Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 08, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Weight for Age
lf t T f Tn A"
ly easy ont-s, until thev approached
the "Liverpool," an awe-inspiri";.; leap
to tiie i;:ur:iiH,od rider or to a badly
schooled horse.
Krlektop, with the indifference born
of scores of former KtrtissHw. skimmo.l
it like a bird, but I'.ri.udiloycs would j
haw nmn of ir. lnihl til HitrvwtiT ;
ww-o i.ow uii ftftlHl terms; and Ht-.m-
Came From England in Mail Sack
t-t, 5$ V"
" i 7e V.
1 k:m
tn b.
h IVon oven,
A :.bi iV .vii
pat'y S.:i!
:i!v )'''!!
1l:o i:i"mv v.-
i '.i.i'i'
as a
li.lVS . I. '.Witt
and Kit. Pi
t'M.ibi'.M"! ct V., '.,.;-. ,.",.,'
. V,br,.P ':UT r.p.r, ! -V
h.,'b a ci".i'.::" p... 3; ... 1
Sro!t,;r...'a. P, . I' e II. , P ; ww, v.'i
modi I ;;::;! a i. m.r lor cvt p;:i:'o
Ac Jsuvt! .1 V.awty el tilt f
More now ; lior.'t luil to cap aa.l !,v'o
- ; ' -so 1 '..J cirnpnae
vV, i. A. a! for more than
e -:.:-;P..,r,! o! ; Vine vs :aid
V-.'i.' .'a-iiT oi initiate i a
i'.'.oJ..,c in onr
Ilitdl "iv
I Vbisbt'iy. who 1:::,! mop ,.. ,,,pp.. n tpnpp,,, ' j ,r
J;it i'ow ni..!i,!i-!, si--tit i:,..t IV ,s::.viy ,,, ,,-,, :,n ,,vv,. !lv. ;IV . i i ' -. -b .-.'.. 1 i it ;',. i f-riJ rt:iitu .
life ia Implead, was IVrtyP'ottr yc:;t" t,. b jK ,,,.,, :,,,;,,,;,, ' j
of np. cm) (bo -.-nrsi; it v.-jw Ian ' i,r,:.,i:, ,,, v,.,s 1,:;,!;, ay ., ,....,:,, : GVta to ErslU-b Crii J Iniluds I-orp, ;
lie was boylMiiiaa to bo aware V th-it ,,;' ,-n..h. I aiod v.oat al tbe v. '.,. ! a.a.cnd: a ic'. C.a:r Art:C:e o.!
iV"l. fi,i s,..,j ai; ,.;.,,r-i ;, sph-raKdly, ! laiio-a Vaau.
in bis bearf. bonVvor. Iaab laao: .;:r r.,.. u ,,...,.. 1 Ma;!; Voared that j
vll eaoaab ilia; il was nor the d.l;'i'or- ;s ,:1,,;;ni was -one,- to i Vim'. ! vv:.ba.d 'ara a d.'.ia :il"r ol the
one" lioiwooa laaai -a aad .: vt'ican ' ,, way s;'a-n"i I ,!';.': by i laar."' ; li-T webdaar l"os-
!;;:;i!!i"is wbi.'a :;;. s...d Ibis Mi'o1--'. . In-;-! b'l il'::.:. :.;,, ;,,. ,.,.;.t : ' a ' -; a ; o o i-a 1 y a a Vi as va i b d. 'I'll"
va !be!' anpir :;s:;i!l ci'i!s'in!;s;!;s. ( lbs .. ..ir ;; ,U: V,.,.; : .'obo iy. IV; V aba- is cl!)'S-r.l bsaa
aa". 'I'ao real rea'ain was Ibibb ')- i,;.; stride ,,,, ,j. , ,,i!ur sale m' tbe ilto laaaion 'I'bai-s tauiee t!a.' ap-
lot! li'i'seir, the- dtnt'-bior of hV ! 1 r saohitta v ..'. or' Mr. Cb:v'!i
fatbov's ,,1 fiV-ttd K.c.T. I'l-tiioi: Tiie .bntaa,. : ,v -; er. and tbe raa bra. y :,ad lb;,,, ivy t'yeao r.
