THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1921 VEILS IN DEMAND Decoration for Milady's Hat at Height of Popularity. CHARMING SET OF RED FOX DOG OF DESTINY TRAPS FUGITIVE Thrice Barred on Trains, Proves Telltale Clue to Couple Charged With Swindling. PAGE SIX i APPLIES i i ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED M Countless Ways of Draping and Each One Is Very Much in the Mode. Tlie enthusiasm over veils continues tinubated. It lias reached tin: point where it rnlcht also he termed u fren zy. Women have taken veils sn seri ously t'aat they spend hours adjus't ing them. Never In the liMnry of Ihe world lias the veil heen in such high favor. The iuattef of if:i I '; ' 't has come to he mi art. There are cmni'lcsS; unil each one very laic-h in tin.' mode. This is one iart of .hws in which wmic-ii may he individual. The more t,o, the heller. ,lnsl as nu two rt-ople draw alil;e, m I wo So any j,ieee of drapery in t hi- way, ami this ;,i :!: u Tiie day !: :h- veil was worn just as in name implies, as sumo- Illilltf to shadow l,e laces 1he wearer hy ceneealiiii: 4f weariness or to s.-nen of rouge ami powder, I While il is sliil worn for these jmses, its riiM'ii:il nil" toilsiy is or a Ki-aecful piece of drapery. It VMtilhl nevi r he possible I ' one's personaiily in'o Ihe woari u hat or .Ire-s as into I lie v..- il. Kvery Minem ha-' a ind Mallet my truce? 1 1n- oll'eel pas-,-,1 at of a veil, liltle way me.'.!. In jirc ails. The II liny hiielli 1o Ihe Imll well down froiil. liny ol lier 0 Lhis Iff . 1 P r A set of red fox is emart for the young girl's tailleur and is one of the fashions of the present season. EASIER TO MAKE WEARASLES Numerous Articles of Apparel Only Partially Completed May Be Ob-tsi.-.t-J srsd r.'r.:i'-.:i at Heme. HOKEYMQGil IS INTERRUPTED U I! nil hie jus nrh the kneed llalH of hrl;;'; )Ihl sluiilcu oi 'T the nose ml ijim ; M Ih- li e or fall In if colors or hcaulii'iil lii'own are shailoueil hy hue,!' hlack chiintiily lace veils. laiihroidereil tulle lakes its jilnce with the laces anil Ihe nets of hoid lion mesh. The color of thu ,-u is in luiiller lo he Riven ri'.Tisidenitliin. Black hs Hie fiivol'it. Then come hrovvim mnl tin; simile known n3 liloml. Very itlle while In used. JV'lien It nppeiii-s nt nil It Is mining tiovelfii'jj, Wainon have heen known, 1il their devothm Id Ihi.i fashion, to iii-n i In while veils tl'.lit reuch tu their knees, ."' CHIC CHAPEAU WVNS FAVOR Many h-ir el lo ma of mil lr: uoini-n tr l ill's lliem li-llll for lie.'.laaiv ii line si ain. anil IV how lo sew well 1 1 1 1 aie sn many Hiinas miiiiy parls of lltiii- oiie may' hny in wort h v, hile 1 link i 1 1 In 1 11 'I j out 011 the - M'Will,'. ''f,i; tliiiiK, llii'fC lll'O l'l-aily-niade "ninys for hodiceH. Ill white and hind;, In nmslln and In net. 1 to sew a of us (lo l.lli.VV inlays. Ii.:: i half ma le, (,!' ;,.-s ready t:ade lhat the simps llmt it if use of I hose things ". ult t;;sl; of home i Description of Bull Dog Leads to Ap prehension of Couple Wanted in Los Angeles Conductors Who Ejected Pup Remember. Chicago. "Toodles" is our hero's name and he's a hlnck-arid-w hite bull doK. lii-ady aciiih camera ! Our lirst reel disclosed our hero ensconced on the lap of a heauliful, dark yoiinu' woman who rides iu a I. os Aneii-s-San I heiro railroad train, lie.-idi; her sils a dapper young man. I:nlli are nervous. Our hero is peace ful. Enter the conductor: "Hey, no dogs allowed in passenger cars! Have to put him up ahead in the haggime ear." Cries of dismay from the girl. In clVeclmil protest from tha man. Our hero vanishes "up front." .Second reel (two weeks later) Same couple an 1 our hero are riding on a train en mule from Tia Jtiana. I.o'Aer (.'aliforuia, lo Imiiver. I-atcr second cnlnillelor : "No kioi.dles in this car, ma'am. Have to pu-h him into the liaaiiaga." .M-re aimuislied prole-ds from fan' owner, to no avail. Hero makes ac ii:a:: '.-.: . ; v Y: : . '. t. J.:ia i;.:a h- 'I. My; us Straritjei. Clne-iip (h'litleiuan in ruhher heeled shoes and usual bowler hat I interviews lirst coliduclor through smoked glasses. 