TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 192 r THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE 1 .1. A J , IRRIGON w i 1 ; s. ! 1 d f 1 f t if l!i lili !5 w m hi WSDNESDAY, MARCH 16th WANDA HAWLEY IN "Her First Elopment 20 cents and 30 cents 5? THURSDAY, MARCH 17th SAME PICTURE AS WEDNESDAY and in addition we will have with us the (Special Correspondence) 1 i Sprint; time appears 10 be with; us. The weather is springlike, ami spring activities are to be seen aii I aroan.l us. Everybody is happy and , living in 1ih.1i hopes of a prosperous! season. Trees have been sprayed ' and the fruit prospeets are very t good. Shade trees are being planted ! eisl bisters in half an hour's enjoyable entertainment of strictly high Grade Classical Dancing 30c and 50c FRIDAY, MARCH 18th MABLE NORMAND IN "THE SUM PRINCESS" ALL FUN 20c and 30c eve tov aim SPK ers cor ytvltero and our sis and communities si daily trips to 11 tree's; some with neigliborinu ; have made ItTiaen for wagons, oth- HP!. $Mlmhi mmmrsfr YMW.'a. vA I SATURDAY, MARCH 19th warn a wmnu " aim liuiimi m uz utx uwiu. THE SWIFTEST MOVING FARCE EVER SCREENED 20c and 30c SUNDAY, MARCH 20th sr Everyone who has read o1' heard of the Tarzan stories will want to, see this picture 20c and 30c JUST LOOK OVER THIS LIST and believe you will admit that you cannot afford to miss a change of program. . It's an- unusually good line-up. Mi; lb 11 m 1 IP i ! . Jl! 1 at rf Sill ill I i i i A fortunate boy of 200 boxes enables us to sell them at Box with autos and even trucks. We ainlv take pleasure in Inviting I people on ihe projeet 10 eoine and i supply their wants in this line. Our nurseries have an abundance of j shade trees. This work, ootit inu ins? j as it is. it will only be a question of 1',,,.r van,. irill. (!.-. IVi-i'V n.mr ii Irrisron almost an assured fact,, eross M ., , !..,. u here, and electric power from the j Tma'ilia rapids for the project and j the entire Columbia river basin, the district will be a paradise not only of Ihe Pacific Northwest but second to none in the whole United States. Jll W. M. Castle, ditch overseer of jjj the X. S. Reclamation service, who Jll was slightly injured a few months ago by falling off the roof of the government -warehouse, is again able to be on the job, and we all rejoice, knowing he is to be on the works again this season. There will be no favorites, but justice to all. H. C. Wolfe, superintendent in charge of the reclanialion service, Irrigon district, has rented his place to C. Y. Benci'iol and sons for the season. They are going to work in conned ion vi: h John Hoaver.t and us their burkrake and other machin ery, exchanging labor, etc. Mr. Wolfe wishes to devote his spare lime this year in making various im provements on his newly purchased lown properlies. A. H. Cheney and sons have just 'moved out. on iheir ranch, having completed a new house on the place. They lost too much time in getting 'back and lorili from town. The local lodge of Neighbors of Woodcraft, circle No. 640, have an nounced a bis: "SiOn" party in Wads- ii, n..ti n t Tntrirh's evenlnit. I n. 1,1.... ..-Ml -iiMvinpeil lor forlv- Hi! eight and prizes will be awarded to SjJilthe best plavors. Invitations will b" mailed this wo"k and the a flair promises to surpass anything this sen son. Henry Starr, of The Dalles, was in Irrigon visiting a few days ago, ..iml Innked over several tracts ot land, and expects to close a deal on one later. Mr. Starr has been here before, and. once here, like many ot hi t's, never gets rid ot tne irrigon fever tend is hound to settle here soon. I Mrs. 1). T. Timniernian came up from Portland Sunday and returned .Monday, to look over the Hockley j place which they are about to close ' a deal on. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. iit i ampnor are guests at the Glasgow home. They are old time friends of Mr. and Mrs. ilasi:ov.. ami arriveo n iiuiiii, S. D., Thursday morning. They sold out in Dakota and tire now viewing Ihe country in ihe Ir rigon district for a suitable farm, to either rent or buy outright. 