IMrih wilh her sob-alb yetitiet:':. .; ,j..,. tVve eaai a rs ;a' a ini'e it! j A l i.-..T f;:v r. :.i from l!..' Vis
and rty.aiiinr: watntmbooil of r.vvlity- lonylb. ta.w lay ie!'.,ri' tbetn. j r e'";; I "uv'iH l a his cintt-.ba r a.nd
four. In line I-,.-;,,.. vrr. IJof.;,-". ! id j a tb.aaot.d a;a! poari ; 'aian; from the
"I suppose," eotitbtao.l l!oi:h. "ibal , p.. . si,! I'ttttb-a wbb bi iOoyr, otu ; a ;,i. ei taaao' oa -.' ta'ai
year bro'lier 1 ' , ': will fid-' ia-: own . vhij, rid : ' ibas f, r, i is i ia r V- i-a-, i bet. i b" ' .: ft a Va-
horse llarvts;ef in tbe Cbtt'Iettae .. ;,, ;,a ,,, a,, j,.,. I t ;, t ,'. ttara fro!", briiy ieiol 1 ' -..:-ay :
(.'ipiV se.-.se;l. I!:-;!, .;ly -. ,;,.: i!e t;a oid I-;:).' ! owi aial 'Vo.ai
"Xo. I'oar TtbV is out YrV-a oa itti- ,.p...enia by ay; ("dbav to la-; ooat- .e ! b!e dabe an 1 tb;. ;;;' ; of iba aloaeb : a.
fortatV basittes.;. ntoi ctu.imt -e! heel:. . ,,, i.y ,., -; . ... - ( j i;l l;a!; I'r.sii ):;. I :',.:;!., fan I V eotm.ess ;bab-
lb' v. irad n;e to !bal ttaotber rib -r for ' ..p;',.: ,;;:i:. , -:,' bra ;,V 1'roni the
liarvoter, hilt bin at'raid I f.iii't bat I : : ns ineb li'v ita ii be bo:yn In j dta be .:; of bbaabi ;-,;;. it : a ylasvp
rate. Vlinw ap to lira:;!, atal wV n at !.'' I We from li.o sp; -cv and Vrs.
".'il the coed-n",n have ttt.ieals in i;!t. -'!!-.i,;:!, n,,- was on a linewidi j .bans l.i v.;bsr: a pair of Vivo- onto
the rme. I shai:h! l:!;n to Jasvo laid the l.rew n 1 or Vs air; a. he f"i; bi- j dh-y b-! s fn ai lb;;, b arirt m- i Mrs.
Steal, - rortiett. bill he lias promis,,;! rotih deie-e t'.sarn to i.iia with a rtt-ii, j !..v.,!ar: a pa i r m's'b et , ; ree dish, s
to rid-,' Mr. F.raabnryV b'rtttb. and ho a as hb; own man aaain. Aider t front Hon. Vieoo- baaiavr; ;t bio
Hita't knew Stanley IbaVea yevy tiatl liaah bad only a rather dim hV.: j pes,, Pia fivnt bady Sarah Wilson; a
AVel! indeed. of what' was ialtita; plm-e. j lat diver a ray froa; the earl of I.otts-
Xo wonder poor Hnadi fob n si;, Men ' !!ut il v. us not mod !;-; laoi tttroed oaie; a rui'v niiil daaiiotsi bfoo.eh from
pan- that was very nineli like j-ab and was ridbr.; hank to !i;e jab ;e.-' !! tar hi; ra tali "f 'oorh llobar; a
otisy as lie iib'tanal Stanley's shyi'l stand that he 'U:;s es-::red, by the f ather from die dabe of .Marb';,-,'-
form, as much at ease in a Midi. -ait el riiiy of the rpe- itdors, of his vie- ( t'ab ; a oeafi and ditimmid brooeh
fiaare of a eetibion as it was wlfn lory. from Sn loia.-l ( assm ; a set oi oos
hMiliia: the (ieh! e.n a l-oihI horse in Ibe b vats !!::r'esterb; rt'. -oil knives and PaVs from Mrs. Yio
linish .,f a stiff litre;' miles "tmross Sun iy his self-raised bo:;y of mid- Pa- bpeiae": I, vilvcr baskets from
vi:!:nl!.v." l,r"o as feised now for till Lord and baby I.ttbVw: a b.'s-vrt serv
ed.:'': it w;," attamtivod tl'e .!( time: atal he hiirrh d itis loiba vith i'v I'rotn M, and Mr.-, ibba.r rras-;ey,
inon;nrr at tbe bfoabfasf table i Ire erta-i.-s ,. ;, l,.,y in his ai.xit ! to: a pVrof .iher rvbers Irota Mi'.
