1 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE TONES OF RUST LEAD TO BROWN New Red Types Run From Dark est Into High Tints That Touch on Russet and Gold. GREEN IN FASHION'S FAVOR Shade I? Promised Bright Future, Es- ' 5 4&-Hues Navv Blue Losina Popularity. Color, always sin important factor in fashions, is claiming more than usual i trillion this season. This is iiractiouily the first time, notes a 1'a.ri: fashion correspondent, that tile Paris dressmaker has hail an opportunity to launch absolutely postwar colors, Dur ing the years tliat have succeeded the siirninu: of the armistice it has beei largely a question of u-rtiiK up stocks of lioih !naiiiifa:'f..re;l goods anil raw materials. Km throughout the sea sons which have intervened the French mamii'aetoivr has had time to reml.iuai liimsel! to a new regime, so that !'. is being eliuwu this winter as novcllv is actually new. Hence the new col ors pppfrrhitt f"r I'F'l are worthy of more (han pussmg mem a n. Strom:, well deioi piim t! ami definite chooses the same color and the same model. In lace?, Tellings and pattern feils the launching of these new colors is very pronounced. Lovely lace pat tern veils in colors are being used by the smartest milliners. Manufacturers are looking forward to a big midwin ter and early spring season on col ored veils. Often such a novelty will constitute the entire trimming on a very smart hat. In all millinery lines a predominance of these new shades is apparent. Feathers In Greens and Browns. Costly feathers, such as paradise and aicrotte and their Imitations, are no longer in black, but must be in one of the new dark greens or browns. Preference is given for these colors in evening headdresses of metal fabrics, which show a' combination of them in Mr. " f-gi to: t!a' "I Believe That Every Girl Should Be Trained to Do Something:." Bv MISS MABEL BOARDMAN, District of Columbia Commissioner. Do 1 think a young woman should enter public service provided she has the inclination? That de pends upon circumstances; family conditions most always playing a large part in a woman's decision. Her first duty lies at home, and nothing can ever change that. On the other hand, I believe that every girl rich or poor should be trained to do something, either by which she could make a living or by which she epuh1 benefit humanity. There is no excuse for an absolutely selfish existence. Kverv worn with the possible exception of the you.!.- m-ihor with a gruwiuj; family, should find some o; i i unit y for jmiiiio M-rvice beffiiutiiv; '.wh to eiluoatv for t si' t -' s 1 1 . 1 a.e children i shonhl be romle to realize that citizenship r.ttor.s .-en me. I al-o li,luo that in (lie schools girl.- s'mmU he gien some s". u hi-eneas instruction and, in fact, all possible equipim at that " ill Ik ip to lit them for their particular nicho in life. What the ''particular no he" may be is a hard question to answer. You can't lay down any law hecaa.e it all depends on the woman herself the circumstances of her em iiviinu-nt, her training, talent and, most important of ail, her inclination. ifx - . i f X L NOTICES work. 1 the rewards and disappointments ol a cifcr of voting vet in their new field of o;y uimiin. h".; to be less material than men ; thai vmui t'u. or lie'ger re that mai let- inihlic nimiiei P.ua': Color Leads Into Crown. These res! loacs gradually lead to brown, a color in hiah favor and shown in a very largo n s.