PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 8. iour THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 The McArthur Amendments Mr. Clifton X. McArthur The Iii-oilierhooil. The first regular meeting or the Brotherhood will be held on next Monday evening at the hotel begin ning with a luncheon at 6:45 and followed with an interesting and helpful program. "What Are Heppner's Five Greatest ! Needs?" President H. M. James ; will be given ten minutes in which to open the discussion, he will be fol , lowed by F. A. McMinamin and E. 1 L. Berry as leaders, and E. M. Shutt " and A. M. Phelps will act as sec onds. 1 Ten minutes will be gjven for the .- , . ... . opening of the discussion, twentv ir, 01 Urt'L'on, will presently inutes to each or ti, ,,,.. introdiic into the I loijse of Representatives, resolutions others wishing f join in the discns lor two aiiicmlmi'ii! s to the Constitution that are so thor- ionwiii he given five minutes each oii-'hiv iniili'- wit h modern lirnrcdn re ihnt n-ill rem. 1:1 '''osins: '"' I'.-ader will be eive.i ll tli.'il t llee Ml 'I1 ' t"U miuutvs each lo answer any n---re -. :l, -. lOv-ry man wiil b. eH,l t.'lv ly to i hi.: lime limit. I'! addiiion io me J:lcor-ior.. ' '.i n iu ic will be fur.. !., ' !'V Me baii 1, am: voeal music e;. LUh .viu.o! quartet. We :-hoi!iil have one liundree e:ri f ii'iy i,;i'.:r:it at (his meeting: b- nv : aed ; i a n io attend,, and if eon have niied with .the organize t ion. llle clcclion, and one week alter the assembling of COU- ''"IV" your namo presented at thi.-gres-;. ( .lnf cling, for the brotherhood eo- 'fl,, .... ;, ., 1 1 i -1 ,111 ing to be one of the big things of 1 i "!"";-es in niii iM.-ir iav wmio nave this- iiii!rii!ally heiK ! icial results. Under our present sv.-leni nine1--; Ihe prc-idv!-! calls an e xtra session of Congress. ' lie v, ry sure to purchase '" I . . i i-n months elapse between til lection of a sena- Hr.cit.-on ticket. a.,t later than e ! i 1. 1 pro id Moirh ill to be I o 1 1 i - hur's i c.o:.!i.,n : : ' :' dav : !:ei! hi el for ihe fir-! 'i'lii'-- '" : '"' '-id;- m X'.s.-cirdie:-, and th;u the ' "; and p'i .v ni n Live.; dial il I;. - l 'i'.'e; ,, ,vre is ier i,f ihe sai.ic a.r;r. '!:;!( !i !i.!irih oi tiie (olowing vear. Yhev tie.; teas idenlial terms shall begin on I In - in DiceniLer, or ahout five weeks after not m the year must also consider them selves as single persons. The status of the taxpayer on De cember 31, 1920, determines the am ount of the exemptions. If on that day taxpayer was married and liv ing with wife or husband, claim may be made for the $2,000 exemption. If single, or married and not liv ing with wife or husband on Decem ber 31, the exemption is only $1,000. Persons who reached majority dur ing the year and whose earnings for that period amounted to $1,000 or more, or $2,000 or more, according to their marital status, must file a return and pay a tax on their net in come in excess of those amounts. jo avoia penalty, tne return mus be in the hands of the Collector of Internal Revenue for the district in which I ho taxpayer lives, or has his principal piace of bu.-ari'-i-s, on or b; - iere !:;i.;i::e''L' of M.trt-h 15, J'JJl. AT rK.VT!. -.: B. :. '. ..." .r.inmil M;iMH!C:':!-.:e htle a I the :;i: j!c,ji-?uj- evented, Feb ruary fMh. ?:iks aiu! t!;eie lathes V.".!n;tlio i! izes fi.T . Italy ciiai 'cter tint! most comical x,vn ticiiittii cls:ii-;utcr. community and we want ' share ils benefits. aci r.n I -Uinpiion ol oihcial duties. In the pre.-idriit. lour months must pass hetweeu hi:- of Monday next; you cannot be r.i::.'l titlmisteon mile:--.; you do I .,: . . ,, i i . , (p; , , , .iu notei manatenietit niusl ' I'Te.-e UnttUlV e:;ten!e!t (bus far in advance the numi ni.e-als allow executive and legislative power to reside ru.-kis to be served. Don't t jar !oo lon;j; with men ami parties thai mav'have keen de- 1 lh iiroiherhood, at the hotel, Mm fealed at the pi. lis. The framcr of these resolutions point ll;iy t'v.-nins.February l-Uh, at i t .oil tl.