PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1921 tMM SfKTF'1 PiVS ww. t:vs it: J: .f2tfo tlii buuiJ 1 nun c. Your Wardrobe Now Bring your clothes to the Heppner Tailoring and Cleaning Shop when they need to be cleaned, pressed and repaired. In so doing, you do justice to yourself and also to the man who has spent 23 years in learning and working at the trade. .My steam pressing machine is a wonderful help in giving the clothes a new, fresh .look. .You .save money two-fold by bringing them here.. First, I charge less, and second, I fix the little rips that mean so much in giving a long wear to the clothes. WE CLEAN ANYTHING IN LADIES' OR MEN'S WEARING APPAREL Heppner Tailoring and Cleaning A !.."! .-'.'" !!. CJ.WX :.! V'.' TO'; I. ST MOViit il ; lis! ! I'l-olii I'l.r t'ii-st Ye.-ir' icial inn Iav Uracil Slli.Odil.inl .'in.. rr? be; dm '; visitor er t'-. v. . ;. St. I'aiviek. Wii ? pr;I hushics.- in: a-; a bu.- .'ne:s vi.iior he Shop That the new tiiun'ripal .water sysi'"n is a pay in? invets'iiu nf for Hi-pinvv is iiniicriici! by a roeor' mad-- by the wair trouini!tt"p of the city council at its late-t mei-tini;. The report, shows the amount col lected tor tie- inr.iiih of .January to have been if'lilS.GU and the exp-'iiili- j lures of $401. fil, loyvinu a balance lot ;"!).!)!). The total on ham! March 1st was $1928.82. When the sysit-m was completed last August there was a consider alile deficit in the water fund, ami tin; splendid showing made durir.s the winter months when the use of water is at the minimum leads- the' committee to believe thai by the end of the first year's operation the sys tem should show a profit of around $10,000. Other busines transacted was the first and second reading of the or dinance regulating pool rooms and pastimes, with a view to permitting such places to open during certain hours on Sunday afternoons. The ordinance will come up for final de cision at the next regular meeting. G. Franzen S 1 & i!iiwwiwiiaiwiw Mow Big Men -Do It M' ANY a big man can trace his succuss in life to the time when lie deposited hi.s first dollar with some progressive bank. That was the seed out of which later grew tremendous success. Many a groat industry has sprung from such a humble beginning. (ft the saving habit. Start i ... i i 1 1 ... . now. As lime as one uoiiar opens a savings account Your money earns desired, we will lay plan for you. u it tins bank, interest. If out a savings Farmer growers National Bank HCPPNKR, OREGON. m t m t. iM'xnt jmm mm benent aocciais n LllStd We vvidi to line of all our customers' attention to our Soring Specials t.i hicli we expect io continually add which market cor.dii-cn.s will in any v.a- :ny lines justify. XIAI, P.AI.'GAIMS IN V Paper w e a; e o snnn: lines. This a !ar ,:c assortment ot last seas- c at Iran 5(.i to uio per cent below new a money savins; opportunity Rugs and Linoleums Our entire stock of these lines going at from jc to 30 per cent below January ist prices. Felt Mattresses K?:lra Special. Formerly $15, now only $8.50 WK A!ii: OFFKKING UNUSUAL CASH DISCOUNTS on ALL SALES TOTALING S10.00 and UPWARDS A t ; v want your husintss and are will bile to trade with up. to make vo, 'urnimre CECIL M r. at Br: Krebs of Hie the home of i'Iv near lone and Mrs. Oe, Last: Camp visited Mr. and Air P. Phil on Sunday. Jim Gentry, of Heppner, was vis iting around Cecil Sunday and tak ing in all the sights of the town. Mrs. Hazel Logan, and 'family spent Saturday among their friends in Arlington. Mrs. L. Myers of Ttockcliffe, and