TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 19" PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON STUBBORNNESS n -A & 'A. 0 o w inn" grave: Qt- .-' ,- " (ty llJIi;, !o ::. '.I The.V l.;tll .- for ivci.ty-n ,. . time nii,i; ri.ildn thuil. Win ti tint yeans iin-y li Chiuiite of v, 'ini- In,t el 1 1 hail had 1- -la :!it oil I'iihel tiie lieiv bilter i-x-thal eo.ild I.'. P.ul a laaia-el ihe world, so, riot he furgiei short lime nil' Seeond el.ild enlereil i! although belli liaii pu Kpe.ik "inilil tin)) dj.J. cool jmu 1! to live tO'.'el he rn new.T I" 1 day" they r 11s man and ai'.-i a'o, when le prooeodin;? duelled, even wife. This happened y a divono was it very r ami it heme v.as seldom by the greatest iirnvocalioii. When lliey nei'e married he was nineteen and she sixteen. , Ho, at the Mill of twenty-two years liolli were Still yininc. It, was strange Unit youth (mild lie so stnlihorn. This was ex plained hy their J'nrilan aneeMtry, from which they inheriled tin; iron bound ohslinaey they termed prineiple. The spoken word must he kept at any Cost. It was a stTiniue life, hut during all these years the tragedies, accidents and comedies of existence had not broken the silence. J I. was an ex ceedingly odd but not unpleasant ex perience to visitors to elder Into s'lich a homo life. Contrary to expectations, the. family were exceptionally enter taining, all being fine musicians and persona of cullure, making I hem agreeable companions. In fad, the household was noted for lis charm ing hospitality. Any Information required or which was desired given by .the parents was transferred through the children by word of mouth, or, If too young, the fflibjert mailer was written and deliv ered in that form. It was quite con venient, there were so many children. Neither parent Irled to lower the oth er In the estimation of the children; It was simply a case of each keeping his dignity preserved and INs word In tnct. There were weddings and death In the home,, hut even these did not alter the situation. If the house had Imraed It would still huve been the sumo. Ail the children "turned out" ex ceedingly well, the eldest developing Into a skilful surgeon. One day In summer he and Ids wife were visiting the old homestead, which was situated In the country. The weather was ex ceptionally hot so hot that no one hud been able to sleep well for several nights. The doctor made some lemon ade and look It out to the family, who were all sitting under Ihe twin maples .in the front yard. In it short time It was noticed tiuit Ihe fill her was sleep ing. No! until supper was ready did anyone try to wake him. When It was tried he could not he roused. Alarmed, they carried him to the house anil laid him on a couch In the living room. The doctor-son stayed with him until Ihe others tlnlslied Ihe hurried meal, when Ihe sleeper awoke. lie looked at Ills son and inquired what hud happened. "I think, lather, your heart may be a little wrong don't you think In ease anything should happen you had heller !"!! mother your wishes?" A surprising look of gladness for a dying person Hashed over Ihe fa ther's face. "Yes, son, bring mother." Hut uuilhor's face was twisted with Uriel' as she threw herself upon the prostrate form. "Mary !"--- "John I" simultaneously. The doctor left the room and ap peared to Ihe astounded children with U wide grin on his face. "They lire having a heavenly time In there," directing his thumb lowaril the door he hail Just emerged from "the Hweelest honeymoon - they are the mushiest, spoonlest couple you could Imagine. I gave father n stiff lose of bromide In his lemonade; there's not a thing alls li I nr. 1 Just took lolviialage of a good opportunity. 1'retiy rough treatment to eause it loan to think he might be dying, but I thought the case needed and de served It." Replanting North Woods. There ale people who have neV' been nl'oe Troy. N. V., who novenhe I less speak wisituMy of the north wood',. They have been expecting to Unit Inspiring wlldei-i!es fur i-uis anil will plan fur II for years to conic, whether they ever go or not. If they knew how dangerously those ; reaches of forest, though they seetu l niosi endless, have I n threatened by tire and the piUp mill's innw they would rejoice to hear that 1,'nehee now Is planting two pine of spruce trees for I'M i) one that Is di stroveil. So ihe north w Is will still be there when at last jour hunting trip Is made. Three million pines and spruces lime been plumed this year. Beavert Mult. ply Rapidly. I'louveis In the nitllounl lores! tin v Inci eaieil rapidly within the hist fv years, a count made by lungers of tlu foicsi scnlcc, l ulled States l'optirt luent of Agriculture, shows. Two c:ir o ill the ( e. lietopa forest 111 south western Colorado (here were 2vKI