THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY. 22. 1021 PAGE FOUR Ijocal m:ys items n n Lie Marl in of Momnm-nt, v. arrival at. t hf Kt. Patrick .Sunday. TVIius Clara McLennan and sister nf John lJay town, rcu i.-il -r d at the hotel Sunday morniiu'. ir.J. Iiiddl(. v( II known farmer of 1he lihi'.a ori-i-k disliirt, was a busi nss visit or in I rcjifinir Saturday. WANTKI) - I'lare to do housework, either in town or on ranch. J'honr 954, lleppnor, Oregon. Upd Frank Turner lias cum' to Hoi I.alto lor Irealnient. lor rheumatism with which he has been afflicted for tome time. Italph Cornwall and T. .1. A .vers "well known cilizens of Hiuter creek were business visitors h"re Suttir day and .Sunday. Mrs. W'alhridire, foriiKT resiilenl oT Hcppner, now residing in Pendle ton, was here dnrinK the week with her daurhler, .Mrs. If. C. Aslibauj'h. Mis. V. P. .Malioney went lo He ad lo Thursday lor a lew days visit -with her da m,'hl er, Miss Vera Ma honey, who is a senior in the 1.'. of W. in I h.'ii. city. W. (' llyml and David Ilynd were in from Sand Hollow Haluro'ay, where liny say then- w.isbut. linle now but plenty of mud between here and I here. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Tail I roll, of Wallowa county tire here for a vis it with Mrs. Lull fell's sister, Mrs. M. D. Clark and her (laughter Miss (jladys Lane. Kph Kskelson, who used to raise wheat in the luoxiiifUoii district, now a resident of Haleni, was here for a few (lays during the week, looking alter business interests. Cliff Fridley, who spent a few days at Hie Moore hospilal last week was able to leave that Institution Sunday, and registered at the St. Patrick for a lew days. Al Henriksen, who registers from Cecil and runs ranches from that jilace to Ihe head walers of Khua creek, inscribed his autograph on the St. Patrick register Sunday. U. W. Turner has returned 'from Hot Lake where lie accompanied his eon Frank 'llrner who is then! for treat men I for rheumatism. Ho is .reported improving rapidly. Cl. Frair.en has improved his tail oring establishment recently by pul ling in a new glass Iron I, I hereby adding much to the convenience and attract ivcncs.s of (he place. J. It. Olden was in from V.h i creek Saturday just, waiting for. Ihe snow storm to hlow over so that hi could go home in Ihe sunshine. He went home in the afternoon through real spring weather. Phelps (irocery Co. have a number of Improvements .,.. 1. 1 of I heir store re-arranging the Biiemim "''" eery department and providing iioj. convenient uuurter for li" n(!ss office. Cliff Merrill of Monument .. i i.. lilu bnnil ruriliu ,i, V.IJ: v 111K U Ul - ;rowlli on The treatment, wm" itotrclhcr sticcessuu, was m- by Dr. McMurdo. i n llnrren '....!.. i..'.. (niMriiveiiielils in hei ing cj.i "',1,v "" Htnre recently by pulling m n ' ' zanine floor on which will be ac 'ommodaled her work rooms. Tin new arrangement will five her con Hiderable more floor space ami mm! heller light in UN" ' .Mr and Mrs. Hen Swaggari lei r,.,- Pfii'ihnid Sumhiv niorniiif: Mrs. Swaggni'l will eil visit Willi her Vied Sharkey Iter tlaiigbi School Notes The senior class was delightful ly entertained at. the home of Miss lieia Neil on Saturday evening. The evening was spent in playing games, and all those present had a fine time. The debate between Ifeppner and Condon last Wednesday was anoth er victory added to Heppner's al ready long string. Both teams won by a unanimous score. The next de bat will be l.etvoen our negative team and Pendleton. The school which our affirmative team will meet has not been decided upon as IP ppner High School met and de feated Condon in basket ball last Friday ni'ht, this being the second victory over Condon for our team. The Condon boys put up a good fast game, in fuel, it was so fast the first half that they ended the half wilh a score of f to 5 in their favor, having made four fouls and one field basket. The second half was a different story. While Chidsey and Fergu son guarded the Condon boys e-.o ef fectively that they could not store a field basket, Aiken, Peterson and Mcllufiee ran the score up to 2!l. During the half Condon convened two more fouls, making a score of 8 lo 2D in favor of Hcppner. The outstanding feature of the game was the accurate shooting of Aiken and Peterson in Ihe second half. Plans are already on foot for an extensive base ball sea.son this spring. Prospects for a winning team Ihis season are far greater than they have been for several years. We have not lost a man trom our team of last year, and we have an addition of Aiken. The line-up