TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 192 PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON The Winchester Store THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Will Present "Jones vs. Jinks" On Friday, March 18. at the Lex ington High school auditorium, the adult class and teachers of the Con gregational Sunday school will give the play, "Jones vs. Jinks". This is a mock trial and a rip-roaring, side splitting farce. Altogether there wil be nearly two hours of mirth and laughter. Admission 23 cents and fifty cents. -16 Do you know why its Coasted S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year 8s .00 ' To seal in tho delicious BurEey tobacco flavor. Six Months . . $ ( .00 ..So.-,c sr.M-Moxs roil rrni.n atiox 7 Three .Months IMPORTANCE OF IIEPPUER-SPRAY ROAD ' i eppi . an-i .Mon.iw roiinty people should show a !i -.-.v interest in tin- proposed po.-l road between this city i'l Sr av.lo wh'fii e.t ended mention is given today in e;il' lieWS eohlllUi.s. A ylanee at the stale highway map will show thai M r.( 'nr-ner's :is.-er! ion that this will prove to he the most important cniniectin link in the entire eastern Oregon hio'liwnv svsiein i-. a lael. With this short link improved and made usable all the year, the people of southern Wheeler county and a Jar go part of (irant count' will he served with a highway lliey have lon needed, and the fact that they can cfimt this way with a degree of ease and comfort, will prove of great couvjnercial advantage to Heppner. On the other hand, the tourist and general travel coming into Pendle ton from the north and east will be afforded the opportun ity of swinging south through Heppner if their destina tion should he in that direction, without being forced to drive miles farther west to find a southern route. Anv objection, on the part of ( the highway commis sion to placing a new road on the state map shoudl be o errojue on out Mr. Oarsner's contention this is a situation without a precedent and may salely be dealt with as such. A I orrow eou ut y ha-; alrcad set a'ide : -.),!h;i, to a ,.d 4 in giving ihe people ol the intei ior iliel I j . 1 a j i has been blocked by the refusal of (irant county ! , ro op.era.!c. The pr--ent project wiii not only take care ,,, (he se, i inn i.i' c.ltli! ry that w;b to in: served l.y the road 1, Alomioe'ut, but also a large section 01 Wheeh r county. Ueie is work for the Commercial dub and the httsi intere.t,, cd I 1 rppner, in getting the facts together and Ihe .situation in band to he presented to the highway o 1 u ' 1 ;,S ssii mors when they visit this count)'. A pi-oper undersl. mding of the situation and a bit oi" ginger will put the project over. I, el's go. A DEBT OF HONOR TO IRELAND 1 Ii is a 1 a i' cry I mi rOumal peop a ''" i o 1 1 ; ,' lis ;;'.e to llial e llh'li' N -w i'dlglauil r. ;;i -: i .; ! t ,-h to I . . . ; ; 1 . , 1 i I 1 a , . i 1 1 1 1 . !, , a .'.! ! i:e d r, d e ; , : i i . 1 . 1 ' 1 a 1 , 1 h ' - t ' I I't-'i -1 iti . ! 1 1 a r an e in ... I iv ! ind , one ! - ' ' 1 . e Ills' I . h i Ml;: was i. n.' In the I line w hen w " were a wea,- : . I . ' , 1. t IK- . I 1,1111 1 e ton.- 1 , seat . ei r i ' i-.tence, and a prey to lio.-'l he (leva-, lim fathers had. a long and h'tler strug eu!onv a going cuiiccrn n ihe Meal-. .; a .,; ,,,, v,. ,. ; ' iriaisimi.-; I hey had to ll.-lcie .-olllic-. 1,1 I'll iilVV tfU e, a diiplo'ld ..I food,, en', ' o:e i I'e 1 i 1 1 j 's X .irr. 1 pa n. i 1 ! n i . . lino ra. .' . ;,,,,! n-si.ttrci s of the colonists 1 11 this ; mergeiiev also, ihe people 1 re.sCitf, ami a sh i nloa. I . I moil was w 11 ia New k'mdand ar.tials as "d he T; Tift & si;jj j 'A y CIGARETTE III the Cii'Citit Court of tie' Sl:t'e of Oregon fur .!or") County fii-1'Ii.i K. Gl-'.nn, Trust, -c. row JJerthti K. GI.