-airl laont of torn, running froia the deepest so-call d black browns into hieh shades that teach on russet and polo. There is no reason why red and brown ever should have been consid ered as belonging to the aintnnn and winter. They are Infinitely more suit aide In wear in the springtime. When the HI lie great buds are slioolitis forth on the Irccs and nature every where is puilim: on new drosses we Veel that ve must he in keeping with our surroundings by bap.e elm he:! in fresh !:v r;. em lit, and no ."..!". adapis iiscif so readily, and so cirer t'tdly to I la' mo id of soring as l.rb.-lif. warm red. No;- iii.es it ever sb.iv off to erector edvmi.ago Ihan in such a selling as ;he soft green of ;"., foli age. Later in the summer, when the Wrcls are hoi and dc-ly and the leaves par lied and .r.vu. red is pot atfi'aciie. CJreen is another claimant for fash ion's favor and a big fill are is prophe sied fur it, part icular'y the dark : lie and olive shades. In Ike ne'.v mlain materials for the coining Mtmmcr g-cciis are in'oiuiiient. ic s.i'vme Uiev Have tngg-er (U'activcS and will !:; ' wards. Of course, they will have the same I : have, added to (he sacrifices women have tu make v, life that men do pet. , As a imue.T of fact. I believe women are positions than they are .for national, that their h: athy and nmlerstaiKiiiig of civic problems eiaddc bigger municipal v.ork. In the. lied Cross, fm- i work is such a lingo undertaking that unless we had given women some .iiiji' to interest them in a local war we never could have moved them NOTK'K ti)U PVBLICATIO.V Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, December 15. 1920. Notice is hereby gU-en that WILLIAM H. HUCKABY, of Echo, Oregon, who, on November 21, 1917, made homestead entry, No. 018618, for NE M and SE, Section 12, Township 1 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of Circuit Court, at Henpnrr, Oregon, on the 15ih day of February, 1021. Claimant names as witnesses: V. E. Wiglesworth, of Echo, Ore gon. .1. W. Wheeler, of tleppner, Ore Fay Pettijohn, of Echo, Oregon. F. K. Payne, of Echo, On gen. 0. S. DP NX, Register. First publication, Jan. -I. 1:121. Last p'ublicat ion, Fob. S, 1 P 2 I . h, h of human sym Item to do a much t a nee. the national CIII Kl ll NOTICES er vas en omergvaicy that Il ls c-:m; 1' villi which all hnv I" en rc UOpc: I he S,k c: cpcr.1 hi Dui; Tnmmca v ii ui f t n tied Vslours ue Lai eg, r, ' ic H ii il i c in,l til9 j ea v, l;."l ON. neveiupcd in vl a; in i ii Note Canij:eupe Cap. Chili line iijc!- Oli.s I'U p;o, cni 111 halves, removing all seeds. Fill with ice' cream, dceeraie w I t h The first Christ inn ('lunch. The usual services of the . Church will be held on Sunday, consisting of tile Bible School at, ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Service ami Preaching al ei-ven o'clock. The eveuieg Services will consist of the Chr'eniau Endeavor Service al seven o'clock and song Service and Preaching id eieia o'vloek. Ktfi" ore? is cordially in-. Pert to att'-nt". NOTICE I-'OIJ I'l EI H'.VnON Department of the Interior, 1'. S Land Office at La tiraude. Oregon public service, Oeeember 29, .1920. Imt 1 believe NOTICE is hereby give,, Fun Id. I... jlyUstra. whose !;osl-ei i so ad dress, is lloppnor, J'orrew Co., Of" gen, did, en ti:e liiiii: day c!' '' P: c ary, 1H20, tile ia I' is e;(ie :'e,e;:. Stalenient and A ; plica! he: . Ne. ! OCOiieS, to puiadmse iae N II m, y. . (ion 32. Township 4, Somh, K. age lis I ::st , Plamclie VP rnPen, aed I ue timber thereon, under (he :uo e lo; - of (he act of .1 line ;;, ! S V S , ai d ams amendatory, haown as ihe "Turner and SI one Law," at Mich value as might, be fixed by appraiser s r.i , and that, pursuant to such apid ica : dm, the land and .timber thereon have been appraised at. $-115.00, the lim ber ostium led 2S5,000 board fed al $1.00 per .Al, and tlte land $1G0.00; that said apidieant will off. r final proof in support, of bis application and sworn stalomcnt on ihe 2'sl day of March, 1921, bolero Ihe Pi.il. at Slates Coniuiagaonev, at his oli'ice. al llcjipncr, Oregon. Any person is al ictty lo I ia test. t'ais mrch:i!'