Mrs. C. Knipfel of Tentville,. mot ored to lone on Monday. E. M. Shutt, real estate agent of Heppner, was doing business in the Cecil vicinity on Thursday. Mis. George Henriksen, of Rhea, was called to Canby, Oregon, during the week, to the sick bed of her daughter, who is a student at the Canby high school. We are pleased to learn that Miss Mildred is im proving. If the cap fits wear it. The fol lowing incident actually took place not a thousand miles from Cecil on Willow creek, on March 5th, 1921. "Tired Jim" was taking a loving farewell of his best girl when Weary Willie, by the aid of his flashlight, witnessed the actual .oscilation and spread the news to mother. "Tired Jim" and his lady love are offering a handsome reward for the capture of "Weary Willie". Paul Henry Weeks of the Shep herds' Rest, cook supreme of blue ribbon fame, was ordered by his master,, It. A. Thompson, on Friday to ti huge huckleberry pie. OciV' I'enland,. who prefer!- ridi:u: o v.alkiiig, confiscated 11. A. T.'s Narh car and the huc'keberry pie, and was seen delivering the pie Into the :"ic keeping of Peter Pauer! lend, who quickly turned it over Lowe. who, thinking it for her dinner table,, family tn huckleberry ; liv; ii the best ever at c ,-Mi!-. After dinner R More, w;s hani' '.to 'it ii nian.i to have his l.iithlu! plate and pass it b: A. Thomas, of ft on the local Airs. T. Ii is in i i;dcd :ied al! her e; ail vol- e i ahead. T. (ailed lis "mi-,1" and v.i.i. i'aid re- aa.tin. ltcr..-f:t.'s can on Sunday fr, pie Go A vis.t lot Mrs. Jim le.Ming i-c lie in sii'.erable ei vi:-h-ar. e- .'ltd, wl:o !: I'll at T. .M. in al The l.o.i il (trove, wh(rr lie :'e era I (1 iys Willi o r. ana 1 AHvn. late of Cecil, bei'on Io- Lincoln, California. w!e tends io visit for a con time with his sister. Our 1 ' es lor a pleasant heli'iay ! tended to friend lid. I Mr;-. Oliver F. Potter of I spent Sunday with her hu:,b. j mm kit"- for llo'i Tito, on ! 'I'lie S!u piienls' tv-: . j Mrs. Hoy Scoit, p. -ice e ' Jack Hnd', of Pu'terbv llal j '.! -.. T. ,11. Low, at T o- 1 j Ifrnue on M- ndav. I ;'. .. Minor, (f Heppn. r. : dinio " guest of W. The I Wecot on Hun j J. W. Osh'irn v. a 1 old if lend J. M. .Volt out vtn Mendav. Mrs. K. II. Kilis ar.d Mi:- Mv-tl". of I'uing. w : I in t'ecil en Tuc .! :y, i .1. M. Me'ton iio'eniis us ' r.raedson Herbert Kvefett, .sides at lioardman, was tak detily ill while taking a Muck in (Portland, and was taken care of at i t ho Hood River hospital. We iiu idetsiand that he operated on for ap pendicitis and expects to he able to leave for home in n few- days I Alex Wilson and friends, t'rotn I lioardman, made a short stay in Cec i il on Wednesday. I Arthur Turner, who is assisting J. ! K. Crabtree at llotheboy's Hill, was a Cerll business man v eitnesday. Cieorge Henriksen and Hermann Montgomery, of libra, were calling on the mayor Thursday. t hi d HEPPNERSPRAY RGAD j 1 1 M't-'r ill be st While Mr i, 1-oostin ; lor the oiiiaton that the ;o -v most a' fi ct :t;,d rsner toad pCOp'i d at ,iad o' ni-ner the v. . k. H ol at. t W. I In igon Friday. I.. J. Sliir-nn, who .'ieip.4 keeps the o. W. R. & X. trains moving out of The Dalles, was a visitor in Hepp ner Thursday night. John R. Old -n, prominent ranch er of Rlma creek, was in town Fri day watching it snow. O-car Kojihloy came in fioni his Kit In Hi ile home Thursday. A. P.. Strait, of the lone country, w;is in Heppner Wednesday, having just returned from an extended visit in Woodland, Washington, and al Li-bannon. Oregon. Mr. Strait -was called io Woodland by the