Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 08, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Eoardman Oregon, Fi b. S. The
werhead bridge across the. Coyote
cutoff east of Mcssncr on the Colum
bia Highway will be op n for traffic
tiext wVk. This will out out the 011
Jy detour oil this section of the high
way. Harry Murehie is constructing ii
business block on bis lot on Main
street, in response to a demand for
more store facilities. Mr. Murehie
itales that, he already has a tenant.
rtoanlman, will send a irur, I ti It
gation lo the organizai inn meeting
of the Umatilla row r ;sa- .Vvwi;,
lion ;tl J'ent!'' ten .) I'i i)i ii.e v Ait
f.;lt( r iKi.-wilion ;. j.ti.;i:i.f .-. ir k
I'tosser in I in; ihtet e ty, i.f . i--.
esrwx the Coineinei el Jeiesn.-ien.
und a road Celine, ; Ueeiei:
Vr i t ll 'l O.e ' .
Tin; Iioiii-'i "f ilii e-: nr.; e
lilinbia Raein iitiy Crov. en,
lion met ill Jioardiuan en
1 h
3'ho otganizaliou will become ofr-l-jvf!
hi time lo handle the next s- a
tim,8 crop. A ?)Jg nieotinff is planned
at Jbnniston on 'ho 5th. All tit"
members and tliri:- families ate in
vited to a basket picnic. Imported
rpealtei'3 have been sn gaged for the
A. V. Mow "f Timber, Ore., Ins
purchased forty acres of the Ceo. C.
.Howard place on the east side, lie
will erect a building and bring bis
family as soon as it is finished.
Miss Frances lieebe,. who has had
rliarge of the (lomosl in science and
urt work of the Iloardmun schools
Juts resigned anl Iter place has been
tilled by Mrs. Ida S. Mason of Port
land. Mis. Mason will also supervise
the drawing; work for the grades.
Jinif;hls of I'ytbhis Annh ersni y
.Next Tuesday
Doric Inclce, K.
the TiTllt aniiiver
lisliliielil of that
of V., will observe
nary of the esiab
order next. Tues
How Big Men Do it
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
- - Oi h i aere
in wlieal,
u-iired and
1 1 Uiire ot
good land,
1. 1 ul ol water,
cross leueed.
2 A-&
te re :
e price riav 1 e
crop payments.
t Mu
-sup j , j
MaJ. Gen. Count Arthur Tche'rep
Spiridcvitch, president of the Anglo-Latino-Slav
league in Paris, Rome,
Lisbon, etc., and of the Society Slavia
In Moscow, Petrograd, etc., formerly
president of the Slav society of the
Freedom Committee In the United
States and of the Balkan committee in
day evening, JiavitiK arranged with
the management of the Star Theatre
to produce the superb scenic pholo
spectacle, "Damon and Pythias."
The picture is in six parts and in
cludes inasis-ve moving scenes of
Grecian glory,- chariot races, games,
(lances, battles fought, cities, built
and burned. The picture is endors
ed by the supreme lodge of the K. of
J'. order and is a moving picture, ev
evening at the Star Theatre.
Hppner Herald Want Ads briij
home the bacon.
ANN' a T i 14- man can (race liis
.success in lil'c In I Ik- time
wlic 11 he deposited his first dollar
with some progressive hank.
That was the seed out of which
later trew tremendous success.
Many a threat- industry has sprung
from such a lnunhle beginning.
Cici the saving habit. Start
now. As little as one dollar opens
a savings account at this bank.
Your money earns interest. If
desired, we will lay out a savings
plan lor you.
300 aeri
I illable. J 10 aeres
air luhe ai.d barn,
rieed at the attractive
9J J
Ikl t'll 1 IV
1 &
Continued i-'rom I'ace One)
mass meeting, but their names were
simply written in on the ballot on
election (lay.
Sam B. Van Vactor, representing
a number of property owners in the
district,, replied to Mr. McMenantin
contending that the law makes pro
vision for writing in the name of an
person he desires to vote for by any
legal elector, and that such is the
constitutional right of every citizen
in this country, and that it cannot be
taken away from him by any election
canvassing board.
Mr. Vsin Vactor also called upr.r
three prot.eriy owners in the ::.
Met, w'no siood up and, rindc si,.
: i a i t iii'-n t. Ihat. they r-igii"d Vj. i;i
mans notnniatir.t; petition on ,?:srv
ary 1, after Secreiai-y iirov. i
!iad stnii tl that that petition v.a;
tiled in his oflice on .lanttary 1, wiiielii
would be ten days before election,
which was held on January 11. Thir
would indicate that tile nomination
of -Messrs. Clark and Reitman may
yet be called in question.