-.t if Mr I i, 1 ,1 ,:.. o'clock. " '.iioi.iii ii.tti i.iiit.ivtt mil executive niausion during Deeemher following his election, the civil war J uu'ht have heen averted. There is room! for difference of1 opinion in this particular case; hut the illustration is, nev-, Im""u' r':,x l'"ii,s should himw ertlieless, a striking one. j "If my jiroposed amendment slutuld be written into 1he ortranic law of the country," says Mr. McArthur, "the short session of congress will auto'matically he abolished and the newly elected congress will meet on the first1-, Monthly in December following its election This ar rangement would give practicallv seven months for the consideration of appropriation bills for the eivuiin"- fiscal husban(ls or wives during the tyear, and these bills would not he jammed through as year ar T' affecterd- , Th"y ,1 . , ,, , , , , tr. " tire single tor purposes ol the in- llie.y are at present. - Saturday h.vemngl 'ost. ,0lm. las ,iiw aml are sranteU onlv The Program Committee. Birlhs, deaths and marriages dur ing t lie year 1920 affect materially income tax returns for that year. Millions of babies were added to family circles, each of whom brings in exemption of $200 in the parents' income tax return. Widows and widowers who lost p jt. L j I I I v. r hi '- I ' - " H LLOYD I 1 m mm DI. I.Ol IS ALBERT H.WKS. Ai raiiKements have been made for the .!t-;uv-. Ntrlltnia! 1 .ire :i I- to Turn Gel (mo G', .d'rin;.; (.il;i;-si'-;. I'v I'i'OF. i:;'Ki e'lMl, CHAV J,!,.; t'.cator. appearance of Dr. Louis Albert Banks, preacher ami lecturer of national repu tation, in Heppner, and he will lie at the Christian church on Thursday evening, February Sth, coming here under the auspices of the Federated and Christian churches of this city. Dr. Hanks wil'. i an exemption ol' $1,000, unless tled'iainlle a subject of very vital interest Me ad of a familv i to the people of this city and the public 'bs cordially invilel to come and hear I .tcmis who .! d.vnPTrt r rep- h,,. He is one of tho most noted ar" ! l,y eiieual ajiri-t ns-.-n: . rtur'mr ' proarhcrw and Uvtmeis ,r the natior.. when you see a .natty, well dressed and well tailored man, you are pretty sure to find that his suit has bee made by iUTCHINSON tailored to his inches by bet ter tailors. It's a tip on good clothes, men, if you will take it. Made-to-Measure Clothes LLOYD HUTCHINSON My Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Department is complete and up-to-date m-jKm? ctwmkhwct. .-mrfaxt iihiii. mmnmm Our v. i i . tl i iiitiiiiiml lilV lias been u:,e inniiepse I'tieterv to imaml'iit-1 lln' ",'" i I in ir.: i-!n-.-. Tii.- rei'ei.Uiier,- !iae cmil rolled our commer cial li'e, . i j e'i:i t . e 1 our mine.-, mir it i I ruin Is, our Moiis, our I'lietorie:-. Sinee lite rnrei;';nei- h.n tarrii'il en all of our eeeiioiuie life, what is there, left In Hie Meiran In tlo? Why, simjilv to rcju tii. Ami so our .-ehnels have uei.i red men f,a ;:oeniini,'. ' j W'e neeil more n 1 1 I more dilTerent kititls of (raining. Our jieoilc :ieetl to esit.T man) other lines, insieai of hein;r simply shut up, as in the ,011, lo he. npiiii plivsieinns. In h vers and outdn'vrs. Our eilueai ional -isl'iit in ti. i eliar.'e, sn dial it can direct the yoiu people into lift eon'essn.n-i t:;,ic;pl of iul.t l lire.', and into twenty or thirty dillVreitt moth's f KHiiinsr dieif liMle.; iiml eoul rihul ini; to Mieiely. The new school dietiU lurti il-i'll' to developiiiL: leaders in our eeonoinie and social life, j I (l.i no! mean to ni:i!,e our education entirely praetieitl, leaving; out all ol' la - liiim.'initie.-', as (jernitmv has done. We nnist see that the school infi, .duces youn' people into useful livelihood and trains them at tile! -ante nine to he eooi' eiliens. i THOMSON BROS. EVERYTHING IN THE STORE AT PRICES : y-".:...--1: ri.r j?-.: . : :.r r--.i- ARMERS' MARKET MEIG I To DISCUSS THE DETAILS OF THE OREGON CO OPERATIVE GRAIN GROWERS PLAN lone, Water's Hall Friday, Feb. n, 2 p. m. Heppner, I. O. O. F. Hall Saturday Feb. 12, 2 p. m Jlardman. Gav.heu Dldj; Monday, Feb. 1.1, 7:30 p. m. Gocseberry, School House.. .Tuestlay, 1-Vb. 15. 7:30 p. Khe 1 Creek, Selioal House, Wednesday, Feb. 16 7:30 p.m ' Lev' . l vi, Star Thca'.re, Thursday. hVb. 17, 2 p. in. Mcr,:.:u, I. O. O. F. Hall Friday, Feb. :S. 7:30 p. in j -pi ' . , . 1 Ui.s is) cur oppor.a.iuy to ash questions ; All faniiers ai.vl business rno.i invited to attend. i N Every Piece of Goods in Wash Dress Goods REDUCED Everything in Cotton Dress Goods 1 REDUCED. 1 f Ivervthing in Domestics ' REDUCED l ! HV ORDER OF ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE l'. erytliing in Men's. Womrn's and Children Shoes REDUCED. ai.i. hats Ki:nrci:i) Al.l. SI i 1 UTS'CKI) r.etytning m .Mens and Hoys Suits 'Dtr,rTTr'T7n ALL NIGHT GOODS RKDUCF.D 1.L L'XDl-.RWKAR REDL'CKD Q 1 Al.l. ODD PAXTS RKDUCKD A Pl.r.ASlXC. REDUCTION OX ALT. GROCIIRH'S THOMSON BROS ii (j I j l