II! m 3 "!l iii PACK SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1921 MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL '47JJ,. . v-.V - r;lflettr- - 1 rpik v t'.fefer By Charles Sughro The Boss Must Have Some Relatives, Too! mmm 3 099 ) Lolita Armour to Be a Bricb Mr. : : r 1 J Mrs. .1. n-.eh-n A ri . i' r r 'ii-!ic, Uitw inuili' lirm: I ;iiiik..:! Jin-ill of Hie inp.i-ii,i-ii, of l 1m m . i i ! ;. limiulilor, I..l:!ii Armour, l'i ..!..!.!! .1. .Uii'-hHi. Jr.. s,,n n ihe (!;:!:. ...i i.: t 'ic I. '..i l 'i of iiil',-,-1 or-i of I !.;- ,- - -, im.iir is I'm' Ik iiv--j In a I , ." n.r " - !s : r.H iM'I.V I ' il r - I - I : Wl. y..ii.:; A f i ; ' -1 : -1 ! '.'Hi : a I'd:',' ! -i i i ( in:Mli''l :il : :f I' ruin hci' iiin it, nt I ' T, II'.. ' i V i' ' (I. . , r t ., , ri il' "I !... 1 1 ; :- ," i ( Iim i ., : ;. i . I . :. . A n:ii::'. ; ', I ' ; 1 . ! i i I.; I .; ' ; , . ! bill WluslNJ hi Fifty Families in Uni-cJ S:r.l03 Control f.icrci Thuii $1CJ, 000,CCJ Ea,i. l'i ;j 0,1 l'.,.r; j ' 1 , o ; : V... ...L i iiiii"! I 0:;;po'i Flames Inside Him lip !' ni i'l l':iin III r: ; I. a i a'-tin' r- li b - - 5 Pearson and Eivd Protection !.'.! ii In Vam,:i aia! ;v- ' 'i ( 't aiaiil n'l.al I era h. u ii I . l-aicc - II"'" lln'i'i- lia'.; I i l i f :,: .1.- I'll'r.': ,i; h'.f : 1 1 S ; I , ' . . j . 1 mi ,i..i'l:llii'. 'V.iiin:, Mil, h. 'II v.a. a : a I aV v la i: ll, c war la in. lie cu- ' ! i" II"' i hi ;i I aviaiimi .-tv". whs r,iiiia:--i, n,',l as :ia i'ir-.i;ai. nial : 1 1 1 In I' i'.v Ui-'l. I'la. While llari' hi' was in an ; . -i - i 1 1 i hi.-li nearly e,,-r liilll his life. V Mill-hell's :i ! II ,la lie eelliili il ill, e perilled hy Slllile"! Aiili,,r 'riaeaas V. Kahai el' V.'Moin: when imi;Ii irf iiImhiI 1 ' feel In Ihe air, ;is I'ahll v n : ;. ' 'r l;ie: il".M.v;:l( vhra he -irih'li Milehell. hIici w.i'i ll'.in:; sira:;lii. I'ael, i,a a i ''a la, i h, Hi" L'urnal an, I Ka! ;n was ,iel,.,, up -leail. "I'uiiia'; Mhrla ll's inPiri,,-; were -eire. ' I l e hiiiiiMi t i 1 tiles III' v i a 1 ,1 L'llilell SiNl' S he- he, II hi. II I lii heii, many m' wheal n.' pelenls, in lie- l,,..i li.leell V ,1.' 'i' ,1 ,1 i-.t(S-ll''ll I l'i' !. I ' '' StSL.'i i,,.,!l',;l .VI..JS.HI.ISHV ' I I'.li.ee '. i I ' ' I" i,i:l,,l.ii. i,y .' -II 1 h.l.'S iai! 1111,:,..- i' e: or '.--'-.ii- 'i. iT'y e z Lo l:oi'C i'..i,.'i ,lu!!e II' I e! I I,!,,,'! ' - .)!! nl' ale, in l-l'-'.'.:'-7l ! ,ea seil laiil h.'e,, :,r: ! I: li. t-y w (''' f,"1 i i r ii ? $ y :'i ' v a u . v.. J j '-w -'.J I y i, y Newspaper 1 1 !''M i'ii! t - f-:'i .-'! Scents in Wood. With ihe win, ils of tlip worlrl to elii'ii-e fneii, ono eiin eas'ily urnm-a, (i whole seah; of scents from the s'-eeiest ami most (iellealo of per iMiies at o-,,f eMrenie, to rani; ami ie "ipe--. ei !'iii oilers at tile other, says i': ' Am-'riean Foreslry Ma L'li'.ine. T!i 'r, - of the perfumer's shop will not . ':! a iriTsner variety than one can ' a-: in wi,e,!s. :''iii"' rib fv llic "M-'ialii" am? T. (j'ill'ert rei;i-se;i (iiorrrait li.-ce-v.-i!ls) is ilie iK-.v pi'e-iileii; of tiie 'a- tiollil! Assm-iu,!, li of Aielllhell s iei-l.'iie;-'. ie v.'ilS ell-eleil at the l.-ix-in, li, ml n. eel in:;'. .Ml'. i':';:i's,.;i is i-, ' :;l,ly i in- iesi laiewn e; nl, t'Z'o-l itl lit- '"ltil'il S:!!-.'. Was lioi'ii in l'-V-! :.i 'I', -e!a, U; a- .'.''', , ,i a eciitl e,nn utiiin ami I .