ilness and death of his grandfather, an o!d resident ot thai place, and was de tained for some time by the illnes-sb of oilier members of his family. Mr. Strait expects to rent, his 'ranch in the Duller cieek country and return to the valey for the summer where he lias a contract to cut. several thousand cords of -wood. He thinks i hat will prove a better business this year ihan raising wheat at. present prices. J. F. Maxwell left Wednesday for Dnyion. Washington, where he ex pertu to spend a couple of weeks visiting relatives and enjovinx him self. Charlie Avers blew in front the Thompson flat country, over in the John 'Day conn try, where he is hold ing down a homestead. Chailie says I hey have had a fine winter over i here, ott'y that it has snowed ;.b-jut very day since winter began. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAiee re turned from Portland Tuesday even ing, where they were called a week earlier by the death of his mother, Mrs. Amanda Kisor. Carroll Morrison, who has been with the First National bank for several months, has resigned his po sition here and accepted the position of assistant cashier of a bank at Fairfield, Idaho. He left Wednes day for a short visit with his home folks at Portland before taking up: liis new duties. R. J. Carsner came up from Port land Friday evening where he at tended the sessions of the state high way coniinision last week. Al Henriksen of Cecil registered at the St. Patrick Thursday evening. Miss Gladys- Lane has gonetoWal la Walla where she expects to spend some time continuing her musical studies. H. J. O'Neill, formerly engaged in the garage business at lone, was in town yesterday. Mr. O'Neill in closing up his business affairs here and expects to go to old Mexico in a few weeks to engage in business. Mrs. O'Neill has already preceded "THOROUGHBRED" Clothes are tailored to individual measure, and organized skill has set the highest standard in Tailoring MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, OREGON him to Los- Angeles. A fine son was born to Mrs. John Kilkenny this morning-, and Dr. Mc Murdo reports all doing well. Dr. McMurdo reports bavin;; op erated on Lewis Frazer yesterday for an abscess on the lungs-. The patient is doing nicely. I-'or Kent House in rear of Her ald office. Inquire this office cr of Dr. D. A. McMurcio. 46if. 1 Our high school correspondence I was 'unavoidably crowded out (his I week. t A license, to wed was issued to Frank J. Wilks,. of Top, Oregon, and Miss Dora A. Howell, of Hardman, Oregon, Saturday. Joe Rue, of Monument, was a vis itor in Heppner yesterday. F. A. McMenamin returned from Portland yesterday. Turkey Bars Dictionaries. Dictionaries tire forbidden entrance 1 1 1 Turkey because the sultan Is usually mentioned It) such books, and that 1 contrary to Turkish law. if?) ten H mi IK h wmmm 5V'eil 1 n r in1.'"!: f A New Departure in Easter Millinery . Service lir teail ( foil; .vioy, the . Id custom of waiting t.iiti! t ic c,.! ti'V m-;ivii: and ihcn :llins '-it at ewt. 1 dceid 5 ! t!.c i.y cusioiiiei-v I tie of Sale Prices Now rt l'ie time ilv. j need tlu' utwiils. Sale of Latest Spring Hats Friday & Saturday, Mar.18 & 19 M WAX t TNT KKDl t'TlON ON KM.I1Y H AT IN .. I'HK ..HOVSK All New Stylish, Sen-unable Creations Sui ply )"" i'Mstvr needs at this wiU Save mney iiml have jour new hut to wear whrti you want it. Mrs. L. G. Herren's Millinery Parlor l.ouer Mait. Suwt Heppner. Oregon m. i 1'. no eli:H . t 11 y i t I te ile Sulwei il e i ll the cour.: He-. i Id and vet Only j: a .ir.