Ilityh 'Wos!er!'s ot'Vr to ride 'b;rvos- la ;: iMilli ronton. lairdi rrtosr.
tor in tbe (dtalb'ta.e Cop bad be -n tie- lie bated her ia the rbtabov of tbe A na:n!.,r of v,.yidbe.- pis en's re-
epled, an ititdible Ibt; r rttit n ttad tin, I'-.-nion ib-;;::. ;;dkoo;p, :;:.. b-r V. r- r:P.",l Py tl: PiPar oeia it, opto. a
-,,m. (b'n. a ' o wn Pros ;ed in bis r;,e- sty. , r k, t ; le fr aa ; be ditto' ami dm-V
Most of the yiatio'i't' p,"iplo te'e-e;.! in:: op ,bes. IliinieM he'il ola hVh.n'd ef er;l,ainb :Va:d toitl a s ) i a
diil tin! know bin! Ibibi had ridden hi v. r i nad sine re cei :.;;, : ttbtt ioti. iti'; ; ntiil 1 rem lie emehaoes lit Ape-
many r:!fi fn ibtabttid. "Vi.m r-!- :t weoder,',, air,." p.. :a,,rp0 ! i -; 1 1 .
a i s-re
: . t:Y !'
, -
d i
.'' ' b; ',
Jt Ju jJ jiM JiJi J it.
Her,.? .''lru'ar.i Gan.i oea' Ammunition
Jlerlie Xorris laiiriitnt'ed seme' kip?
IVkb, ttio, ete;ia:'il 1: ! latml b
"I eanta
at tell yoti lao- arai ftd I
cried. "It: was piem!id.
.Inst lo show yon h.o.v inaeli I tiiipn
eittte yoer winning' for nie. run Lroina
to tell you ;i seerer, hours hef'Te tt.uy
dlioiif "weiaiit lor ttvo," whioh pn-ir
TTiia'lt etatld nor hut over' opr. ttnd
Staidev Ib'-t'deu. wtio wa- sf:i':ii;y in
the house, smih d n ra'her seer;. fal :"''
smile whieh afl'eel at! Iluab's i.et'vi
"WPeii fit last however. IPe "-a bii'tt
htirrle for the Clmlienae Tup ; one ,.se heurs it-uf seervl, Staiday's
soitniled. and Iluah, having weiahed in. I u:!""-
was roadv to niount. he felt not i I'""r "U Hll-h- ,
little nervous in spite of himself, tool; Tlilntf lieu-tn lo blur before lm
he wondered whether, after all, lidbh ni ""' 1,1 ,he "f ,!:"
lierself wfis not laiiL-liiiiK at him . sleeiha'h;ise.
little h't ''1"' initrmur someilnntr
. ,., about the en "ta iron a a 1 1 lieiii'' iinnmineeil
Onee ntnro, however, the "feel of t . , ,
' , . . . , . , , that evenini'. and somehow he man-
the good horse between his knees ,
a-on in mi j r ; i was e.poeieii in
him: then lie made his exit as best lie
could. '
jrnvo him ooiilhh'i'ee.
IIiiL'h was glad to neeept a hint from
1 1 IT.. , ...... T,. 1, 1 ....,.,..
un. loiiMiii, ,,'MniiM,,,,,, ,,. i ,11,1 nt o.,vfnr il,nfatviti
"E's a. proud 'oss. sir." said Wat-; ;,f ,,,;, ,mt pl(.,,.
sen, "and you enn't keep 'im buck very
loui.'. If 'o once gets discouraia.'d. it
will ho hall huff for today, sir."