11. J. C.rim, brother of Thurston Grim, came up from Aurora last week' and made Ihe Grinis a surprise v if.il , returning- home Monday. He expressed much surprise at our I summer-like weather, and the pro- III press bcinir made. Mrs. f.isler., of Portland home Tuesday morning. Mrs. T.isfer is daughter of Mrs. C. Demps-ey, and has spent some two or three weeks visiting her mother. The Hermiston high school senior class motored to Irrigon Friday and visiled our high school part iof the afternoon. Professor Anderson was pleased lo have them come and has extended them an invitation lo come often. We extend our sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kggleslon. Their newly born child died Sunday iit't'T naoV Mrs. Kggleston is doing fair ly well and we wish her tiuick recov ery. A new justice of the peace district has been created for the lriTgon dis trict, and the Counly Omit has ap pointed 0. K. Glasgow justice with authority to appoint his own cou ntable. VVe seldom have any use for a just he of the peace but ii docs away with going lo lioardman or Hoppnor when any papers or action might be necessary. V. A. Ford and K. 1!. Ash. of the first unit, are the first onen to sign a contract with the railroad com pany lor seed corn, and agree to build a silo (his season. This is, going some for the first week after the announcement, of furnishing t.'ne seed corn. We look for many others to rush in this week while the jeed raised in ihis district is available. ,.. rt- Hi m m 1 'I Sporty Models . That appeal to young men and men who forget to grow old. .You .will .find, them .in abundance at my shop. The newest styles with good lines and snappy ap pearance. . .A fabric that suits your taste and tailoring that fits your figure. . . Bigger values for your money. Let us show you the snappy models for spring and summer. ade-to-Measure Clothes My Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Department is complete and up-to-date K V STItAYIll) OK STOI.KN I KOIJM) Oregon . automobile H i cense plate for 11)2 1, between T.ex- . i , , ii i Fi-om my ranch ten mil. north '"" "l ' .V"' '"''"'"V o( lone, I black mare, brandeil "IV wilh bar over it. Suitable reward for her return of for informal ion leading to her recovery. Kd. Ueilma. lone, Oregon. 411-41) i l.liis office, pay for this notice and recover. Ibt.t. Subscribe for tho "Herald" a(i gel, all the county news. returned A Member of the Federal Reserve f-T lcr' ' ' ' " -' ..- '. ,,:.,! II JW Km m n n 2ii tin iia You and This Bank Good grade, faced and filled GANOS and ROME BEAUTIES Ph elps Grocery Co. laui.K sai.i; ses, came a no rarm n my farm, 6iiiiles southe ner, Saturday, April 2, nine at 1 1 '00 a. in. A months wil he given on approved note;!. Arthur V. Djkxlnt, Owner. h. W. Briggs, I'.A. Mc.Mcnamln, Clerk. Auctioneer. There will be a iiiiblio sale of hor- ano rami tnacmnery at ant ot Hepp 11)21, begin- in, A credit of six 'i m ir sai.i: Theie will bp a public sab' at my ranch, one ant one-half mih-s north east of Kightinile center schoolhouse Saturday, March 26, IfiSI. com-iii(-nclng at. 11:00 a. rn.. ;. tv num ber of fine work l:or-e mm! mules Holt coiuhine and other faun ma rhin'Ty wl be sold ( i'-dii to Nov. 1 . 1H21, will be gm n on t.fipioveil noten j,t X per cent iei- re t or '. pei cent off Tor cash. Mfc'"! lli'efHii, ftlMiei F. A. Mc.M' ni..in. A n-i r. Tlii.s batik expects from you Cdtifitk'ncc intlic integrity of ii.-- inaiiagciiient ; apprecia tion of our service and the prudent useo of its funds for your benefit; desire on your part to use its service. At the same time, you have a right to expect of this bank safety for your funds, a full measure of service, includ ing accurate and reliable methods, honest advice, and helpful financial guidance on any matters that concern your interests. First National Bank Wanted ( paid fur i livi.i i.ji- V. " rii.! at tlx- Herald offbe. linog Heppner, Oregon A Member of the Federal Reserve r ",l ' " ' t I f hem in. mmamxixmsemmimmBm J