now talked about is, Feterson and Aiken changing off at short and pitching, while Boyd, Irwin and Fer; guson will hold down the three cor ners of the diamond and Young as guardian over home plate. For out fielders we have, about ten possibilities. added to the recently by after imie tune neie i refitment for a cancerous the nose luus been mal MISS ISABEL DODGE - r r j, H inaKe an daughter. Mrs. Sharkey have been hen Ih was some lime helping cue hm ents who are both .lust r from serious illness. mm. l., nt'liTiimtn Is being as n half holiday in honor of Wash ington's bil l Inlay. Hanks, business houses and the schools closed lit. , t Mti ri ntr 1:1 1 e nimn sneeiiu i'x'io" to the occasion were held at ....i i,,,it.iiiiu chief of which a splendid address to the students bv Sam K. Van Vaclor. his subject heitig Heorge Washington. Mrs. 11. 1!. rniieosnu at two charming parties last ncsdav and TlNirsday at m i ..... i ..ii north Court n., o lastefullv ilecnraled for the occiislomutd bridg-' was the form of entertainment. Deniioii.i refreshments were served during the aflernoon. ii.ii.i iiiiiver of Cecil, was here Sallirday boosting tin I...U n,,.l i ..It in i: miirvelous ..... ,,t ii',ii!. and sunshine. 11 ine .uiu ii .if. ... ,i.i I..,,,,. i,f nnllinu up II" t,.-ii.i all HUT hi S r i,'., i . nil the .lo'iit l'a hi liuMiig In water irom one ,de and I ' mil t Ilia power prn.leci mi.. to see rutin " ..r 1 ft 4 f t WlKI w-' . Xle.ld- W 'V and i-k fr? . vrL4 1 0b:-e.M'd 1 r--- Wed- lilciis- stl'eet banana tales of fish audi for canal days. Mrs. X. Schartner and family ar rived from Roseburg Sunday and will reside at Rockcliffe near Cecil while the graveling work ia going on. F. Willis and T. Edwards of Mor gan have erectr d their tents on the Happy Camping 0 rounds at Cecil, and are now working for the Oregon ilasain Paving company. Cecil is without "the mayor" for the week-end, as we noticed Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats boarding ihe train for the county seat on Friday. Deputy Mayor, Henriksen, will occupy the mayor's chair dur ing the absence of the mayor. Get ready for the big dance to be held in Cecil Hall, Mi'rch 5th. Boarduian music, supper served at midnight by Mrs. T. H. Lowe. Come ail and have a good time, im; at Shady Dell for Clarence Win ter. Mrs. C. Knipfel and children ar rived frorn Portland on. Saturday and will reside in Cecil during the time thato Mr. Knipfel has charge of the Oregon Hassam Paving Co., who are preparing for graveling the highway between the county line and Lexington. A comniuninty dance and party was held at Oscar Tundell's at Rhea on Saturday night. An enjoyable evening was spent by everyone pres ent. Cecil was well represented at liner, and also at the big dance which was held in Morgan Hall on the same evening. D. Morgan from Portland arrived In Cecil on Wednesday and will cook for the crew working on the highway. Rock crushing will be sun-led in a few days when a full force of men will be at work. Rock will be crushed on some of the may or's land between Cecil and Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and familv. and Mr. and Mrs.. Mike Cur rin. and also Leonard Parr, all from Heppner. made a surprise call at the SheplvTd' sRest on Sunday morning and found the"failhful Paul" with a sumptuous dinner ready for his men. also enough to go around his hungry callers. The engagement of Miss Isabel Dodge of Detroit to George Sloane of New York has been announced. Mis Dodge l the daughter of the lata John F. Dodge, who amassed a vast fortune in the automobile Industry. CECIL i: M lln the ollnu lie CMie Flats inumlat.d ia l'"' u"1 dfi he.v. lie: ilis if w it- Hot. a 1 who la e I ' I ' 1 1 ' ' l hl.'.ue. a bnsi , o ri -Mr. in the ; a boy .- u t s 111 IV flew filiate. Mar. 'its lltliin former '1 new a v.--1 iH" ;i I ol i in Thm -d.iv ei' nine en trip and spent a day or Hewing old nciiuaiinamv ' l unn's p.n ents lo:.t t heir hi aier el 1 "t1"' h " he w a ten ami lie and he- tli';!' ie s. ill back 10 rclatii ir.ui Michigan, where iue up. Mr. C.unn entered the insiii inii'O husiiies-. n ml has work..! -up to a sponsible position In lhat Held. Miss Alma Akers. carhier al the 1 St Patrick, received a letirc few davsaco H'om linlpn l.uuam. lonner Hcppner ,,0 wh" ,s 1,0 t..n-iw witli the I'nited (lie i . . States itnnv and siaiioned at anto Douunito, Haiti. Mr. iliUiam hus the mnk or sergeant, and is un in Btruclor In iiviaiion. He write that .he eupwln lo visit Hcppner llet August when he will return to the I'nited Slates on a furlough. Ser geant llllltitiu I a nephew of Mrs. 0. Kelthh y. formerly or tins cuy oui Ih upending the winter at v ai. Walla. I- . t. 11. KUis ad sons of Kwing callers in Ceclion Saturday. -. I.. II. Havies of Tacoma. Wn. is v i; -iting vv ilii Mr. and Mrs. T. W. M iv at lme Star ranch. W I'. l.i!'ock. of The Hove Cot, ;. el Hie vv ek end al his home at H e 11.'