John II. Lewis, engineer for the
district, was present, and was called
upon for a statement regarding the
boundaries of the district. Mr. Lew
is showed the boundaries of the dis
trict from maps,, etc., and answered
a number of questions asked by the
property owners. -
James Carty, who is the owner of
some 14,000 acres of land within the
district, and who was largely respon
sible for havijtg the meeting called,
asked a number of questions of Mr.
Clark, Mr. Brown and Mr. Lewif,
and was particularly insistent that
the land owners wanted to know why
the men, they elected to repros'
them at the electiono, were not seat
ed. Mr. Carty is a pioneer of the dis
trict and has been a booster for ir
rigation for many years. To a rep
resentative of the Herald, after the
meeting adjourned, Mr. Carty re
quested that he be quoted as saying
that the impression that has gone
abroad to the effect that, the hind
owners want to kill the district is
not true. "We want the water." he
eaid, "but. we want the dislrjcl
handled from now on by the men we
, have chosen to represent us in the
development of the project."
I Before the meeting adjourned a
; demand was made that C. C. Clark
land Ed. Reitman resign and allow
Minor and Whoelhoiise to be seated.
Regarding this proposal Mr. Clark
stated to the Herald that tl'.e direct
' ors are under heavy bonds to per
; form the duties of the office until
their successors are legally elected
and qualify; that the rfuestion has
been as to the legality of the recent
! election, and that the only thing left
for'the old directors to do is lo hold
! their offices until the matter is final
ly settled in the courts.
4 4 4 2 4 4 !
J. 4 4 4 4 4 4
Miss Georgia Summers of the Last
Camp spent the week end visiting
friends in Arlington.
Misses A. C. and V. M. Hynd of
Butterby Flats, and Keith Logan of
Fairview all spent a few days at thetr
respective homes during the week
and returned to Heppner Sunday to
resume their studies at the Heppner
High School on Monday.
Mrs. Hannah Ahalt who has been
' mending several 'months among her
j friends in California arrived in Cecil
Saturday and will visit friends here
for some tune
C. W. Wilde of Bioadaetis spent
1 short lime in Cecil en his return
journey trom Arlington on Se tirday.
Mis. Ila.el Logan and family of
Four Mile., were visiting with Mrs.
Woliha Combest on Saturday.
Mr. and 111':
and family "f
Mr. and Mrs.
Last Camp on
;. Marion '
Arlington v
George Kr
Mrs. 11. 0. Kllis- of i:v.;ni
Cecil v isitor on Sunday.
John McDavitt from his fal
len.' w .1- in Cecil o'l Men l.i
la've party of, 1. idles who
I iv.-d ihe s. ra":'de of S.-ttr
I 1I-- feineeuei! Ion:: t-n'lR
; aboard the local i'l er
Mr. and M--s. Jac'iv Ih
r,o si'of,
I lie dirn- i
T. II. Lews
t I'll
I .
M : .-' .1
", !aio
, uds T;
Boh TV
Ii.il. ,
-d iy.
e-ti" i m .
. I 1!: .lei'.n IV
. I-,- !e ; : 1 s :': c:i
V. Hcnrikseti. J. llnd
Leon l.e,-..iu, Kven-it
in Schtock jjj
idled with In
-bs at the Ijl
'.is a j
,-hncai- j
with a ...
had sur- JU
:v night.
li o ee I hem (1 i
e, farts un- j j
nd : nd niece, h
. e: Mr. aru
. en Cec lH j
1 i',i
,'ecsi 0'l!i
! . n ivn'.' ii
ii- -. ant nv. j '!
. ... a dinm r ; Jj
of C eil. j li
- ,:! ,.-"' 11
.y irrigation i )
'. the Cecil i- i i!
School of Shoemaking for Vomen
g-Yfmir'' ' ,..w.v" jr . v.-.,.v,..v...u- . .... .- --4tt-.JLr':,
y:""" ----,,.--v , , ... ,.; ...iliii ----3'-
A M-hool
otiened reeem
the govenin
eon'.ent throti;
I flit ft ( (
t rind is one of the mei
:hnut the country.
Zen net li Logan, J. J. McEntire and
several others were amongst those
who were seeking for enlighten
ment on the many subjects of the irr
igation project.
Mrs. K. Farnsworth and daughter
Miss Helen, left on the local for Port
land on Tuesday, where they will
spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henriksen of
Rhea were calling on friends in
Cecil Thursday.
Mrs. Dell Ward of Heppner spent
Monday and Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. -Karl Farnsworth at Rhea.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winter and
family of Shady Dell were visitors in
Arlington on Thursday.