heuv vr. cstlniiittng four or live Inhiibl liints to eucli house, n eenserviltlvi stiiniite. Thin enr there are 12.UH of the animals. This nipld Iihtcusi i.f family miieog the heaver irihe ill mires plenty of the popular tar foi milady wear for mi Indefinite (lint If the Us which now protect the Mil Ini a I tiie not related too much. LEGAL NOTICES AI'PI.M ATIOV ron 31 jm;.mk.t. i oi;i:( i.oM va tay mens he ;:re!::t c f 1; i. -oii for )','; cot;: publir. eei; )';it of li S'ab dun MO Plaintiff V.t. o'hran, Ehd M. f I;1uk-1( y, O. French i, James Cil- F. it. French, J. Pai k i. Crmi!lii b'S,i J'ien ;. v croy, J(?e. ji. Aivi'i Haryu. Thomas , .!. J). Jenkins, Hattie 11(1! ) 1!. M. Loiil.h'-rs, X. K. Lea I hers, Linebaiigh, C. LinebaUKh, A. Ji. Hoses, John J. Ojven.s, Jacob J. Nickle, The Parvin Company, a corporation, A. Z. Rhodes, Aaron Koyse, Iva G. Holiwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff Shepardson, K. L. Thomas estate, E. A. VVickline, and Asa L. Young, and any oilier person or persons owning or claiming to own,, or having or claiming to have, any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter de scribed, Defendants SUMMONS AND " NOTICE TO M. C. Cochran, Elsie Plakeley, F. If. French, J. O. French, Park O. Carmiehael. 0. W. Grey, Jesse, R. Pierce, Ai vid Haryu, Thomas Hos kins, J. D. Jenkins, Hattie B. Leathers, N. II. Leathers, M. Line baugh, C. Linbaugh, A. R. Moses, John J. Civens, Jacob J. Nickle, The Parvin Co., a corporation, A. Z. Rhodes, Aaron Royse, Iva G. Sellwond, Otis Shepardson, E. L. Thomas estate, and E. A. Wick line, and any other person or per sons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any interest or estale in or to 1he real properly hereinafter describ ed, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORF'.ON: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named Plaintiff, a public corpora lion, is the purchaser, owner and holder of certificates of delinquency numbered S18, 848, 853, 859, 869, 874, 879, 881, 885, 904, 907, 91 1, 924, 928, 934, 935, 936 , 944. and 9 53; Issued on the first day of Aug ust, 1916, by the Sheriff and Col lector of Delinquent Taxes , for Mor row County, Oregon, and filed by said Sheriff and Collector of Delin quent tuxes in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, on the 1st day of August, 1916, for taxes duo and delinquent, together with penalty, interest, and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon. You are furl her notified that the amount for which said certificate Is 'willed is sel opposile and following the description of the tract or parcel of land hereinafter sot out, t'-- -"iiv.e being the amount then due and de linquent, for taxes for the year 191-i. together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon, real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and de scribed as hereinafter set forth: said trad or parrel of land being 'assessed for Ihe year 1914 to Ihe I first person whose nanie ininiediate I ly precedes the description thereof, and is followed hy Ihe name of the poison appearing to be the owner I I hereof, as appears on the tax roll of Morow County. Oregon, for Ihe year 1919, now in the hands of the Shontl ol said C ounty tor 'o'!""'ion at ihe dale of the first puhlieVion of this summons and notice, which date is the 22nd dav of February. 1921. Certificate No. SIS. M. C. Coch ran and Elsie llla'keley, East half of Southeast quarter of Section 7, Tp. 2 S., U. 23 Bust of Ihe Willamette Meridian. S4 35 Certificate No. 848. F. H. French and J. O. French " ' " Carmiehael. Norljiwest quartc of Section 7, Tp. 1 S., U. 26 East of the Willamette Meri dian $30.85 Certificate No. 8 53, G. W. Grey and Jesse I!. Pierce, West half of Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the North west uarter of Section 17, Tp. 3 N., It. 24 East of the Willam ette Meridian $.90 Certificate No. 859, Atvid Haryu ami Arvld Haryu, Southeast quarter of Section 33, Tp. 6 S., It . 27 East of (he Willamette Meridian $17.2 Certificate No. 869, Thomas Hos kins, and Thonms lloskins, iit ti In Block II of the town or City of Hardiiuin, Morrow Coun ty, Oregon $1.6 Ci rtlficate N'o. 874, J. D. Jenkins and J. 1. Jenkins. Northwest quarter of the Northwest -quarter of Northeast nuarti r, East half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of North east quarter. North half of South east quarter of Northwest quar ter of Northeast quarler. and N'orthwesl quarter of South west quarler of Northwest quar ter of Section 17, Tp, 3 N.. R. 2 1 East of the Willamette Mer idian $2. 