TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1021 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE i TAR THEATRE B.G.SIGSBEE, Sole Owner Friday, February 18th WILL ROGERS IN WATER, WATER .EVERYWHERE This picture deals with prohibi tion, but it is neither propoganda or preachment, just simon pure en tertainment, and concerns the man ner in which prohibition alters a western mining town and r.ffects the lives of Its inhabitants. Some highly Original and rich humor. If you know Will Rogers (the ugliest man on the screen) you know what to ex pect. If not, come and see him. He appeared here last in "The Strange Boarder.' Also MR. AND. SIRS, carter DeHAVEN in a two reel comedy 20c and 30c Saturday, February 19 PUBLIC J. D. OPINIONS DOROTHY PHILLIPS .-Brilliant Staro 'The Heart of Humanity? Sunday,. February 20 Herbert Rawlinson in Passers By A photodrama as interesting as its title. Every man and woman plays a part in the drama of life. See yourself and your friends reflected in this picture. 20c and 30c comes to me at a cost that makes it necessary to charge an increased ad mission price, 30c and 50c, but let me assure you ehat it is absolutely 1009 entertainment value and that I believe" you will leave the theatre so wel pleased thatyou will ask for more like" it at the same price. YOU REALLY CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS SEEN'THIS PICTURE UNIVERSAL-dEVEL 'PEODUOTIOfl PE LUXE KrcctcdMWoM WHAT is it that comes once to every woman? Love, mar riage, the hunger lor chil--. dren? A great moment of decis ion? The sacrifice of unselfishness? You'll know when you see Dorothy Phillips in this mighty drama of a woman's ambitions a story in which a girl's true heart rises above 'the lure of fleshly temptations and in which she wins a splendid re ward. Now playing. Heppner, Ore., Feb. 9, 1921. Editor Heppner Herald: Feeling that the taxpayers of the John Day Irrigation district are en titled to an opportunity to judge for themselves as to the accuracy or inaccuracy of any statements made by me relative to its organization, I submit for their inspection the fol lowing report rendered the First National Bank at the request of the officers of the district, on the tenth day of September, 1919. "Heppner, Ore., Sept. 10, 1919. Mr. W. P. Mahoney, "First National Bank, "Heppner, Ore. "Dear Sir: In the matter of the validity of certain warrants issued by the county clerk of Morrow county, on what is specified therein as 'John Day Irrigation, District Fund,' I beg to say that I have giv en the matter careful consideration, and find as follows: "That the proceedings in the cre ation of the district are sufficient, and that the district was legally cre ated up to the point of the order of the county court declaring the re sult of the election called for the purpose of determining whether or not the district should be created All of the petitions, orders and no tices apparently being substantially copied from the proceedings in the recently created district, known as the 'West Extension District. "The statute under which this ir rigation district was created provid es that the order of the county court declaring the creation thereof, shfdl he immediately filed for record in the office of the recorder of convey ances of each county in which any portion of the lands of the district is situated, and also that there shall be immediately forwarded to the county clerk of each county in which, any pftrtion of the lands may lie, a cer tified copy of such order and recites 'and from and after the date of such filing the organization, of such dis trict shall be complete, and the of ficers thereof shall be entitled to en ter immediately upon the- duties of their respective offices upon duly qualifving as provided by this law.' "The statute further provides that at the election called for voting upon the question as to whether or not the district shall be created, there shall be elected three directors, and at this election,, M. D. Clark, Clay C. Clark and John, Kilkenny were elect ed as such. It further provides that these directors shall provide a bond for the faithful performance of their duties as such, and which shall be approved by the county judge and recorded in the office of the county clerk, together with their official oaths. "The statute also provides with relation to assessments, that the JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OFF GOOD FRESH PRUNES 80-90 IN SIZE OUITK A REDUCTION' FROM 25c OR 30c 11) Phelps Grocery Co. board of directors shall, on or before the first Tuesday in September of each year, make a computation of the amount of money to be raised for the coming year which hall be apportioned so that each acre of ir rigable land shall be assessed and required to pay the same amount as every other acre therein, except as otherwise provided in the act; that the board shall determine the num ber of irrigable acres of land owned by each land owner in the district, and the proportionate assessment: that it shall prepare a list of record of said assessments and apportion ment in duplicate, giving a descrip tion of the ownership or holdings of each person, firm or corporation therein assessed or apportioned, one of which shall be a permanent rec ord in the office of said board. "That on or before the first Tues day in September of each year the secretary shall give notice of the time that the board of directors act ing as a board of equalization,, will meet for the purpose of reviewing and correcting its assessment and apportionment of taxes,, the time of such meeting to be the first Tuesday of October following, and that the assessnientsshall in the meantime re main in the office of the secretary of the board for the Inspection of all persons interested. "From inspection of the records in the office of the county clerk and the records in the office of the sec retary of the board of directors elect ed for this district, I find that two of the directors have filed their of ficial oaths, and that neither of the directors have filed their official bond, as required by the statute and the order creating the district. 