-ihi-H.t-roux, ti'iislce, 1'lai'iliff, Va. Allie E. Flo:k, C. K. JMtk-, J. V. Howley,. J. Ji. lion liain, Norn E. lioniuuii, James T. Ilrady, ILoxininn Ilrudy and 11. Glenn. Uef'Tidanis. summons; Sl'i; I Vl. SKitMCK AT ST. I'ATHK ICS t HI lit H Special services- will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic church Thurs day moring, March 17th, at 9:00 o' clock,. Rev. Father Cantwell officiating. TO 0. K. Merele, J. E. Howley, J. 13. IJonhiini and Nora E. Bonham, of above named defendants: IN THE NAMK OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date ,of the first publica tion, or within six weeks of the date of personal service of this summons uponyou outside of the State of Or eiron,, and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apulv to the court for the relief de- Itev. Dr. George B. Van Waters ! mn,lwl in. her said pnnmlnint. name- will deliver a lecture in the Episco- ; y: For the foreclosure of mortgage pal church Thursday evening, Mar. I given by Peter Flec'k and Allie E. 17th, at eight o'clock. ATI are in- dFleck, upon W Section 26, N vited. . ; NEV,, Section 28, Tp. 2 N, Range AiTiingemenis are being made for j 26, E. W. M.. for one half of the a course of six b'ctures to be deliv- j original sum, which is $625.00 now ercd in Ileprmer some time npxt , rcniainini; unpaid, with inlcre:--t nionih !) Kev. Dr. George B. Va it i hereon at 10 percent from Decani Walers. Dr. Van Waters lias deliv- ber 8. Mil", and for the sum. of .red the course in several cast ern : $ I s 5. r, 1 p:ud I'or cloliminegt taxos, Oregon cities, wliere ihy have be n ft ji;, inlir,-'t at HI psr t-i-nl fioin well rccived. The lectures v iil April 26, 1 !, tlic- furlll.T sitiu or ibal with tln hislory of religion, ,iui.00 atlornoy's ft ,, r.ntl fur lie; ifotii I ln i -a rlj 'HI aiiiiquily to Hie t (., and ili.fS.iin!i. nU iT.'.yot'. 1. resent time. ! f- in ! com plain!. j !. GliT.n. a nsv. eoii iMeioi.'i nt . XOTICE TO ITItl.lC I will apply to i lie court lor the relief , " (l"mandc'(! in his rrcrs cum plain l. T: tin' kind p,-o.)le of Hoppnur : nainclv. as rojiows: For ihe I'oreclo and Morow couniy: I have been ; f vowi imirto giM-n by unjustly accused of sending uii-;,j. n. Ronham an,l Nora. K. tionhrm, sightly cards through Ihe mail ami . upon NW'",, Section 26, Tp. 2 N, It writing anonymous letters to parlies ; 2(i, K, v. jr., foithe ;,nm of $200 herein town, and it has been said I I in ravorof H. Glenn, with interest am insane, and for these two false , thereon at ID-per cent per annum accusal ions 1 have he,,, mosi i ruelly ; f,.m Af)ril yr,t 1!I1G. I'or fil'tv dol perseculed. and I will have no more , hir,. aMornev's lees and I'or his SUCH. I Here IS tllll Olle lU.-it JUle ! i. ..,.,l ,lHrc...mt.. hrln noH A caliber for every purpose We now have a complete stock of Winchester rilles from .22s to elephant guns. They are on display in our stcre. Come down today, we want you to Jock them over, to handle them, fit them to your shoulder and sight down their barrels. Even if you haven't the slightest idea of getting a gun just now, we want you to come in and see this cornpiet exhibition of world-famous rifles. Winchester rifles built the West. And for more than half a century they have been the standard of pionoersand gportsmen. As the need grew, Winchester originated a nodel and a caliber for every purpose. We have a variety of these famous models in our itore now; don't fail to call and see them. "WINCHESTER World Standard Guns and Ammunition MODEL 07 ff emmet-less takt-doiun seli-linz rifit, It-inch round barrel. 'I his is the world-lameus .HI Stli Loader, shooting vnly its own .351 caliber H'tm hater ttrtndge. Tht iavorttcatupen ol the modem hnvier. MODUT. 91r.rvar Atttt Reeatin rV.V, xxiut framt or take-down, ii inth turre'. Mane ior .44, .Ji, 3i and .IS-IO WiHfhfrtrr eartrtdcts. The i-w-t Su cces Hit.' fitle ever made Handling these popular sues et tar:r;des. MODEL 94T Art tAkt-aon-n. Is ini.lt .32-40 and JS ' Aigh-poiuer smokeless a iiiki l sianu Detore iimi judged. llespecl fully yours. Mrs. Mary II. Dewey Haylcf. Heppner, Oregaii :n peel 1:1 I I ,o-ii. ! I linger an-1 misery are .irnj'jMiij - , , ' i i : .... I ..... . , i ; , ji loll..; fciil iUt-Vil II1MII! lM.'