-ea:i. iii' i-i':'ea wis li lie' Amlihior. ii'e-- iiial i-;,"",il ivi' eh: r of (he X.i; i ,i -, 'alien ni' Amp;!, on sei iepe,-. n,b-, T.liO. ;!e is tile autller of sever. li Siiiiiearil hii'il ,i,:,s. lie was ;ho eiiiler in eliiet ef "lares, el' A me. a, -a." three veinmes ( P. 1 1 7 ) . lie lias ir-en a 1'reauant eoe.t ril mt or to seienliiie ami If v.tis in 1 il tjee late v,"il liiii:! Iuileher. who ilied .Inly 1 his!, was siriekeii with paralysis, lie was (lie leailim,' pioneer in ihe eause ot Anieriean l.ii-il proleelion. anil was r- epersihle for ihe es: ;P iisiimen I ef the leseeiaiion ;:ml its rnriy welfare ami t-'To'-vih. Hurlsis his ten years of iilnes; he remained pre-tdeiit. wiili .Mr. i'eiii M,ii ihe (irivhet lavwer. (if i'resiili u leih imr, it is saiii : "The retneai liramv of iii-: name anil his work wilt m-.u- f;,iie 3 loier. as men lake time "' i;"'':'"iii Lieeilains oi tUf liehis. or lift their lea, is lo listen io the :,'i" r '.: v,Yiv (hs tei! ns f-:!!: Vr. T. p.. rainier, first vie,, pres ,,!''": : -v- "';- : i" , -ml vie., pre-ieeht ; ,'iiii;im I'. Wliurioii, seeritary; I ". i' !.:: Wrl Jii, t !'.;, sut'.-r. . ""., ie, :-i THE HSPPMER HERALD, ONLY S2.00 A YEAR ! 1 eile i i.V i... .,1! i h . , -1 :;..., ii'V i-I'ttiKn, .viy v.-i-C-." To ri"- it- 'M!.i.'; ; i; .:"e I-. ; ; .. "''iM; ;i cor? 1:' of cevn i i' -.- it !1 'I'M ti:c pbi- fo!kwc:l by oiiil the .-tivKuly !:rov!np circuluion of' lliit; iev:-. i;:Kr in Morrow coi.n'y is the It'st i i Ji'in.i' that the pi. -in ;s a r-nc-eve.;. Trlc 1 Iim;'. a M:v 3 ei rwy is- of thi. lis-ivAl,;) -I ;'l.Y It); V'tiiM'- si"l li t.'ie :.!; ivi- t i :it .:': t t tin1 if m v.::it ALL THE COU?v'."Y NI A'V o ev !',' ',,.(!; iii t'.iv r 1011 laii hit Midll The price is $-oi a year. $1.00 for 6 months ami you have to subscribe for the Herald to -et it. The HERALD is forced on nobody. We want only willing subscribers w ho want the paper because they like to read it and who are willing to pay for it because they think it is worth the price charged. If you are not now a subscriber or if your subscription has expired we will appre ciate your check and order. Thank you. l'i! P i a t i II n t r 6 r i s m S. A. Pattison, Putlishf r, Heppner, Oregon the 1 i,i -'. :- met.! ef '' '. e : l .-i- -' .--!:' a.,! i ,;:m -,!. lea -'..; I! M,!-a,P- e.'.M ' ; e ,' ie.,1 ... th-' - this J p, 1, in a, al-eit! V. '. '', 11. Mr. I l ie te, -11 av.. n,, :,.: ,. I, tit ti:e let!, . ee f -t i .11 ''.;! : a:;. I , im, s ;,,,! t.. ir a -, f- 'ee, ..:-., die, I.. ,1 rp to a re- tit ua e. a -cti hy Mr. Kle n : I' -t 1 1 1 s ,-r iii..--. .-: :.' - a- -a' .!--.-n I' ...,,i : -. .: 1 '..ee. r . : . 1 l-.i.. V. Us-'. I - I ' , ... 1 : e -a. 'I . '"' U ,, : - V i'.- e . ;-l.-, ,-n , , , K. 'lr-rdv - I'- ,! I s' mee i.slir I'la.l!,' 'J ! Ullltu l.l'hl, Is ', ' "' Ken, -is .'" l Ari'iears ' Slllll I'.'1. '.'"' A i'. .lali'es r.uaily t'. ' etovflaml lol;:o r,,,.,.-n; Areh.tmlil rstiiti- .V ','iVl milla i'-,Ui;e 5"' "' PiUlUl H.'lit taa.ltt' ;e,....n, I'UIH I'Sl.lie ei..x ,V MoiriH .' .'" rultnum st:iti e e. ,h' Se.uhn i"st.ite There me uianv famtites Mr. Klein Hicntlanc.l in the S: Ht peii iH"! ,-!.!, Hiel llils Inelinles M-s. Willi::!;! Leeds, now l'l'lnress rhrisiepher of (e.eeee. m l .leiiniler Snii'ti ( 'o.'hrar.e. m.til reeentlv Antei h :i's "ri, he-t Ise le-.-ir" nml new Ihe lin-haml of Mmo. iia;:n:i Wlllste.l. epel'lt singer. Mr. Kii'hi's lisi. winch is several I'iiiti's lone, does not j.o helew the UV (XKi.mHI cht-s. Salt Works Fcvrr Preventive. Workineii titteiuliiij; the nans in salt works lire- r.eu'r ktiowii xKt havn oluilern, Kumllpox, scurlot fever or Id- u til is i J ill 1 ! ft-. 'S ' -: : : ;; : '- . .j i -a t-ib:e:,--.,'V; ' f':.i ; ' .-,,::;: "i W .! X-'sSV HI u V ; Hi IS! l-.i Mi JEST RECEIVED A XEWI.OT OW C.(ini) F'KKSII 1,'iU'X c) -n.) IX SIZE . m U V'i ';tu.h- 3 nUITE A REDUCTION FROM 25c OR 30c lb. helps Grocery Co. 11 ji 1 1 c