. ;er ranch, ileppm r. m vv ire"i has been erected in V.".l dsiriii;: Hie !....( w.ek r.nd we ' ii has 1 e:i iiained Tenn tile. '.'i ' H!."nhe Ha-ieily. vv''o has ' tl v i- ' i' .' a . on ml t cil to" a !'. vv i' lu'.i-d lo her hntr,' in Hood i . .'r on Mi-nu.iy. Mr. ,;im;.lvll and Mr. V K". k-et;:-, Inii!;. in-.tieciors of ihe -Mule hir'.v.ay. n.a.le a sh.urt :lay in Cecil en Tu.'.-dav. T. W. Mi l'.idden. ol Pighl Mile, ;.eli on ihe local for The Dalles where he will join his family who are now- residing there. , V.. Wail arrived from Redmond Saturday .mil will take up h's duties us timekeeper at Cecil lor the Ore gon Hassam Paving company. Arthur Turner, from his ranch near lone, accompanied by J. K. Crablree. of Dothoboy's Hill, were doing business in Cecil Friday. Mr. MeNulty of Seattle, represen tative of the Hates Machine and Traitor CCo. of Johet, lllnois, waa doing tmsluess in the Cecil district on Friday. .Mut VnuVrwood who hits been working at liutterby Flats for sev eral eeTiii left on tho local for Hcppucr where he will spend a few Georgette, Crepe-cle-chine and Mignonette Blouses -at less than fair prices To know that you arc purchasing some thing at a "fair price" is a source of real satisfaction. To know that you are purchas ing, however, at even less than a "fair price" is "a source of greater satisfaction. If we had to go into the market to buy Blouses of this type and character and worth, we would be oblogcd to pay more than we did, j?.nd imvturn to sell them somewhat higher price. Fortunate far-in-advance contracts and our intimate associa tion with some of the natoion's foremost Blouse makers makes this low price posible. Each of thee new models bears the favored WIRTHMOR mark; always a guide-post to superior Blouse values. . Eight new styles and none can be duplicated. Choice at $5-00 MINOR & CO. Finish Wrestling atch STAR THEATRE FEBRUARY 25 HEPPNER, OREGON Immediately after the show Glen Hadley of Hard man, 155-lb champion of Morow county will meet Curtis Vaun of Boardman for the championship of Morow county. Fast preliminaries assured. Ring side tickets, 80 cents; general admission socents. Ladies especially invited Take a glance at our windows NOTE THE FINE DISPIAY OP ALUMINUM WARE, PYREX WARE, THERMOS BOTTLES PER tf on These CENT UTi LINES Peoples Hardware 15 Company !ow Big Men Do It The Winchester Store A caliber for every purpose We now have a complete stock of Winchester rifles lrom .22s to elephant Runs. They are on display in our store. Come down today, we want you to look them over, to handle them, fit them to your shoulder and sight down their barrels. Even il you haven't the slightest idea ol getting a gun just now, we want you to come ill and see this complete exhibition ol world-famous rifles. Winchester rifles built the West. And lor more than hall a century they have been the standard ol pioneers and sportsmen. As the need grew, Winchester originated a model and a caliber for every purpose. We have a vanity of these famous models in our Store now; don't fail to call and see thcra. WINCHESTER Wor'J SttinJ.irJ Cans anJ Ammunition MANY a big man can trace his success in life to the time when he deposited his first dollar with some progressive bank. That was the sded out of which later grew tremendous success. Many a great industry has sprung from such a humble beginning. , Get the saving habit. Start now. As little as one dollar opens a savings account at this bank. Your money earns interest. If desired, we will lay out a savings plan for you. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. frg. MOP ft 9t - A .nn s.',v ,-;,, T,;,J trmt tt-4wton, 4 tm,k Mj.i, f,,r .44, JS, Jt Sn4 ..'f.V frtntdfit kt h,( ,(,t,ifui r'U evrv Mjd BEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. , OOO acres good land. 500 acres tillable. 2o acres in wheat, plenty of water, fair houe ai.d barn, lenceil and cross fenced. Priced at the attractive figure of , riJiSaRM IX" MOPS!. tt-l .(W. Kr itm it tttun f 4 NtKrl,M. ) I Mf tmnrtAiti md rft,., m mi:twth trriml irfiint IM. -Mi mu 4 Ji .M ir.w. GILLIAM & BISBEE $22.50 per acre; on easy terms. One-half purchase price may be paid on one-third crop payments. Roy V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ST. PATRICK HOTEL H 0 3