PAGE TWO CAN'T HELP STEALING Youth Says He Can't Sleep Un less He Fulls One Job. Dates His Career as a Burglar to the Time He Was Hurt When Seven Years of Age. Oliicntto. M:ic Wnltcr McGrnth. twenty, Juliet, II!., win) s.'iys lie- iiu Jjf.'i 11 h liui'h'lur since lie vvns seven yi iit'S old; Hint In; e:ihiii)t sleep al nl?ht unless lie "pulls one job," is un dti :iin'4 iif: tie; Cliini:.''! iivi'hiie Na tion, lie rijiifiw-i'il -i jHL'!aii''S in OI)i';l;" V. illiill !': weeks. lie Iii''l'il the imii'-i- to have :i operation per formed en his head Id eure liis ei'im :nn v.'ali in-U-:-. .Mei,'r;i'!i was f 1 f j t ! 1 i-i I while Iry Imj In ihiw of : ; I . f 1 1 1 v.'nrlh of jovv ! iivl'.: h, ii Nm-Ui rijirk stn-t Jill w II f'Iit.i. 'J iie properly lieil li-i'II fdol-n. II.; Miii) lie v. as 'from n Joliel. I. it'll si'liwJ mill whs for merly in ,e navy. Tears lille'l Ik's yes us !;p told 11I' his niuaual career of eriine. "It sri'ins I ; 1 1) " t lielp Iiein' a luir Klar," lie said. "I fell from a watrun In Juliet when I was seven. Kver since Hint: lime I've lieen a tlilef. I in jured my lieiiil. I ean't sleep nights unless 'I Mill nne job.' It seems to ease my mind. "I'lease, lieli me anil have them op erate en my licsnl. An operation might euro me anil give me a chance ti) go tilnilclit. "I .'ilnle .'I )m!r of nuloniatic pistols while in 1 lie navy anil gave them to a inirse in U'miliegaii. She gnvo liiem In 11 I'rienil. I.aler her frienil viis ari'esleil In Chicago while trying to eiiinniit a holdup. I blamed the theli; on iny dead linddy. Hut they gave me a ilishonoralile disrhiirge." In ali'tlralli's room pollee recovered jewelry and elol hing esllinnled to in- worth HWm, including a $1,000 tllainouil shlrlslud. MOB ' VICTIM ASKS $80,000 Iowa Farmer Sues Sheriff for Dam ages Because of Threats Against 1 Him as Pro-German. Cnuneil 111 nil's, la. Fred Tennis hell, fanner of near Audulinn, who was nearly lynehed liy a moh at Hint place I icccinhcr 17, V.IIT, lias brought suit In federal enurf against Ii. F. Wilson, slieril'l' of Audulion county, nsldng sn.0"0 damages as a result of tlie ill larks. Tonnigkcit was licensed of pro-Ccr-iiihiiIsiii. lie asserts that while he was coniciilcil In a blllili the sheriff opened the doers anil told Hie mob Unit he wai the man (hey wanted. While Hie crowd had a rope around Ids neck TennlgUolt was forced to sign a check for $1,110(1 In favor of the Jted Cress. He agreed to leave town, and while members of the innli waileil al bis Inline wllh u rig, Tcnnigkolt slipped oat I In- hack way and escaped, lie is said In have gone to Denver. The mob foi d Kev. V. A. Slul'lt, a lerman inlnlsler, to leave town the Mime ii 1 k ' i ' . ' Congressman Calls Quits On Bargain With Stork For many years Kepresenta live Small of Norlh Carolina, has by agreement been present ing lo Ii. C. I ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . a Carolina fanner and one of his const it u ents, a new suit of dollies for cm h MildlHcnal child born in Ihe I '. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 l:inill. Ilalui; present ed i:t -.nils, mid helm; rcccnlly Imlilicil o end the foiincenlh, l:. e :-lil:ld has in Ibat ti:..- ceniract vil Mi'. Sin. ill's :i i ' i ' ' on I I ' Su ail all.! ''I n, .,, I a cainl.i icll f.:U wn-, i :n ' I'tvi'li at C. I'.land l!n ii ; now he b.i m i oil-:: a cam liohe'.'-oimllo, ii f ad '! chib i. Z0RA MEHMED, 146, IS ILL Birth Plccords Said to Show Turk Wa Born in Armenia In 1774. l.iindoii. Zorn Mebiaed of Constan tinople, who ill the line of oiw hundred mill .orl live used to tell reporters dm! lie felt younger eery day, Is 111. .i n Is new one hundred and forty six, .eel Is Mifl'erltii; from ludlirest ion. He bbiuies It en it cheap set of false teeth be bought -0 years iip,o, and which he mijs bine never been satisfactory. Ills oriKi'cil denial eiiulpinent was ruined In InI'.i when he niado a bet that he coul.l lift fiHi pounds with his teeth. Aiilbentlciiteil birth records al the tnus'iiie la l'ltlls show that Zorn was bom In Turkish Armenia In 1771. Ho has a sun iii;ed