1'ushlng aside his green whiskers, whispers to conduc tor: "Y're hei.'hn, I'd know 'mil In a thousand, 'I'hey made lols of fuss, hut T Gumi niv illifv nil1 done It." great help, for they give the foumla.- , jpiUs(ness (f KU.shoe geut scrih- uyU ot ti e irocic rea .y w start oil. , b), , n n,iei,ook. I Iteel three Voting couple and Too- In These iifo- a There are Tint flnfiig. Varying in price from a lliin silk and cotton one at aboiil Td cents to u still tuffcU one at A dollur. ( There life hire petticoat ruffles, all ready to sew on a muslin foundation. There are silk petticoat ruffles, equally ready to sew Into place on u new or old petti it foundation. There are h.alf-inaile skirts senii- nuile, that is, far more than half- j made. They need only seaming up j and llnlshing off. They come In puihl wool, in plaited silk or In tailored fin ish In different fabrics. There are net overdresses that need ' only the making of a satin or J ;;cnrgelte slip to convert them into ' charming evening frocks, i There are girdles of rllihon. with j long silk fringes Unit add n liuish to I any gown. There are all sorts of lovely ne-t;-weiir Hint make the finishing oil' of the nee!; of a gown an easy mailer. With all I hes. Ihin-s to help una out, the matter of making clothes is , not so iliHieiih, even if you don't know 1 much alio'.it sewing. Those who know assert this hat Is one of the prettiest to make its ap pearance. It is not lavish but it is neat. It is black satin and Is trimmed with downward pointing hlack wings. FASHION NOTES elv. and tight at tin hint d.-ap. J'nris uses velvet profu Tailored suits have wide cull's. UrllUant colors prevail In wra Lingerie makes much use of rili (Jray will he a favorite cole tipring. I'osiunies are lint back. livening hendiliv pi il red. PllKh'J rllocts in turning. New fur coals arc lines. Scarlet . enamel 1 u f.uiy coat. White pelican is for bats. Main coats are a combination unit velvet. Tailored blouses are made of creep d- chine. The bodice of crepe molds snugly to the llgure. Niiicl dresses tu stiff moire nave up I'l-Mied In l'aris. A combination of gray and green favored 111 suits. White blouses have collars ami cutis of Rolhl color. Multicolored striped taffeta trims x berg i j FEW ALL WHITE LACE FROCKS Dyed Decorations Favored, Cream I Tints, Tan, Ecru and Tobacco Brown Predominating. It is a lace season, no doubt of that, but rarely docs one see n perfectly j while lace frock. Laces are dyed now in the most entrancing shades I mid most favored are cream tints, tan, ' ecru and tobacco brown, lihick lace I Is used extensively n ml there are e I ipilsitely lovely laces 111 peach tint. ( These last are mounted over pastel sill; or vntiii for dance frocks, ('haii ; ttil.v lace and net laces are dyed navy , blue, plum or brown for afternoon coiuuies and so'iie of these luces are sewed with -elf color spungles that '-'he a Verv rich and brilliant cll'ect. 'rock is of char: led ! O.I V I'-vai -s(!;n I : l-l' w n d ' plan i net. Ill l:n cordion -.! skirt A sah e. airy I. The l-ro,v;i dies in train traveling east from Dan yer to Chicago, Enter third conduc tor: "What the Gotta put that snipe In the baggage ear, mister. Now, I don't care if y' are noolyweds." More feminine protests. All In vnin. Second close-up Cum-dogged gent wearing purple whiskers interviews second and third conductor. Barks twice as scent warms. Loci four Couple seated nt Christ mas table willi second man and elder ly woman. Hero pensively gnawing hone on lloor. All register surprise as there is knock at door. Knter gent j whose attire is featured hy arctiis 1 and pink dinnygalls. Displays star on i which Is graven Plnkerton Detective Acencv and reads: Z "Franklin 1!. MacCarthy and Mrs. H 1,-,,,. ml, , v.