.e bo' ore cni it, "y initiate a coniesl at any ', '. in ' in fen jt.-H'tit issues, by liiiiig a c irrnvuniics: affidavit in this office, alleging lacl. which v.ouhl defeat ill ''Wry. (Sigmd) C. S. DFN.r, $.50 and $1.00 per M, and the land 40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his applica tion and sworn statement on. the 21st day of March, 1921, before the Unit ed States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before, entry, or ini tiate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. (Signed) C. S. DUNN, Register. Date of First Publication, January 11, 1921. Date of Last Publication, March la. 1921. NOTICE I 'Ol! i'l 11I.K i i() Department of the Interior, V. S. Laud Office, at La O ramie, Ore gon, January 13. 1 1121. Notice is heieby given ihat Eddie A. Hammer, of Ourdane, Oregon, who. on January 192 1, made addi tional homestead ettlry, No. OiTIO.', for w 1-2 n w 1-4, no 1-1 sw 1-4, seel ion 22, nv '-! n x -' and nw l-f-se 1-1, section 27. township 3 south, range 29 east, Williametle merid ian, has tiled notice of inieuliou lo make ihree-year proof, !o esiahiisT claim to i ln land at"ovo de.aaioed, before Failed States ("mimissioner. at llepmuer, Oregon, on '.he loili day of March. 1921. Claim.) ii nan:,. : as witnesses: Da vid W. Pearson. Ho,vard E. I'ear ou, J :)! II. IVai'M.n, 'dars'aiH lio g Frown, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Fi'XX, Feeish , li I public, Hum idarci: S. ( service s, W. O. I.ivingslonr Minister. (In istiati Si ience Clirisiian Science servic s are held i very Sunday mivning at 11:00 ohdock in I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday '.::',: a. m. Testimony ! held ov( ry Wednesday S : ei) i,': o, k at. Fie home v-e.eo! Mr in: Dale of Firs! Public;;! ion, j.aui; 11, 1921. Dale of Last Publication, Miurii 192 I. .NOTICE FC.n Fl "!.'( ' VCi OS" Department of llm IuleiFr, F. Lend Oi I ie a! La Crane s Or' a NOTICE FOE Fl'iiLH'A'l ION Dl'iFA HTM ENT OF THE LNTElEOi;, 1". S. Laud Office a'. The D'.lleg Oregon, December 27, 1 920. NOTICE is hereby given t lint Wil li! A. Carsner, whose posl-offiee ad dress is Spray, Oregon, did, on the 21lli day of February, 1 920, file in this office Sworn S!alonieiii and Ap plication, Xo. 0:2 1 15 5 , 1o purchase liu'MV'5 SWF', Em SWM.Sec. 19, NIOPi NW'ii , Seel ion Hi), Township 6 - Soulli, Range 2fi - Ea;d, Wiliaiu clle sb ridian, and Ihe limber tin re mi, under Ihe provisions of the acl of June II, 1S7S, and acis aimed:!--lory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as neghl lie fixed by appro isemeu I , and that, iier manl to such u ppl ical ion, he land and limber ihereon have h. en i ppra1 n'd. Si', bund red lifi y do:';, rs. the timber cdiimiied 1 ::o M Pd. El. al 7ae and iiuo id l.eird feel a: $1.00 per .!, and the land $1711: thai said applicant will offer (ma! p. 'oof in support of his: a pnlica hoi a ad ; v. orn s! a 1 onion I on 'he I 71 ii da v id. In Dvi Ihe: it -J,i is 1I1VI 10 t: p iss. and Ci" l l I X ( 1 I till lur trimnnm: e ol fur. a 1 rue aor. tiiv Ci'eruit ita de i dr of lcie.cn i. a capful of hoi eg ore egg a yolk of i liter, well heaien, oi fill of sweet mil!;, cue cntsfiil of Mix ihoroualdy. "tarn into a try-lined piaie and bai:e -I ules. s.crve wnen com wain Ii cfu e- l! 1 over the tup. or with cream ''prinkicd wilii grahsl i PcccH LP-ly. Fse the soft from tic center of a stale Will gins I 'half ti P' ar 1 d b: rains: di ' over tie F Coat Dress or Robe Manteau