ninety and a younif dniii,hler of tli'ty. He has been a por ter all his life, carry-tin; heavy weights that mini' from "(H to l.tHH) isumds. In Hjipciriuice he Is about neventy iais uhl. Crime Increase! In Vlnn. Vb'ioia . Crime In Vienna has In cnviscl the fold this year, l'ollce Trosaleat Si'lieher has Just tuhl the Vienna Tnide association. He nddoil that every case of serious crime luul been siiciTssi'ully irseeiiteil Mtul 8t tnliulcd tins to thf oo-operatlen of the Judce Hinl to 49 physicluua t tuched to the pullet) tuft. COSTUME OF CREPE DE CHINE XT . y :; iniiiininiiiii mm ii iwiiiiiiiiiim iBiiiOTroMMofcflwgfiy!idg This smart costume of navy crepe de chine, studded with steel cut beads, and rose designs embroidered in beads, is popular with the younger ele ment. CHAPEAU FOR THE DEBUTANTE Girls Supposed to Wear Hats Expres sing Youth; Avoid Type Worn by Older Women. riiere is none so powerful In the mastery of fashion who can lay down the law about bills for it class. The youne; uirl Is supposed to wear the kind which expresses youth and avoid Ihe type worn by the older women. This tradition Is Kone by the board. It keeps company wllb Invy Jones' locker, and a million traditions In the deplhs. The debutanle of Ibis trny and pros perous season wears on her bead that which looks well over her face. The rule Is an excellent one to follow through life. It aids the old and the 3'iiuiiK, Hie pretty and the plain. The SUIT sailor shape, (libsonlan In lis severity, is about Ihe only kind that Is nol popular. All the hats that have clallereil fashion since the Idea bewail of weariin; formal coverlnKs on the bead have reappeared this season. They present a bewildering array, It Is I rue, but not an unpleasinu one. It Is distinctly eomforlable to find a wide limit to one's choice. The tarn Is the must (.'Irlish shapp, and it persists In fashion. It lias ceased lo han over the back of the eollar In the I.atlu iiuarter way. It has plenty of fullness, which Is ills posed lo nhe breadlh across the head. Fur ornament there Is n hroad-spreuil FK.vptlan design In some coniposlllon In an KKVpthm blue. This blue Is ini mitable for debutantes. EASY TO REMODEL OLD FROCK Vogue for Combination of Materials Enables Women to Conveniently Change Sty le of Garments. ll is particularly easy this season to SVIHMlol e:l-M' flocks I'erall-'o coinliina tS.'lis of ililVcicn: fabrics are so much ill 0.01e. If y.i a ''c f '' I a":: 1 e eliouah to ba e a 1 1 1 1 1 iiw n w lii. Ii is i ill in Loud rie;. '. I.lit !. a in-. 'is a few fl'e-ll- eaii!:; .hi, In ii may nil!i bill" w ork be 1 rn 1 : 1 ' I'll !.' I into 11 snair! i!i lo iiali' frock. If 1 tie skirt is unroll wiih it wide from and back panel villi perhaps two cores' on ihe sides, I hey may be used as panel'- mid -et over a cent nisi Inn shade el' accordion plaited i;eorp'lle, the velvet panels hcmi: looped up or cauajil together beneath the hem so that they do not fly out when the wear er walks. The waist may receive 11 vestee of the Keoi'Kette, while if the sleeves are worn thin below the elbow they may he out off and Mulshed w ith gathered puff of the crepe. If the panels are wide tMioiich, Hinl If ll't' wearer be tall and slender, they may he allowed to hang loose. Tunics are still In voi;ue and If you have an evening frock of embroidered 'let or bice that cannot ataln be worn without ivivlvlim attention, the lace may be used us tin overtuulc, the nar rower shout h skirt belnc of metallic cloth or satin. These little tunics are often graduated or draped. In fact, there are no end ef ways whereby the clever woman can refurbish her winter w ui'drobe. Use of Feather. Feathers are used In the most un usual ways. For Instance, an ninazittjt and beautiful feather bin: has made Its apnea ranee. The center part of the has Is of some bird's breast. Iridescent, brilliant feathers. Then st each side there ar. panniers er nifties of ostrich In a pla '.i color to huruionlr.e w ith one of the tones In the smooth feathers of the body of the bus. Scalloped Hems. Many Irenes have scalloped hems, particular! those