00 Certificate No. S79. Hattie I!. Leathers and Hattie 11. Leath ers, Lots 5 and IV in Week I. of the Cttv of Hardmau, Oregon $3.05 Cert u irate No. SSI. N. 1 1 , Leath ers, and N. II, l.eattieis, North east quarter of Northwest quar ter of Section 2. Tp f S,. K. 25 East of Willamette Meridian .. ... $ 1 S 80 Certificate No, 88 3. M. I.ine i baugh and C. Lltubainh. and M. l.ineluuigh and C Line bauvh, Northeast qua: ter and Last hi'lf ol East half of N'orth wift qq.i.ier of Section 1C, Tp. I N . R, ;" East of Willamette Meridian $! 05 rtitlcate No 904. A U. Moses and A. 1! Moses and John J Given. Southwest quarter of Southwest qu.tittr of Northwe '. quarter. West half of South east quarter of South went o"i ter of Northwest quarter, East half of East half of Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter. East half of Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter of North wist quarter, Northeast quar of Northeast quarter of Nortli w, : t (juaner, and West half of N-.rt heart quaint' of North vi : (i';trt. t of ,-' lotion 17, Tp. " N.. it. 2 4 East of Willamette Meridian $3.20 wtit'i.-ate No. f.OT, Jacob .1. Nick le and .Jacob J. Nickle, Lots 1 and 2 in iilock S and Lois 3 and t ;-i JJlock 5 of the town of , Casth; Jiock, Ore-con 51.00 on i Heat i- No. 911. The Parvin Company, a corporation and The Parvin Company, a corpo ration, South half of Northeast quarter of Reel ion 10, Tp. 3 N., U. 26 East of Willamette Me ridian $3.75 Certificate No. 924, A. Z. Rhodes and A. 7.. Rhodes, Lots 10 and 11, and 12. of Block 31 of the town of Irrigon. Oregon $1.15 Certificate No. 928. Aaron Royse' and Aaron Royse. Lot 6 "in Tilork C, of the " City of Hard- man, Oregon S7.70 Certificate No. 934, Tva G. Sell- wood and Iva G. Sellwood, Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4 the town of Castle Rock, Oregon $.90 Certificate No. 935, Otis Shep ardson and Otis Shepardson, North half of Northeast, quar ter, Southeast quarter of North east quarter, and- Northeast, quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 9, Tp. 6 S., R. 28 East of Willamette Meridian $17.15 Certificate No. a44. E. L. Thomas Estate and E. L. Thomas Estate Lots 7 and 8 in Block 1 and Lots 1 and in Block-8 of the town of Casile Rock, Ore., $1.00 Certificate No. 953, E. A. Wick line and E. A. Wickline, West half of West half of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter and West half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of Section . 17, Tp. 3 N., R. 24 East of Wil lamette Meridian $1.35 The said amounts bear interest as follows: The Taxes aforesaid bear interest from, the date of filing of said certificates of delinquency, re spectively at the rate of 15 per cent per annum, until paid, the date of filing of said certificates be ing the first day of August, 1916. And you and each of you are hereby summoned to appear wilhin sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, exclu sive of the clay of first publication thereof, to-wit: February 22, 1921, and defend the suit in the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above against said tracts "or parcels of land, respectively, above described, of which you are the owner, or in which you have or claim to have, tiny interest or es tate, together with interest, and costs accrued in this suit thereon. Ser vice of a copy of your answer or other processs may be made on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at the place specified below as his ad dress, and in case of your failure so lo do, judgment and decree; will foe. entered against you Jind each of you foreclosing said tax liens for the amount set opposite and following the description of said tract or par cels of land above set forth, together with Interests and costs thereon, against said tracts or parcels of land and said tracts or parcels of land will be sold to satisfy said judgment and decree obtained in this suit. You are further hereby notified that the plaintiff will apply to Ihe Circuit Court aforesaid for judg ment and decree foreclosing said tax liens against said properly, here inbefore described. This summons is published once each week for sixty consecutive days in the lleppner Herald, a news paper of general circulation in Mor row county, Oregon, published week ly at Heppnet in said County, the date of first publication thereof be ing February 22, 1921, and said publication beln made in pursuance of an order therefor made by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, Baid, or der having been made and entered on the 7th day of February, 1921. COUNTY OF MORROW, STATE OF OREGON, By Samuel E. Notson, District Attorney for Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, and Attorney for plaint iff; whose address is Heppner, Oregon. Date of First Publication, Feb. 22, 1921. Dale last publication, Apr. 26, 1921. ,sSWt - 7 . . ' John W. Carttr, three, who trv. eled alone on the liner Haverford from Liverpool to Philadelphiatu return to hii father, Prof, John S. Carter of Old Forge, Pa, whom he had not teen for 18 month. The boy'e motner wai taken ill in England and tent little John home alone, JOHN W. CARTER I LA 3 1 ' I 4. