PAGE SIX The hhppner herald, heppner, Oregon TUESDAY, FEBRUARY r, rgar MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Charles Sughroe C Vnma Newspaper Union He Saves His Job in This Space OP, MOOWa ! ( J y Od J 4. mMm 0013 M WOL Nfc xo ow MM "One and Solo Aim Is to Bring Joy or Solace to the Human Heart." By JOHN PHILIP SOUSA, American Musician. I am fortuiiafo, rnv frjenrfs say, not only to have boon f'lcotcd by nature to bo one of her mouthpieces, but especially in having found hor in an anu'ablir fnoii'h mood to create the responsive ears oontym jiorant'ouly with me. I ran think of but few misfor tunes ''.iial to that of having to compose for unappre- s A ciative ears. ,V Of course, there is a great deal in the Fatisfaclimi of knowing that one's work is deserving of a generous reception and that it is likely In obtain this recogni tion in ages to come. Jiwt this, after all, must be but a leiiten sort of compensation fur the neglect and indiU'crenco of one' contemporaries. : I would not exchange my love of music for anything else on earth. ' Come, just ponder this; the doctor docs much good, but the end of bin jtunk "leads but to the grave;" the lawyer aids many, but only at the cx IJiensc and to the damage of others; the judge seeks to administer justice, but in doing ho at times is compelled to consign some unfortunate to per dition to the electric chair. And, so, through the whole gamut of all the liberal professions, except the profession of music. Our one and sole uiin is to bring joy or solace to the human heart. Can anything be 'Letter, liner, nobler? UncieWal L incie wair5 A Real County ewspaper 3riii IHIHIW.WIRMU n HE province of a local county news paper is to give, as nearly as possible, all the news of the county in which it is published every week. To render such service to its subscribers it is nec essary to maintain a corps of corres pondents in all parts of the county. This is the plan followed by HEPPNER HERALD and the steadily growing circulation of this newspaper in Morrow county is the best evidence that the plan is a suc cess. Take a look at page 5 of any is sue of the HERALD and see for your self if the above statement is not true. If you want ALL THE COUNTY NEWS every week in the year You Want The Herald The price is $2.00 a year, $1.00 for 6 months and you have to subscribe for the Herald to get it. The HERALD is forced on nobody. We want only willing subscribers who want the paper because they like to read it and who are willing to pay for it because they think it is worth the price charged. If you are not now a subscriber or if your subscription has expired we will appre ciate your check and order. Thank you. heppner Herald S. A. Pattison, Publish r, Heppner, Oregon 1 & Ms ? & rip -Pi BALED MUSIC ttqnriEItft'B Em'tfto he a great con A cert at the opera house to night," said the retired merchant, "ami if you'll go along with me, I'll pay your way awl huy you five cents' worth of peanuts. I'm sure nothing could be more liberal than that." 'You'll break yourself up in business if you go around wasting your substance in that fashion," re plied the bote! keeper, lint you will have to hunt up another victim. Since I bought a phono graph and n Imneh of records I have cult s 0 i n g to concert, 1'hore's nothing but vanity and Vution of spirit about an enter tainment of that kind. It's advertised to start at a certain hour, say eight o'clock, and you are credulous enough to think that the specifications will he lived up to. You break a name strap to get there In time, and when you ar rive, at ten minutes to eight, you find you're the first one there. You sit around, waiting for an hour or two, and pooplfi walk on your feet and sit down on your hat and make things unpleas ant as possible. "P,y the time the curtain goes up, you are wishing yon had possessed sense enough to stay at home. But, be ing there, and having paid for the priv ilege, you determine to hold her nozzle agin the bank, as it were. "The entertainment usually la opened by a talksntitli. The man who makes a few remarks always looms up at such entertainments, and should be taken to jiiil for obtaining money un der false pretenses. When he has snid all that ho can think of, the art ists begin to dish up the music. It mav be elegant music it usually is. l!ut you can't enjoy it in comfort, for the gentleman with the large splay foot, in the seat directly behind you, persists In beating time with that organ until he drives yon frantic. If you turn around and dot him In the eye, you will he- ejected from the building. 'Then vou will find that the woman with a shrill, carrying voice, who has heard better singers, sits right in front of you, and she keeps on talking in a maddening way. The last concert 1 attended had a fine contralto who sang some stem-winding songs of the kind we all like. Hut the woman with the shrill voice was right in front of me, and I could hear her saying: 'Really, you should hear Margaret Keyes or Christine Miller sing that selection; this woman Is Impossible as a vocal ist.' "Then n man with a hectic voice and a name that he imported without paving duty on It, stood up and whin nied like a doggone zebra, and we were expected to believe that he was sing ing a Neapolitan song. 1 never heard anything that tiled my nerves the way that voice did. It recalled the halcyon days when my father used to sharpen a bucksaw with a rasp. Well, when he finished his first number, the ap plause was frantic, aud he reared up and did It all over again. Then the applause was louder than ever, and he whinnied something else. They kept that blamed pirate there for half an hour, and I dou't know when I Buf fered 80 much. "The hall was overheated, and I was Jammed In the middle of a row of seats m f couldn't get out without cltmblst bver a number of ladles and gentleme. We were kept there for three houra, and when I got out I swore by my Sunday hat I d never go to another public concert. "Next day I bought a phonograph and a lot of records of the kind I like, and now I enjoy my music. 