By Cne ' -it Developed in Velours de Laine he New Plantain Green. fJSe, this treatment is not confined to green, for the new cottons appear to have been successfully dyed in every hue under the sun, but much more is made of the green shades this year than for a long time past. Navy Blue Loses Popularity. Owing to the marked preference for the foregoing color blue is le-s im portant. In fact, there is a minimum of blue in the new color cards in pro portion to the prominence of the above mentioned colors. It will not be easy for the American woman to depart from navy blue, which always lias been a favorite with her. She has worn it so continuously that the navy blue dress or suit has become almost a national uniform. It will be refresh ing to see a number of other colors, for the one great criticism of our dressing Is that there is so little va riety in It. Apparently every wotuan tamiiag coat de laine. Ihe a iniovp is one of 1 It may bo said to In k I1 coat, excepi that across e .,,in 1 or! ion (in: pes new wrumled stomach r this falls a soft rovers, g a simple and in of the coat dress. aisa is very successful 1 lean. Sir', loo, 1 1 s e 'ainc and trims bar keeps soiaov.hat to iiouah one notes Micd pemhes apple.: will do, l I odm-iicu of the 'm- each la;.er villi sugar, l wrinkled effcci g'-ai".! or:'.i -e or lea .. el rl of the body. 'mo hour. Jcrny Model in Ruesian Effect. r'r"' ''lf , r v- mi... r ,mu t,-,,u to brown. 1 1 I I 11 red velours de ''i-ur. I ii i It i i f 1 with mnloski,,. It ; Qulnoea Baked en CaHerole.-H.ish. his t , , i I t.lli.ess drawn close 1 c"r" " " lumeos then ar over the stomach. At one side is a S ' 11 dsserole ; hi the can- long sash of the cloth lined with a 1 sll":"' ,,irn" ','"'P''- I i nt i ul git s,t Where the sash ',f wi"'.r for '',"" env;i ,s ,tt IM to th dress a buckle of ; an, bi,l;e m"" U;n,hZ S"r,ve wlth c u ved si -II is placed i the lt'iru' tmm 1SM creaIn There is considerable discussion ; with sugar. It will often require two over long skirts, but about the only ! boars to cook quinces until tender. places where one actually sees them t i a-e or Ion ,i .,- ol. J!a!:e Cover the di sb during ili if the baking. I hen remove Serve hot u it b cream and arc tne diessmuKing esiaDiisiimenis, Premet is among the dressmakers who stand out in favor of the long skirt. Some of her models are ankle length. Just to what extent women will ac cept these uiatiiro-iooKing gowns is yet , to lie determined. j t A model of this character Is de- : t veloped in red lace and black satin, i t The novelty of the lace, us well as ; I the form of the dress, adds to its in- : forest. The bice is an all-over pattern and embroidered in gold threads. The low waistline girdle is made of flow- ? er and bead. j I Conservative houses such as Doer f are keeping to the somewhat convert- i tional type of evening dress that Is, ! the draped style with extreme decol- j letage and sleeveless bodice. It Is to f j be noted, however, that many of the j t draped forms suggest a princess out-j 1 line. b French Eaby Has Heart in Pouch Outside Body Paris. Paris medical authori ties were called to Solssons to examine an infant born to a working family with ln-art and intestines contained in a pouch on the outside of the child's body. The case was said to be the first of Its kind on record. There is every indication that the child will live, as all the or gans are functioning perfectly despite their displacement. ave. umeii is - first al 1 ract ', e ut la at id- i-uaig from its imagh. r.a!CS PAZ PAfcV.rJTUAN Feel, oiaaieiie ;a. : ie: timbi r Ib'Toou, iiaF r F: of Ihe act of .Pane :;, F" a.ioenda lory, known as. I and SI one Law," a I. u lliighl, be lixed by 'ppr;e thai, pnrgiui.il In such 111" bind and limber ll I n aiipraised at $ 1 Mi.i her est limited I 20, ( F ,'arch, 192!, be F. S, Coninii.'; '"Oil. ll v l ami i.w a I in Da I'd tttc.l I '-.'