'I further find that so far as the record discloses, no certified copy of the order creating the district hits been forwarded to the recorder of the different counties, towit: Gilliam anil Umatilla, or recorded in the rec ords of Morrow county, or to the county clerks of the above named counties. 'It nnnnnvcj 4 tl a f Cl) ."I inontlllfr held by two of the directors elected, at Arlington, uregon, on tne second ri' W.ml r.mhoi' 1010 treit nn as sessment of seven and one-half per cent per acre on earn nrigaoie acre In ilia Hiutvipr wnQ mnite' however. no attempt was made to prepare the assessment list or tne ainerent umu holders, nor of their respective ap portionments; neither does it. ap pear that the notice required to be given by the secretary of the meet-Ino- nf thn linnvfl nf enun I izat ion. was or is being given, or that a list of the assessments and apportion ments is now in the office ot the ewi'rfarv nf flip hoard for the inspec tion of the respective taxpayers. "Several other material Irregtilar !;. nnri r, ,v, 1 (ia 1 nn minpni'. however I am convinced from the irregulari- tiesabnve mentioned mat tne assess entand tax levy is void, and that the warrants now being issued by the county clerk upon this fund, ir ques tion should be raised by any interest ed person, or the proceedings or Ipw should be attacked by any of the respective land holders within the district, would be hem ty the courts to not be an enforcable obligation against the district; 'that the organization, of the district has never been completed as required by the statute, and that the direct ors have never qualified, and have no authority to order an issue of warrants against the district or to create or enten into any valid or binding obligation against the dis trict. "I regret very muchthat. this con dition exists, as I realize the neces sity of early and immediate action with respect to the promotion of this irrigation district. "The statute, however, provides special proceedings for the confirm ation of thesacts of the district and the board of directors may by peti tion commence proceedings in the circuit court of this county for the purpose of having a judicial ajudi cation and judgment of the court as to the regularity and legality of the proceedings in connection with tho organization of the district, and the proceedings of the board with refer ence to contracting indebtedness or directing the issuance of warrants against the district. ThLs proceed ing could be instituted and carried through without any great delay and would establish the exact legal status of the present organization. "Very truly yours." The contents of the foregoing opinion being made to the officers of the district. Thereafter the order mentioned having been recorded in the differ ent, counties, tho proceeding men tioned wa.4 instituted in the circuit court to establish the legal status of the district, on the fourth day of November, 1 9 1 !l and on the tenth day of February, 1920, no one hav ing appeared to contest the proceed ings, a default deerep, as is usual, ,,,w,.,-(.ri ilierein. ad bulging the oriranizi'i ion to be le::al. On the tiivt day of .lime, at (1).. ri-qu'-st of tie- oIIh-.-is 'I the district, I made another examina tion as I" !! validity of iIm- war rants thc-n being h-sii'-d, and ren dered to 111'- board of dneeien; Hie I'll'''' H - ' ! "Heppner. Or"., June 1, 19JD ' To the Hoard of Din-dors of the John Day Irrigation Im.triH: "lleporting on the validity ol tin-warrant,- is-m d by your board. 1 beg to sav that I have given tb" ni"t ter" my iuost rareiul consideration, and 1 find as follows: "That at the lime of the el-Hion of your board of directors, three members were elected, including John Kilkenny. That thereafter his of lire was declared varum ... reason that h" had failed to quality, and Michael Kenny was appointed , to fill tiie vacancy. It appears 'hat, Mr. Kenny filed bis bond but noth-i Ir-g further appears from your n-c- j ords tint 11 at a meeting b"ld on th 2nd of December, 19 19. Mr. M. I). Clark moved that Mr. lleiHiiann b" appointed to fill Hi" vacancy in tb" board of director '' '. "' resignation of Michael K. :,y The r"c,,ro i!i:-r!o-e: no re-,c tia-ion what ever on th" part of Mr. Kenny, nor , pa:-"d dcclaiii.g tb" "Pice v,.nnl. "Mr. iioitmann wan appointed and Ihereaff r tiled bis oath t.r oilier ' C.Min i:'i "ii y-o..:'- I'e-Jr) siiii! it ?. i?s ss a "mji M , mm um m I l OUR ONE AIM WHENEVER YOU DROP IN WE WANT YOU TO FEEL AT HOME HERE. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT THE SIZE OF YOUR ACCOUNT, YOU WILL LINESS. OUR AIM IS TO SERVE FIND US READY TO SERVE YOU IN A SPIRIT OF FRIEND YOU SO WELL AND CHEER FULLY THAT YOU WILL TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE SERVICE YOU RECEIVE L w? a Htr a W5? - rn wo n o First National Bank Heppner, Oregon "There's Mtee Real Satisfaction says the Good Judge Irfa little bi the Real To-; bacco Chew, than you ever 1 got out of the ordinary kind.1 ! The good rich taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often that's why it costs you less to chew this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real i Tobacco Chew will tell you thut. ; Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 25C A POUND Order a Strictly First-Class, Heppner-made Product fl Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. 1 1