for eveuln. ill 1 rbuA 'i w THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON LUCKY, Stiiiie cigarette Chinese Massage. Medical gymnastics were reduced to a scientific system by Taoist monks. The main point of the Chinese system of inas.saKe is the three principal at titudes, standing, sitting and lying, and three modus of breathing, through the mouth, nose and Inspiration ami expiration alternately through both or gans. Iron balls are rolled swiftly to and fro In the hands to strengthen the muscles. To massage the stomach a wooden Instrument consisting o three movable wheels Is applied. By No Means a Dude. The speaker was energetically orat ing in behalf of u candidate for con gress. "What we want," spoke up a man In the audience, "Is a man from the rank and lib; as our representative; a man from the common people, not one of these dudes that don't know anything but how to wear a long-tailed coat." "And that Is just exactly what my candidate Is," the speaker came back ; "one of the common people. And by no stretch of the imagination could you call him a 'dude.' Why, bis Idea of dressing up Is to button his vest." Poor Old Dadl And It has just about gotten so In this country that when father refers to himself as the head of the house it starts a laugh. Galveston News. 9! 3 Mi b3 Tif!1 "jh Canada's Great Winter Sport C' JCc t ' . a: ? I f W f t i ' 'i v 6"""' ! -"-j .i..-'"jwj f" iv x ' 'v a " : S , iv KiiA ' K ..'... Cui-hiirf t-nthusiasis t'lijoyiii ihe Ceep i Lloyd Hutchinson S! i CLEANING PRESSING CLARENCE J. M'LEOD 1 W i 44? f ' Clarence J. McLeod, a Detroit at tomey, is believed to enjoy the dis tinction of being the youngest man ever elected to congress. He was elected from the Thirteenth Michigan district to fill a vacancy. He became twenty.flve years old July 3 last, Oriental Colors In Negligees. Fashion permits every woman to lie a vampish "Serpent of the Nile" In Ihe privacy of her own boudoir. The favored robes are of dark-lined bro caded satins encrusted with stenciled flowers of garish hue. RIack brocades embroidered in huge gold roses or lotus lilies are very 11 faur. Trinkets of hammered bronze or copper dingle from girdle ami sleeves. Opulence gleams in every fold of these new bou doir robes. Velvet batiks cut a la mandarin come In rich hues of rose .and purple, green or orange. Jeweled girdles of roughly cut stones are found on others. Hands of priceless ermine or mink garnish others and even the most ordinary negligees are dressed up with trimmings of coldred brushed wool or rich Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home the br.con. ' . ; v tuvat outiluoi- yaiue at UanlT, Canaila. Clean DYEING jjl REPAIRING vi ! i- a a a a . . a pnorassioxAL cards - s J t DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DEXTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO j PHYSK IAX and SVIIGEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN l-AUTKll Office Phone Main 613 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOKXEV-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Take a glance at our windows NOTE THE FINE DISPLAY OF ALUMINUM WARE, PYREX WARE, THERMOS BOTTLES 15 Peoples Hardware Company Choke Cuts' of theP I lest EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family. . She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. THE BRICR McAtee (EL Aihen. Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks POOL YOU ARE WELCOME TUESDAY, FEBRUARY i, 1921 WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOHXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOHX E Y-AT-LA W First National Bank Bidg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FUSE 1XSVKAXCE , T Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON MATERNITY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf One Short. Children's minds have childish wor rles. A little girl, on hearing that a baby rtster had Just n.rrived, making six children In the family, complained: "Oh, denr, now one package of gum won't go 'round.'' Boston Transcript PER fr on These CENT VIT LINES Meats n