..-a . v- '. .-,. . : a ., .' (.':- ':-: a 'a.,:... . , -. , .... , f- . : - . ; . ,-: ' ' I :' .: a a"', ., f : " , , ? i my,, 'fV, f, ' - 1 Mis3 Paz Pamintuan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Florentino Pamintuan, is one of the popular members of Washington's youngest set She is at tending college in Washington and will receive her B. S. degree next spring. Her father is a retired attor. ney from the Philippine Islands, where he practiced under Spanish rule. STEEL AND VOQD SHIPS AMC; : i. .111.1. "5 'l',,. :l,..l.eH ,,'.' Plilll oil .a. I coal laini'is Tlic I'.'-'i'l Im-' cslaiUlshi"! u niiiiaieuii e: ai I a-sii-la Trjrcn on Stc-I Stf.'am'irs. 10 ier cent of Die jMiretiasc jnieft io C.'istl Uinn nelp.t-ry ol' Ihe Vessel, t per cent iii II nioii'lis thfientter; h per -eiil in twelve, tnoiale; I Ik riai r I cr, 5 ei-nl In JK tiionlhs (le-iciflcr. f per cioit In ;4 tnnntli.s I Iht-.i 1 1 it , liul. mi f VI I"-r cent in i-'iial s'-int aiioeia! oisoillrn'-nts nvi-r a period of on y-;i.s; lie I -r i i-il p;i V 1 ' iu I H lo oarrv inli-ri'St ut Ue- jate of 5 piU- cent per annum. Thf two huri'lrcd nnd i-hdity (P. wiioil pn Hnnnitis lor sale mi' of ten ilaTeri-nt tyia-H, an followM; Nine I 'ii I i K 1 1 i-i't y ; K-vi-ll-ti en l-talpri; ten t'cnin.so,.i ; ho. i'iieillc Anieri'an KIshiTlcH; ore- Allen: one l.aku are! Ocean .Navluatlon I'ompaiy: lliirlecrl Meu, lima! . ion- hiirehe'l ana f a; Ii i y -hi x i'-errla; thirty oc Jloah. ep-vn, lirava Harbor. Ali-o have H lejlnper of woolen iiullil of ValU'lin UpcH. Terrrn on Wooden Ste-imerj. 10 per cent. eah on Uehei-r' HulrmrB In i"pial si-ini-anroial ifeitallde.iits over a, ,H.a nf U.II-- yeuIM, I'.af" n.av tie Hahlflltl'-'t fop ore! or more v,.w,.s or for any con l.mal ion of ahovi V. . ;,eac m-..J liejs! In- Mi eolnli.iliiMl l,y i-'T-tai.-l eieek naiije pav.ih.t; to the 1'fllte.l Slaii" SUeplimK lioar.l for i per cent of amount of Ihe toil. Further Information may be obtained by request s,;nt hc mp BaleH D.vi. ,'on. 131(1 F Street N. W., WaWilngtun, D. C. The Board reterve the riflht to reject any and all bids. B.da should be addressed to the UNIT. FD STATES SHIPPING BOARD, WASH INOTON, D. C, and Indorsed "BID FOR TAMSHIP (Name of Ship)." Ship and tail Under American Flag. pucih! eibP F; : .la" .-hail !a o ,-,.,l..aa.li ., t leg l a ie ii , a i a.- a a 1 one pa i m i. ; soul In a : r 1 1 1 epa. r, ;n : aii e inn i y a ml rial .g ; . 1 , , :, ijoala in I he hi;: he. a a nd leal lidder, for ca h in band, for Ihle p'mpor." id' payiag iic coals ol lal:ing up, ho' lipg and si II ing' said animal , logmhi-r with n-a-Honnble da magi :; lor injury caused by said aiiimiila ciiiinliip, a' large on said iiremiseF. W.P.COX. Ibiled and lir.it. pubiishi d I his 25ltl (lay of January, Ft.FF imm; tiw.viiiLs i.iaiii.i: Ownr ot Klock (luinaged by ilof may submit a vended Blatemeril. of damages to llm board of county rom missioiii'iai wilhin 10 days afur in jury, and may Im awarded just rum. Iieiisat.ion out of I bo fund erealwi from dog license foiat. The Kliilutin govi'ining such cases are found in 9301) and IFlid, Oregon Paws, cording to Ii. IF llewilt, of the () ('. political Soii-rum ilepartiiii-nl. Tempered Cleanliness. In the Lola de In fbilnnterle, written for beaux and daTidlen In lfWf), It la urgral that "Kvory day one tthouli) take pulim to wiiHh one'ii hatldB, unrl one should also wa.ih one's face 1 mont an often," Tcrhups as often a twice a weckr Xoutlj'a Companion. ,