai.iuet thai : hist fiom setui oiesen but of, cour-ie you l.i.ew th.e ni.e always has . been, "com P. ce:i e elt'M'ii." This one was "listened in" on at , Sunday night's u.ovie: "tSuiv: fob vjs M a ia m k'i x'A 4k ' ?i U Hid ti Ik 1 i i .1 I 'jiv.:;v if-.v'l 1 ti ts-a Hi- fen - T1 j! J. . i .. t ! a i . tin B j! i i . rn W!.;tY! i : ' t . a . I .a ! 'L -a s L; ;4 i'V U V . Lbequaled for the Laundry omy eips urocery Co. HIS (I Hi M