'J'ltere were six" entries for the Chal
lenge Cup. and all of them starlo.!,
Tlie starter, with a sweepiit;.' abinee
whii-ll comprehends every one of tie
"held." drops his flag with ;i sudden
ed an urgent telephone message which
compelled him to hurry hack to town.
As he stood before his mirror late
that evening examining ruefully the
increasing gra;, tio.-s about his temples
he felleeteil bitterly thai tlie race is
not always to the swift nor tlie victory
to lite stron
downward sweep, and the h,,r: i's -lam Tll ,v,,,., r,.j,.(in I, added
over the turf like a tlialit oi
ftying clo-e toye'hor.
Hugh Westerly on Harvester :!
away i,!...t fo'inSi, a pebtien v.leeh
state,; lam weib
T: o Metal,, wtk or; e ' ft
eral "i ami t! a !V-U tai!" of tr r a e
'A'.-s .-, a literally '"fa : a Imid'ia:
lbt.:b !;ad rbld-P for 1- ,' t
til d tiit', v tip la- b ad ia n v. rv d,
t'.i'ti"! naaaier. wi'b tbe naita.,:,' ;
let deti of Mtir.c tbe ,;:)-..
y,-.- b to bis i i-fi't. I iu.di a as ,
pV'e.i ;,, give lit ni'.'ti:' :: ra : l.er vi-.'- ,t
limits trea'm, i,t wtdi bis -p""-
a stern r ,;t; a n to ride m niori
ie.ilis'.s Hrvc Never Den Able to
Discover V.'iwr,' ti't Soli:; Spend
tbe Wi-.tfr.
P" i b... r. b: A!., ia Ibev p, Vn
p; . a oa il a VV.sV ,,f ;- . 1' ,;;! mat
'. i: :b e ,; ,! ,. end of April r
! e Pr-t of M.;y. ;,),,; to" ; l'i if.. Pp;,
t.f of .p a,-! or bi the v,e. p.
f September it...,- dt,.pp':ir
ly and ;,,ysteri,,o ay as tbi"
Till-" ', one of ;.t:.: V ... re'.
l.V tbe i,. ;;.'. j . ,. I,;,.), sP,
.ebnita-'ered ,1ns' te!,.t..
with Itis itip. a ml tie'., hi,; V
M.oer ilea-ruiii ed to 1 indiy
, !;:; b IPs e e. :.t 1 1 ' ! '
Iv it; i - :. ;- a . f P -
1 S.'y IV V "ef le ) V ' ' .' lit 'b"
Tibs . r tb" v ay .pear f - I'-:: !
v, ' o P .,.': bet it jaaips v.-ry eb ' , r y
while Ib rve-ier. ru dbt - at i v !
ta"i,',i-"l to get over wi'!,out n fab
The J'tiaj 3 rae.v were e"tn; tirabve
Pin tt'otn so.eai .-, -
ii:- no of the till
ibim in 'b" ;
d 1
', . -! ;pty
tie- pry
s ami in-
riJ.toi. a p
CV'1 f:r b
a e ; i
G?. W.-ll H ;V ' at St'tiVy
Sharon, I'a.-A ;" a." ,s
vbich dees im! prePnee oi; I
V o r, tied by ike ' 'i'a.apion idi!
The wall pi'oae.,,, every da;
ihit'ita: .Inly, oxei pi 1 1 the four ' S'.tn
days, ai'"o!i!'tig to a reipoi'l made h,
Sianinnd dos' plitlitil, sei't'eiai-v'-troa-:
u-er of this cempnny. adii"essing ;
tnei Pti'' of stockliolders here.
Blind Piano Fixer.
Tiie pianos of. tin- schools of, Phihi
deinhia are tuned and cared for by a
hliiid man whose lime is entirely
taken up by ids visits to one school
building after another. He not only
tunes the instruments, hut he goes
aver the exterior and polishes the ensc
and keeps them looking like now.
) .V! FVIVw :t IViiPe C.trcfjl
oibp: and ,1 bataii Eitpaaui
l.a :; c f ibanvy.