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION: Dept'i't ment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, V: i.ruary 17, 1921. Nf. riCi; is h-r.-hy given that Lula 1' lokinan, -whos- post office ad . is Hcppnur, Morrow County, -'on, tiiii. on the 2Bh day of June ;. i in (Lis oitice Sworn State it and Application No. 019781, r.'ii-i iicse tile W V NE U , Section Township 4 South, Uauge 28 U'iliariette Meridian, and the 1 tiiTion. under the provi- to J. 1 5, East tiiiil sior. acts "Ti' vain men licar on I the - of l tie act of June 3, 18 8, and amendatory, known as the .Ocr and Stone Law," at such " as might be fixed by appraise :.and that, pursuant to such ap :on. the land and timber therr .ave been appraised at $320.00, umber estimated 220,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land at '$100.00; that said applicant will of fer linal proof in support of his ap plication and sworn statement on the 5th (lay of May, 1921, before United Stales Commissioner at his office, at Heppner, Oregon., Any 'person is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by' filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleg ing facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, """" Register. 1st pub. Feb. 22, 1921. Last pub. May 3, 1921. NOTICE VOn PUBLICATION' Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, February 2, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Jac ob E. Cannon whose post-office ad dress is Spray, Oregon, did.on the rd day of April, 1920, file in this office Sworn Statement and Appli cation No. 021582, to purchase the Lots 1, 2 and 3, and SE NW, Sec. 30, Township 6 South, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under theprovi sions of theact of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law", at such value as might, be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, Six Hundred Thirty Dollars, the timber estimated 430 M bosrd feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $200; that said applicant, will offer final proo'f in support of his application and sworn statement on the 27th day of April, 1921, before David E, Baxter, U, S. Commissioner at Spray, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro test, this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent, issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit in this office, alleg ing facts which would defeat the entry. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. NOTICE VOn PUBLICATION' Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, February 15, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Franltlin K. Payne, of Echo, Oregon, who, on March 2, 1918, made Home stead Entrv No. 018856, for Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 iindT, SEH MV, NE M SWA, Section 6. Township 1 South. Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention tn -i-i-r thres year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, Wn--the United States Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th " April, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses, W. E. Wiglesworth, of Echo, Oregon; Fay Pettyjohn, of Echo, Oregon. James Wheeler, of Heppnei, Oregon; and W. H. Huckaby, Echo. Oregon C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE VOn PUBIJCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, February 15, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Bridget Doherty of Pendleton, Ore gon, who, on March 5, 191. made Homestead Entry No. 017545, for SEH SHU, Section 5, E NEM, SWU NEU and SEU, Section 8, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim, to the land above described, before the United States Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th day of April, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses, John Kiggon. Frank MeOabe, Phil Hurl and Phil Higgins, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE VOW PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February 12,1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Lotus Robison of Hardman, Oregon, who on March 25, lf16, made H. E. 0155S9 and on July 14. 1920 made additional H. E. No. 0202 59 forSE SV, Sec. 7, Utg 1, 2, KHNW , NF.U. !?e IS. BHNWi. WlNE Sec. 29. T. 5 S., H. 25 E., EU,NE See. 13, Township 5 South, Range 2 4 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three Tear Proof to establish claim ! . . . -1 il K.