Harold Ahy.lt who has been visit
ing in Portland for the last few days
arrived at Four Mile on Friday and
will work for Leon Logan.
Miss Gertie Pettyjohn of Morgan
was visiting in Cecil on Saturday.
The Oregon Hasam paving com
pany of Portland are very busy un
loading their goods at the Cecil de
pot. They will erect a camp on M.
V. Logan's ground and also occupy
his cottage. Gravelling will rom
mence as soon as ail things are got
into working condition
"Subscribe for the Herald and get
all the county news. Only $2 a year.
And with it has gone our profits, as well as yours. The past year
has been a hard one for everyone alike. The farmer and stock
grower had to take immense losses and so did we.
WE HAVE TAKEN OURS Our inventory has been taken
and the losses crossed off. We are not going to say how great
thev have been they were enough.
erv article in
and marked
markets of
Let's forget
and prosperous
ifo the
-We cannot do it all, and neither can you. But if we all get to
ether and push, and push hard, things will come out all right.
1 1 h
:h it is seeki
n 1 1
to ease ihe ins
School Notes
For the month ending January 28,,
the total enrollment in the school
was 357 pupils, with 97 per cent
attendance. This high per cent in
dicates very little absence. There
were 190 popils neither tardy nor
absent and 10 tardies.
The rooms having no tardies were
'the 8th, 7th, 6th, 4th, and Mrs. T,
B. Turner's first grade. The rooms
having one tardy were the high
school, 5th grade, 3rd grade and op
portunity room.
The seventh grade was first ir
saving the highest per cent of at
tendance, which was 99.2 per cent
The 6th grade was second with 98
per cent.
A volley ban court, has been pre
pared and the upper grades are en
joying the new game very much.
The Boy Scouts under the super
vision of Rev. Livingstone, who
meet in the school house, are" allow
ed to use the showers.
1 A dinner and theatre party were
given to the senior class by Kath-
ryn Pattison on Thursday, January
. 28. Mr. James, who was also pre--:
entj fays bo knew that every one
had a splendid time.,
j Kathyrn Pattison taught Mrs. L
1920 IS GONE
,1. . ... t nA.,A
tins stoic na. tuni uuuu-u
right down to and below
the world.
IO - 'O and
get together and
Heppner, Oregon
SACOTDAlie Eft!) Vim
riworcnuut ruiv iuu
B. Turner's first grade on luesQay.
The children are still alive.
The second basket ball game be
tween the Heppner High boys ana
Lexjngton Hi boys which was playeiV
on Friday the 4th at Heppner, re
sulted in a defeat for our boys, the
score being 12 to 20 in favor of the
Lexington Hi. This is the first br.f-
ket ball game our boys have lost.
The game showed that the Lexing
ton boys have been doing some
practicing and that our boys need
to get in a little more. The game be
tween the girls teams resulted in a
defeat for our girls.
Tiie juniors gave
a farewell
in behall of then-
classmate I:
ving Sunday :
wood Orr. who is le;
Washington, on Saturday nigh
Feo.-uary Uth. The rfrw-'hmci:
were vr delicious and it was s;.;-i
everyone I ad a splendid time.
lUg'.i .Schools Dt'isiUc
Tin-' first of the series of debat
to I"- gi .vii ( cercl ing lo the nileS i.,"
the iiii-r.-i-r.liUiUc debate league, will
take place- V-twetn Heppner an.l
lone high schools on Wednesday.
February 0 th.
The question of debate will be
"The Principle of the Open Shop
Should be Adopted in American In
dustrie;;." The affirmative will be
Audra G-rogan and Margaret Wood
son: the negative, Roland Humph
rey and Elmer Peterson. Kumphrey
and Peterson, go to lone, where they
will meet the affirmative of lone
m.. .ui. win atuii men neg
atives here to compete with our a
Judges at Heppner will be VV. ( f
8cott, Karl L. Beatfli and Miss- Dora.
Barnett of Lexington. As member's
of the state debating league, this
will be the first debate in the county
Profsor James states that the de
bate will be open to the public and
he would be pleased to have a large "
attendance next Wednesday evening
at the school auditorium.
FOR SALE Two extra good-BeF
gian staliions, one three years old,
tha other two years old, both repf
istered and home bred. Also, one,
roan Shorthorn bull calf,, register
ed,. Call on, phone or write W. I.
Ebbert, CoDdon, Oregon. 3 5
Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring.
Mrs. Curren, Church street. 27t'f
Subscribe for the "Her;
get all (lie county news.
Mn - nlniT rxf if-- Kr.-t
HgnuuiM en m.-n
its present worth on
.h for
a success
n k ll