; as v- ; ; :i , .,; (,,.,. t,, phi t,
. .I" 1 lie e',1 tietee 'A i i I Pe-
i nor :-i " iy iti 'I'trjai vo or
ul, ; ieo, ;,pP : ; en whether 1 he
if 1 bis v. tie . a done a itb
iiii n : a 'al a !i, tie plan: il nr. sea-
bniioil Sort's Peparime'd of
;t,i''t sttap, ' s in the pictures
ho! . :bi it seine oi' 1 he w a"S of
o ,-iL,, --
, i'J.'j and
Hcucj l-bs Oan Look.
rlTi "'b,', fhi,n.
bean' p'vp,;,'. The ehiimaes irodueed ; v
by pbtiiiing sht'ttbs enn he effeelod in
"tie in- iw, s-ii.-ens. ntid even where
I roes are shoe, n, often only five or
six years are repuirop to onalin'o (he J
effe'-ts pietured if quick-growing va
rieties are planted. In such u case,
however, provision ,s),oulil he made
for better, .slow-growing varieties
which will he allowed to come up int'd
eventually take tlie place of the quick
Willi cultivated hind carried to tlie
very door, the house shown' lo tlie
first picture has no homelike selling.
It appears merely as tut intrusion in
the landscape. Hut when it, is given
a doorytird, witli lawns, trees, and
shrubs, as shown In ihe second Il
lustration, it takes its proper pluee
P 'V
eppner Bakery Bread ;
they are usually heaMiy and happy because their
bodies are, well nourished.
by patronizing Nome Industries and your town will
be prosperous and progressive because its
business body will be nourished.
HEPPNER BAKERY, M. W. Hammer, Prop.
In a Fr.r.cr
; r P .pv Pp - tll t'e p'ot, tre. v ai; a' P. tr ; ' treit
;' b .' bd ii,,, v., at" of tl omatn,' bo, b
; .... . V V
;.," ' ,' , " , Vy "' il V'l tatr t .' te I. i 'l ii on ..i
ii , . i 't'bb '';'f i . Cy-'V tb,; :aii, vib" b ' ' nil d Sta'e. 'j
1 P.VV: 7 .a'':; V.. ,y.yf a I !;,. e,!t l .'..vbaa, ,V:
; ; , a ' i ion, 1 , , b,.t .. ' b ;P
V" : p "iP'iiittb'bia .!..- I ;., o..P." ,, v,;n
m. & j :ij'""'' i
t-i , ',i,a- fi - p
; jVptJ o-'by'b g Faulty Chimney, Can.- Fin;. &
r-.it. . 4 . "r'- '' J Sitaunary t, Xt ;.- ,- olltri 9
ic'V'av:'- Va pi lop, v; p." ,,;,, p !.,:.;, r Per, A
ICaVv ' ?1 vMI" in v;v"r ,!- '-i'v ". k
t. V.. ..' 1 '.1 1 "io -iied a . b . '', a ; . , a . 'o - ..;
ly , i i . at v.l..:! i' V ,.;. I a ' an' -
I ".V f! "f ,; e;, .. t. - , .- '
; " . ' I
1 Men's Florshcim Shoe;, $1.00 lo $2.00 off each pair 1
I lolc Proof I f osiery, 25 per cent off on this
entire line
"v.,..," ' fcT "'' ;i 'I'"' ""'
Dr. E '.'ricb ttcpa-ck iti tin r.c.'y ' '' '" ' '' '
ap-.oirtcd rri-isU-r to fro United :'.- '
Cat:, f-crt C.r'.Vnc "Pivrtlba. Hi l.ai . ,--!!.!.
!)'t":n a p.-jrrtn.tnt f j-j-e in hi? cou'.try i -
out :i"'j the pe ice confer ;nce v.ct
in cr.a,- y: of tb mini&try of foreijn af- t .-'ib-; t lb" to-
,4,r Przsuc- taecmnt via
li'-i .ad at. ! i- t
Oitiy ; 2 a year.
; '" b! i' -i'
'rut; '.'.in iti.-.ibi.M 1-, r :n:i ,; ii no; i'i;tv 1 :i
i:p. HI'.
R! I'.Hf T,
b'tbiro in I. '1
. I i ; 1 1 i 1 1
1 1 j.iii'i", ( )a ''111