- Ci n Vr.N-Cirtliv wainfi'd I.' In Los Angeles for swindling Ilelltuan Commercial Trust and Savings hunk out of So.lioi). Yep. That's them! Circular said t'wntch for dark lady and black-and-white bull dog. Ossl- , l'crs, do your duty." Makes Confession. j MacCarthy I confess. I compelled my wife to withdraw phony deposits that were made at (luarantee Trust and Savings in her name when I was statement clerk at Hellnmn's. Take mo back. I'll make restitution. Mrs. .MacCarthy Here's $1 .!,"0 all we have left. 1 am Just as much to blame. Take me, too. Toodles Wurf ! Warf! MacCarthy Is the son of the late Franklin .Instill MacCarthy, nt one time president of the United Transit and Erie Steamship cntnpnnv of New York and later an otlielnl of the Col umbia I'ostal Supply company of Silver Creek, N. Y.. which makes stamp cancellation machines for post nfflces. The honeymooning MaeCart hys were arrested in the home of Harry A. Towris, sales manager for the Letts Machine company of Chicago, who was cnlertntmtig them ami Mi's. Mac Carthy. Sr., unaware that the young ii'i w ere wanted in t tie cm. per- EXTRA TaO'JSEHS SAVE P.OLL' smart;.: l I ; Ire- I . Iteuiid and scarf veils are rcplacln the square veils. The long a iMed bodice may gh t In- tmec effect. An iiiiialioii leather fabric Is u-c td Hue lop, oats. lihick lace over tiU'etu is a f.ivoie Ciiuilol a l lol,. Trian-u! ,r shaped panels are a new .'Mm of lashieu. Lit faced an I cut brims are smart loltlit'erv not,-.. l!ke-k serge Is cmbroideriMl In white ,on-t-!uin heads. Imported fabrics are In hold and eo- CiVltl lc design. VELVET FOR f.IiDDY BLOUSES f alu ic Among Ciller Favorites for Construction of the Fopular and Seasonable Garment. in the lineup of separate lniihh gar ii. .ins a ureal many fabrics are ai Piocd. Se:gt and tlnnuel. of ceiir-e, are staple mid always good style, and this xmsoii wool Jersey cloth and vel veteen middies in be worn with either plain or plaid wool separate skins are in high favor. Crepe de chim is also frcqnctiHy used. 1 cue very smart little black velve teen smock rev'ently featured with a 1 laid wool skiit was d.rawn iu a trill i.t can To-.ei t-asihig d lenses, nl-out t wo -I c: euciulv e wa' t with ii s a'th's of w. o l'"t. tb be leg ll- all 1 1 lie s:de tass aiul !te wood bar m:i'r:a! ( am a bell. S'y! sh ?!'houettcs. There are two net met silhouettes In vogue at the moment, ihe straight ant! narrow, and the wide bouffant full i skirt which may have also a distended hip. Holdup Man Only Search Victim's Outer Pair and Miss a Fat Roll. Paterson, N. J. Louis) Leaner ac cidentally discovered an antidote for New Jersey's crime wave. "Put on two pairs of trousers," is his formula. A chill wind was blowing when Len ner had to rush from home to summon a doctor for his sick ife. In front of the public library two highwaymen urged bun, with revolvers drawn, to throw up his hands. "Search me!" cried l.ciuicr. confi dent In tho security of hist double I sir reled trousers. The robbers left him. provoked after finding nothing ui his outside troi,-rs. They looked no further for -two pairs are a hit unusual. Cnnwit'g a fat bank roll in his "tu ners," Leaner stopped at the police stat'oii en r-tu.e lo the .1 tor's. Bull Costing S1OC.0C0 Brings SI, '00. t'l Ictigo. "The gitsitest u'lcrt:i hull in the world." Lagapple Korn dyke VIII. that sold about two years ago for SKHUVO at a New York fancy stock sale, was sold a few days ago to David Stein of Caprou, 111., for J1.10O. A LARGE STOG OF I QUALITY FROM THE FAMOUS IMBLER DISTRICT They run GOOD S!ZE, CLEAR and entirely FREE FROM WORMS or BLEMISHES, In fact, are STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WHILE THEY LAST $2.00 BOX Phelps m Grocery Co l eppner, Oregon SPECIAL MATINEE Th (.'motion picture interests of tho L'nitetl States have joined' forces to aid th." starving children of Ivarope. Practieallv everv moviii picture theatre in the counlry vill. put on a show during' the coming week, the entire proceeds from which is to lie donated to this humanitarian cause. We are only too glad to do our part, and will pat on a special matinee Saturday after oon. January 29, at 3 p. m. The admis sion price will he 25 cents, and the entire receipts will be forwarded through Herbert Hoover to the needy children across the sea. We will have a good program you will get your money's full worth in entertainment, and we hope to see every one turn out and aid this effort to alleviate th sufferings of these unfortunate inno- 1 TAR THEATRE (This Space Donated hy the Heppner Herald.) I till iti iiii nu