.v. v , . v,'o, -M:,- Hi,- .. the cciuilvx lias Ih-cusih-, r,.l. r.t r.; is u id."rc;td ; at.l tinnisaiuis ,wA :iirl iV.eino' st a r at ien. . . im. '. ic:;is win) have formal i'u ,,.(,.,. ,'ne re'o'l' mi Irciaiul i.ae per , ,,.u ii;!:ii;ii:o scrvitf I'.xery .lutniane 'lv! a -oeeul'ar ..l.li.i-alim to help rehexo ,Ue.::i an'.l vhiUu n ol' Irelam! in their lime Kehei will he ml in i ni sU red on a si rift ly , ' v-t'M'ian ha.-is the ri.miition mii which . ... i . i i l eiip.ii was sfiH in ryi. u is up im .m a. . :... ... : 1 I ,1 li, ,1,.. t -, 1 m -1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 '. . , I 1 1 ; i , : ' f, e r M M S m n." e M I s . I u . u w 1 1 i . , v ' v I " . m oh: U ; .o ihe t lis t ; people. T5 ;; li.i'i'NEH HICKALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAK I have a bi-ood mares full lerm:; i A. W i!iiii.i.i ho!;si;s i'oi; sai.k good tor O '( lions ' xi.v : cost s lje ; will ask thai suirtsccond mortgage he decreed a lien on said NW M . s, coon 2B, Tp. 2 N, R 26, K. . M.. suhjec! only to the lien or' plaint iff's first mortgage on all of land de scribed in her complaint. I This summons is published by Ihe work and order ol Honorable G. W. Phelps. Will give . juda-e of the above entitled court, le parlies. ' by order made ;md oniered under ii. Or tt," JSOJate f Jttnrh 12. Flrl oub- fr MODTS. 9SI.Ttr -AfHtn K'tratinr Hit!', si Mi ' ' " ' "c i ir rvx 'i ri tir inter union cn lie tnirt:rt and ru.l tiif -tanjard iTtr:spes atd acltvei-: tt hullttvifh rnre. Culvert ..ff Aiv. iV 1-ot W. .Se.i Brit is it aid. JS and IV XOtid trtifnt Of gu tt ever fnt type, .-insets heavy naavs rorte r tonf -nment rtdets, 1903 and im, luster. GILL1AIV1 i ISiiziiur and i''ood Sale tication ei' tins summons m KVpp- Federated church iK-r Hera d a hepnnei-, Oregon, tin-1 : , , , , , , ,, tier date of March U 1921. and TlU ok f bazaar .'"' cooke,l.an uucotji.eu l nun saie u, liiv t.iiivjin j Hie Federated church, Thursday, March T Till, beginning at 2 o'clock Many useful and beautiful irticles and nluch food will be ot- ered. 4 5-46 April last publication under date 26, 1 021. (V ,. GAVTN" attorney nl.,iT,t:fF T M ,i,t,-eu.; ' P- m- The Dailes, fireson. ,'OHN (1AVIX, atto.-n:-v for H. Gleur., clefendani . V. (i. address, The Dulles. VnntPt! Clean -t1on i-as at th (u-is.-on. Hei'o.hl efi'ice... Cavi ) I lor suuie. i'.vi'mimzh iio.m !: ini sriiv '.ti;om.i: Mi to,! I-: nan si i:v i'ai i:oizi: IIOMK IMICSTKY cvrnoxiic lio'ii i : i.vi.rs'ni v PATr.osizi: in :': I Mil STilV r.vrr.o.vr.f: H;t; IMil STilV FATKOMi: HUM Is IMtLSTItV PATRONIZE HOME !NDUSTRYJUST TRY OUR s: i;es m ,i' 1 1 r lie '.!u :f a t Ii i j. -. 3 v ?1 N a r r. X Z S3"' r S -3 ; a BEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. le, ' o af ros aial hani, - (KK arres fiotl laml, six) af ros til , .. l i nl, hi v ut" water, fail" luu UMifvd'a.Hl cross fenced, l'riivd at tl;v atir ictnc lienire ol $ 2 2.5 0 per .acre; on easy term. One-half purchase price may he paid on one-third crop payments. Roy V. WHITEIS UHAL ESTATE ami INSURANCE ST. PATRICK HOTEL ' i ; ' f. 2. S - Made form Morrow County's Best Wheat, by one of the Most Skillful Millers in the northwest, in a modernly equipped, thoroug hly renovated plant. WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS FLOUR IS AND WE ARE WILLING TO STAND BEHIND IT WITH An Absolute Guarantee Or Your Money Back! "5 S S H r c I s y 't Fancy Patent . per sack, $2.50 Fancy Patent per bbl., $9.80 WE QUOTE Heppner Pastry Flour per sack, $1.60 Heppner Pastry Flour per bbl., $6.00. r S s Wo civ 0 uur customers t ho benefit of savin freight between Portland and Heppner. Tri-State Terminal Co. S 3 H f. C a 5 ' v "aMi: IImMC IMil ! U .t;;.m.f iimmi: ini si i; i iiioMZi: Hlll imh -1 : v I'A TIlOMK HMMI IMH Mia r.MKoMv; HiiMi: r.Ti;oizi: IIOMK 1MU ti:v TATIIOMZK HOMK IMUSTHV 0 o 9