-.'A-n 10 tne (aim HUOve lU'SCliuru, umuo? J. A. Waters, clerk of the County Court, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 1st dayof April, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses John J. McDonald. iVorge McDonald. Ev an C. Stoneman, and Geo. H. Hayden all of Hardnnin, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Heppner Kwald Want Ads home the bacon. brine NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, December 29, '1920. NOTICE is hereby given that Ida L. Dykstra, v.hiJse post-office ad dress is Heppner, Morrow Co., Ore gon, did, on the 26th day of Febru ary, 1920, file in this olTice Sworn Statement and Application, No. 020S5S, to purchase the N E V: , Sec tion 3 2, Township 4 South, Range 2 East, Willamette Meridian, and tne timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acn amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Lw," at such value as might be fixed by appraisei.ient, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon havs been appraised at $4-15.00, the tim ber estimated 285,000 board feet at. $1.00 per M, and the land $160.00; that said applicant will offer finai proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 21st day of March, 1921, before the Urated States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pio test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any iims before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. (Signed) C. S. DUNN, Register. Date of First Publication, January 11, 1921. Date of Last Publication, March 15, 1921. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, December 29, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that Alice Pearl Dykstra, whose post-office ad dress is- Heppner, Morrow Co., Ore gon, did, on the 18th day of Febru ary, 1920, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 020 331, to purchase the SKVi, SE4, sec tion 25, Township 4 South, Range 2 7 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stona Lav," at such value as might be fixed by appvalsgmen-t, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at $150.00, the tim ber estimated 120,000 board feet at $.50 and $1.00 per M, and the land 40.00; that said applicant will offet Qnal proof in sttpport of "his applica tion and sworn statement on, the 21st day of March, 1921, before the Unit ed States Commissioner, at his office at Heppner, Oregon. Amy person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Ini tiate a contest, at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated THE McAtee (EL AiKen, Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME F. R. BROWN ajent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO (iOOD RESIDENCES IX HEPPNER FOR SALE. PRICED RIGHT. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppner, Oregon Headquarters Men's Florsheim Shoes, $1.00 to $2.00 off each pair Hole Proof Hosiery, 25 per cent off on this entire line SAM HUGHES COMPANY affidavit in this office, alleging factsr which would defeat the entry. (Signed) C. S. DUNN, Register. Date of First Publication, January 11, 1921. Date of Last Publication, March 15, 1921. NOTRE I OK PUiiLH ATIO.V DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. December 27, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that Wil- la A. Carsner, whose post-office ad dress is Spray, Oregon, did, on the 24th day of February, 1920, file in this office Sworn Statement and Ap plication, No. 021455, to purchase the NW',4 SW2, EV2 Sff'i, Sec. 19, NE'i NWM, Section 30, Townsnip . South, Range 26 - East, Willam ette Meridian, and the timber there on, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amenda tory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, Six hundred fifty dollars. the timber estimated 120 M Bd. Ft. at 75c and 390 M board reet at $1.00 per M, and the land-$170; that said applicant will otter tinal proof in support of his application and swern statement on the 17th day of March, 1921, .before David E. Bax ter, U. S. Commissioner, at Spray, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Ini- itiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, "..i Register. 37-46. WANT ADS FOR SALE Two extra good Bel gian stallions, one three years old, the other two years old, both reg istered and home bred. Also one roan Shorthorn bull calf, register ed. Call on, phone or write W. I. Ebbert, Condon, Oregon, "5 FOUND--Shell hair at this office. ornament. Call 42ft. OREGON CANTATA The most perfect and beautiful thorobred in the northwest will make the season of 1921 at the Eastern Oregon Stock farm. Terms $25 for the season with return privilege. The White Hulless Barley is also kept here for sale; also clean Blue house; also a few tons of clean seed rye. Ten head of fresh milch cows. Twenty-five head of Jacks for sale. Will lease Jacks for the-season to responsible parties. Twenty head of fine saddlers and racing prospects. BEN SWAGGART, Lexington, Or. 45-48.,.. BRICK