1 start It w hen I get ready, and quit when I am tired. No punk singers are encored. No Windy Jims introduce the singers with a few pertinent remarks. If a singer displeases me. I stop the ma chine and throw the record Into the alley. You'd better tear up your con cert ticket and come and hear my mu sic mill." They Resist pecay. The Northwest Indians nearly al may made their totem poles out of western red cedar, but this choice was probably due more to the fact that the wood Is easy to work and ex tremely durable, rather than to Its fragrance, says the American Forestry Magazine of Washington. It may be taken as a very good general rule that woods that are scented are resistant to decay and Insect Stlack, and have Kpod cabinet ouallties. banger In incandescent Lamps. Evidence that the high-power in candescent lamps now so commonly used for street lighting may not he wholly Innocent as a possible SoilicJ of tire was observed in Jmiiheni Cali fornia recently, says I'optilar Mechan ics Magazine. A bulb hanging 20 feet above tiie ground suddenly hurst and the white-hot particles of metal It scat tered instantly ignited the dry grass at t lie foot of the pole. Fire wardens of the district are now advocating the use of suitable guards about the lamps. Goodness Always Influential. No man or woman of the humblest sort can reaily be strong, gentle, pure and good without the world being bet ter for It, without somebody being helped and comforted by the very ex istence of that goodness. Phillips Brooks. An Historic Forest. The historical associations connected with the forest of Vallombrosa are very Interesting. It was founded In the Twelfth centuiy aud given its name which, literally translated, meaas "Shadowed Valley," by Saint Giorvannl Gaulberto, says Nelson Courtlandt Brown In the American Forestry Magazine. It was founded as a monastery and retreat for one of the Benedictine order of monks, and fnjm Its early Inception the monks took great pride in caring for, culti vating and replanting the forests. This Sapid Age. Man's business requires haste. The average business and professional man eats in a hurry and gets dyspepsia, lie walks In a hurry and gets apoplexy. He talks in a hurry and gets the lie. He does business In a hurry and be comes a bankrupt. lie marries In a hurry and forgets it In a hurry. He makes his will in a hurry and leaves a legal contest. lie dies In a hurry and goes to the devil and his tribe in creases. Exchange. Massage In Vogue In Japan. Massage Is touch In vogue In Japan and a notaWe feature of any Japanese town toward tSVening Is the blind mas seur as he walks along, announcing Himself with his peculiar whistle, In search of work, which be can always find lu plenty. Highest New York Mountain. According to the United States geo logical survey the highest mountain in the state of New York Is Mount Marcy, a peak In the Adirondacks. which rises 5,344 feet above sea level. The average or main elevation of the state, as estlmnted by the geological survey. Is 900 feet, Effect of Wrong Books. Some wrong food at the right mo tnent, as every mother knows; uaay send a child into convulsions. The wrong book at the right time doesn't have such an Immediately apparent ef fect, but It may later be the cause of a mental convulsion which will seri ously mar the ch,Ud.'s whole life, saya Mothers' Magazine. Shock Frequently Does Good. Keep fear out of your system, fro don't be troubled at a little fright. Anything in the nature of a hok or a Jolt Is helpful If It doesn't come late. It is the only way that th Quarters of the Inhabitants of t earth can ever be made to realize the necessity of doing what is In them to do. John Blake in Chicago Dally News, r or 0 Seventeen. Pound Trout? Trout vary greatly witMi? the species, according to the nature of the waters they inhabit, the variations, being manifested in their color, slue, form and fin development, says the American Forestry Magazine. As to their weight, Mr. Halloek, a famous American fisherman, claims to have' known of one that weighed seventeen pounds, while as a rule they do iii run over three or four pounds. Thirst Fatal in a Week. The average man will die for want of air in five minutes, for want of water in a week, for want of sleep In ten days. Ancient Signs Asked Votes. The use of chalked Instead of print ed notices for advertisement and po litical propaganda has ancient prece dent, as the "graffiti" of Pompeii at test. There we find in red letters painted on the walls that "the bar bers wish to have Trebius as aedlle" or that "the fruit sellers wish one tonlus Prlscus for the duumvirate.' , 1 JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OFF GOOD FRESH PRUNES S0-90INSIZE r I 10c re QUITE A REDU Phelps G Pound CTION FROM 25c OR 30c lb. if. roccry Co. Subscribe for the "Herald" and 1